Do you believe Cohen or Trump?

Who do you believe?

  • Cohen

  • Trump

  • Neither, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Results are only viewable after voting.

Collusion is meaningless.

The conspiracy of the Trump campaign with Russia to influence our election is very real.

Again, the AG is republican, the D-AG is a republican, and Mueller is a Republican. Blaming the democrats is, well, stupid and dishonest.
It's purely in your imagination. If you have evidence of this "conspiracy," then produce it.

The investigation continues.
The noose is tightening.

Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now.

The noose is tightening around Mueller and all the traitors in the DOJ.

There is no "main crook," shit for brains.

Cohen: Special counsel has 'substantial amount of information that corroborates' my testimony
More horseshit from the puppet with Mueller's hand up his ass. If Mueller had anything, they wouldn't be sentencing Cohen because after they do they lose all leverage over him.
Mueller isn't the one who wanted Cohen sentenced it was southern district
Mueller's partner in crime. He did what Mueller ordered.
And can you look anyone in the eye and say Cohen made moves without trumps ok?/ Cohen wouldn't shit without trump giving him the go ahead

They're on audio discussing the shell corp with sordid details of the payments and these dopes are like
"what evidence?".
The minute Cohen said he wanted to bring this country together, I knew he was full of shit.

When Trump said it, did you know immediately that he was full of shit?
Trump understands that nothing will bring the country together. It will continue to spiral into bloodshed. The nation is irredeemably broken and the people irreversibly shattered.
I don't believe either of them. Both of them are pathological liars.

What I believe is factual records. Such as emails, texts, bank records, phone records, unaltered photos, video and audio recordings.

Which is probably what Mueller is doing.

....and PLEASE don't forget TAX

Yes those are factual documents too.

We may get to see those tax records. I know Maxine Waters is going to get them. Hopefully they will be made available to the public.
And you will see what all the government auditors missed.

Yeah. Uh huh.
Its actually a moot point since there really wasn't any crime committed regarding the hush money payments to the bimbos.

Bingo. Long gone is the original justification for all of this, a counterintelligence probe to determine what and how much Russia was influencing our elections, and SECONDARILY, whether Trump had any hand in it, gone is the investigation of any crime for Mueller has no crime, for two years now this has morphed into an investigation of the man Trump himself in SEARCH of a crime. Now we are down to investigating his personal businesses back into the 1980s to see if he has any unpaid parking tickets.

Flynn, charged with a process crime that had nothing to do with the mandate of the investigation itself or Trump, merely uncovered along the way.

Now Cohen for doing something that at best cannot be proven Trump ordered or sanctioned, and even if he did, is a minor offense which will never rise to the level of impeachable even if the ragtag idiots on the Left try to go for it.

They paid off those women so they wouldn't come forward with their affairs right before the election.
They were scared shitless it would ruin Trump's win and if not his win, then his plan for the Trump channel.
(Kushner was in talks with exec tv producers the very night of the election.)
So money paid to sway the election by way of suppressing information IS a an FEC violation.
Wrong. To be a campaign expenditure, it can't have any conceivable private purpose. How many times do you morons need to have that explained to you? I really get tired of saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Repeating it doesn't make it truth, dope.
They paid off those women so they wouldn't come forward with their affairs right before the election.
They were scared shitless it would ruin Trump's win and if not his win, then his plan for the Trump channel.

Lawyers pay people off all the time to settle out of court just because it will cost them even more to fight them IN court. And what should Trump be scared shitless of, he has no political career to protect like everyone else in Washington whose lives depend on bilking taxpayers, running for office actually COST him a lot of money. He'd be far better off had he just stayed out of politics but he thought he could help the nation that has made him so wealthy. And that Trump channel---- you really do say some stupid shit don't you? I bet you even have a calendar in your basement marking off the number of days until Trump's term is over.
Its actually a moot point since there really wasn't any crime committed regarding the hush money payments to the bimbos.

Bingo. Long gone is the original justification for all of this, a counterintelligence probe to determine what and how much Russia was influencing our elections, and SECONDARILY, whether Trump had any hand in it, gone is the investigation of any crime for Mueller has no crime, for two years now this has morphed into an investigation of the man Trump himself in SEARCH of a crime. Now we are down to investigating his personal businesses back into the 1980s to see if he has any unpaid parking tickets.

