Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
As far as I'm concerned keeping hitlery out of office was the only way to save the republic.

If Putin helped, give him a medal.

He’s pointing at you
lokk at the 3 letter word that i opened my reply with.

like i said.... your comprehension skills suck.

you = poorly educated *derp*

If that's the case, Hillary's Russian dossier broke the law.

lol... first of all- it wasn't hillary's dossier until after it was a (R) dossier. oppositional research is not illegal, unless there were laws broken to obtain the info.

nice try, doesn't fly.

It was always Hillary's dossier.

Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier

The Washington Free Beacon had nothing to do with producing the mess known as the Trump dossier.

That was all crooked Hillary's doing.

Glen Simpson testified under oath that it started out as oppositional research by the right.
Not much was dug up when it was dropped. THAT'S when Hillary picked it up & when Steele came upon the names, dates, & actions being carried out in real time- THAT'S when it was tied into what Papadopulous was reported to have been saying reported to the FBI by the Aussie ambassador. Most if not all of the dossier has checked out with the FBI... except for the pee pee tape.
You believe the Aussie ambassador?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Of course, papadopolous believed him, too, when he pleased guilty. But hey, you're the expert....
If that's the case, Hillary's Russian dossier broke the law.

lol... first of all- it wasn't hillary's dossier until after it was a (R) dossier. oppositional research is not illegal, unless there were laws broken to obtain the info.

nice try, doesn't fly.

It was always Hillary's dossier.

Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier

The Washington Free Beacon had nothing to do with producing the mess known as the Trump dossier.

That was all crooked Hillary's doing.

Glen Simpson testified under oath that it started out as oppositional research by the right.
Not much was dug up when it was dropped. THAT'S when Hillary picked it up & when Steele came upon the names, dates, & actions being carried out in real time- THAT'S when it was tied into what Papadopulous was reported to have been saying reported to the FBI by the Aussie ambassador. Most if not all of the dossier has checked out with the FBI... except for the pee pee tape.
You believe the Aussie ambassador?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Of course, papadopolous believed him, too, when he pleased guilty. But hey, you're the expert....
Reread your post
Really? Hillary's fake info from Russians was okay?
Correct, as it was not solicited from a foreign government. Wow dude....literally square one...
Who was Steele?
Just make your point, time waster.
Well your post wasn’t legible! I can’t cause I don’t speak pig fking language. I politely asked you to reread it. Fk off then mother
Tantrum time already, baby-man?
My answer is no


Without Vladimir Putin's assistance Trump would not be POTUS today. It's all in the numbers. Trump won the election on an accumulated vote total of a mere 73K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while he lost the popular vote by 3 million.

As James Clapper stated in his book "Facts & Fears" with all the Russian adds that were put on social media outlets, it's impossible not to believe that millions of Americans couldn't have been influenced by those Russian adds. They specifically targeted white conservative voters in swing states, and knew what specific adds to place in that swing state. Then those adds were shared by millions.. IOW millions of Americans saw them.You'll probably recognize some of them. . There are more.
James Clapper book (Facts & Fears) Russia was successful in getting Trump elected.


Analysis | The Facebook ads Russians showed to different groups

You have young people who use Facebook as their main stream news network.

The most damaging was the Russian hack that leaked Debbie Wasserman's email, which was designed to enrage Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton, with Sanders claiming that the primary was rigged against him. Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders behind by a whopping 3,775,437 primary popular votes. In comparison Clinton lost to Obama in 2008 by a mere 41,622 primary votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Trump campaigned for enraged Sanders supporters, and we had Sanders supporters all over this board, threatening that if Sanders didn't win the nomination they would vote for Trump. How many of them didn't vote, cast a vote for a 3rd party or actually voted for Trump we'll never know.

In conclusion there is just no mathematical or plausible way to believe that without Vladimir Putin's interference into this election that Trump would be POTUS today.


