Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
It’s not surprising that she doesnt remember the location. Y’all sound desperate everytime you bring up that point.
Is it surprising that she doesn't remember the fucking YEAR that it happened? Your are one dumb SOB.
Really? Summer 1982 when she was 15... you didn’t get the memo?
Please provide your proof... Even her therapist was unable to ascertain this information... All she could narrow it to was a three year period.
I don’t have proof, I haven’t spoken to her or even heard her speak. I’ve read an article written by a reporter and a letter the accuser wrote to a congress woman. So there isn’t enough information to say for sure what she knows and doesn’t know. The article says she was 15 it was summer at the end of her sophomore year in 1982. That’s all I’ve seen so far. You all who try and discredit her for not knowing the year are full of shit with that talking point.
Your an idiot. I investigated crimes for many years and this woman hasn't a leg to stand on.

You keep repeating conjecture in the hopes that it will take hold and people will believe your bull shit.. My training and experience tell me this woman is a liar. Take your bull shit elsewhere..
Ok Mr Investigator. Let’s go off your conclusion that she is lying. Humor me and answer 3 simple questions.

1. If she was making up this accusation, why would she implicate Kav and his friend Judge and not just the guy she was going after? Adding the extra person only makes the lie tougher to make stick
Really? Summer 1982 when she was 15... you didn’t get the memo?

Summer of 1982? How then was it spread all around school that week? She doesn't remember when, where, how she got there, who all was there, or how she got home.
So what’s your point?
I don’t think you have enough info to qualify what she remembers and doesn’t remember about the incidient. But let’s suppose that she is foggy on all those details you listed. Does that mean you think it proves she is lying?
Your going to hurt yourself... Stop while your behind..

Ive been dealing in behavioral analysis for many years... She is not credible on any level.
Really? Summer 1982 when she was 15... you didn’t get the memo?

Summer of 1982? How then was it spread all around school that week? She doesn't remember when, where, how she got there, who all was there, or how she got home.
So what’s your point?
I don’t think you have enough info to qualify what she remembers and doesn’t remember about the incidient. But let’s suppose that she is foggy on all those details you listed. Does that mean you think it proves she is lying?
Your going to hurt yourself... Stop while your behind..

Ive been dealing in behavioral analysis for many years... She is not credible on any level.
Great then answer 3 simple questions. I posted one above and I’ll post the others once you answer
Is it surprising that she doesn't remember the fucking YEAR that it happened? Your are one dumb SOB.
Really? Summer 1982 when she was 15... you didn’t get the memo?
Please provide your proof... Even her therapist was unable to ascertain this information... All she could narrow it to was a three year period.
I don’t have proof, I haven’t spoken to her or even heard her speak. I’ve read an article written by a reporter and a letter the accuser wrote to a congress woman. So there isn’t enough information to say for sure what she knows and doesn’t know. The article says she was 15 it was summer at the end of her sophomore year in 1982. That’s all I’ve seen so far. You all who try and discredit her for not knowing the year are full of shit with that talking point.
Your an idiot. I investigated crimes for many years and this woman hasn't a leg to stand on.

You keep repeating conjecture in the hopes that it will take hold and people will believe your bull shit.. My training and experience tell me this woman is a liar. Take your bull shit elsewhere..
Ok Mr Investigator. Let’s go off your conclusion that she is lying. Humor me and answer 3 simple questions.

1. If she was making up this accusation, why would she implicate Kav and his friend Judge and not just the guy she was going after? Adding the extra person only makes the lie tougher to make stick
Funny how Mr Investigator runs for the hills once the questions get tough. What a joke
Really? Summer 1982 when she was 15... you didn’t get the memo?
Please provide your proof... Even her therapist was unable to ascertain this information... All she could narrow it to was a three year period.
I don’t have proof, I haven’t spoken to her or even heard her speak. I’ve read an article written by a reporter and a letter the accuser wrote to a congress woman. So there isn’t enough information to say for sure what she knows and doesn’t know. The article says she was 15 it was summer at the end of her sophomore year in 1982. That’s all I’ve seen so far. You all who try and discredit her for not knowing the year are full of shit with that talking point.
Your an idiot. I investigated crimes for many years and this woman hasn't a leg to stand on.