Flynn, charged with a process crime that had nothing to do with the mandate of the investigation itself or Trump, merely uncovered along the way.

Now Cohen for doing something that at best cannot be proven Trump ordered or sanctioned, and even if he did, is a minor offense which will never rise to the level of impeachable even if the ragtag idiots on the Left try to go for it.

They paid off those women so they wouldn't come forward with their affairs right before the election.
They were scared shitless it would ruin Trump's win and if not his win, then his plan for the Trump channel.
(Kushner was in talks with exec tv producers the very night of the election.)
So money paid to sway the election by way of suppressing information IS a an FEC violation.
Wrong. To be a campaign expenditure, it can't have any conceivable private purpose. How many times do you morons need to have that explained to you? I really get tired of saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

It's called Diarrhea of the Brain, common in Leftist circles -- -- -- whenever any facts run into one ear, they turn to shit immediately putrefacted by the moldy slime in there and run right out the other ear.
Cohen is a puppet who has Mueller's hand shoved up his ass. His credibility is zero.

Cohen is a man who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. His only option was to turn on his boss. If all we have is Cohens claims of misdoings, be hard to prosecute
But if Lawyer Cohen covered his ass whole comitting crimes for Trump......Trump is in trouble
If Cohen had anything on Trump, they wouldn't be sentencing him. They do that only after the perp has testified in the other case. They have no leverage on him once he's sentenced.

Not true at all.

Cohen was sentenced for charges brought by the SDNY. Not Mueller.
Cohen is still active with Mueller.
"Active with Mueller?" That's pure bullshit. Mueller has nothing more to charge him with.
He was just charged with lying to congress, dope.
He was charged with that on Nov 29. It's not a new charge. He was due to be sentenced today.

No more arrows in Mueller's quiver.
Last edited:
Wrong It’s not “gone” at all. The multiple investigations into the multiple Trump scandals continues. Cohen’s sentencing, his interview, etc… are just he most recent twists into the scandals.

What scandal?
That the Trump Comm director Hope Hicks said there was no communication with a foreign entity in 11/16 only to have multiple communications and contacts come to light after. Of course all of these contacts came at the same time that our intel agencies have determined the Russians had hackers hacking Trump’s political opponents and doing other things to influence our election.

The Obstruction of Justice scandal where he fired James Comey for not “going easy” on Flynn

The emoluments scandal

And a few others.

Trump and his conspiring with Russian hackers is still being looked into.

You mean those accusations that Mueller still hasn't a shred of proof of? Let me know when we get there, Sally.

I’m sure Mueller will let you know.
Can you post a link describing these "foreign contacts?" Trump said they had no contact with Russians before the election. He never claimed they had no foreign contacts of any kine. You appear to be playing word games.

Never met a president yet who didn't have foreign contacts. Barry had them. Hillary was one. Every member of Congress has foreign contacts. Pretty hard to be leader of the free world without having any contact with the free world.
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.

Trump's story changes daily. But here's the difference. Cohen's office is a treasure trove of evidence, including tape recordings of meeting involving Trump, and that evidence backs up Cohen's latest version of events - the stuff he's telling the court.

Furthermore, Cohen can't just make stuff up and accuse Trump in Court. Nor can the judge accept a plea without evidence of the crime, aside from the elocution. There has to be corroborating evidence.

So Cohen has corroborating evidence to back up his current version of events. The Justice Department has evidence, including other witnesses, who back up what he says in court. So when it comes to the issues before the Mueller probe, I believe Cohen is telling the truth, otherwise, Mueller would have said so in court.
The wrong shall fail the right prevail
Wrong It’s not “gone” at all. The multiple investigations into the multiple Trump scandals continues. Cohen’s sentencing, his interview, etc… are just he most recent twists into the scandals.

What scandal?
That the Trump Comm director Hope Hicks said there was no communication with a foreign entity in 11/16 only to have multiple communications and contacts come to light after. Of course all of these contacts came at the same time that our intel agencies have determined the Russians had hackers hacking Trump’s political opponents and doing other things to influence our election.

