Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
Haha, look how quickly you alter your comments. Now it's hacking. I feel like I am controlling you.
Hacking is one of the BS claims made by snowflakes like you.

I actually started a thread earlier with links, testimony, and evidence - from liberals - proving they weren't hacked. They were 'victim's of a phishing scam because they did not practice even the most basic security measures.

Revealing the fact that Hillary rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud did NOT change votes and did not cost Hillary the election.
There's NOT A CHANCE IN HELL that Russia changed the outcome of the 2016 election.
Interesting opinion. I however think that the swing States that were won by a grand total of only 70,000 votes could have, indeed, had their outcomes affected by the Russian campaign. Am I certain this is so? No, but i think it is absurd to be to be certain that this is not so.

Yet the Collusion between you Communists and the nation of Mexico to change the election results direction affected no less than 2 million votes.

You traitorous fucks.
Oh my, you certainly did eat your bitchass flakes this morning. Am I supposed to get upset that some crazy, ignorant ass is yelling at me on the internet?

Your ideas about Mexico are embarrassing, and the best way to discredit your dumb ass is to just let you talk.

Yeah, you can't see what's wrong with a foreign power meddling with our election - provided that meddling promotes you Communists.

You're a hypocrite and a traitor.
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Hacking is one of the BS claims made by snowflakes like you
And by our intelligence agencies. But instead of taking it up with them, you are here, cackling amd spitting and throwing a fit.
The same criminal Obama Intel agencies who were caught committing Obstruction, Perjury, Conspiracy, and even treason.

You have yet to produce any real evidence to support the opposed to the existing evidence of crimes committed by Obama and his criminal administration....
Hillary lost for a number of reasons, but I believe the primary reason she lost was because swing voters in swing states were tired of 8 years of 1.5% GDP "growth" under Obama. People vote first and foremost with their wallets and they voted on taking a chance on Trump instead of voting for "more of the same".
No Doubt. but, if one of those reasons was Russian interference, that's kind of a big deal.

Or what if the man from Venus used a death ray to mind control people away from their rightful Communist masters? :dunno:

Actually, that's LESS dumb than the retarded fucking Conspiracy theory you are peddling...
I've seen this comment many times and I'm not going to answer it. If you really want an adversary to swing our elections then do nothing.

What do you propose we do against Mexico who openly fucks with our elections, and the democrats who openly collude with Mexico?
I'll guess you are hinting at illegal immigration and the supposed millions of fraudulent votes cast. If theres more please elaborate. And if you have a link to evidence the number of fraudulent votes cast and that the Mexican government is somehow behind it pulling the strings please share. It seems flimsy. The mexicans tend to have a valid purpose as migrant workers. What's the purpose of Russian cyberwarfare? Are those hackers just looking for work or somewhere to hangout safely?
Zander is that you?

On topic, Americans are dumb enough already, 'dark money' keeps them dumb. No need for Russians, but I gotta laugh as they often view my posts. Hope I'm not giving them any ideas.

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston

Oh I know Trump snowflakes don't read, maybe one does?
It seems unless they were able to gain contol over hundres of voting machines they could not do a lot of damage. It seemed to me that most of the so called damage was in false news, our own news services were taking care of that, and the Russians were just passing one crap and e,t,c. It is the voting machine that I would worry about.
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Got just don't care about the Russian meddling. You could have saved yourself a lot of embarrassment by just saying that in the first place, instead of 18 months of saying stupid shit and crying like a baby.

No intelligent person is impressed by the crocodile tears turds like you shed over Russian meddling in our election. The FBI is a far bigger threat to our democracy than any sinister foreign power. The whole Russian "collusion" and Russian "meddling" thing is the ultimate hoax. People are wise to it. Quite wasting bandwidth spewing this bullshit.
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Remember Stalin and FDR? Best buds.

