Do you believe in God?

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It's funny how only the conservative posters here believe in GOD I thought more liberals did.
This is more fun than a barrel full of monkeys.

Is that where you live? Or are they just in your head.
Emmons & McCullough, 2003
Slatcher& Pennebaker, 2006
Babyaket al., 2000
Shapiro & Schwartz, 2005
Achor, 2010


Those are not links - perhaps why no one has commented significantly on them.

Can you give an actual link so we can comment on what you are referring to ?

Meanwhile, on topic, our brochure "Was Life Created" give a number of reasons to believe we have a Creator who cares for us - see:

Was Life Created?

Was Life Created?

See the brochure for details and the Bibliography for references.
Some people - like Hollie and sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
Some people - like @Hollie and @sparky - have to lose what they have to appreciate what they have.
you're a joke bing, surly that would not pertain more for you, christianity than anyone here for mentioned.
But I do realize the spirit of God is within me.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What ever you wish to believe is fine. It changes nothing.
Attitude changes everything. In fact, it is happiness which leads to success. Success does not lead to happiness.

Yes it does

I was a lot less happy when I was struggling to get by.
It's called the happiness advantage and it's well documented.

Not buying it.

If you're happy there is no impetus to change.

Contentment leads to laziness.

I don't care how happy you are you can still be poor as shit
Then you are going against science.

psychology isn't really science
Guess you won't be taking advantage of the happiness advantage then. :lol:

No such thing.

I didn't get out the the shit hole inner city I grew up in by being happy about being there

I got out because I hated the place and had no intention of living there and scraping to get by like everyone else.

I didn't get out because I was happy. I got out because I was stubborn and determined
And has absolutely nothing to do with what science has proven concerning the happiness advantage. Which is that performance is 33% improved when one is happy relative to negative, neutral or stressed.

You sure do argue against science a lot. :lol:

It's bullshit so not science.

Nothing that asks people how they feel is scientific.
lol, you haven't even looked into it. You are speaking from a position of ignorance. That's not a very successful behavior.
There is one book on the subject I can find and it belongs right next to other bullshit self help books like Think and Grow Rich

And I have been successful.

I was orphaned and in foster care at 14, an emancipated minor at 17 and by the time i was 30 I owned half a dozen rental properties now I'm 45 with more properties and don't have to work anymore if I don't want to in fact I live on about 40% of my income the rest I invest.

I didn't get where I am because I was "happy" with my situation. I got out because i refused to accept my situation.
I don't need your origin story.

I am more than happy (no pun intended) for you to ignore the science. I'm quite used to you doing that.

Emmons & McCullough, 2003
Slatcher& Pennebaker, 2006
Babyaket al., 2000
Shapiro & Schwartz, 2005
Achor, 2010

Like I said psychology isn't really a science

and you get the same dopamine response via many other mechanisms

So being happy isn't really that big of a deal

So you can easily claim that eating any of the food listed will make you successful because they all increase dopamine levels.

So eat a lot of watermelon and be successful.

Sounds like bullshit doesn't it?
Being happy makes people more successful.
Ding, I bet that has got to be why Democrats and leftards keep losing election after election. They can't even succeed at investigating, indicting or impeaching Donald! I've never seen a less happy bunch than the modern lefty. And we KNOW what they think of religion! :lmao:
There does seem to be a correlation.
and any scientist will tell you correlation does not equal causation
Being happy makes people more successful.
Ding, I bet that has got to be why Democrats and leftards keep losing election after election. They can't even succeed at investigating, indicting or impeaching Donald! I've never seen a less happy bunch than the modern lefty. And we KNOW what they think of religion! :lmao:
There does seem to be a correlation.
and any scientist will tell you correlation does not equal causation
and any scientist will tell you correlation does not equal causation
so true. and -

that's because bing does not rely on the educated for his lackey's to agree with them ... the moron below is a good example -
Ding, I bet that has got to be why Democrats and leftards keep losing election after election. They can't even succeed at investigating, indicting or impeaching Donald! I've never seen a less happy bunch than the modern lefty. And we KNOW what they think of religion!
two peas in a pod. most likely never made past grade school.
It's funny how only the conservative posters here believe in GOD I thought more liberals did.
Well naturally. One would expect the conservatives to cling to ideas from the dark ages

So Only old people with wisdom go to church huh?
That's a ridiculous non sequitur. Very childish. Only old people are conservatives? You say some very stupid stuff.

Just parroting you... You posted that on another thread. Only old people go to church.
It's funny how only the conservative posters here believe in GOD I thought more liberals did.
Well naturally. One would expect the conservatives to cling to ideas from the dark ages

So Only old people with wisdom go to church huh?
That's a ridiculous non sequitur. Very childish. Only old people are conservatives? You say some very stupid stuff.

Just parroting you... You posted that on another thread. Only old people go to church.
Of course i never posted that. Why lie?
That sounds a lot like rhetoric to me. Can you be more specific about what you believe I am ignorant about?
DUDE. I thought you were a pretty smart guy. This Catshit guy is nothing but a total butthole troll. Probably a sock account.

Still resorting to your juvenile attempts at insults and providing more proof of you own inadequacy. Figures and true to form.
You being the ultimate expert in inadequacy. In 130 posts you've yet to ask one complete question or given even one half-baked solid answer. You are a troll's troll.

Someday you may gain comprehension. So far, no evidence of that as shown by your continued trolling.
It's impossible to make sense of an idiot and even harder to troll a sock puppet troll. I know you are a sock for another account here. It is just as though I'm talking to one of the other idiot Tards on this board I know. Your words are his verbatim. I'm sure eventually the Admin will figure out who and can your ass.

That is possibly the stupidest thing that you have claimed, and that is saying something. The major repetitive trolls on this board are you and your twin ding. Two bodies lacking even one brain to share. And you lack the education to even express yourself without profanities. Grow up and go ask your mommy if this is how you should speak to your betters.
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