The Obstruction of Justice scandal where he fired James Comey for not “going easy” on Flynn

The emoluments scandal

And a few others.

Trump and his conspiring with Russian hackers is still being looked into.

You mean those accusations that Mueller still hasn't a shred of proof of? Let me know when we get there, Sally.

I’m sure Mueller will let you know.
Can you post a link describing these "foreign contacts?" Trump said they had no contact with Russians before the election. He never claimed they had no foreign contacts of any kine. You appear to be playing word games.

Never met a president yet who didn't have foreign contacts. Barry had them. Hillary was one. Every member of Congress has foreign contacts. Pretty hard to be leader of the free world without having any contact with the free world.
But trump sells out his country for profit
Wrong It’s not “gone” at all. The multiple investigations into the multiple Trump scandals continues. Cohen’s sentencing, his interview, etc… are just he most recent twists into the scandals.

What scandal?
That the Trump Comm director Hope Hicks said there was no communication with a foreign entity in 11/16 only to have multiple communications and contacts come to light after. Of course all of these contacts came at the same time that our intel agencies have determined the Russians had hackers hacking Trump’s political opponents and doing other things to influence our election.

The Obstruction of Justice scandal where he fired James Comey for not “going easy” on Flynn

The emoluments scandal

And a few others.

Trump and his conspiring with Russian hackers is still being looked into.

You mean those accusations that Mueller still hasn't a shred of proof of? Let me know when we get there, Sally.

I’m sure Mueller will let you know.
Can you post a link describing these "foreign contacts?" Trump said they had no contact with Russians before the election. He never claimed they had no foreign contacts of any kine. You appear to be playing word games.

11 November
Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks denies claims from the Kremlin that Trump officials met with its staff.

“It never happened,” Hicks says. “There was no communication between the campaign and any foreign entity during the campaign.”

Trump Jr. took meetings with Russians during the campaign. Clearly this was a high level meeting that Hicks would have been aware of.
Cohen is a man who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. His only option was to turn on his boss. If all we have is Cohens claims of misdoings, be hard to prosecute
But if Lawyer Cohen covered his ass whole comitting crimes for Trump......Trump is in trouble
If Cohen had anything on Trump, they wouldn't be sentencing him. They do that only after the perp has testified in the other case. They have no leverage on him once he's sentenced.

Not true at all.

Cohen was sentenced for charges brought by the SDNY. Not Mueller.
Cohen is still active with Mueller.
"Active with Mueller?" That's pure bullshit. Mueller has nothing more to charge him with.
He was just charged with lying to congress, dope.
He was charged with that on Nov 29. It's not new charge. He was due to be sentenced today.

No more arrows in Mueller's quiver.
Two weeks is new and he wasn't sentenced for that yet, dope.
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Cohen has nothing left to gain or prove. He's already been sentenced. No reason to hide or lie any more.

tRump on the other hand still has to keep the faithful in line and is hoping to avoid impeachment and prison so he has every reason.
Cohen's light sentencing, in light of what they said that he had done, is highly suspect to me. Was he given such a light sentence in order that people like you could sit here continuing the game that Mueller has been playing in an attempt to get Trump ???
Don't you know what a plea bargain is?
Its actually a moot point since there really wasn't any crime committed regarding the hush money payments to the bimbos.
There is absolutely nothing wrong out side of moral character, with paying off bimbos under normal situations.

HOWEVER, if the primary reason these ladies of the night were being paid off, was because he did not want them spilling the beans to the public, because of the Access Hollywood video or the 12 women that said he sexually harassed them during his campaign for presidency, then it would be breaking the law....

-it would have to be the primary reason or sole reason, due to the election campaign....for it to be illegal

here are some of the facts and reasons:

It is illegal for a Corporation to donate money or in kind services, to any campaign.

The payoff to Karen McDougall to silence her, for Donald Trump, by the National Enquirer/AMI Corp. was specifically done to silence her during Trump's campaign. She had approached the National Enquirer a couple of months earlier than her August payoff, to tell her "story" is my understanding and they hymned and hawed over it... until Candidate Trump had won his primary, I believe they were trying to catch and kill her story of the two of them, for less money....but once Trump had won, it actually cost them a pretty penny.

