CDZ Do you consider a country free when 62% of its people are afraid to express an opinion? Simple Yes or NO please.


of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison

nope. your stated rule was "free equals being able to say what they want".

the inmates of the death camps could say what they wanted. there might have been serious consequences, but by your stated standard, they would have counted as "free".

it is a pretty fine examination of your standard.

i think it shows that what is shitty, is your standard.

No because that was the government that was prohibiting speech and putting people in camps.

The US government is doing no such thing.

No private citizen or business can violate your right to free speech

actually a standard sign of a government gone bad, is when they start using extra legal means to silence their enemies.

like brownshirts, or the klan.

non government thugs, generally working with government officials abusing their power, to silence or kill political enemies of the government or party.

much like when the dem mayors order the cops to stand down, so that lefty mobs can rule the streets.

and really like when people get arrested for defending themselves. i don't even know if the nazis went that far (pre-war).
Any person using deadly force in self defense will be considered guilty until proven innocent because they are stating that they did indeed kill a person.

It is up to the district attorney or courts to decide whether or not that the act was justified.

don't you mean, "any person, of the wrong group or political affiliation, using deadly force, will be considered guilt until proven innocent?"

and thank you for you honesty.

i mean, normally you lefties deny that you have no respect for human rights and just want to oppress and terrorize your enemies.

it is always nice when we can drop the bullshit and have an honest discussion.

also, it is worth noting, several people have been arrested for defending themselves with non-lethal force too.

so, the bar for not having any rights, in dem areas, is pretty low.
Of course not. Between the hyper-partisan political environment we're in, PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture, I can't blame anyone for keeping their mouths shut. Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all American values, and we're going in exactly the opposite direction.
Not on the internet ...people say what they think, and some....
As long as they're anonymous, sure. But if your name is on the screen and you say the wrong thing, you could be the next target.

But I was brought up by my parents, not to discuss politics or religious differences at the dinner table with guests, and at work with coworkers, etc.... So I had a real PC upbringing.... And life was actually good and peaceful, and dems and repubs and protestants and Catholics and Jews and Buddhist all got along...

The internet, has changed all of that.... And not for the good...imho.
I do not think avoiding topics while at work as PC.

And the whole "Don't talk politics or religion" at the table thing has been practiced long before PC was even a thing

right now-----our freedoms regarding self-expression are MARKEDLY curtailed in the public sphere. Even persons victimized by the
ongoing stink and filth of the BLM criminals
and thugs and the support those animals enjoy are barred from SAYING IT

No one is barred from saying anything.

you might be afraid to say stuff but that's on you.

Personally I'm not afraid to speak my mind

try again. People are LOSING their jobs for commenting negatively on the BLM thugs and their machinations. At the "demonstrations"
BLM thugs attack anyone opposing their filth,
physically. I have a personal experience in court-----those animals cannot even be prosecuted for BLATANT CRIME

How many people have lost their jobs for commenting on BLM?

Those people might have legal recourse against their employers.
Of course not. Between the hyper-partisan political environment we're in, PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture, I can't blame anyone for keeping their mouths shut. Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all American values, and we're going in exactly the opposite direction.
Not on the internet ...people say what they think, and some....
As long as they're anonymous, sure. But if your name is on the screen and you say the wrong thing, you could be the next target.

But I was brought up by my parents, not to discuss politics or religious differences at the dinner table with guests, and at work with coworkers, etc.... So I had a real PC upbringing.... And life was actually good and peaceful, and dems and repubs and protestants and Catholics and Jews and Buddhist all got along...

The internet, has changed all of that.... And not for the good...imho.
I do not think avoiding topics while at work as PC.

And the whole "Don't talk politics or religion" at the table thing has been practiced long before PC was even a thing

right now-----our freedoms regarding self-expression are MARKEDLY curtailed in the public sphere. Even persons victimized by the
ongoing stink and filth of the BLM criminals
and thugs and the support those animals enjoy are barred from SAYING IT

No one is barred from saying anything.

you might be afraid to say stuff but that's on you.

Personally I'm not afraid to speak my mind

try again. People are LOSING their jobs for commenting negatively on the BLM thugs and their machinations. At the "demonstrations"
BLM thugs attack anyone opposing their filth,
physically. I have a personal experience in court-----those animals cannot even be prosecuted for BLATANT CRIME

How many people have lost their jobs for commenting on BLM?

Those people might have legal recourse against their employers.
Good luck to them trying to find an uncorrupted court.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison

nope. your stated rule was "free equals being able to say what they want".

the inmates of the death camps could say what they wanted. there might have been serious consequences, but by your stated standard, they would have counted as "free".

it is a pretty fine examination of your standard.

i think it shows that what is shitty, is your standard.

