Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
When are women going to be better friends in modern times, and get their girl friends involved.

As I hear it the accuser isn't exactly someone other people "like" so... ~shrug~
Which has what to do with the price of apples?
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
When are women going to be better friends in modern times, and get their girl friends involved.

As I hear it the accuser isn't exactly someone other people "like" so... ~shrug~
"Taking it for the team", can be a positive Thing, chics. Besides, any girl friend who has been complaining about not getting enough, should be a better friend, in deed.
The evil of cowards like you, is how we got here in the first place. Carry on.
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
I heard cowards invent stories too. Oops, that would be you right?
Really? Summer 1982 when she was 15... you didn’t get the memo?
Google “Christine Blasey Ford 1982” you’ll get plenty
She didn't know the year at first. If she knows it now, that makes her even less credible. Inconsistency erodes credibility.
How do you know any of that? Did you talk to her?

You’re getting that narrative from the right wing media who took the line a reporter wrote...

“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“

And twisted it into saying she didn’t remember the year. I think because the word “believes” was in there. Do you have another source?...
If she said "I believe it happened in 1982", that means she isn't sure, which means she doesn't know. If she was sure, she would have said "It happened in 1982".

How the hell could you not be sure?

That literally makes no sense?
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
I heard cowards invent stories too. Oops, that would be you right?

hmmm I think your "assumption" fails because I cannot feel "fear" so I have nothing to be "coward" about. I'm just relaying the shit I've read on the web/news/IDW.

Like I said, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. Not exactly the actions of a "coward" - I say let her have her time to say what's up.
“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature


I’m sorry, that would be ingrained in your mind.

I could see not remembering an exact date, and less so the month, BUT THE YEAR?

This is simple nonsense.
“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature


I’m sorry, that would be ingrained in your mind.

I could see not remembering an exact date, and less so the month, BUT THE YEAR?

This is simple nonsense.

Ever been beaten with a bullwhip? I can assure you that it is something you will remember for the rest of your life, because it happened to me.

I had gotten a bullwhip for either my 6th or 7th birthday, can't remember which, and a week or two later, I was out in the front lawn, practicing making it crack, and I was getting really good, because I made it pop really loud. Well, my stepfather heard me outside making noise, came out, grabbed the whip, and beat me with it on the front lawn of our house. I also remember the welts, and how long they lasted.

But, for the life of me, I can't tell you if it was my 6th or 7th birthday. I do remember it had to be one of those, because that was when my mother was married to my stepfather.
I expect my next, Horrible Boss, to insist I really do need the practice and that it really is, for my own Good.
You are exhibit A as to why there exist investigations. Thanks for the reminder.
Good employees, help work toward the bottom line.

Bad employees don't.
And your "good employees" are just evil and they are cowards. Again, you are the best example for the "why".
on what moral basis do you make that Judgement?

Good employees, help out.
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
When are women going to be better friends in modern times, and get their girl friends involved.

As I hear it the accuser isn't exactly someone other people "like" so... ~shrug~
"Taking it for the team", can be a positive Thing, chics. Besides, any girl friend who has been complaining about not getting enough, should be a better friend, in deed.
The evil of cowards like you, is how we got here in the first place. Carry on.
don't know what you mean; i voted blue, not red.
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
I heard cowards invent stories too. Oops, that would be you right?
You seem to be "inventing moral stories".
6 or 7..... and a beating by someone who beat you many times is far different than a one time sexual assault when you are 15.

Actually, the regular beatings kinda all blur together, and I can't tell you when most of them happened, because they were so often. But, being beat with the bullwhip? One of the more horrifying things I went through, and he broke my nose, TWICE.
“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature


I’m sorry, that would be ingrained in your mind.

I could see not remembering an exact date, and less so the month, BUT THE YEAR?

This is simple nonsense.
Summer of 1982 genius. Pay better attention
“She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.“
Why does she have to guess what year it was? Doesn't she remember what year she was a sophomore? Or is she saying she 'thinks' she was a sophomore? This is a manufactured story.
She was talking to a reporter about a personal event. Who the hell knows, nerves, being flustered, a hundred different reason to explain the sentence. My point is you are stretching. I’m not saying we need to believe it all on blind faith but I’m am saying that your judgements are premature


I’m sorry, that would be ingrained in your mind.

I could see not remembering an exact date, and less so the month, BUT THE YEAR?

This is simple nonsense.
Summer of 1982 genius. Pay better attention

“Believed it to be the summer of 1982”

We need no more of your idiocy.
6 or 7..... and a beating by someone who beat you many times is far different than a one time sexual assault when you are 15.

Actually, the regular beatings kinda all blur together, and I can't tell you when most of them happened, because they were so often. But, being beat with the bullwhip? One of the more horrifying things I went through, and he broke my nose, TWICE.

Yet not knowing at 6 or 7 is far different than 15
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
When are women going to be better friends in modern times, and get their girl friends involved.
When cowards like you challenge men, instead of picking on women.
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
When are women going to be better friends in modern times, and get their girl friends involved.
When cowards like you challenge men, instead of picking on women.

...You do realize I'm a woman right?
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
When are women going to be better friends in modern times, and get their girl friends involved.

As I hear it the accuser isn't exactly someone other people "like" so... ~shrug~
"Taking it for the team", can be a positive Thing, chics. Besides, any girl friend who has been complaining about not getting enough, should be a better friend, in deed.
You must be a real pussy in the real world, to be such a hot shot on this forum and pick on women?
I thought she told her therapist that she was a late teen and there were four boys in the room... Oh wait, no the professional therapist "wrote it down wrong"? So it's her and her husbands word against two guys + her therapist? Hell, I've even heard there were /two/ therapists who "wrote it down wrong"?

First things first, get her ass in a chair under oath so she can get her story straight. THEN we can start to think about how "credible" this thing is.
When are women going to be better friends in modern times, and get their girl friends involved.
When cowards like you challenge men, instead of picking on women.
Even worse! You have zero self esteem. Shame on you.
I expect my next, Horrible Boss, to insist I really do need the practice and that it really is, for my own Good.
You are exhibit A as to why there exist investigations. Thanks for the reminder.
Good employees, help work toward the bottom line.

Bad employees don't.
And your "good employees" are just evil and they are cowards. Again, you are the best example for the "why".
on what moral basis do you make that Judgement?

Good employees, help out.
You are one sick, evil, cowardly, fuck.

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