Do you believe

You can believe it or not, it is the truth. But then again, you Trump idiots have a hard time dealing with reality. But now I am going to make it worse for you. That GDP rise, it comes from one place, increased exports. And you know what, imports were down to go along with that increase in exports.

Economists noted that the third-quarter gain in GDP could be traced entirely to the surge in exports, which added 2.7 percentage points to the economy's expansion.

So, remember the fat orange man with the tiny hands. Oh yeah, he was going to show China. He was going to Make America Great Again. He stirred up a trade war and got our asses handed to us. The trade deficit got worse, and he all but dropped money from helicopters to farmers to make up for the hit they took. And lookey here, Biden done did what Trump couldn't do. Significantly increased exports, even reduced imports, and he did that with the dollar being stronger than ever. I mean wow, just wow.

But it gets better. That same fat orange man with the tiny hands claimed he was going to bring back manufacturing jobs to America. Did he? Uh no, damn New York city slicker is all hat and no cattle. But Biden,

In 2022, the report projects that about 350,000 American jobs are expected to be reshored to the U.S. labor market — another record after 2021 set a record when 260,000 American jobs were brought home.

Damn, two record years in a row. Over half a million manufacturing jobs bought back. Did you know that? I mean where is the left leaning press? Because let's be honest, had Trump had anything close to those type of numbers he would be sending out letters on White House stationary taking credit. And FOX news would have the numbers on a constant crawl at the bottom of the screen.

In two years that is half a million people that were working at McDonald's or hustling for Uber and Doordash. Struggling to make even fifteen dollars and hour with no benefits. Now, they are making over $25 an hour, employer provided health insurance and a 401K with a match. Yeah, I know, some of them will vote for Trump if he runs, but damn near half of them will realize, "Hey, Biden did me a solid, fawk that orange turd of a conman".

And yeah, the Dow is up. Funny, the stock market was a big deal when Trump was president. Oh hell yeah, it was a reflection of the economy. Never have been a fan of that, still not. But the reality is companies are MAKING FLIPPIN MONEY, like hand over fist. And that is the funny thing, Republicans play up the stock market when they are in office, but they can't touch what Democrats do. I mean here is an investment strategy that you can retire on. Cash out the moment a Republican takes office, and go all in the moment a Democrat does. And if it is a split government, then borrow some money to throw in there too.

Try judging the strength of the US dollar by the cost of food, or fuel, or a new truck.

Ain't lookin' so strong now is it?
Seriously, try buying fuel in the UK, or a new truck, or even food. So yes, even by that metric, we are pretty damn strong. I mean you numbnut Republicans are so isolated. You have no idea what the rest of the world is going through. Like your almighty leader, the Trumpster, you are self-absorbed.

Look, I realize, most of you Trump supporters are struggling along with your disability check, damn Socialism. And I am quite old, but damn, I am going to finish this year with the highest income of my life. And while I could write that off as an anomaly, I got six kids, and every one of them is making more money today than ever before. But then again, they ain't working at McDonald's. Oldest son, youngest project manager in the history of his company. His younger brother, killing it in sales, two years in now with a residual income that approaches six figures, the youngest, junk removal, nationwide company he ranks number one and runs a good side gig selling some of the stuff he is paid to take away. Oldest daughter just opened up a yoga studio, a side gig from her physical therapy job. Her younger sister, a real estate firm, LLC, office in town, making bank.

I mean there is this saying, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. I raised some tough ass kids, and they are going. So am I. If you dipshits would quit your belly-aching and start attacking your problems, your problems would start going away.
Seriously, try buying fuel in the UK, or a new truck, or even food. So yes, even by that metric, we are pretty damn strong. I mean you numbnut Republicans are so isolated. You have no idea what the rest of the world is going through. Like your almighty leader, the Trumpster, you are self-absorbed.

Look, I realize, most of you Trump supporters are struggling along with your disability check, damn Socialism. And I am quite old, but damn, I am going to finish this year with the highest income of my life. And while I could write that off as an anomaly, I got six kids, and every one of them is making more money today than ever before. But then again, they ain't working at McDonald's. Oldest son, youngest project manager in the history of his company. His younger brother, killing it in sales, two years in now with a residual income that approaches six figures, the youngest, junk removal, nationwide company he ranks number one and runs a good side gig selling some of the stuff he is paid to take away. Oldest daughter just opened up a yoga studio, a side gig from her physical therapy job. Her younger sister, a real estate firm, LLC, office in town, making bank.

