Do you believe Cohen or Trump?

Who do you believe?

  • Cohen

  • Trump

  • Neither, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

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we LOVE Trump!!!!!
There were those who loved Adolph
You're actually comparing Trump to Hitler? Then you wonder why you get treated like the developmentally disabled.
Lot of water has gone under the bridge since Hitler I believe Trump wants to be worshipped and embraced just like hitler was..
very stupid and unsubstantiated
Ask Comey

What are the odds of getting a straight answer?
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Cohen has nothing left to gain or prove. He's already been sentenced. No reason to hide or lie any more.

tRump on the other hand still has to keep the faithful in line and is hoping to avoid impeachment and prison so he has every reason.
Cohen's light sentencing, in light of what they said that he had done, is highly suspect to me. Was he given such a light sentence in order that people like you could sit here continuing the game that Mueller has been playing in an attempt to get Trump ???
There were those who loved Adolph
You're actually comparing Trump to Hitler? Then you wonder why you get treated like the developmentally disabled.
Lot of water has gone under the bridge since Hitler I believe Trump wants to be worshipped and embraced just like hitler was..
very stupid and unsubstantiated
Ask Comey

What are the odds of getting a straight answer?
That was a straight answer Look at Comey and sessions if you don't understand
You're actually comparing Trump to Hitler? Then you wonder why you get treated like the developmentally disabled.
Lot of water has gone under the bridge since Hitler I believe Trump wants to be worshipped and embraced just like hitler was..
very stupid and unsubstantiated
Ask Comey

What are the odds of getting a straight answer?
That was a straight answer Look at Comey and sessions if you don't understand


do you think you'll get a straight answer?
Lot of water has gone under the bridge since Hitler I believe Trump wants to be worshipped and embraced just like hitler was..
very stupid and unsubstantiated
Ask Comey

What are the odds of getting a straight answer?
That was a straight answer Look at Comey and sessions if you don't understand


do you think you'll get a straight answer?
No ,,,but I do believe in parts of gov't not bound to kiss a presidents butt Don't think Trump gets that
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Agreed- both Cohen and Trump are documented liars- Trump clearly is not a credible witness to anything.

But you don't have to believe just one or the other- remember the National Enquirer's parent company has also admitted that the payments were for poltiical purposes.

And given the timing of the payments- just before the election- and that Trump didn't engineer payments years earlier when the stories first came out- it is pretty clear that the payments were very specifically to keep these stories out of the news to help Trump get elected.
Both are liars...who do you believe?

If Cohen has tapes or documentation to support his claim, then I will tend to believe his version
National Enquirer owner admits to 'catch and kill' payment to ex-Playmate
AMI told prosecutors it worked with Trump’s campaign to pay for and suppress story of a sexual affair to ‘prevent it from influencing’ US election

American Media Inc (AMI) told prosecutors it worked “in concert” with Trump’s campaign when it bought Karen McDougal’s story of a sexual affair with Trump, which it suppressed “to prevent it from influencing the election”.

The publisher revealed details of the so-called “catch and kill” deal for McDougal’s story in an agreement with federal authorities that means the company will not face charges, prosecutors in Manhattan announced on Wednesday.
Trump’s white house….

View attachment 235080
Yep, and why is that ?? Why does the left fear a Donald Trump like they do ?? Was it because up until Trump, the left with all their bullcrap had convinced the nation that they were the only real leadership to ever grace us with their treachery and tyranny without us even realizing it ???? Did Trump spoil their party in which they were having with our government system's be it local and federal, our public school's, college's, judge's, and/or anything else they chose to bully their way around in, and abuse us with ?????? Trump the party pooper should be their cry now, because he sure came to town doing just that.

Mueller has been so secret as a strategy in order to keep this bullcrap going until it satisfies the leftist machine somehow.

Is Mueller vulnerable to the leftist power base for some reason ??? What's in it for Mueller to wreck this nation over this bullcrap for years to come ??
I believe long as there is corroborating evidence. The Feds have his assertions with additional evidence to confirm his statements. trump is a hopeless liar.... I would have trouble believing him if he said the sky is blue.
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Agreed- both Cohen and Trump are documented liars- Trump clearly is not a credible witness to anything.

But you don't have to believe just one or the other- remember the National Enquirer's parent company has also admitted that the payments were for poltiical purposes.

And given the timing of the payments- just before the election- and that Trump didn't engineer payments years earlier when the stories first came out- it is pretty clear that the payments were very specifically to keep these stories out of the news to help Trump get elected.
And that's illegal how ??? As long as campaign funds weren't used to deal with clearing up lose ends in order to stop anyone from thinking that they can extort or blackmail the President of the United States while in office, then how is that illegal ?? If anything it's being responsible in protecting the office about to be occupied for the next 4 to 8 years by a person who will aquire that office through the voters wishes for him to do so.
Yep, and why is that ?? Why does the left fear a Donald Trump like they do ?? Was it because up until Trump, the left with all their bullcrap had convinced the nation that they were the only real leadership to ever grace us with their treachery and tyranny without us even realizing it ???? Did Trump spoil their party in which they were having with our government system's be it local and federal, our public school's, college's, judge's, and/or anything else they chose to bully their way around in, and abuse us with ?????? Trump the party pooper should be their cry now, because he sure came to town doing just that.