Both David Pecker, (the National Enquirer guy) and Michael Cohen and Donald Trump met in 2015 to discuss HOW the National Enquirer could help him in his campaign for the Presidency.... To Catch and Kill any of the women coming forward that he slept with, AND to run negative ads on Hillary during the campaign.... of which the National Enquirer did BOTH.

The discussion was NOT to hide it from Melania... ( I think they probably have a sexualy open marriage or she would have left him long ago....) There are two people, Cohen and Pecker, that have said this happened.... vs. the Don. Not just Cohen.

So, this means a Corporation was donating to the Trump Campaign, with gifts that would help him in the election.... so the National Enquirer/AMI broke the law... but Donald was aware and okay and even asked them to do what they did, and I believe Trump's Company paid them back.... in a back handed and fraudulent way, by paying Cohen for legal services that he never performed, then he paid AMI Corp, so to hide the whole thing....

all of this was dirty, and for the purpose of the election and hiding from we the people, of what was being done.... normally as said, this might have been ok, but Campaign Finance laws have the sole purpose of giving sunshine to we the people, so we can make educated choices and to know where the money came from that donates directly to these campaigns...

Oh darn, the dinner bell for the oven is going off so I will have to come back and finish this and get in to the Stormy pay off....
Its actually a moot point since there really wasn't any crime committed regarding the hush money payments to the bimbos.

Bingo. Long gone is the original justification for all of this, a counterintelligence probe to determine what and how much Russia was influencing our elections, and SECONDARILY, whether Trump had any hand in it, gone is the investigation of any crime for Mueller has no crime, for two years now this has morphed into an investigation of the man Trump himself in SEARCH of a crime. Now we are down to investigating his personal businesses back into the 1980s to see if he has any unpaid parking tickets.

Flynn, charged with a process crime that had nothing to do with the mandate of the investigation itself or Trump, merely uncovered along the way.

Now Cohen for doing something that at best cannot be proven Trump ordered or sanctioned, and even if he did, is a minor offense which will never rise to the level of impeachable even if the ragtag idiots on the Left try to go for it.

They paid off those women so they wouldn't come forward with their affairs right before the election.
They were scared shitless it would ruin Trump's win and if not his win, then his plan for the Trump channel.
(Kushner was in talks with exec tv producers the very night of the election.)
So money paid to sway the election by way of suppressing information IS a an FEC violation.
Wrong. To be a campaign expenditure, it can't have any conceivable private purpose. How many times do you morons need to have that explained to you? I really get tired of saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

It's called Diarrhea of the Brain, common in Leftist circles -- -- -- whenever any facts run into one ear, they turn to shit immediately putrefacted by the moldy slime in there and run right out the other ear.
You made the mistake of assuming they have a brain.
Its actually a moot point since there really wasn't any crime committed regarding the hush money payments to the bimbos.
There is absolutely nothing wrong out side of moral character, with paying off bimbos under normal situations.

HOWEVER, if the primary reason these ladies of the night were being paid off, was because he did not want them spilling the beans to the public, because of the Access Hollywood video or the 12 women that said he sexually harassed them during his campaign for presidency, then it would be breaking the law....

-it would have to be the primary reason or sole reason, due to the election campaign....for it to be illegal

here are some of the facts and reasons:

It is illegal for a Corporation to donate money or in kind services, to any campaign.

The payoff to Karen McDougall to silence her, for Donald Trump, by the National Enquirer/AMI Corp. was specifically done to silence her during Trump's campaign. She had approached the National Enquirer a couple of months earlier than her August payoff, to tell her "story" is my understanding and they hymned and hawed over it... until Candidate Trump had won his primary, I believe they were trying to catch and kill her story of the two of them, for less money....but once Trump had won, it actually cost them a pretty penny.

Both David Pecker, (the National Enquirer guy) and Michael Cohen and Donald Trump met in 2015 to discuss HOW the National Enquirer could help him in his campaign for the Presidency.... To Catch and Kill any of the women coming forward that he slept with, AND to run negative ads on Hillary during the campaign.... of which the National Enquirer did BOTH.

The discussion was NOT to hide it from Melania... ( I think they probably have a sexualy open marriage or she would have left him long ago....) There are two people, Cohen and Pecker, that have said this happened.... vs. the Don. Not just Cohen.