I mean there is this saying, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. I raised some tough ass kids, and they are going. So am I. If you dipshits would quit your belly-aching and start attacking your problems, your problems would start going away.
Yeah with McD's burger flippers making $22/hr, a six figure income doesn't mean anything like what it did 1 1/2 yrs ago.
What is the truth to you is a lie to me and what is a lie to me is the truth to you…

I wrote that many years ago on the Slate and it still rings true today!

As long as Diesel stays high the economy will be sluggish.
As long as the wholesalers only want to keep a national supply of 25 days for the country, guaranteeing getting maximum turns on their inventory dollars, the price of diesel will not go down and can be subject at least regionally to hiccups in the supply chain, causing pricing changes to be more reactionary. 25 days, ain't much, where I would prefer 35 day plus days. Somebody said or wrote in an article, wholesalers were wanting to keep storage costs lower, but I haven't seen large tank farms being done away with so the storage costs on diesel don't wash in my unschooled opinion for that industry, as they have plenty of capacity with minimal storage costs, as the storage capacity already paid for. I suspect also, many of them are on LIFO/FIFO accounting and pricing at that level, where steady state average costing would also smooth the market and over a year should yield roughly the same gross profit dollars, while smoothing the pricing to retailers and consumers more. But, that is just me, and I was involved in a totally different kind of wholesale market, so maybe that industry is different.
Most Dims have degrees in Industrial Grade Lying.... with a minor in Congenital Lying. It's their raison d'être.

If one of those lying fucks says "the sky is blue", you can be assured you have been wrong about the color of the sky your entire life.
He says in a topic challenging the reality of GDP growth and the Dow.

Man, you projecting tards are so self-unaware! :lol:
Do you believe that:
  • GPD rose 2.6% 3rd Qtr 2022
  • Inflation is 8.2%
  • The Dow is worth 32,000
The basket of good for CPI needs to be moved to the blockchain, so does the GDP computation.

No. It’s hard to believe anything our government proclaims. They’ve lied so much about so many things.

Could this be another effort to interfere in the upcoming election?
What I believe is that you HATE good news while Biden is president.
When I saw the GDP report this morning I wonder which CONTARD out RWI would be the first to claim this as FAKE news.

They just can't handle any positive news.
They are dying with misery every day.

12 days is what they are all betting on now.
You can believe it or not, it is the truth. But then again, you Trump idiots have a hard time dealing with reality. But now I am going to make it worse for you. That GDP rise, it comes from one place, increased exports. And you know what, imports were down to go along with that increase in exports.

Economists noted that the third-quarter gain in GDP could be traced entirely to the surge in exports, which added 2.7 percentage points to the economy's expansion.

So, remember the fat orange man with the tiny hands. Oh yeah, he was going to show China. He was going to Make America Great Again. He stirred up a trade war and got our asses handed to us. The trade deficit got worse, and he all but dropped money from helicopters to farmers to make up for the hit they took. And lookey here, Biden done did what Trump couldn't do. Significantly increased exports, even reduced imports, and he did that with the dollar being stronger than ever. I mean wow, just wow.

But it gets better. That same fat orange man with the tiny hands claimed he was going to bring back manufacturing jobs to America. Did he? Uh no, damn New York city slicker is all hat and no cattle. But Biden,

In 2022, the report projects that about 350,000 American jobs are expected to be reshored to the U.S. labor market — another record after 2021 set a record when 260,000 American jobs were brought home.

Damn, two record years in a row. Over half a million manufacturing jobs bought back. Did you know that? I mean where is the left leaning press? Because let's be honest, had Trump had anything close to those type of numbers he would be sending out letters on White House stationary taking credit. And FOX news would have the numbers on a constant crawl at the bottom of the screen.

In two years that is half a million people that were working at McDonald's or hustling for Uber and Doordash. Struggling to make even fifteen dollars and hour with no benefits. Now, they are making over $25 an hour, employer provided health insurance and a 401K with a match. Yeah, I know, some of them will vote for Trump if he runs, but damn near half of them will realize, "Hey, Biden did me a solid, fawk that orange turd of a conman".

And yeah, the Dow is up. Funny, the stock market was a big deal when Trump was president. Oh hell yeah, it was a reflection of the economy. Never have been a fan of that, still not. But the reality is companies are MAKING FLIPPIN MONEY, like hand over fist. And that is the funny thing, Republicans play up the stock market when they are in office, but they can't touch what Democrats do. I mean here is an investment strategy that you can retire on. Cash out the moment a Republican takes office, and go all in the moment a Democrat does. And if it is a split government, then borrow some money to throw in there too.
Like I said, those numbers literally are unbelievable

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