Zone1 Do you believe in Free Speech

I am not being pedantic, you said private property. My home is private property. That is why I asked.

You? You mean you have absolute control of my speech that if I'm standing at the bottom of your yard trying to flag down a bus or a taxi, you can censure me? How will you enforce that? Will you pull a gun on me or call the police to enforce your rules?
In reality? I wouldn’t care.

I hope it wouldn't involve sicking a dog on me because all that would get you is one dead dog. Or many. I don't frighten nor scare. I'm 6.6, 330 pounds, trained in multiple martial arts and armed. Come and get me. You'd be far better advised to just come down and talk to me and ask me nice. I'm very reasonable with other reasonable people.

Actually that is usually my first weapon of choice.

None of this is right. Few things in the world are anymore.
True, but again…it doesn’t mean you have a right to free speech on private property.
The jury will decide that

The jury will be 100% democrat and already hostile to him. The judge has expressed extreme prejudice in the case. Further, grand juries are only given the evidence that the prosecution wants them to see sans any exculpatory evidence! Worse, now the judge is trying to use the case to both obstruct Trump's right and process of running for office, not to mention limit the ability of his counsel to provide him the best defense. Now that the prosecution has jerked off for two years until right before an election, the case will HAVE to be delayed until the election is over.
It's all the same because it's all bullshit.
Oh really, the charges are bullshit even though you haven’t seen any of the evidence behind them??? Haha well we know by that statement that you’re full of shit
The jury will be 100% democrat and already hostile to him. The judge has expressed extreme prejudice in the case. Further, grand juries are only given the evidence that the prosecution wants them to see sans any exculpatory evidence! Worse, now the judge is trying to use the case to both obstruct Trump's right and process of running for office, not to mention limit the ability of his counsel to provide him the best defense. Now that the prosecution has jerked off for two years until right before an election, the case will HAVE to be delayed until the election is over.
Still a jury of his peers

If I get arrested in Alabama I don’t get to request a liberal jury from NJ
Oh really, the charges are bullshit even though you haven’t seen any of the evidence behind them??? Haha well we know by that statement that you’re full of shit

We know that you support anything anti-trump without question or even understanding.
We know that you support anything anti-trump without question or even understanding.
First off, “we”, don’t speak for others, speak for yourself.

Second, you don’t know anything about me so stop pretending to be a mind reader.

Third, you avoided addressing my point m, that you haven’t seen the evidence yet so you can’t really call the charges BS. You’re making excuses from a place of ignorance and doing exactly what you just accused me of. Don’t be a puppet
First off, “we”, don’t speak for others, speak for yourself.

Second, you don’t know anything about me so stop pretending to be a mind reader.

Third, you avoided addressing my point m, that you haven’t seen the evidence yet so you can’t really call the charges BS. You’re making excuses from a place of ignorance and doing exactly what you just accused me of. Don’t be a puppet

You do realize you used "we" first, right? Check your post.

I got a window into you via this board, and I state what I see. You can take that as you want.

People knew the evidence in the Soviet show trials, or the Jim crow trials in the south were BS because of the source.

Same here.
No, but you DO have a right to a FAIR TRIAL with an IMPARTIAL jury and an UNPREJUDICED judge who isn't using the court as a premeditated weapon against their defendant.
Which is what Trump will receive
What on Earth makes you think that? To think after what has happened that Trump's trial will be fair borders on the imbecilic. Are you an imbecile?
Trump will have lawyers to challenge any juror they object to, a right to cross examine, a right to object and appeal

Fair trial

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