Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
When are women going to be better friends in modern times, and get their girl friends involved.
When cowards like you challenge men, instead of picking on women.
Even worse! You have zero self esteem. Shame on you.

Me? The one everyone on the left calls a narssist, has no self-esteem? LOL that's a good one. Thanks for the hypocritical laugh kido.

Some day you'll grow up I should hope. Allow me to educate you a bit: the idea that as a woman, I should go against what /I/ personally believe simply because some other women allegedly happen to believe differently, is pretty much the exact opposite of self-esteem...
“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature


I’m sorry, that would be ingrained in your mind.

I could see not remembering an exact date, and less so the month, BUT THE YEAR?

This is simple nonsense.

Ever been beaten with a bullwhip? I can assure you that it is something you will remember for the rest of your life, because it happened to me.

I had gotten a bullwhip for either my 6th or 7th birthday, can't remember which, and a week or two later, I was out in the front lawn, practicing making it crack, and I was getting really good, because I made it pop really loud. Well, my stepfather heard me outside making noise, came out, grabbed the whip, and beat me with it on the front lawn of our house. I also remember the welts, and how long they lasted.

But, for the life of me, I can't tell you if it was my 6th or 7th birthday. I do remember it had to be one of those, because that was when my mother was married to my stepfather.
To make the analogy complete, you would have to forget where you were, and both your mother and stepfather would have to deny it ever happened.
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
When are women going to be better friends in modern times, and get their girl friends involved.
When cowards like you challenge men, instead of picking on women.
Even worse! You have zero self esteem. Shame on you.

Me? The one everyone on the left calls a narssist, has no self-esteem? LOL that's a good one. Thanks for the hypocritical laugh kido.

Some day you'll grow up I should hope. Allow me to educate you a bit: the idea that as a woman, I should go against what /I/ personally believe simply because some other women allegedly happen to believe differently, is pretty much the exact opposite of self-esteem...

Don't you just love it when the left thinks they have standing to tell a woman what she should think?
Point to the part of the story that is true.
The truth is yet to be termined... need more info. But from the story that she’s told and the actions she has done it does have enough bite to do some chewing.

OK, what part of the story she can remember?
Ive repeated it like a broken record, if you don’t get it by now then you aren’t going to get it.

You repeated what you want to believe, not what actually happened.
What have I said that is false or controversial?

You repeated her statements that are false and controversial.
Good ole fashioned ribald late high school behaviors.
it was a cool thing despite all the humorless prissies of today having a cow.
We have moved pass the idea that a drunk high school kid may hsve tried to force himself on a high school girl.

The question has become whether Kavanaugh lied. And if he lied under oath, does he get prosecuted for it?

Wow, you sure are getting ahead of yourself. If she lied, is she going to be prosecuted? If not, why not?
Here’s a link to the letter
Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics

And no I’m not trying to ruin a mans life. I’ve said several times that I think Kavanaugh has come off as a good dude so far in the hearings. This accusation is disturbing but it needs to be vetted out on both sides before jumping to conclusions. You don’t seem to want to do that

She stated that she wanted to testify. She has been offered a time and a date for her to testify, under oath, before Congress. Now she's back peddling. Why?
It’s not surprising that she doesnt remember the location. Y’all sound desperate everytime you bring up that point.
Is it surprising that she doesn't remember the fucking YEAR that it happened? Your are one dumb SOB.
Really? Summer 1982 when she was 15... you didn’t get the memo?
Please provide your proof... Even her therapist was unable to ascertain this information... All she could narrow it to was a three year period.
We have moved pass the idea that a drunk high school kid may hsve tried to force himself on a high school girl.

The question has become whether Kavanaugh lied. And if he lied under oath, does he get prosecuted for it?

Wow, you sure are getting ahead of yourself. If she lied, is she going to be prosecuted? If not, why not?
Ford passed the line into slander a long time ago. The letter she wrote to Finestien is evidence of slander in writing. I'm betting this bimbo doesn't testify in an effort to keep from being sued and held civilly liable for slander.
“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature


I’m sorry, that would be ingrained in your mind.

I could see not remembering an exact date, and less so the month, BUT THE YEAR?

This is simple nonsense.
Summer of 1982 genius. Pay better attention

“Believed it to be the summer of 1982”

We need no more of your idiocy.
Yeah, that’s the line from the article. What’s your point?
The truth is yet to be termined... need more info. But from the story that she’s told and the actions she has done it does have enough bite to do some chewing.

OK, what part of the story she can remember?
Ive repeated it like a broken record, if you don’t get it by now then you aren’t going to get it.

You repeated what you want to believe, not what actually happened.
What have I said that is false or controversial?

You repeated her statements that are false and controversial.
For example?
Here’s a link to the letter
Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics

And no I’m not trying to ruin a mans life. I’ve said several times that I think Kavanaugh has come off as a good dude so far in the hearings. This accusation is disturbing but it needs to be vetted out on both sides before jumping to conclusions. You don’t seem to want to do that

She stated that she wanted to testify. She has been offered a time and a date for her to testify, under oath, before Congress. Now she's back peddling. Why?
Because her lawyers are negotiating conditions. Didn’t Trump say he wanted to sit down with Mueller? Why hasn’t that happened yet?
It’s not surprising that she doesnt remember the location. Y’all sound desperate everytime you bring up that point.
Is it surprising that she doesn't remember the fucking YEAR that it happened? Your are one dumb SOB.
Really? Summer 1982 when she was 15... you didn’t get the memo?
Please provide your proof... Even her therapist was unable to ascertain this information... All she could narrow it to was a three year period.
I don’t have proof, I haven’t spoken to her or even heard her speak. I’ve read an article written by a reporter and a letter the accuser wrote to a congress woman. So there isn’t enough information to say for sure what she knows and doesn’t know. The article says she was 15 it was summer at the end of her sophomore year in 1982. That’s all I’ve seen so far. You all who try and discredit her for not knowing the year are full of shit with that talking point.
It’s not surprising that she doesnt remember the location. Y’all sound desperate everytime you bring up that point.
Is it surprising that she doesn't remember the fucking YEAR that it happened? Your are one dumb SOB.
Really? Summer 1982 when she was 15... you didn’t get the memo?
Please provide your proof... Even her therapist was unable to ascertain this information... All she could narrow it to was a three year period.
I don’t have proof, I haven’t spoken to her or even heard her speak. I’ve read an article written by a reporter and a letter the accuser wrote to a congress woman. So there isn’t enough information to say for sure what she knows and doesn’t know. The article says she was 15 it was summer at the end of her sophomore year in 1982. That’s all I’ve seen so far. You all who try and discredit her for not knowing the year are full of shit with that talking point.
Your an idiot. I investigated crimes for many years and this woman hasn't a leg to stand on.

You keep repeating conjecture in the hopes that it will take hold and people will believe your bull shit.. My training and experience tell me this woman is a liar. Take your bull shit elsewhere..
Really? Summer 1982 when she was 15... you didn’t get the memo?

Summer of 1982? How then was it spread all around school that week? She doesn't remember when, where, how she got there, who all was there, or how she got home.
So what’s your point?
I don’t think you have enough info to qualify what she remembers and doesn’t remember about the incidient. But let’s suppose that she is foggy on all those details you listed. Does that mean you think it proves she is lying?

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