So, this means a Corporation was donating to the Trump Campaign, with gifts that would help him in the election.... so the National Enquirer/AMI broke the law... but Donald was aware and okay and even asked them to do what they did, and I believe Trump's Company paid them back.... in a back handed and fraudulent way, by paying Cohen for legal services that he never performed, then he paid AMI Corp, so to hide the whole thing....

all of this was dirty, and for the purpose of the election and hiding from we the people, of what was being done.... normally as said, this might have been ok, but Campaign Finance laws have the sole purpose of giving sunshine to we the people, so we can make educated choices and to know where the money came from that donates directly to these campaigns...

Oh darn, the dinner bell for the oven is going off so I will have to come back and finish this and get in to the Stormy pay off....
Wrong again. It's been explained to you multiple times why your theory is wrong. If an expenditure can have any conceivable private purpose, then it's not a campaign expenditure.

I've never seen such a huge pile of obviously wrong snowflake myths in my life
Yep, and why is that ?? Why does the left fear a Donald Trump like they do ?? Was it because up until Trump, the left with all their bullcrap had convinced the nation that they were the only real leadership to ever grace us with their treachery and tyranny without us even realizing it ???? Did Trump spoil their party in which they were having with our government system's be it local and federal, our public school's, college's, judge's, and/or anything else they chose to bully their way around in, and abuse us with ?????? Trump the party pooper should be their cry now, because he sure came to town doing just that.

Mueller has been so secret as a strategy in order to keep this bullcrap going until it satisfies the leftist machine somehow.

Is Mueller vulnerable to the leftist power base for some reason ??? What's in it for Mueller to wreck this nation over this bullcrap for years to come ??
Treachery ??? You MF ers started a bs war and you call us treacherous?? How many dead are you responsible for ?? How tf do you sleep at night?
What does the Iraq war have to do with any of this?

The same thing the Clintons have to do with Yet the right wing (perhaps not you personally--I do not know) posters here continuously mention her/him/they

The Clintons have everything to do with it. Who paid for the Steele "dossier?"
it's very ambiguous considering the lack of evidence

You meant your lack of interest in the evidence.
What "evidence?"


In other words, no evidence.


Like I said, your lack of interest in the evidence doesn't mean it's not there.

Everyone involved with those payments has spilled against Trump. He stands alone.
Wrong. It means I know what evidence is, and I know what horseshit is. You post nothing but the later.
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.
Agreed- both Cohen and Trump are documented liars- Trump clearly is not a credible witness to anything.

But you don't have to believe just one or the other- remember the National Enquirer's parent company has also admitted that the payments were for poltiical purposes.

And given the timing of the payments- just before the election- and that Trump didn't engineer payments years earlier when the stories first came out- it is pretty clear that the payments were very specifically to keep these stories out of the news to help Trump get elected.
And that's illegal how ??? As long as campaign funds weren't used to deal with clearing up lose ends in order to stop anyone from thinking that they can extort or blackmail the President of the United States while in office, then how is that illegal ?? If anything it's being responsible in protecting the office about to be occupied for the next 4 to 8 years by a person who will aquire that office through the voters wishes for him to do so.

Fox analyst Napolitano explains it very well.

Judge Napolitano Disproves Fox & Friends' Pro-Trump Talking Points Live On Air

Your specific question about “what crime” starts at 1:20.

Napolitano has turned into a Trump-hating douchebag. He's opinion isn't worth the bandwidth used to broadcast it.

Oh…that is why he is on Fox.

So the Republican Mueller has turned
The Republican Napolitao has turned
Cohen has turned
Manafort has turned
Flynn has turned
Papadopolous has turned
The douche who ran the Enquirer has turned

How long until you turn? Or will you “take a bullet” for Trump?
All turning under pressure, just like anyone will do if threatened by things unrelated to an investigation. Is Mueller the equal to a leg breaker only in a mental sense ????

Thought the squimish Demon-crat's were weak stomached about torture by American's, yet here they are cheering it on in this Mueller probe/witch Hunt to hang/lynch one Donald Trump. Well I'll be darned, you don't say (hypocrisy at it's finest again). LOL

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