The democrats are openly Communist, openly corrupt, and openly colluding with Mexico to corrupt American elections.
Democrats are for the middle class. Communists want no classes at all; hence there is no way democrats can be communist.

Mexico influenced our election? Nothing wrong with foreign endorsing candidates; as long as US candidates arent taking foreign money; like the Trump campaign took russian money.

Imagine if Obama did what Trump just did:
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Remember Stalin and FDR? Best buds.

The democrats are openly Communist, openly corrupt, and openly colluding with Mexico to corrupt American elections.
Democrats are for the middle class. Communists want no classes at all; hence there is no way democrats can be communist.

Mexico influenced our election? Nothing wrong with foreign endorsing candidates; as long as US candidates arent taking foreign money; like the Trump campaign took russian money.

Imagine if Obama did what Trump just did:

Well, actually, Democrats are "for" whichever American social sub-group can best serve their chances to win elections and stuff political seats. Otherwise known as Identity Politics. See, if Democrats cry loudly enough for the plight of a given social sub-group, such as homosexuals, that drums up enough support for the homos to energize Democrat voters to vote for threats to our Constitutional rights such as free speech, through inane pop-intellectual-culture ideologies such as Political Correctness. Get it so far? Let's recap. Democrats manipulate disadvantaged minority social sub-groups in order to control the middle class, in order to win votes so they can Keep serving in office. Know who else hates the middle class? Communists. Something else, huh?
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Remember Stalin and FDR? Best buds.

The democrats are openly Communist, openly corrupt, and openly colluding with Mexico to corrupt American elections.
Democrats are for the middle class. Communists want no classes at all; hence there is no way democrats can be communist.

Mexico influenced our election? Nothing wrong with foreign endorsing candidates; as long as US candidates arent taking foreign money; like the Trump campaign took russian money.

Imagine if Obama did what Trump just did:

You have evidence that the Trump campaign took foreign money? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Yeah, that's what I thought.
My answer is no


Hillary lost because people were onto her.

It wasn't Russia who told Wall Street execs that she wanted one world government and open borders. It was Hillary.

It wasn't Russia that stated that she didn't believe in the 2nd amendment and intended to ban guns. It was Hillary.

It wasn't Russia that lied about Benghazi after refusing to help the people. It was Hillary.

It wasn't Russia that screwed over the people of Haiti after misspending billions in donations for earthquake victims. It was Hillary.

It wasn't Russia who told us that the state should raise our children while parents should only have a secondary role. It was Hillary.

It wasn't Russia who forced Hillary to lie about emails, use an insecure personal server or scrub emails from her server. Hillary decided to do that. And the left wants to blame the whistle blower instead of the criminal.

Hillary is not likeable. People can see that.

Wikileaks merely confirmed what many knew. People in this country have been split for decades. Most knew they would not vote for a extreme leftist before candidates were even chosen. Even true liberals reject the far left's plans. Many are leaving the Dem party because the communists and socialists have taken over. The DNC announced that the socialist puke candidate is their future. That means their future is crap and that they intend to destroy this country if given the chance.

Hillary is completely full of shit when she claims that memes or news on Facebook changed people's minds. It didn't.

The majority still love this country and know that it's the last truly free nation. The majority do not want to give that up and allow the world to be run by a handful of tyrants.

Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Got just don't care about the Russian meddling. You could have saved yourself a lot of embarrassment by just saying that in the first place, instead of 18 months of saying stupid shit and crying like a baby.

No intelligent person is impressed by the crocodile tears turds like you shed over Russian meddling in our election. The FBI is a far bigger threat to our democracy than any sinister foreign power. The whole Russian "collusion" and Russian "meddling" thing is the ultimate hoax. People are wise to it. Quite wasting bandwidth spewing this bullshit.
Hate to break it to ya:
A Russian newspaper editor explains how Putin made Trump his puppet
Of course not
They may have tried to on their own accord.
NO ONE has Ever answered how voters votes were altered or miscalculated.
This is going to end up looking really dumb that we gave so much legitimacy to Trump-Russians.
Russia changed votes on the other side, using propaganda and social engineering. Russians posed as Americans, changing our behavior. But its all mixed together between Russian propaganda and stories originated by Americans.