No because that was the government that was prohibiting speech and putting people in camps.

The US government is doing no such thing.

No private citizen or business can violate your right to free speech

actually a standard sign of a government gone bad, is when they start using extra legal means to silence their enemies.

like brownshirts, or the klan.

non government thugs, generally working with government officials abusing their power, to silence or kill political enemies of the government or party.

much like when the dem mayors order the cops to stand down, so that lefty mobs can rule the streets.

and really like when people get arrested for defending themselves. i don't even know if the nazis went that far (pre-war).
Any person using deadly force in self defense will be considered guilty until proven innocent because they are stating that they did indeed kill a person.

It is up to the district attorney or courts to decide whether or not that the act was justified.

don't you mean, "any person, of the wrong group or political affiliation, using deadly force, will be considered guilt until proven innocent?"

and thank you for you honesty.

i mean, normally you lefties deny that you have no respect for human rights and just want to oppress and terrorize your enemies.

it is always nice when we can drop the bullshit and have an honest discussion.

also, it is worth noting, several people have been arrested for defending themselves with non-lethal force too.

so, the bar for not having any rights, in dem areas, is pretty low.
I said what I mean please don't try to tell me what I meant.

And why is it some of you people say I'm a lefty and other say I'm a Trumpster?

I am not now nor have I ever been nor will I ever be a member of any political party.

I am a staunch proponent of individual liberty. Period.

Unlike democrats and republicans I don't think the government should get involved in the private dealings of people.
Unlike Republicans I think any adult in society should be able to participate and benefit from all societal institutions

Unlike democrats I think people should be able to keep as much of their income as possible
Of course not. Between the hyper-partisan political environment we're in, PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture, I can't blame anyone for keeping their mouths shut. Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all American values, and we're going in exactly the opposite direction.
Not on the internet ...people say what they think, and some....
As long as they're anonymous, sure. But if your name is on the screen and you say the wrong thing, you could be the next target.

But I was brought up by my parents, not to discuss politics or religious differences at the dinner table with guests, and at work with coworkers, etc.... So I had a real PC upbringing.... And life was actually good and peaceful, and dems and repubs and protestants and Catholics and Jews and Buddhist all got along...

The internet, has changed all of that.... And not for the good...imho.
I do not think avoiding topics while at work as PC.

And the whole "Don't talk politics or religion" at the table thing has been practiced long before PC was even a thing

right now-----our freedoms regarding self-expression are MARKEDLY curtailed in the public sphere. Even persons victimized by the
ongoing stink and filth of the BLM criminals
and thugs and the support those animals enjoy are barred from SAYING IT

No one is barred from saying anything.

you might be afraid to say stuff but that's on you.

Personally I'm not afraid to speak my mind

try again. People are LOSING their jobs for commenting negatively on the BLM thugs and their machinations. At the "demonstrations"
BLM thugs attack anyone opposing their filth,
physically. I have a personal experience in court-----those animals cannot even be prosecuted for BLATANT CRIME

How many people have lost their jobs for commenting on BLM?

Those people might have legal recourse against their employers.
Good luck to them trying to find an uncorrupted court.
Which is why we have an extensive appeals process
Mindful, you are repeating a never ending republican lie.... He was called a racist for his not calling the Corona virus by its name..... the Kung Flu, the Chinese virus, etc etc etc.....

Democrats were fine with stopping flights from China..... the major concern, was that it was too late.....not done early enough to mean anything....the virus was already here and spreading.

There was one Representative, who nobody ever heard of, that is Asian, and heads a group outside of congress for Asians that complained about Trump's rhetoric because assaults against her Asian American constituents had gone up drastically, after Trumps rhetoric Kung Flu crap etc.

Typical of the far-left Democrats, re-writing history. Here are the facts.

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'


Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 2:58

House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.


Coronavirus: China’s 17 day delay in releasing genome sequence of COVID-19
Health authorities have issued a dire warning about coronavirus as it continues to spread rapidly across China and the world.
Staff writers and wires FEBRUARY 13, 20207:23AM

There was a 17 day delay in the release of critical information about coronavirus during the crucial early stages of the outbreak, it’s been revealed.

A group of scientists is now calling for changes in the way new viruses are reported.

In a letter to medical journal The Lancet, the scientists said one of the important lessons from the outbreak was a delay in releasing information.

“The Chinese authorities ruled out SARS and MERS, as well as a few other non-coronaviruses, on January 5, and confirmed a novel coronavirus as a potential cause on January 9,” they said in the Lancet.

“However, the genome sequence — crucial for rapid development of diagnostics needed in an outbreak response — was not released until January 12, 2020 — 17 days after the preliminary sequence data were obtained.”


