Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

The earth is already over-populated, a problem that was foreseen as early as the 1960s or before. Funny, it has been the "conservatives" all along who didn't want anyone to talk about or to put any policies in place to avert it.

It's hilarious to read the comments by the "conservatives" who now want to curb population growth, but who are anti-birth control and anti-choice, and justify discrimination against LGBTs because they can't reproduce naturally on other threads.

The earth isn't even close to being overpopulated.........and your solution for this problem that doesn't exist.....kill brown people in 3rd world countries.......that is all you socialists ever have....

This is a ridiculous response. We've been hearing about the growing overpopulation problem for decades. ....
Just like we heard about the coming of the next ice age for decades. We heard all the airplanes would fall from the skies on 1/1/2000. We heard there would never be another war after WW1. We heard that sickness is caused by miasma. We heard that the earth is the center of the solar system.
Any population that experiences the exponential growth such as been displayed by our race always undergoes a rapid die-off. Biology is non-ideological and doesn't lie. We can learn and prepare in order to avoid the worst or slam into the wall.
Some could call that a choice.
Any population that experiences the exponential growth such as been displayed by our race always undergoes a rapid die-off. .
Our race has been growing exponentially since 9500 BC. Not such a rapid die-off.
Mid-14th century brought quite a change.

Wow.......yes.....leeches are not the best medicine.......failing to see that the population has grown...and yet we still aren't overpopulated, not even close.
The earth is already over-populated, a problem that was foreseen as early as the 1960s or before. Funny, it has been the "conservatives" all along who didn't want anyone to talk about or to put any policies in place to avert it.

It's hilarious to read the comments by the "conservatives" who now want to curb population growth, but who are anti-birth control and anti-choice, and justify discrimination against LGBTs because they can't reproduce naturally on other threads.

The earth isn't even close to being overpopulated.........and your solution for this problem that doesn't exist.....kill brown people in 3rd world countries.......that is all you socialists ever have....

This is a ridiculous response. We've been hearing about the growing overpopulation problem for decades. Your assertion that anyone, including myself, wants to "kill brown people in 3rd world countries" or has ever contemplated aggression toward such people is totally absurd. I've never heard of anyone even proposing such a thing.

Your gibberish about "socialists" is a further indication of your distance from reality. Stop being a moron. morons have been Chicken Little for the population of Japan and Europe declines.....and of course you want to kill 3rd world want abortion in those keep their populations down.......

Many factors are at play. In Japan, they don't want foreigners but have negative cultural customs that result in people becoming wary of entering into marriage. In Europe, migration is a large factor.

Your assertion that anyone wants to kill 3rd world people is total trash. Your assertion that I "want abortion in those countries" is true, but only as one of many options to be available to the people in those countries.

You always avoid the fact that people are perfectly capable of making their own personal decisions without being forced one way or the other. People know what conditions they live under. Most people would rather avoid an unwanted pregnancy rather than undergo an abortion. Would you chose surgery over a pill? Give people access to choices and let them do as they are pleased to.

I once had a neighbor from Honduras, who said that her large family slept eight in a room, curtained off with blankets. She told be that she was grateful to be here and pleased that she was able to stop at two kids, which was all she wanted.
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The population has doubled two times since the end of WWII. Certainly, at current levels of resource use, it cannot double again.
There is no reason to debate too fervently, for we will soon see. It is just too bad that we don't do things better.
The population has doubled two times since the end of WWII. Certainly, at current levels of resource use, it cannot double again.
There is no reason to debate too fervently, for we will soon see. It is just too bad that we don't do things better.

Yes......according to "The Population Bomb," we should be fighting over food in the streets of New York right'll see you in about 100 years.....when we still won't be over populated...
The population has doubled two times since the end of WWII. Certainly, at current levels of resource use, it cannot double again.
There is no reason to debate too fervently, for we will soon see. It is just too bad that we don't do things better.
Yes......according to "The Population Bomb," we should be fighting over food in the streets of New York right'll see you in about 100 years.....when we still won't be over populated...
The “Population Bomb” was an excellent warning. Yes, we (Earth) have been able to absorb the increasing human population, but there is an eventual “diminishing return” on that, depending on where you live.
Urban areas have seen growth beyond comfort levels of many people, and i’d prefer that trend to reverse, since i am negatively impacted by that.
The earth is already over-populated, a problem that was foreseen as early as the 1960s or before. Funny, it has been the "conservatives" all along who didn't want anyone to talk about or to put any policies in place to avert it.

It's hilarious to read the comments by the "conservatives" who now want to curb population growth, but who are anti-birth control and anti-choice, and justify discrimination against LGBTs because they can't reproduce naturally on other threads.
The earth isn't even close to being overpopulated.........and your solution for this problem that doesn't exist.....kill brown people in 3rd world countries.......that is all you socialists ever have....
This is a ridiculous response. We've been hearing about the growing overpopulation problem for decades. ....
Just like we heard about the coming of the next ice age for decades. We heard all the airplanes would fall from the skies on 1/1/2000. We heard there would never be another war after WW1. We heard that sickness is caused by miasma. We heard that the earth is the center of the solar system.
No need to “hear”.
I have experienced the negative (& some positive) effects of increasing population ... in urban areas, esp the popular ones.
If farm families want to quadruple their population, that is another story.
Can't wait for my first serving of Cloned Rib Eye. Why clone the whole being when you can just clone the body part.
The earth is already over-populated, a problem that was foreseen as early as the 1960s or before. Funny, it has been the "conservatives" all along who didn't want anyone to talk about or to put any policies in place to avert it.