You keep repeating conjecture in the hopes that it will take hold and people will believe your bull shit.. My training and experience tell me this woman is a liar. Take your bull shit elsewhere..
Ok Mr Investigator. Let’s go off your conclusion that she is lying. Humor me and answer 3 simple questions.

1. If she was making up this accusation, why would she implicate Kav and his friend Judge and not just the guy she was going after? Adding the extra person only makes the lie tougher to make stick
Funny how Mr Investigator runs for the hills once the questions get tough. What a joke
You keep demanding people speculate about her motives.
What’s the point? It isn’t necessary since she can provide absolutely no evidence to back up her allegations. You are the joke here!
And no I’m not trying to ruin a mans life.
No, you're not TRYING to ruin it, you're just WILLING to ruin it if it achieves your goal of denying Trump his SC appointment. You should be ashamed of yourself for having such little integrity.
“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature
You're grasping at straws. Get real.
Please provide your proof... Even her therapist was unable to ascertain this information... All she could narrow it to was a three year period.
I don’t have proof, I haven’t spoken to her or even heard her speak. I’ve read an article written by a reporter and a letter the accuser wrote to a congress woman. So there isn’t enough information to say for sure what she knows and doesn’t know. The article says she was 15 it was summer at the end of her sophomore year in 1982. That’s all I’ve seen so far. You all who try and discredit her for not knowing the year are full of shit with that talking point.
Your an idiot. I investigated crimes for many years and this woman hasn't a leg to stand on.

You keep repeating conjecture in the hopes that it will take hold and people will believe your bull shit.. My training and experience tell me this woman is a liar. Take your bull shit elsewhere..
Ok Mr Investigator. Let’s go off your conclusion that she is lying. Humor me and answer 3 simple questions.

1. If she was making up this accusation, why would she implicate Kav and his friend Judge and not just the guy she was going after? Adding the extra person only makes the lie tougher to make stick
Funny how Mr Investigator runs for the hills once the questions get tough. What a joke
You keep demanding people speculate about her motives.
What’s the point? It isn’t necessary since she can provide absolutely no evidence to back up her allegations. You are the joke here!
At this point we are all speculating so why can’t you just answer the question? Give it your best speculation and show us how it makes sense
And no I’m not trying to ruin a mans life.
No, you're not TRYING to ruin it, you're just WILLING to ruin it if it achieves your goal of denying Trump his SC appointment. You should be ashamed of yourself for having such little integrity.
You’re not paying attention and you are assigning me motives that I don’t have. I don’t hate Trump or Kavanaugh. I’m pretty neutral on his nomination. He has seemed smart and capable so far.
“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature
You're grasping at straws. Get real.
Saying your judgements are premature is grasping at straws?! Ok buddy!
And no I’m not trying to ruin a mans life.
No, you're not TRYING to ruin it, you're just WILLING to ruin it if it achieves your goal of denying Trump his SC appointment. You should be ashamed of yourself for having such little integrity.
You’re not paying attention and you are assigning me motives that I don’t have. I don’t hate Trump or Kavanaugh. I’m pretty neutral on his nomination. He has seemed smart and capable so far.
Bullshit, you're bending over backward, forward, every direction to rationalize her inconsistencies and you've got Kavanaugh tried, convicted, and sentenced before anyone has even seen the accuser, let alone asked her any questions. You're content to see his life ruined based on an extremely flimsy allegation. As for you not being a Trump hater, please post something positive you've said about him.
“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature
You're grasping at straws. Get real.
Saying your judgements are premature is grasping at straws?! Ok buddy!
No, THIS is grasping at straws:

"She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching".
And no I’m not trying to ruin a mans life.
No, you're not TRYING to ruin it, you're just WILLING to ruin it if it achieves your goal of denying Trump his SC appointment. You should be ashamed of yourself for having such little integrity.
You’re not paying attention and you are assigning me motives that I don’t have. I don’t hate Trump or Kavanaugh. I’m pretty neutral on his nomination. He has seemed smart and capable so far.
Bullshit, you're bending over backward, forward, every direction to rationalize her inconsistencies and you've got Kavanaugh tried, convicted, and sentenced before anyone has even seen the accuser, let alone asked her any questions. You're content to see his life ruined based on an extremely flimsy allegation. As for you not being a Trump hater, please post something positive you've said about him.
Listen man, you sound like a complete dipshit when you try to describe my feelings back to me. It makes me laugh at how off base you are. Plus It highlights what is already noticeable about your weak style of debate. You make incorrect assumptions about those you disagree with and then distort their positions with your inaccurate regurgitations. It would do you some good to shut your mouth and open your ears.
“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature
You're grasping at straws. Get real.
Saying your judgements are premature is grasping at straws?! Ok buddy!
No, THIS is grasping at straws:

"She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching".
Haha, ok. We are all speculating here and my point has always been that we need more information to draw a fair conclusion. There are tons of possibilities to explain several scenarios, call them straws if you want, I don’t care. The fact remains none of us have enough intel to know which straws are real at this point.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?
Anita Hillwas brought in at the last minute to lie and so was this bitch. Its the MO of the Left. She can't discuss the particulars because it didn't happen.
We have moved pass the idea that a drunk high school kid may hsve tried to force himself on a high school girl.

The question has become whether Kavanaugh lied. And if he lied under oath, does he get prosecuted for it?

Wow, you sure are getting ahead of yourself. If she lied, is she going to be prosecuted? If not, why not?
Ford passed the line into slander a long time ago. The letter she wrote to Finestien is evidence of slander in writing. I'm betting this bimbo doesn't testify in an effort to keep from being sued and held civilly liable for slander.
So, Kavanaugh can prove he didn't do it?

If there isno proof, is everything legal?
We have moved pass the idea that a drunk high school kid may hsve tried to force himself on a high school girl.

The question has become whether Kavanaugh lied. And if he lied under oath, does he get prosecuted for it?

Wow, you sure are getting ahead of yourself. If she lied, is she going to be prosecuted? If not, why not?
Ford passed the line into slander a long time ago. The letter she wrote to Finestien is evidence of slander in writing. I'm betting this bimbo doesn't testify in an effort to keep from being sued and held civilly liable for slander.
So, Kavanaugh can prove he didn't do it?

If there isno proof, is everything legal?

She has made the allegation and has done so with no proof and her story is full of holes

You don't ruin people's lives like this.

What dont you assholes get about that? When this happens it's not democracy it's mob rule and a travesty of justice

Just stop
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature


I’m sorry, that would be ingrained in your mind.

I could see not remembering an exact date, and less so the month, BUT THE YEAR?

This is simple nonsense.
Summer of 1982 genius. Pay better attention

“Believed it to be the summer of 1982”

We need no more of your idiocy.
Yeah, that’s the line from the article. What’s your point?

That she can’t remember the year dingbat.

Spelled it out for you AGAIN. But you will make the same idiotic statement again, won’t you?
We have moved pass the idea that a drunk high school kid may hsve tried to force himself on a high school girl.

The question has become whether Kavanaugh lied. And if he lied under oath, does he get prosecuted for it?

Wow, you sure are getting ahead of yourself. If she lied, is she going to be prosecuted? If not, why not?
Ford passed the line into slander a long time ago. The letter she wrote to Finestien is evidence of slander in writing. I'm betting this bimbo doesn't testify in an effort to keep from being sued and held civilly liable for slander.
So, Kavanaugh can prove he didn't do it?

If there isno proof, is everything legal?

Proving something never happened, without a place or time in nearly impossible.

That is exactly why we use the concept of innocent until PROVEN guilty.

But it does show your love of Nazi ideology quit clearly.
We have moved pass the idea that a drunk high school kid may hsve tried to force himself on a high school girl.

The question has become whether Kavanaugh lied. And if he lied under oath, does he get prosecuted for it?

Wow, you sure are getting ahead of yourself. If she lied, is she going to be prosecuted? If not, why not?
Ford passed the line into slander a long time ago. The letter she wrote to Finestien is evidence of slander in writing. I'm betting this bimbo doesn't testify in an effort to keep from being sued and held civilly liable for slander.
So, Kavanaugh can prove he didn't do it?

If there isno proof, is everything legal?
Your a fucking moron...

In the US the ACCUSER is the one who must prove guilt of the accused. That is why US jurisprudence affords the accused the status of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

Fords attorney's are using socialist and Nazi state tactics in order to turn it on its head..

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