Mueller has been so secret as a strategy in order to keep this bullcrap going until it satisfies the leftist machine somehow.

Is Mueller vulnerable to the leftist power base for some reason ??? What's in it for Mueller to wreck this nation over this bullcrap for years to come ??

The AG is a republican
The D-AG is a republican
The IC is a republican

The “left” has zero involvement in this; yet. I suspect the Democrats once they assume power in the House will open their own investigations but so far, it’s a total GOP enterprise.

When you elect a clown, you get the circus.

PS: There is no “damage to the nation” to be had. Its the sign of a healthy nation that these investigations take place.
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Agreed- both Cohen and Trump are documented liars- Trump clearly is not a credible witness to anything.

But you don't have to believe just one or the other- remember the National Enquirer's parent company has also admitted that the payments were for poltiical purposes.

And given the timing of the payments- just before the election- and that Trump didn't engineer payments years earlier when the stories first came out- it is pretty clear that the payments were very specifically to keep these stories out of the news to help Trump get elected.
And that's illegal how ??? As long as campaign funds weren't used to deal with clearing up lose ends in order to stop anyone from thinking that they can extort or blackmail the President of the United States while in office, then how is that illegal ?? If anything it's being responsible in protecting the office about to be occupied for the next 4 to 8 years by a person who will aquire that office through the voters wishes for him to do so.
Where did I say that the payments themselves were illegal?

Immoral? yes.
Unethical? yes.

What was illegal was not reporting the payments as campaign contributions and the conspiracy to hide the campaign contributions.

Trump and his minions went to elaborate lengths to both prevent voters from hearing these stories of his adultery before the election, and to prevent anyone from identifying the nature of the payments.
Yep, and why is that ?? Why does the left fear a Donald Trump like they do ?? Was it because up until Trump, the left with all their bullcrap had convinced the nation that they were the only real leadership to ever grace us with their treachery and tyranny without us even realizing it ???? Did Trump spoil their party in which they were having with our government system's be it local and federal, our public school's, college's, judge's, and/or anything else they chose to bully their way around in, and abuse us with ?????? Trump the party pooper should be their cry now, because he sure came to town doing just that.

Mueller has been so secret as a strategy in order to keep this bullcrap going until it satisfies the leftist machine somehow.

Is Mueller vulnerable to the leftist power base for some reason ??? What's in it for Mueller to wreck this nation over this bullcrap for years to come ??

The AG is a republican
The D-AG is a republican
The IC is a republican

The “left” has zero involvement in this; yet. I suspect the Democrats once they assume power in the House will open their own investigations but so far, it’s a total GOP enterprise.

When you elect a clown, you get the circus.

PS: There is no “damage to the nation” to be had. Its the sign of a healthy nation that these investigations take place.
Mueller is a Demon-crat in a republican shirt. The ultimate deciever of this nations citizens over this matter.
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Agreed- both Cohen and Trump are documented liars- Trump clearly is not a credible witness to anything.

But you don't have to believe just one or the other- remember the National Enquirer's parent company has also admitted that the payments were for poltiical purposes.

And given the timing of the payments- just before the election- and that Trump didn't engineer payments years earlier when the stories first came out- it is pretty clear that the payments were very specifically to keep these stories out of the news to help Trump get elected.
And that's illegal how ??? As long as campaign funds weren't used to deal with clearing up lose ends in order to stop anyone from thinking that they can extort or blackmail the President of the United States while in office, then how is that illegal ?? If anything it's being responsible in protecting the office about to be occupied for the next 4 to 8 years by a person who will aquire that office through the voters wishes for him to do so.

Fox analyst Napolitano explains it very well.

Judge Napolitano Disproves Fox & Friends' Pro-Trump Talking Points Live On Air

Your specific question about “what crime” starts at 1:20.


His old boss lies damned-near every time he opens his mouth or tweets twits...
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Agreed- both Cohen and Trump are documented liars- Trump clearly is not a credible witness to anything.

But you don't have to believe just one or the other- remember the National Enquirer's parent company has also admitted that the payments were for poltiical purposes.

And given the timing of the payments- just before the election- and that Trump didn't engineer payments years earlier when the stories first came out- it is pretty clear that the payments were very specifically to keep these stories out of the news to help Trump get elected.
And that's illegal how ??? As long as campaign funds weren't used to deal with clearing up lose ends in order to stop anyone from thinking that they can extort or blackmail the President of the United States while in office, then how is that illegal ?? If anything it's being responsible in protecting the office about to be occupied for the next 4 to 8 years by a person who will aquire that office through the voters wishes for him to do so.
Where did I say that the payments themselves were illegal?

Immoral? yes.
Unethical? yes.

