Do you believe there is life in the universe besides ours here on earth?

Is there life out there somewhere?

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Once life is established, there is no reason why it would not eventually evolve into intelligent life with indoor plumbing and refrigerators with ice dispensers.

Sure, some slime will rise and die out due to extinction event asteroids and whatnot, but if there are billions of planets where the conditions for life are present, sooner or later one of them is going to give rise to Klingons. But don't worry. We will detect their reruns of I Love Kortar long before they arrive here and start stealing our water. So we will have time to prepare.

There is also no reason to suppose all life out there is inferior to us, but our detection methods are inhibited by the speed of light. There could be intelligent clouds on the other side of the Universe who have been around for billions of years, but their signals are only halfway here.


They say amino acids are necessary for life to get started. Earth did not have amino acids, so it was supposed that comets brought them here. Comets don't have the conditions for life, but they carry amino acids. Then milllions of them crashed into a place that does have the conditions necessary for life (Earth), and presto! Betty Crocker would be proud. did comets get amino acids? We answered the question of how Earth got amino acids, but now the question has just been moved to how did comets get amino acids.

In short, having the conditions necessary for life does not mean life is going to just kickstart itself. The odds of life may be greater than the number of stars in the Universe.

So we could be alone.
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I attended trance lectures by a medium called Ursula Roberts in the 1970s. She, or the spirit guide that was purportedly speaking through her, said there are many inhabited planets at different levels of evolution and they are populated by beings much like us.
In fact they are us, because we ourselves have probably incarnated on other planets in the past. There is currently a great rush in the spirit world to incarnate on this planet, because of the advances we are making, and the opportunity for experience that helps our spirit evolve.

If we are immortal beings that evolve through many incarnations then there must be other planets we could evolve on, because if something happened to this planet our spiritual evolution would be brought to a halt. So it is Gods perfect plan that we live on many worlds during our cycle of incarnations, until we reach a state of grace, or enlightenment.
The percentages are certainly in favor of yes, there is intelligent life on another planet in the universe.
The number of stars in the universe is unimaginable. There are approx. 170 Billion galaxies...each with billions of stars. The number of rocky planets would equally be staggering...100's of trillions.
It would be foolish to think there is no intelligent life on at least one of them
As a side note I've heard endless logical arguments for why life could exist elsewhere but not a single argument with merit as to why it can't.

The issue is, that if it does, we will never encounter it, operating under the rules of physics we are currently bound by. Too great of distances, too much radiation.

Intelligent life? If intelligent life existed that could travel here, they'd be so more far advanced than we are I'd have to wonder about most everything in the way of discussion of what kind of intelligence, what kind of travel, what the fuck...

lets just hope if they find us they have a nicer disposition than the Romulans....
If we're all that there is, can you imagine Rdean or FrancoWtf counting as some of the most advanced thinkers in the Universe?

just think what Dean would say if we ever meet Aliens from elsewhere and they look like us....and they are White.....
Of course there's intelligent live elsewhere in the vastness of the Universe. There are more Stars than they have a number to describe, and more planets than Stars. I'm arrogant but not that arrogant!

Oh, and I believe in a Creator also.
We don't know the odds of lilfe starting on a planet, so we cannot know if life exists elsewhere.

If the odds of life starting spontaneously on a planet are 10 to the 50th power to one, and there are only 10 to the 24th power stars, then the odds are we are alone.

If the odds of life starting spontaneously on a planet are 62 to one, then the Universe would be teeming with life.

One of them probably has jet packs and wise leaders, and I want to move there.
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We don't know the odds of lilfe starting on a planet, so we cannot know if life exists elsewhere.

If the odds of life starting spontaneously on a planet are 10 to the 50th power to one, and there are only 10 to the 24th power stars, then the odds are we are alone.

If the odds of life starting spontaneously on a planet are 62 to one, then the Universe would be teeming with life.

One of them probably has jet packs, and I want to move there.

I'll chip in for part of the cost for a one way ticket! :thup:

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