Do YOU believe KUFU built the greatest architectural spectacles of human history or do you believe he inherited them?

It's problematic to underestimate the capabilities of our ancient forebearers. They accomplished some pretty amazing stuff in their time. More amazing because they were blazing trails without the benefit of knowledge we already possess.

An ancient ruler, with all the resources of his kingdom, and a nearly unlimited supply of labor and wealth could, if he wanted, accomplish some pretty amazing things.

One of my favorite examples is that of Eratosthenes who, in 250BCE, was able to measure the circumference of the round earth, to a high degree of accuracy (he was off by 7,000 miles out of 24,900 miles) using nothing but sticks to measure shadows, distance measurements paced out on foot, and his own brain.

Or the Eupalinian tunnel on Samos in the Greek Islands. 600 years BCE a tunnel was built over a kilometer in length that started from two separate sides of the island and met in the middle, only a few feet off of perfect alignment.
A few really smart people with lot of people to boss around can accomplish some really amazing things.
I have laundry...

Just sayin
I work with the HARDEST stones on earth regularly. I do it with power tools. And my skill pales in comparison and not to toot my own horn but I'm pretty good.
Their shit is on another level. And egyptologists want me to believe it was done with a copper chisel and rock/wooden hammer???

Sorry but GTFO
Not just Egypt. Ancient Mexico has incredible pyramids and cities that still stand nearly intact. How did multiple civilizations develop this level of stonework and construction capability thousands of years ago? And what happened after those civilizations vanished? Was there a worldwide plague that dropped human IQ by 50 points? The current inhabitants of those countries can barely raise a mud hut by themselves.
I work with the HARDEST stones on earth regularly. I do it with power tools. And my skill pales in comparison and not to toot my own horn but I'm pretty good.
Their shit is on another level. And egyptologists want me to believe it was done with a copper chisel and rock/wooden hammer???

Sorry but GTFO
Not just Egypt. Ancient Mexico has incredible pyramids and cities that still stand nearly intact. How did multiple civilizations develop this level of stonework and construction capability thousands of years ago? And what happened after those civilizations vanished? Was there a worldwide plague that dropped human IQ by 50 points? The current inhabitants of those countries can barely raise a mud hut by themselves.
I agree with OP. It makes no sense to me that people supposedly with such limited technology in use in their own lives just up and built massive pyramids, Stonehenge, the monoliths at Gobekli Tepe. It also seems pretty strange that homosapiens have existed for 200,000 years and never got their shit together until 6,000 years ago. I think that's the only ones we know of. There were others that were destroyed, and the survivors held onto some knowledge, carefully handing it down to the wisest among them, until the time and opportunity came to use some of that old knowledge and build a great work.

Gobekli Tepe is pushing the dates back, and probably there will be more. I think Atlantis was a thing.
I agree with OP. It makes no sense to me that people supposedly with such limited technology in use in their own lives just up and built massive pyramids, Stonehenge, the monoliths at Gobekli Tepe. It also seems pretty strange that homosapiens have existed for 200,000 years and never got their shit together until 6,000 years ago. I think that's the only ones we know of. There were others that were destroyed, and the survivors held onto some knowledge, carefully handing it down to the wisest among them, until the time and opportunity came to use some of that old knowledge and build a great work.

Gobekli Tepe is pushing the dates back, and probably there will be more. I think Atlantis was a thing.
Atlantis was on the east coast of Africa.


Look at the water erosion on the enclosure then compare it to the lack of erosion on "his" pyramid which was supposedly built under his reign.

Personally I believe the Egyptians inherited the great works they claim as their own.

I believe most of the Plateau was built pre Younger Dryas

The Sahara Desert was lush rainforest with rivers running through....with enough resources to do some major digging, who knows what we'd find.

Doesn't fit the biblical timeline so they've probably tried to conceal any 'interesting ' finds the Vatican maybe.
I agree with OP. It makes no sense to me that people supposedly with such limited technology in use in their own lives just up and built massive pyramids, Stonehenge, the monoliths at Gobekli Tepe. It also seems pretty strange that homosapiens have existed for 200,000 years and never got their shit together until 6,000 years ago. I think that's the only ones we know of. There were others that were destroyed, and the survivors held onto some knowledge, carefully handing it down to the wisest among them, until the time and opportunity came to use some of that old knowledge and build a great work.

Gobekli Tepe is pushing the dates back, and probably there will be more. I think Atlantis was a thing.
Atlantis was on the east coast of Africa.

I heard it was on the Spanish coast--they've even found the circular canals around it. But we're in the same neighborhood, outside the Pillars of Hercules. Could be.
Personally I believe the Egyptians inherited the great works they claim as their own.

From whom?
Asclepias and Daryl Hunt.
Them two stupid fucks couldn't build a pyramid with Legos and directions
But they were flying jet-powered hovercraft around the pyramids as they oversaw construction.
I'm being serious
So am I. Those knuckleheads think west Africans were advanced well beyond the Egyptians of that era.
This thread isn't about west Africa. Not sure why we're going there.
Just having fun at the expense of a couple of black supremacist members.
Personally I believe the Egyptians inherited the great works they claim as their own.

From whom?
Asclepias and Daryl Hunt.
Them two stupid fucks couldn't build a pyramid with Legos and directions
But they were flying jet-powered hovercraft around the pyramids as they oversaw construction.
I'm being serious
So am I. Those knuckleheads think west Africans were advanced well beyond the Egyptians of that era.
This thread isn't about west Africa. Not sure why we're going there.
Just having fun at the expense of a couple of black supremacist members.
So they live in your brain and you can't control it
Personally I believe the Egyptians inherited the great works they claim as their own.

From whom?
Asclepias and Daryl Hunt.
Them two stupid fucks couldn't build a pyramid with Legos and directions
But they were flying jet-powered hovercraft around the pyramids as they oversaw construction.
I'm being serious
So am I. Those knuckleheads think west Africans were advanced well beyond the Egyptians of that era.
This thread isn't about west Africa. Not sure why we're going there.
Just having fun at the expense of a couple of black supremacist members.
So they live in your brain and you can't control it
Lighten up, Francis.
Personally I believe the Egyptians inherited the great works they claim as their own.

From whom?
Asclepias and Daryl Hunt.
Them two stupid fucks couldn't build a pyramid with Legos and directions
But they were flying jet-powered hovercraft around the pyramids as they oversaw construction.
I'm being serious
So am I. Those knuckleheads think west Africans were advanced well beyond the Egyptians of that era.
This thread isn't about west Africa. Not sure why we're going there.
Just having fun at the expense of a couple of black supremacist members.
So they live in your brain and you can't control it
Lighten up, Francis.
You can't get any lighter than me "Francis"

If they live in your head and owe you rent deal with it.

No motherfucker on this board gets that kind of attention from me.
This interview was pulled, either by Google, or project Camelot, not sure which, twelve years ago. It was just re-uploaded by YouTube, and re-posted.

Anyone that has an interest in Atlantis? This is a must see interview.

The massive limestone foundation stones at Baalbek also show signs of water erosion. The Roman constructions are near pristine in comparison.

Puma Pukku is another site where an ancient, unknown culture carved hard stones with impunity

Modern accepted version of history is a lie

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