Do you believe in the virgin birth of Jesus?

Go back and try reading seem to have a problem in this area..:cuckoo:

I'm talking about the whole Liberal and "political" tidbit questions I had. Did you not see them or do I need to reask them?
You never answered my question Shadow.....

What is a "liberal" according to your definition, and why are they such a threat to Christianity?

But........if you're too skeered, I'll understand your wanting to pussy out.

Well,the ones in this thread, and who go around misquoting the bible on purpose are the ones I am talking about at the moment. Let's keep things in context shall we...thanks.
Well,the ones in this thread, and who go around misquoting the bible on purpose are the ones I am talking about at the moment. Let's keep things in context shall we...thanks.

That doesn't make any sense ShadowBoxer, because there are no characteristics to define them as "liberal" or "conservative".

And you have yet to tell us why they are such a threat to Christianity.
No, you are trying to defect from your idiotic points by changing the subject.

If you have been reading, I've been asking you to answer such questions since YOU brought them up more then five posts ago.
Exactly how do you define "liberal" Shadow, and why are they such a threat to Christianity?

Because liberals are typically progressives, and it is their plan to ban all expressions of Christianity and have passages of the bible declared as "hate speech" which will effectively censor all sermons and religious dialogue in the US.

Because liberals think that Christians should not receive the same due process and civil rights as other people.

Because liberals consider Christians to be less intelligent than themselves and believe they should be contained, monitored and controlled via a variety of methods, including limiting family sizes and saying things like "the more children, the less value they have".

Is that enough?
Because liberals are typically progressives, and it is their plan to ban all expressions of Christianity and have passages of the bible declared as "hate speech" which will effectively censor all sermons and religious dialogue in the US.

Because liberals think that Christians should not receive the same due process and civil rights as other people.

Because liberals consider Christians to be less intelligent than themselves and believe they should be contained, monitored and controlled via a variety of methods, including limiting family sizes and saying things like "the more children, the less value they have".

Is that enough?




Three strikes, and you're a dumbass.

You have no evidence to prove none of the three that the majority of Liberals believe such bullshit you spew.



Three strikes, and you're a dumbass.

You have no evidence to prove none of the three that the majority of Liberals believe such bullshit you spew.

You know she makes up stuff that she pretends other people think and then argues against it. Doesn't matter if it has no relationship to anything real.
Christians were the leader Abolitionists....don't forget THAT part! ;)

Christian abolitionism
(Also see Abolitionism#United_States)

Although many abolitionists opposed slavery on purely philosophical reasons, anti-slavery movements attracted strong religious elements. Throughout Europe and the United States, Christians, usually from 'un-institutional' Christian faith movements, not directly connected with traditional state churches, or "non-conformist" believers within established churches, were to be found at the forefront of the abolitionist movements.[18]

In particular, the effects of the Second Great Awakening with freedom of speech were principal causes in many evangelicals working to see the theoretical Christian view, that all people are equal, made a practical reality. Prominent among these in England was Parliamentarian William Wilberforce, who wrote in his diary when he was 28 that “God Almighty has set before me two great objects, the suppression of the Slave Trade and Reformation of Morals.”[19] With others he labored, against much determined opposition, to finally abolish the British slave trade. The famous English preacher Charles Spurgeon had some of his sermons burned in America due to his censure of slavery, calling it "the foulest blot" and which "may have to be washed out in blood."[20] Methodist founder John Wesley denounced human bondage as "the sum of all villainies," and detailed it's abuses.[21] In Georgia, primitive Methodists united with brethren elsewhere in condemning slavery. Many evangelical leaders in the United States such as Presbyterian Charles Finney and Theodore Weld, and women such as Harriet Beecher Stowe (daughter of abolitionist Lyman Beecher) and Sojourner Truth motivated hearers to support abolition. Finney preached salvation from sin and preached slavery as a moral sin, and so supported it's elimination. "I had made up my mind on the question of slavery, and was exceedingly anxious to arouse public attention to the subject. In my prayers and preaching, I so often alluded to slavery, and denounced it.[22] Repentance from slavery was required of souls, once enlightened of the subject, while continued support of the system incurred "the greatest guilt" upon them.[23]

Quakers in particular were early leaders in abolitionism. In 1688 Dutch Quakers in Germantown, Pennsylvania, sent an antislavery petition to the Monthly Meeting of Quakers. By 1727 British Quakers had expressed their official disapproval of the slave trade.[24] Three Quaker abolitionists, Benjamin Lay, John Woolman, and Anthony Benezet, devoted their lives to the abolitionist effort from the 1730s to the 1760s, with Lay founding the Negro School in 1770, which would serve more than 250 pupils.[25] In June of 1783 a petition from the the London Yearly Meeting and signed by over 300 Quakers was presented to Parliament protesting the slave trade.[26] In 1787 the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade was formed, with 9 of the 12 founder members being Quakers.

Though facing much opposition - from violence to the U.S. Postmaster General refusing to allow the mails to carry abolition pamphlets to the South [27][28] - many Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian members freed their slaves and sponsored black congregations, in which many black ministers encouraged slaves to believe that freedom could be gained during their lifetime. After a great revival occurred in 1801 at Cane Ridge, Kentucky, American Methodists made anti-slavery sentiments a condition of church membership.[29] Abolitionist writings, such as "A Condensed Anti-Slavery Bible Argument" (1845) by George Bourne,[30] and "God Against Slavery" (1857) by George B. Cheever,[31] used the Bible, logic and reason extensively in contending against the institution of slavery, and in particular the chattel form of it as seen in the South.

A more radical abolitionist, John Brown, was considered to have been either a martyr or a zealot, depending on one's point of view.

