Do you believe Cohen or Trump?

Who do you believe?

  • Cohen

  • Trump

  • Neither, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

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Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.

45 is NOT capable of telling the truth.

The sad fact that being a Conservative means you never think for yourself. You follow rather than think. You want to lied to. You need to lied to. You loved to lied to.
Trump’s white house….

View attachment 235080
Yep, and why is that ?? Why does the left fear a Donald Trump like they do ?? Was it because up until Trump, the left with all their bullcrap had convinced the nation that they were the only real leadership to ever grace us with their treachery and tyranny without us even realizing it ???? Did Trump spoil their party in which they were having with our government system's be it local and federal, our public school's, college's, judge's, and/or anything else they chose to bully their way around in, and abuse us with ?????? Trump the party pooper should be their cry now, because he sure came to town doing just that.

Mueller has been so secret as a strategy in order to keep this bullcrap going until it satisfies the leftist machine somehow.

Is Mueller vulnerable to the leftist power base for some reason ??? What's in it for Mueller to wreck this nation over this bullcrap for years to come ??
Treachery ??? You MF ers started a bs war and you call us treacherous?? How many dead are you responsible for ?? How tf do you sleep at night?
What does the Iraq war have to do with any of this?
I don't believe either of them. Both of them are pathological liars.

What I believe is factual records. Such as emails, texts, bank records, phone records, unaltered photos, video and audio recordings.

Which is probably what Mueller is doing.

....and PLEASE don't forget TAX

Yes those are factual documents too.

We may get to see those tax records. I know Maxine Waters is going to get them. Hopefully they will be made available to the public.
Yep, and why is that ?? Why does the left fear a Donald Trump like they do ?? Was it because up until Trump, the left with all their bullcrap had convinced the nation that they were the only real leadership to ever grace us with their treachery and tyranny without us even realizing it ???? Did Trump spoil their party in which they were having with our government system's be it local and federal, our public school's, college's, judge's, and/or anything else they chose to bully their way around in, and abuse us with ?????? Trump the party pooper should be their cry now, because he sure came to town doing just that.

Mueller has been so secret as a strategy in order to keep this bullcrap going until it satisfies the leftist machine somehow.

Is Mueller vulnerable to the leftist power base for some reason ??? What's in it for Mueller to wreck this nation over this bullcrap for years to come ??
Treachery ??? You MF ers started a bs war and you call us treacherous?? How many dead are you responsible for ?? How tf do you sleep at night?
What does the Iraq war have to do with any of this?
I don't believe either of them. Both of them are pathological liars.

What I believe is factual records. Such as emails, texts, bank records, phone records, unaltered photos, video and audio recordings.

Which is probably what Mueller is doing.

....and PLEASE don't forget TAX

Yes those are factual documents too.

We may get to see those tax records. I know Maxine Waters is going to get them. Hopefully they will be made available to the public.

Yep, and why is that ?? Why does the left fear a Donald Trump like they do ?? Was it because up until Trump, the left with all their bullcrap had convinced the nation that they were the only real leadership to ever grace us with their treachery and tyranny without us even realizing it ???? Did Trump spoil their party in which they were having with our government system's be it local and federal, our public school's, college's, judge's, and/or anything else they chose to bully their way around in, and abuse us with ?????? Trump the party pooper should be their cry now, because he sure came to town doing just that.

Mueller has been so secret as a strategy in order to keep this bullcrap going until it satisfies the leftist machine somehow.

Is Mueller vulnerable to the leftist power base for some reason ??? What's in it for Mueller to wreck this nation over this bullcrap for years to come ??
Treachery ??? You MF ers started a bs war and you call us treacherous?? How many dead are you responsible for ?? How tf do you sleep at night?
What does the Iraq war have to do with any of this?
Some one mentioned meuller wrecking this country?? You slimebags did and still can't take responsibility for the 1000's you killed
Anyone who says they believe Cohen is not exactly believable....

Anyone who believes Cohen or trump isn't exactly believable.

Anyone who believes documents and records like bank documents, phone records, texts, tax records, unedited photos, audio and video recordings, is who cares about truthful facts.

Which is what I believe. But then, I've been a registered Independent since 1978 and am not a political hack.

I don't believe a word from either cohen or trump. They both are pathological liars.
I believe President Trump.

Can not believe Cohen "the Rat". :dunno:
I don't believe either of them. Both of them are pathological liars.

What I believe is factual records. Such as emails, texts, bank records, phone records, unaltered photos, video and audio recordings.

