Do you believe in the virgin birth of Jesus?

:lol: Quite the comeback. I'm not always defending Liberals and in fact have called Pelosi and Reid clowns. I have called out Liberals when I believe they were wrong.

I also hold Conservative and Libertarian views. Do you hold any Liberal views?

Back to you frenchy.

Riiight. Kinda the way you *Que the sympathetic music* Shovel snow for the church because you are such a good giver of charity. All the while trashing christians behind their on this forum....your preacher and fellow christains would be sooo proud . You speak with forked tongue...and I ain't buying your schtick..
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Yes ..well when you (or any other liberals) decide to stop doing the very thing you supposidely hate...misquoting the bible for your own purposes. Then I will believe you have pure motives. And since you said..."So What" when I called Robert on his lame bs. I'm pretty sure you do not. So quit whining when you are called out on your own hypocracy.

BTW clean up your own act...

Show me a post where I have quoted or misquoted the bible anywhere in this forum.

Address the actual content of posts and get back to the topic. Do you believe in the virgin birth of Jesus?

I do, with certain stipulations. I am not a Bible literalist. I consider the Bible wisdom teachings, but I rarely find anyone interested in discussing the Bible as wisdom teaching.
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Riiight. Kinda the way you *Que the sympathetic music* Shovel snow for the church because you are such a good giver of charity. All the while trashing christians behind ther on this forum....your preacher and fellow chritains would be sooo proud . You speak with forked tongue...and I ain't buing your schtick..

Actually, I did other volunteer work for the Church but feel free to misread my posts.

I'm not trashing my fellow christians, I'm saying the bible isn't always right and has it's flaws. No religion is perfect, Christianity has parts of a dark history just like any other religion that has a God.

My fellow "Chritians" would most likely understand the truth in my words. Meanwhile my preacher would understand how I feel about this. I'm not saying Jesus or God did not exist, I'm simply stating that saying both are perfect is wrong along with what alot of the bible says.

Nowhere does it say you have to believe in every single thing the bible says or you're not a good Christian. Otherwise, anyone who eats shellfish would be a bad christian. I'm simply stating I wouldn't take the Bible as a whole (O.T and N.T) to live by as a moral code but rather believe in charity, goodwill, and peace that Christianity promotes and should promote.

By the way? Great job in actually avoiding my question! Until you actually have the balls to answer to my post instead of going off on a rant, feel free to consider yourself a fool.
:cuckoo: You have issues :cuckoo:

Unless yours is a troll post. In that case, bravo!

How do I have issues?

Hitler himself stated many times he was a Christian as well as several books on Hitler. Also, the actions done by Hitler showed he was a Christian.
Yes ..well when you (or any other liberals) decide to stop doing the very thing you supposidly hate...misquoting the bible for your own purposes. Then I will believe you have pure motives. And since you said..."So What" when I called Robert on his lame bs. I'm pretty sure you do not. So quit whining when you are called out on your own hypocracy.

BTW clean up your own act...

Exactly how do you define "liberal" Shadow, and why are they such a threat to Christianity?
Exactly how do you define "liberal" Shadow, and why are they such a threat to Christianity?

I think he defines Liberal as Atheist.

Careful Biker, you might be called a agent of Satan like I was earlier for saying such things. :lol:
You're confusing Christians with psuedo-christians. It happens in every religion. The Virgin Birth is fundamental to Christian teaching. If someone disagrees with it and calls themselves a Christian, then you know they aren't a Christian. Adolph Hitler called himself a Christian, but obviously that was impossible. I will agree that there are different interpretations of prophecy which is to be expected, but if you read the Bible in the original Greek version for everything else, there is no ambiguity.

Apparently you're not as smart as you thought you were Xsited1.......