It's hilarious to read the comments by the "conservatives" who now want to curb population growth, but who are anti-birth control and anti-choice, and justify discrimination against LGBTs because they can't reproduce naturally on other threads.

The earth isn't even close to being overpopulated.........and your solution for this problem that doesn't exist.....kill brown people in 3rd world countries.......that is all you socialists ever have....

This is a ridiculous response. We've been hearing about the growing overpopulation problem for decades. ....
Just like we heard about the coming of the next ice age for decades. We heard all the airplanes would fall from the skies on 1/1/2000. We heard there would never be another war after WW1. We heard that sickness is caused by miasma. We heard that the earth is the center of the solar system.

The next iceage has already started.
It started several thousand years ago, but a total ice-age and warming cycle is about 110,000 years long. So we have about 53,000 years before it will get to its coldest.
And we don't want to stop it, but just adapt to it.
It is very useful and keeps longer and more drastic cycles from happening.

No experts said planes would fall from the skies at the turn of the millenium.
No experts said WWI would end all wars.
There is a connection between miasma and sickness, in that growing pathogens give off toxic gases.
The earth is the center of the solar system once you understand physics and relativity. Two objects to effect each other, but you just notice the effects of the larger one more.
You can use any point as the center of your system.
Any population that experiences the exponential growth such as been displayed by our race always undergoes a rapid die-off. .
Our race has been growing exponentially since 9500 BC. Not such a rapid die-off.

That is a blink of an eye.
Obviously all species that go extinct either are over whelmed by a superior species or first become so successful that they poison their own Eden.
You could think of this either way, that we are breeding a virus superior to our species, or that we destroy the environment that spawned us.
The rapid die-off has not even begun, yet.
Any population that experiences the exponential growth such as been displayed by our race always undergoes a rapid die-off. .
Our race has been growing exponentially since 9500 BC. Not such a rapid die-off.
Mid-14th century brought quite a change.

Wow.......yes.....leeches are not the best medicine.......failing to see that the population has grown...and yet we still aren't overpopulated, not even close.

We are way over populated.
How would you know if we were not?
If you are thinking of square footage to stand on, that has little to do with survival.
For example, how many hundreds of acres of trees do each of us need, in order to replace the oxygen we breath?
The fact we have about a 300 year oxygen surplus is not relevant.
That is just another blink of an eye.
When we breath in oxygen and exhale CO2, plants have to reverse that with photosynthesis, or we all die. There is no artificial way to replace natural photosynthesis, as the energy requirements would be way too huge.

We evolved for the planet as it was millions of years ago, so we alter the planet at our own peril. When species go extinct that we used to rely on, that risks our survival.
For example, if pollinator like bees die from glyphosates, our food production will be cut by more than half. When we run out of fossil fuel for fertilizers, our food production will also be cut by about 75%. So in no way are we sustainable currently.
The population has doubled two times since the end of WWII. Certainly, at current levels of resource use, it cannot double again.
There is no reason to debate too fervently, for we will soon see. It is just too bad that we don't do things better.

Yes......according to "The Population Bomb," we should be fighting over food in the streets of New York right'll see you in about 100 years.....when we still won't be over populated...

The fact we are experiencing pandemics show that we already are over populated.
The fact we rely on limited fossil fuels for 75% of our food production shows we are over populated.
The fact pollinators are going extinct and risk 50% of our food production shows we are over populated.
Can't wait for my first serving of Cloned Rib Eye. Why clone the whole being when you can just clone the body part.

Because we don't know enough about DNA to be able to tell if we are doing it right or causing some horrific side effect. We can read the whole sequence, but only know about 2% of what each part does. That is because DNA does not just have one sequence do one thing, but each sequence does tens of thousands of different things, at different times, and in conjunction with other sequences. So when we play around with DNA, we can easily make extinction level mistakes.

This Covid-19 pandemic is a cruel reminder of how HUMAN population DENSITY contributes to the spread of deadly viruses ...

Not to mention war, radiation, ozone depletion, pollinator extinction, fossil fuel depletion, deforestation, etc.

I remember a physicist watching the first hydrogen bomb test in the Pacific, holding his breath because there was still a risk the deuterium in the ocean would propagate the explosion, taking the whole world with it.
We do foolish risks like that all the time.
Couples who find satisfaction in life without reproducing may become much more numerous. There is much more to life than adding future deaths.
Humanity does not need so many humans in order to survive; technology has replaced much of the need for muscle and brain. 'Enough people' will live better than the 'most possible'.
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