Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
Weak minded Americans succumbing to the wiley Russians.
Haven’t met one yet
Haven’t heard one identify
Somewhere out there gotta be one?
Please step forward and reveal that social media made you change your vote AND it was Russians who did it
All Politics Is Loco

They can't come out, because they're all hiding in their closets, exactly what to expect from weakling cave-chested girlyman drama queeens who are offended by Putin's masculinity.’re 71, right?
Really? Hillary's fake info from Russians was okay?
Correct, as it was not solicited from a foreign government. Wow dude....literally square one...
Who was Steele?

a private citizen at the time.

A foreigner.

he was working for fusion GPS. a private citizen working for an american company.

not a lawyer working for the government of a hostile country. oh well, sucks to be everyone at trump tower meeting that fateful day.

he was working for fusion GPS. a private citizen working for an american company.

A foreign citizen.
The topic title is an open admission of Russian information warfare on our country. And now the Trumpies are looking for a way out without condemning Russia.

Sad little traitors.
Yes, I saw your proof-free claims about government employment.
and so you, like my loyal little attack poodle, responded back to me instead of looking it up. Good for you.

So, let's review:

You not only don't understand the difference, you also don't understand why it is important. And yet here you are talking about this, while these are the basic facts of the issue.

Did you have any proof that the Russian lawyer in Trump tower worked for the Russian government?
Did you have any proof the Russian spies that Steele used as sources didn't work for the Russian government?

So far we have Clinton paying foreigners for info. Trump not paying for not getting info.

Veselnitskaya Linked to Russian Government in Swiss Case

Linked? Sounds serious!

Ah, we have a liar and a moron.

You must be a Communist.

Marx wrote to Lincoln indeed.

Lincoln had no idea who this Prussian clown was. I doubt Lincoln read what Marx wrote. His secretary sent a standard reply "thank you for your letter."

You Marxists are such fucking retards.
"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."
Abraham Lincoln
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.
Yes, I saw your proof-free claims about government employment.
and so you, like my loyal little attack poodle, responded back to me instead of looking it up. Good for you.

So, let's review:

You not only don't understand the difference, you also don't understand why it is important. And yet here you are talking about this, while these are the basic facts of the issue.

Did you have any proof that the Russian lawyer in Trump tower worked for the Russian government?
Did you have any proof the Russian spies that Steele used as sources didn't work for the Russian government?

So far we have Clinton paying foreigners for info. Trump not paying for not getting info.

Veselnitskaya Linked to Russian Government in Swiss Case
was she found guilty? doesn't say that in that link and the russian government said they don't know her. so where's your other real evidence.

lol... the russians tell the truth.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's involved in the magnitsky case on behalf of the roooskies... that alone says it all.
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.
and so you, like my loyal little attack poodle, responded back to me instead of looking it up. Good for you.

So, let's review:

You not only don't understand the difference, you also don't understand why it is important. And yet here you are talking about this, while these are the basic facts of the issue.

Did you have any proof that the Russian lawyer in Trump tower worked for the Russian government?
Did you have any proof the Russian spies that Steele used as sources didn't work for the Russian government?

So far we have Clinton paying foreigners for info. Trump not paying for not getting info.

Veselnitskaya Linked to Russian Government in Swiss Case
was she found guilty? doesn't say that in that link and the russian government said they don't know her. so where's your other real evidence.

lol... the russians tell the truth.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's involved in the magnitsky case on behalf of the roooskies... that alone says it all.
Haha...what a desperate , failed defense....
lol... first of all- it wasn't hillary's dossier until after it was a (R) dossier. oppositional research is not illegal, unless there were laws broken to obtain the info.

nice try, doesn't fly.

Oh look, a fucking liar - how unique for a Communist.

EDIT - that is NOT Buckeyes quote - it is Comrade Playtime.

i don't lie. look it up yourself, you lazy ass mutt.

Lying fuck.

The Washington Examiner had nothing to do with the Steele Dossier and the collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Kremlin.

You're just a shameless, filthy liar.
lol... first of all- it wasn't hillary's dossier until after it was a (R) dossier. oppositional research is not illegal, unless there were laws broken to obtain the info.

nice try, doesn't fly.

Oh look, a fucking liar - how unique for a Communist.

EDIT - that is NOT Buckeyes quote - it is Comrade Playtime.

i don't lie. look it up yourself, you lazy ass mutt.

Lying fuck.

The Washington Examiner had nothing to do with the Steele Dossier and the collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Kremlin.

You're just a shameless, filthy liar.
Who said "Washington examiner", you rabid

A diplomatic correspondence is not being pen pals. :)

Pen pals have many regular corresponding letters to each other.
So where are all of them?

It wasn't a "diplomatic correspondence."

Marx was no one. His letter was treated the same as if Playtime wrote to Trump.

Marx was not famous, though his is the most important man who ever lived to Playtime and other fuckbrained Communists, in 1862 he was utterly no one. He was not the head of state in Europe, not a prominent aristocrat, just no one.
Hillary should be in trouble and going they the muck raking over the dossier
It’s right in front of them.
Instead they are witch hunting for something about Trump Russia while other investigators have said, more than once, that there is no Trump Russia
I believe Russia did what's it's been doing for the last 10 years. It's just for some reason, on November 9th 2016 Liberal America went ape shit looking for a scapegoat and Russia won.
Really? they stole the DNC's and the DCCCs private emails and weaponized them against a candidate, through wikileaks the past 10 years?

And 10 years prior to the election, FACEBOOK had a million users and now it has 2.2 BILLION users for them to push their propaganda campaign.....on social media.