Religious beliefs

Main article: Adolf Hitler's religious beliefs

Hitler was raised by Roman Catholic parents, but after he left home, he never attended Mass or received the sacraments.[273] In private Hitler made at least one attack against Catholicism that "resonated Streicher's contention that the Catholic establishment was allying itself with the Jews."[274] However, as Richard Steigmann-Gall points out when explaining the institutional particularities of religion in Nazi Germany, in a country in which the Catholic and the Protestant church are largely financed through a church tax collected by the state, Hitler (like Goebbels) never "actually left his church or refused to pay church taxes. In a nominal sense therefore [he] can be classified as Catholic."[275]

According to some, Hitler had a general plan, even before the rise of the Nazis to power, to destroy Christianity within the Reich.[276][277][278] The leader of the Hitler Youth stated "the destruction of Christianity was explicitly recognized as a purpose of the National Socialist movement" from the start, but "considerations of expedience made it impossible" publicly to express this extreme position.[279]

In public, Hitler often praised Christian heritage, German Christian culture, and professed a belief in an Aryan Jesus Christ, a Jesus who fought against the Jews.[280] In his speeches and publications Hitler spoke of his interpretation of Christianity as a central motivation for his antisemitism, stating that "As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice."[281][282] His private statements, as reported by his intimates, are more mixed, showing Hitler as a religious man but critical of traditional Christianity.[283] However, in contrast to early Nazi ideologues, Hitler did not adhere to esoteric ideas, occultism, or Ariosophy,[283] and ridiculed such beliefs in Mein Kampf.[284][285] Hitler advocated a form of the Christian faith he called "Positive Christianity",[284][286] a belief system purged of what he objected to in orthodox Christianity. Hitler maintained that the "terrorism in religion is, to put it briefly, of a Jewish dogma, which Christianity has universalized and whose effect is to sow trouble and confusion in men's minds."[287]

Hitler, despite his native Catholicism, favored aspects of Protestantism if they were more amenable to his own objectives. At the same time, he adopted some elements of the Catholic Church's hierarchical organization, liturgy and phraseology in his politics.[288][289]

Hitler expressed admiration for the Muslim military tradition and directed Himmler to initiate Muslim SS Divisions as a matter of policy.[290] According to one confidant, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness..."[291]

Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Try again dude......Hitler WAS a Christian, but it was only for the purpose of political expediency.

But then again.....espousing popular beliefs for political expediency is kinda the hallmark of the Christian Coalition also.
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Actually, I did other volunteer work for the Church but feel free to misread my posts.

I'm not trashing my fellow christians, I'm saying the bible isn't always right and has it's flaws. No religion is perfect, Christianity has parts of a dark history just like any other religion that has a God.

My fellow "Chritians" would most likely understand the truth in my words. Meanwhile my preacher would understand how I feel about this. I'm not saying Jesus or God did not exist, I'm simply stating that saying both are perfect is wrong along with what alot of the bible says.

Nowhere does it say you have to believe in every single thing the bible says or you're not a good Christian. Otherwise, anyone who eats shellfish would be a bad christian. I'm simply stating I wouldn't take the Bible as a whole (O.T and N.T) to live by as a moral code but rather believe in charity, goodwill, and peace that Christianity promotes and should promote.

By the way? Great job in actually avoiding my question! Until you actually have the balls to answer to my post instead of going off on a rant, feel free to consider yourself a fool.

Buddy you are no Christian LOL..

BTW In biblical times prior to the death of Christ. Not eating shellfish was one of the ways to keep your body pure to please God. One of the MANY ways to cleanse your sins on the way to salvation,much like animal sacrifice. Once God sacrificed his own son....that was all in the past because he paid the price of salvation for you. Jesus died for your sins. If you actually WERE a christain you would know that...but you keep with this bogus "shellfish" "shellfish" crap.
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Buddy you are no Christian LOL..

BTW In biblical times prior to the death of Christ. Not eating shellfish was one of the ways to keep your body pure to please God. One of the MANY ways to cleanse your sins on the way to salvation,much like animal sacrifice. Once God sacrificed his own son....that wasall in the past because he paid the price of salvation for you. Jesus died for your sins. If you actually WERE a christain you would know that...but you keep with this bogus "shellfish" "shellfish" crap. - Passage Lookup: Leviticus 11

1-12 unless I'm mistaken.

And yes, I know quite well about animal sacrifice as it is in the bible several times.

But again, you continue to ignore my question which only makes you foolish and look like a hypocrite. - Passage*Lookup: Leviticus 11

1-12 unless I'm mistaken.

And yes, I know quite well about animal sacrifice as it is in the bible several times.