CNN uses propaganda each and every day. The NY Times is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Stalinist democrat part, They and the rest of the corrupt press take a narrative that is helpful to the Stalinist party, then try to find facts, rumors, innuendo, or flat out fabricate lies to promote that narrative.

Vincente Fox toured to USA campaigning for Hillary and encouraging Mexicans to vote for her.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Expresses Support For Hillary Clinton

Mexico encouraged Mexicans in the USA to fraudulently and illegally vote for Hillary.

How a One-Time Political Star in Mexico Ended Up Campaigning for Clinton

Russia did NOTHING like this, yet you Communists want America to be hysterical with you about Russia.

Fuck Russia, the nation perverting our elections is Mexico, and you Communists openly collude with them.
Got just don't care about the Russian meddling. You could have saved yourself a lot of embarrassment by just saying that in the first place, instead of 18 months of saying stupid shit and crying like a baby.

No intelligent person is impressed by the crocodile tears turds like you shed over Russian meddling in our election. The FBI is a far bigger threat to our democracy than any sinister foreign power. The whole Russian "collusion" and Russian "meddling" thing is the ultimate hoax. People are wise to it. Quite wasting bandwidth spewing this bullshit.
Hate to break it to ya:
A Russian newspaper editor explains how Putin made Trump his puppet
You believe that article is credible? Really?

You realize that you're a major league imbecile, don't you?
If you believe $125K in FB ads swung the election to President Trump, I have a special investor pool I’ll let you invest in staring at $500, PM me for the details...

In all seriousness, the Russians, the Chinese, the Sunni’s of the Middle East, the European Union, etc... have been influence peddlers long before this election, no folks what we are witnessing is the flooding of the rats, the elected rats, the bureaucracy rats, the media rats and the influence peddlers afraid their Sweet Life is going to be exposed. DC has needed to be flushed down a toilet long before Trump came along, wake up or you’ll drown with all of them...
My answer is no


Without Vladimir Putin's assistance Trump would not be POTUS today. It's all in the numbers. Trump won the election on an accumulated vote total of a mere 73K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, while he lost the popular vote by 3 million.

As James Clapper stated in his book "Facts & Fears" with all the Russian adds that were put on social media outlets, it's impossible not to believe that millions of Americans couldn't have been influenced by those Russian adds. They specifically targeted white conservative voters in swing states, and knew what specific adds to place in that swing state. Then those adds were shared by millions.. IOW millions of Americans saw them.You'll probably recognize some of them. . There are more.
James Clapper book (Facts & Fears) Russia was successful in getting Trump elected.


Analysis | The Facebook ads Russians showed to different groups

You have young people who use Facebook as their main stream news network.

The most damaging was the Russian hack that leaked Debbie Wasserman's email, which was designed to enrage Sanders supporters against Hillary Clinton, with Sanders claiming that the primary was rigged against him. Hillary Clinton kicked Sanders behind by a whopping 3,775,437 primary popular votes. In comparison Clinton lost to Obama in 2008 by a mere 41,622 primary votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Trump campaigned for enraged Sanders supporters, and we had Sanders supporters all over this board, threatening that if Sanders didn't win the nomination they would vote for Trump. How many of them didn't vote, cast a vote for a 3rd party or actually voted for Trump we'll never know.

In conclusion there is just no mathematical or plausible way to believe that without Vladimir Putin's interference into this election that Trump would be POTUS today.


A great book to read on Vladimir Putin's inside war on America is this. It reads like a Grisham spy novel. Vladimir Putin will do it again.


Clearly Russians know more about the demographics of American politics than most Americans do. It was a brilliant strategy that worked, & only knowledge of how Putin did it will stop him in the future.

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