Do you carry a knife for self defense?


Cows Have Liberal Minds
Nov 6, 2011
Just curious what people's thoughts on this are.

If you carry a gun instead, that's a whole other issue and getting into a big discussion about it here probably isn't worth anybody's time other than a "no, I carry a gun".

Me personally, I think it's a good way to escalate a situation and get yourself severely injured and or killed when you otherwise probably wouldn't have.

There is no such thing as a knife "fight".

The only reason I bring it up is because I just tucked a pocket knife away into my new bag I got to carry my lunch/water and other items to and from work. Strictly utility. I also have a small key chain box cutter that I use while actually working since I break down boxes and cut plastic so frequently. I was just curious how misinformed people are about the wisdom of carrying a knife for self defense.
On occasion, I carry a knife, but only if I know I'll be in a position to use it.

But, a good blade is useful a lot of the time.
Cork screw on my key chain.

I have a mini mag 145 lum. flash light attached to my keys.

Indeed! I also have a flashlight on my key chain, but Cowman was asking about self defense. You haven't seen my key chain, it's a weapon all of it's on!

A mini mag makes a fine little weapon small enough to stay out of the way until you need it could be used to hit, jab or grab with. It's about the size of a kubaton

This is a Kubaton but the same concept
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Some interesting reading on "knife fighting" and why I think carrying a knife for defense is a bad idea and just asking for trouble'.

Marc "Animal" MacYoung on knife fighting

A crazy amount of good information on all sorts of other things on that site too.

One of the things that is important is YOU must know what self-defense really is, NOT what you think it is. Acting on what you think self-defense is while holding an item will get you into deep trouble. Weapons are like power tools, mistakes happen faster and when they do, they are bloody.
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I always have a knife on me, probably for the past 30 years or better.

Got a nice folding BUCK, tactical, composite handle, USA made I carry now.
Just curious what people's thoughts on this are.

If you carry a gun instead, that's a whole other issue and getting into a big discussion about it here probably isn't worth anybody's time other than a "no, I carry a gun".

Me personally, I think it's a good way to escalate a situation and get yourself severely injured and or killed when you otherwise probably wouldn't have.

There is no such thing as a knife "fight".

The only reason I bring it up is because I just tucked a pocket knife away into my new bag I got to carry my lunch/water and other items to and from work. Strictly utility. I also have a small key chain box cutter that I use while actually working since I break down boxes and cut plastic so frequently. I was just curious how misinformed people are about the wisdom of carrying a knife for self defense.
I carry a knife at all times. It could be used for self defense, I suppose, but my .44 is just so much more impressive.
I have carried a knife since I was 6. I use it for all sorts of things but never for self defense. Never take a knife to a gun fight. I apree with the post a 44 is much more impressive.
Knife ?never just for utility.When I was traveling around the south a lot for work,I had other things in my truck for defense.

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