But again, you continue to ignore my question which only makes you foolish and look like a hypocrite.

What was that link supposed to prove? That you are misquoting the bible again. LOL.

Yes,dumbo I know that "not eating shellfish" is in the bible...duh...
What was that link supposed to prove? That you are misquoting the bible again. LOL.

Yes,dumbo I know that "not eating shellfish" is in the bible...duh...

That link is suppose to prove my point that the bible says eating shellfish (along with eels and frogs) was considered wrong.

I'm not misquoting the bible, in fact I gave a link to the whole Lev 11 verse to prove I wasn't misquoting it.

And again, you continue to dodge my questions. Why am I not surprised? Though according to you, that'd make you a Liberal by your own definition no? :lol:
Show me a post where I have quoted or misquoted the bible anywhere in this forum.

Address the actual content of posts and get back to the topic. Do you believe in the virgin birth of Jesus?

I do, with certain stipulations. I am not a Bible literalist. I consider the Bible wisdom teachings, but I rarely find anyone interested in discussing the Bible as wisdom teaching.

Please note that the post I quoted was the one in which you said.."So what"...refering to Liberals misquoting the bible for their own purposes.
Buddy you are no Christian LOL..

BTW In biblical times prior to the death of Christ. Not eating shellfish was one of the ways to keep your body pure to please God. One of the MANY ways to cleanse your sins on the way to salvation,much like animal sacrifice. Once God sacrificed his own son....that was all in the past because he paid the price of salvation for you. Jesus died for your sins. If you actually WERE a christain you would know that...but you keep with this bogus "shellfish" "shellfish" crap.

Thats the problem with you religious tools. You put all of your responsibility on jesus. Instead of accepting your wrong doings and trying to make up for it in reality, accepting move it somewhere else. You say "oh jesus died for our sins", great now where does put us? In a state of self denial....a state of limited responibility and self reliance. Now you open the door for thousands upon thousands of crooks to say the same slogan, jesus did not die for anyones sins because people still have to pay the price when they break the law no matter how many hail marys they speak of.....they still have responsibility to accept the life they have been givin within the living world. Constantly mumbling absurd rhetoric about a man that you have never met, dying and rising in a way that you have no proof of, for sins that he had no way of ever knowing, takes away the preciousness of the limited life we have on this earth. It assumes that everything will be okay once I get to heaven which is the foundation for every single martyredom killing for every religion that has ever existed. Meaning, its not okay to do whatever you want and put responsibility on a celestial totalitarian dictatorship to take away all sins, and then just wait for death as you rot in prison....thats NOT okay with me, I would rather it never happen in the first place.
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That link is suppose to prove my point that the bible says eating shellfish (along with eels and frogs) was considered wrong.

I'm not misquoting the bible, in fact I gave a link to the whole Lev 11 verse to prove I wasn't misquoting it.

And again, you continue to dodge my questions. Why am I not surprised? Though according to you, that'd make you a Liberal by your own definition no? :lol:

Are you really this dumb....shellfish addressed several post ago.
Are you really this dumb....shellfish addressed several post ago.

Yes, I saw you post your little tidbit. I'm simply remarking that what you said would be incorrect if we are following the bible.

Eating owls, frogs, eels, shellfish, snakes, and lizards was considered wrong. Simple, nuff said.

Going to continue to ignore my questions, "Liberal"? :lol:
You never answered my question Shadow.....

What is a "liberal" according to your definition, and why are they such a threat to Christianity?

But........if you're too skeered, I'll understand your wanting to pussy out.
You never answered my question Shadow.....

What is a "liberal" according to your definition, and why are they such a threat to Christianity?

But........if you're too skeered, I'll understand your wanting to pussy out.

Hey! Get in line Biker! :lol:

He's too busy dodging my questions to dodge yours only at the moment. :rofl:
Yes, I saw you post your little tidbit. I'm simply remarking that what you said would be incorrect if we are following the bible.

Eating owls, frogs, eels, shellfish, snakes, and lizards was considered wrong. Simple, nuff said.

Going to continue to ignore my questions, "Liberal"? :lol:

Go back and try reading seem to have a problem in this area..:cuckoo:

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