What was illegal was not reporting the payments as campaign contributions and the conspiracy to hide the campaign contributions.

Trump and his minions went to elaborate lengths to both prevent voters from hearing these stories of his adultery before the election, and to prevent anyone from identifying the nature of the payments.
They aren't campaign donations, douchebag. The evidence has been produced time and time again. Shit like this is why debating leftists is a complete waste of time. They never acknowledge that they've been beaten. They just keep repeating the same idiocies over and over and over.
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Agreed- both Cohen and Trump are documented liars- Trump clearly is not a credible witness to anything.

But you don't have to believe just one or the other- remember the National Enquirer's parent company has also admitted that the payments were for poltiical purposes.

And given the timing of the payments- just before the election- and that Trump didn't engineer payments years earlier when the stories first came out- it is pretty clear that the payments were very specifically to keep these stories out of the news to help Trump get elected.
And that's illegal how ??? As long as campaign funds weren't used to deal with clearing up lose ends in order to stop anyone from thinking that they can extort or blackmail the President of the United States while in office, then how is that illegal ?? If anything it's being responsible in protecting the office about to be occupied for the next 4 to 8 years by a person who will aquire that office through the voters wishes for him to do so.
Where did I say that the payments themselves were illegal?

Immoral? yes.
Unethical? yes.

What was illegal was not reporting the payments as campaign contributions and the conspiracy to hide the campaign contributions.

Trump and his minions went to elaborate lengths to both prevent voters from hearing these stories of his adultery before the election, and to prevent anyone from identifying the nature of the payments.
How do you figure they were campaign contributions ?? An NDA is not a campaign contribution. The extortion or blackmailing was headed off at the pass before it could blackmail or extort a sitting president.
Yep, and why is that ?? Why does the left fear a Donald Trump like they do ?? Was it because up until Trump, the left with all their bullcrap had convinced the nation that they were the only real leadership to ever grace us with their treachery and tyranny without us even realizing it ???? Did Trump spoil their party in which they were having with our government system's be it local and federal, our public school's, college's, judge's, and/or anything else they chose to bully their way around in, and abuse us with ?????? Trump the party pooper should be their cry now, because he sure came to town doing just that.

Mueller has been so secret as a strategy in order to keep this bullcrap going until it satisfies the leftist machine somehow.

Is Mueller vulnerable to the leftist power base for some reason ??? What's in it for Mueller to wreck this nation over this bullcrap for years to come ??

The AG is a republican
The D-AG is a republican
The IC is a republican

The “left” has zero involvement in this; yet. I suspect the Democrats once they assume power in the House will open their own investigations but so far, it’s a total GOP enterprise.

When you elect a clown, you get the circus.

PS: There is no “damage to the nation” to be had. Its the sign of a healthy nation that these investigations take place.
Mueller is a Demon-crat in a republican shirt. The ultimate deciever of this nations citizens over this matter.

And the Republican D-AG wanted to pick a democrat? No. Don’t be stupid.
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Agreed- both Cohen and Trump are documented liars- Trump clearly is not a credible witness to anything.

But you don't have to believe just one or the other- remember the National Enquirer's parent company has also admitted that the payments were for poltiical purposes.

And given the timing of the payments- just before the election- and that Trump didn't engineer payments years earlier when the stories first came out- it is pretty clear that the payments were very specifically to keep these stories out of the news to help Trump get elected.
And that's illegal how ??? As long as campaign funds weren't used to deal with clearing up lose ends in order to stop anyone from thinking that they can extort or blackmail the President of the United States while in office, then how is that illegal ?? If anything it's being responsible in protecting the office about to be occupied for the next 4 to 8 years by a person who will aquire that office through the voters wishes for him to do so.

Fox analyst Napolitano explains it very well.

Judge Napolitano Disproves Fox & Friends' Pro-Trump Talking Points Live On Air

Your specific question about “what crime” starts at 1:20.

Napolitano has turned into a Trump-hating douchebag. He's opinion isn't worth the bandwidth used to broadcast it.
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Agreed- both Cohen and Trump are documented liars- Trump clearly is not a credible witness to anything.

But you don't have to believe just one or the other- remember the National Enquirer's parent company has also admitted that the payments were for poltiical purposes.

And given the timing of the payments- just before the election- and that Trump didn't engineer payments years earlier when the stories first came out- it is pretty clear that the payments were very specifically to keep these stories out of the news to help Trump get elected.
And that's illegal how ??? As long as campaign funds weren't used to deal with clearing up lose ends in order to stop anyone from thinking that they can extort or blackmail the President of the United States while in office, then how is that illegal ?? If anything it's being responsible in protecting the office about to be occupied for the next 4 to 8 years by a person who will aquire that office through the voters wishes for him to do so.

Fox analyst Napolitano explains it very well.

Judge Napolitano Disproves Fox & Friends' Pro-Trump Talking Points Live On Air

Your specific question about “what crime” starts at 1:20.


Another high point from the Fox analyst is at 3:50.

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