I think they may have been trying to mess with our elections through propaganda as you have stated, over the previous 10 years, but they did not have the means to be successful until FACEBOOK and social media and smart phones etc, became a daily part of life....they succeeded this time, and that is the difference.

We don't know that Comrade.

You Communists never allowed any law enforcement agency to look at the servers that were allegedly hacked.

Oh, and you claim that 50,000 in Facebook ads over came the 1.6 BILLION the clinton crime syndicate spent? :lol:
lol... first of all- it wasn't hillary's dossier until after it was a (R) dossier. oppositional research is not illegal, unless there were laws broken to obtain the info.

nice try, doesn't fly.

Oh look, a fucking liar - how unique for a Communist.

EDIT - that is NOT Buckeyes quote - it is Comrade Playtime.

i don't lie. look it up yourself, you lazy ass mutt.

Lying fuck.

The Washington Examiner had nothing to do with the Steele Dossier and the collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Kremlin.

You're just a shameless, filthy liar.
Who said "Washington examiner", you rabid

The lying fuck playtime , you absurd troll.

She claimed "Republicans comissioned Fusion GPS," though that lie was dispelled log ago, you mentally retarded troll.
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.
and so you, like my loyal little attack poodle, responded back to me instead of looking it up. Good for you.

So, let's review:

You not only don't understand the difference, you also don't understand why it is important. And yet here you are talking about this, while these are the basic facts of the issue.

Did you have any proof that the Russian lawyer in Trump tower worked for the Russian government?
Did you have any proof the Russian spies that Steele used as sources didn't work for the Russian government?

So far we have Clinton paying foreigners for info. Trump not paying for not getting info.

Veselnitskaya Linked to Russian Government in Swiss Case
was she found guilty? doesn't say that in that link and the russian government said they don't know her. so where's your other real evidence.

lol... the russians tell the truth.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's involved in the magnitsky case on behalf of the roooskies... that alone says it all.
It’s called collusion!
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.
Did you have any proof that the Russian lawyer in Trump tower worked for the Russian government?
Did you have any proof the Russian spies that Steele used as sources didn't work for the Russian government?

So far we have Clinton paying foreigners for info. Trump not paying for not getting info.

Veselnitskaya Linked to Russian Government in Swiss Case
was she found guilty? doesn't say that in that link and the russian government said they don't know her. so where's your other real evidence.

lol... the russians tell the truth.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's involved in the magnitsky case on behalf of the roooskies... that alone says it all.
Haha...what a desperate , failed defense....
But true!
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.
was she found guilty? doesn't say that in that link and the russian government said they don't know her. so where's your other real evidence.

lol... the russians tell the truth.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's involved in the magnitsky case on behalf of the roooskies... that alone says it all.
Haha...what a desperate , failed defense....
But true!

We must find out what Putin has on Mueller and the DOJ and find out fast! We cant have Putin making Supreme Court nominations!
A perfect description of you. You start threads daily with all manner of idiotic claims and predictions, and they NEVER come to pass. Not ever. How embarrassing.
so dude, how did russia affect the election? let me ask that way.

They do have reading comprehension classes for adults.

Go back to page 36 post # 360 and try again. It's very clear that Vladimir Putin knows more about the demographics of American politics better than most Americans do.

I am certain that most Americans saw these Russian adds on FACEBOOK, that were then shared with millions of others.


It was specifically designed for white conservative voters in swing states, while at the same time Putin was active in getting Sanders supporters outraged at Hillary Clinton via the Russian hack & leak of Debbie Wasserman's email.

It was really brilliant on Vladimir Putin's behalf, via the internet agency from St. Petersburg, Russia.

When was being on facebook illegal? :auiqs.jpg:

Go get your crayons and coloring books, turn on your FOX NEWS and enjoy the storm that's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018


James Clapper is on record for stating that had it not been for Vladimir Putin, Trump would not be POTUS today.

This link on this thread explains how Vladimir Putin won the election.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

This link on this thread explains why Trump gave classified information to the Russians in the Oval office
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Here is the Russian collusion, also on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:None of that is true other than Clapper being an asshole. All innuendo bubba. nothing based on fact. In fact, no intelligence agency has looked at the DNC server. And the emails were off of hitlery's server, so you got the wrong server. And I've posted in here already that the amount of data they claim was seazed is too big to route over a data line. There are none out there big enough to download files sizes they would have had to download. So bubba, let me again...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

BTW, I do know that a pakistany man was in and out of the DNC server as an IT guy. hmmmmm not a citizen of this country. how fking odd, hired by none other left tit Debbie.

Denial is a very strong force in some people and you're the perfect example of that. It's very difficult for many to admit they made a yuuuuge mistake, even with a lot of the evidence right under your nose, that you have continually denied over the last 18 months.

Do yourself and this country a big favor, burn your voter registration card and never vote again. You shouldn't be able to delete others votes based solely on your sick partisan mentality. It's clear,, you would vote for a known serial killer if he was a Republican, and then defend his murders.


For others interested in how Vladimir Putin changed the course of this election go to this link on this thread..
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Regarding that time when Russians met with Trump in the Oval Office and he gave them classified information go to this link on this thread. This was no accident it was deliberate.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

For the evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian Intelligence agents go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Robert Mueller to-date has accumulated 34 Federal Grand Jury Indictments, 5 guilty plea's and hundreds of Federal Grand Jury charges. This is no joke, it's real. There will be more coming. Mueller is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign. This is much more serious than Watergate as it does involve a foreign adversary, and is not just a simple break in of one DNC office located in the Watergate complex This will be considered TREASON.

After Helsinki & Trump's comments, you would really have to be a half brain to not realise that Putin has something on Donald Trump.


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