A great book to read on Vladimir Putin's inside war on America is this. It reads like a Grisham spy novel. Vladimir Putin will do it again.


Clearly Russians know more about the demographics of American politics than most Americans do. It was a brilliant strategy that worked, & only knowledge of how Putin did it will stop him in the future.


My crystal ball says you’re pretty dumb....

I know it's got to be very embarassing for millions of Americans that now know they supported & voted for the Russian Manchurian candidate. But the facts are there to show, that without Vladimir Putin's interference into the election, that in no way would Trump be POTUS today. JAMES CLAPPER agrees with that assessment.

I imagine you're one of them--:auiqs.jpg: It's not like you didn't hear it throughout the campaign. Trump continually trashed NATO & our allies, while continually praising Putin. While Republicans stood there with mouths agape. You still voted for him.

He showed you another instance. This when he met the Ruissans in the oval office, kicked out American media and let Russian media in. There werej only 3 other Americans in that room. They were H.R. McMaster, National Security adviser, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security adivser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaked to the Washiington Post that Trump had given classified information to the Russians, that had not gone through the process of being declassified?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


This was done deliberately by Trump to show Putin what he could get away with as President.

In fact, US intelligence had warned Isreali Intelligence to not give Trump any classified information citing he is compromised by Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

What Trump didn't count on is McMaster, Powell & Tillerson, swore an oath to this country (not him) to defend and protect against foreign & domestic enemies. Did it ever occur to you that they may consider Trump to be the enemy, and that's why we get so many leaks?

For those that are interested in how Putin stole the 2016 election scroll back to page 36 post # 360 on this thread. Ignorance and denial is not going to iinsure Vladimir Putin won't do it again.

Yeah it still says you're pretty dumb, go figure?
I've seen this comment many times and I'm not going to answer it. If you really want an adversary to swing our elections then do nothing.

What do you propose we do against Mexico who openly fucks with our elections, and the democrats who openly collude with Mexico?
I'll guess you are hinting at illegal immigration and the supposed millions of fraudulent votes cast. If theres more please elaborate. And if you have a link to evidence the number of fraudulent votes cast and that the Mexican government is somehow behind it pulling the strings please share. It seems flimsy. The mexicans tend to have a valid purpose as migrant workers. What's the purpose of Russian cyberwarfare? Are those hackers just looking for work or somewhere to hangout safely?

I guess you didn't bother to read the thread or click the links I provided.
Democrats are for the middle class.


Yes, the Party ruled by Oligarchs like Tim Cook, Sergi Brin, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and George Soros is a real boon to the middle class.

Just look at the wonders you Communists have done for the Middle in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia, where you rule with and Iron Fist.

Once a thriving middle, now 99% of all wealth is in the hands of a dozen Oligarchs. By the end of the decade there will be homeless slaves and the billionaire overlords who rule the party - no one else.

Communists want no classes at all; hence there is no way democrats can be communist.

Yeah, Joseph Stalin waited in bread lines and ate millet just like the peasants... :eusa_whistle:

You know Comrade, you should give "Animal Farm" a read. It's very short and might just enlighten you.

Mexico influenced our election? Nothing wrong with foreign endorsing candidates; as long as US candidates arent taking foreign money; like the Trump campaign took russian money.

Imagine if Obama did what Trump just did:

Wait a minute Comrade, You Stalinsts have lost your shit over Russia spending $50,000 on Facebook ads.

Google finds Russian agents spent on ads to meddle in 2016 election, report says

The Clinton campaign spent $1.6 billion - not counting what was paid in salaries to Peter Strzok, John Brennan, and other traitors on government payrolls.

Yet you expect us to think that had an influence? Most of that went to Jill Stein and Bernie ads.

In Column B we have Mexico sending their former president to get the vote out for Hillary - the Mexican national vote. We have the Government of Mexico airing ads on Spanish language television encouraging illegal voting for Hillary - with the Stalinist democrats OPENLY colluding with Mexico.

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