Which is probably what Mueller is doing.

....and PLEASE don't forget TAX

Yes those are factual documents too.

We may get to see those tax records. I know Maxine Waters is going to get them. Hopefully they will be made available to the public.

And trump isn't worse than both of them combined?
I believe President Trump.

Can not believe Cohen "the Rat". :dunno:
You believe trump?? you are one more sick republican Asshole
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.

Trump's story changes daily. But here's the difference. Cohen's office is a treasure trove of evidence, including tape recordings of meeting involving Trump, and that evidence backs up Cohen's latest version of events - the stuff he's telling the court.

Furthermore, Cohen can't just make stuff up and accuse Trump in Court. Nor can the judge accept a plea without evidence of the crime, aside from the elocution. There has to be corroborating evidence.

So Cohen has corroborating evidence to back up his current version of events. The Justice Department has evidence, including other witnesses, who back up what he says in court. So when it comes to the issues before the Mueller probe, I believe Cohen is telling the truth, otherwise, Mueller would have said so in court.
You believe trump?? you are one more sick republican Asshole

Just keep asking these Trump cult members WHO hired Cohen in the first place.....

You ARE who you surround yourself with........LOL

Collusion is meaningless.

The conspiracy of the Trump campaign with Russia to influence our election is very real.

Again, the AG is republican, the D-AG is a republican, and Mueller is a Republican. Blaming the democrats is, well, stupid and dishonest.
It's purely in your imagination. If you have evidence of this "conspiracy," then produce it.

The investigation continues.
The noose is tightening.

Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now.

The noose is tightening around Mueller and all the traitors in the DOJ.
Both are liars...who do you believe?

If Cohen has tapes or documentation to support his claim, then I will tend to believe his version
Cohen is a puppet who has Mueller's hand shoved up his ass. His credibility is zero.

Cohen is a man who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. His only option was to turn on his boss. If all we have is Cohens claims of misdoings, be hard to prosecute
But if Lawyer Cohen covered his ass whole comitting crimes for Trump......Trump is in trouble
If Cohen had anything on Trump, they wouldn't be sentencing him. They do that only after the perp has testified in the other case. They have no leverage on him once he's sentenced.

Not true at all.

Cohen was sentenced for charges brought by the SDNY. Not Mueller.
Cohen is still active with Mueller.
"Active with Mueller?" That's pure bullshit. Mueller has nothing more to charge him with.
He was just charged with lying to congress, dope.
Cohen has nothing left to gain or prove. He's already been sentenced. No reason to hide or lie any more.


Cohen was sentenced based on a plea deal. He MUST maintain the same positions publicly or risk having the deal revoked and a REAL prison sentence imposed.


The information he has given had to have some value insofar as being truthful. He couldn’t just make up stuff. The IC would be verifying this information with what Papa said, with what Manafort said, with what dozens of other deposed witnesses said. One cannot just do the keeping up appearances act with the federal prosecutors. It would actually get him more jail time.
Mueller is the one who is making stuff up. They he forced Cohen to plead guilty to it. No one gives a damn whether it's true or not, especially Mueller.

The SDNY charged Cohen. Not Mueller, dope.
Only idiots don't understand that the SDNY is coordinating with Mueller.

But separate from Mueller, dope.
it's very ambiguous considering the lack of evidence

You meant your lack of interest in the evidence.
What "evidence?"


In other words, no evidence.


Like I said, your lack of interest in the evidence doesn't mean it's not there.

Everyone involved with those payments has spilled against Trump. He stands alone.
Yep, and why is that ?? Why does the left fear a Donald Trump like they do ?? Was it because up until Trump, the left with all their bullcrap had convinced the nation that they were the only real leadership to ever grace us with their treachery and tyranny without us even realizing it ???? Did Trump spoil their party in which they were having with our government system's be it local and federal, our public school's, college's, judge's, and/or anything else they chose to bully their way around in, and abuse us with ?????? Trump the party pooper should be their cry now, because he sure came to town doing just that.

Mueller has been so secret as a strategy in order to keep this bullcrap going until it satisfies the leftist machine somehow.

Is Mueller vulnerable to the leftist power base for some reason ??? What's in it for Mueller to wreck this nation over this bullcrap for years to come ??
Treachery ??? You MF ers started a bs war and you call us treacherous?? How many dead are you responsible for ?? How tf do you sleep at night?
What does the Iraq war have to do with any of this?

The same thing the Clintons have to do with Yet the right wing (perhaps not you personally--I do not know) posters here continuously mention her/him/they

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