Other Protestant missionaries of the Great Awakening initially opposed slavery in the South, but by the early decades of the 1800's, many Baptist and Methodist preachers in the South had come to an accommodation with it in order to evangelize the farmers and workers. Disagreements between the newer way of thinking and the old often created schisms within denominations at the time. Differences in views toward slavery resulted in the Baptist and Methodist churches dividing into regional associations by the beginning of the Civil War.[32]

[edit] Catholic opposition to slavery
In 1435 Pope Eugene IV condemned slavery, of other Christians, in Sicut Dudum [2].

In 1462 Pope Pius II declared slavery to be a "great crime" (magnum scelus);[33].

In 1537 Pope Paul III condemned it in Sublimus Dei [3];

In 1741 Pope Benedict XIV condemned slavery generally; in 1815 Pope Pius VII demanded of the Congress of Vienna the suppression of the slave trade; in the Bull of Canonization of the Jesuit Peter Claver, one of the most illustrious adversaries of slavery, Pope Pius IX branded the "supreme villainy" (summum nefas) of the slave traders;[33] in 1839 Pope Gregory XVI condemned slavery in In Supremo Apostolatus [4]; and in 1888 Pope Leo XIII in In Plurimis [5].

The Roman Catholic leader of the Irish in Ireland, Daniel O'Connell, supported the abolition of slavery in the British Empire and in America. With the black abolitionist Charles Lenox Remond, and the temperance priest Theobold Mayhew, he organized a petition with 60,000 signatures urging the Irish of the United States to support abolition. O'Connell also spoke in the United States for abolition.

See also The Final Abolition of Slavery in Christian Lands for a full time line.

Every one of those things is true and has been evidenced by the anti-Christian crap spouted on this site by you and people like you every single day.

In fact I'll bet that I can count on at least two to hit this thread in a short period of time just to prove my point with their bigoted and inane ramblings.
Jillian proves my point. As she usually does. Before I even had a chance to post it. How funny....

Stand by for 2....
You know she makes up stuff that she pretends other people think and then argues against it. Doesn't matter if it has no relationship to anything real.

True, it's the only leg she can stand on; her bullshit theories.
Christians were the leader Abolitionists....don't forget THAT part! ;)

Baptists lead in separating state from the church.

Christians also were the ones who went into the prisons (Quaker women, in fact) to stay with children in protest of children being incarcerated with their parent(s).
Baboom...and Modbert closes it.

The rest is just icing on the cake. You dimwits are so predictable.
i am a liberal and so are my parents and my sister and my extended family, and many of my friends as well and we are pushing for no such thing Allie...!
Every one of those things is true and has been evidenced by the anti-Christian crap spouted on this site by you and people like you every single day.

In fact I'll bet that I can count on at least two to hit this thread in a short period of time just to prove my point with their bigoted and inane ramblings.


I don't believe anywhere did I try to ban Christianity or have anything declared as hate speech. Censorship and all forms of it is wrong. People have a right to decide whatever they feel is correct.

I would want my family and myself to receive due process and all the same rights everybody has. I don't see myself or other Christians as second class citizens.

I don't believe Christians are less intelligent, except the batshit insane ones like yourself though I've met plenty of batshit insane Atheists too. I also don't believe in limiting family sizes. However, it shall be quite fun to see the solutions come up for overpopulation in the long run. (Things like Legalized Abortion and Gay Marriage would help. :D)
If you have been reading, I've been asking you to answer such questions since YOU brought them up more then five posts ago.

So why do you pretend to be a christain ,Modbert, and then misquote the Bible, trash christians and anything remotely christian related. Do you think it gives you more street cred? LOL
Because liberals are typically progressives, and it is their plan to ban all expressions of Christianity and have passages of the bible declared as "hate speech" which will effectively censor all sermons and religious dialogue in the US.

Because liberals think that Christians should not receive the same due process and civil rights as other people.

Because liberals consider Christians to be less intelligent than themselves and believe they should be contained, monitored and controlled via a variety of methods, including limiting family sizes and saying things like "the more children, the less value they have".

Is that enough?

First, you should understand the definition of "progressive"....

   /prəˈgrɛsɪv/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pruh-gres-iv] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, esp. in political matters: a progressive mayor.
2. making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocating more enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods, etc.: a progressive community.
3. characterized by such progress, or by continuous improvement.
4. (initial capital letter) of or pertaining to any of the Progressive parties in politics.
5. going forward or onward; passing successively from one member of a series to the next; proceeding step by step.
6. noting or pertaining to a form of taxation in which the rate increases with certain increases in taxable income.
7. of or pertaining to progressive education: progressive schools.
8. Grammar. noting a verb aspect or other verb category that indicates action or state going on at a temporal point of reference.

So......obviously your use of the word "progressive" is wrong.

Can you provide a link where "liberals" and "progressives" have actually done something like what you're claiming? I'm 44 years old, and I've yet to hear someone define the Bible as "hate speech".

As far as censoring the sermons? Well......considering that there were a whole bunch of preachers that were preaching politics from the pulpit, I fail to see where they were "censored".

Liberals DON'T think that everyone should have the same rights? Really? What about equal status for gay unions? The Christians are the ones that are being intolerant there.

I consider myself to be quite a bit more intelligent than the average Christian, because unlike most of them, I understand science and history, and see where these things are referred to in various theologies.

You're the one with the narrow minded bitchy attitude. And the really fucked up thing Allie? You're accusing everyone else of what you do.

No wonder you're divorced.
Baboom...and RS closes it.

The rest is just icing on the cake. You dimwits are so predictable.

You do realize I've been posting on this thread for most of it and much longer then you're batshit insane ass?

Go back to the kids table Allie and let the civilized people have a conversation. Though I guess Shadow you should go with her since you add nothing to the conversation except demanding answers from others while ignoring questions posed to you.

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