Published 1 hour ago [03/17/20]
Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran
By Yael Halon | Fox News

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson praised President Trump Monday night after he announced a list of guidelines that he and the White House coronavirus task force hoped will slow the spread of the pandemic within 15 days.

"The president has done everything he needed to do in this case," Jackson told "Hannity". "He’s acted quickly and decisively. He did what he always has done ... he went with his instincts.

"He put together a top-notch team and he was criticized.... despite that, he carried on and did what he needed to do for our country. He put the [China] travel ban in place," he added.

Jackson said he does not expect the virus to spread at the rate that it has in places like Italy and Iran due to the president's "quick and decisive actions," notably his decision to restrict travel into the U.S. from China in late January.

Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran


Mayor Resisted Drastic Steps on Virus. Then Came a Backlash From His Aides.

Mayor Bill de Blasio acknowledged that he had to be persuaded to close schools and restaurants.

Published March 16, 2020 Updated June 17, 2020

For most of last week, as Mayor Bill de Blasio continued to urge New Yorkers to mostly go about their daily lives — sending their children to school, frequenting the city’s businesses — some of his top aides were furiously trying to change the mayor’s approach to the coronavirus outbreak.

There had been arguments and shouting matches between the mayor and some of his advisers; some top health officials had even threatened to resign if he refused to accept the need to close schools and businesses, according to several people familiar with the internal discussions.

Teachers were threatening not to show up to school on Monday. A growing number of public health experts and politicians were calling for much of the city to be shut down to curb the spread of the virus.

On Sunday, the mayor was shown a graph depicting the sharp upward trajectory of the coronavirus epidemic curve, and another showing the capacity of the city’s health systems to handle the influx.

Mayor Resisted Drastic Steps on Virus. Then Came a Backlash From His Aides.


WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Confirmation: Chinese Officials Told Labs to Destroy Coronavirus Samples
Beth Baumann
Posted: May 17, 2020 4:40 PM

Multiple government agencies from various countries, including the United States, have concluded that the coronavirus started in a lab in Wuhan. The Chinese regime did everything in their power to cover up the virus, including gagging medical personnel and reporters that were trying to sound the alarm. It was believed that the laboratories were destroying samples of the Wuhan coronavirus to cover up the country's responsibility for the pandemic.

Chinese officials confirmed that labs were told to destroy samples of the coronavirus. China’s National Health Commission official Liu Dengfeng, however, says the labs destroyed the samples, not to cover up their culpability, but “for pandemic prevention and control, which also played an important role in preventing biosafety risks.”

Confirmation: Chinese Officials Told Labs to Destroy Coronavirus Samples


Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die
Jeffrey Lord

May 30th, 2020 11:00 AM

From The New York Times on March 13: “As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.”

From The New York Times on March 16: “Sweeping new federal recommendations announced on Monday for Americans to sharply limit their activities appeared to draw on a dire scientific report warning that, without action by the government and individuals to slow the spread of coronavirus and suppress new cases, 2.2 million people in the United States could die.”

From The Washington Post, March 19: “In the worst-case scenario, America is on a trajectory toward 1.1 million deaths.”

From MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, March 24: If Americans go to Easter services: “If that happened on Easter Sunday, just 19 days from now, then in May, you’d have millions of dead people all over the country. Millions,” O’Donnell said on his MSNBC show. “If you have packed churches all over the country, including California, on Easter Sunday, by May there could be a million dead people in California.”
From Andrew Slavitt, Barack Obama’s former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): “Currently experts expect over one million deaths in the U.S. since the virus was not contained & we cannot even test for it.”

From infectious disease specialist Michael Osterholm to podcaster Joe Rogan the week of March 12: “We conservatively estimate that this could require 48 million hospitalizations, 96 million cases actually occurring, over 480,000 deaths that can occur over the next three to seven months…”

From CNN: “On State of the Union, Dr. Anthony Fauci tells Brianna Keilar that in a worst-case scenario millions of people in the US could die from the coronavirus.”

From Yahoo: "At the low end of the projection this would mean about 700,000 deaths. At the high end it would mean 1.5 million deaths.”

In other words? By this point, there were estimates aplenty in the media that there would be anywhere from almost a half million to 1.5 million to 2.2 million dead Americans. But mysteriously in all the stories about the 100,000 dead Americans there is no mention - zero - of earlier media predictions that there would be ten or twenty times that number of deaths.

Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die
Hitler let Germans live their lives including RELIGION. He was gentle and persuasive. Best financial years they had.

Now if you were a Commie, homo. gypsy, chronic drunk, or village idiot, you were a goner.

Now Hitler offered the Jews to the world in deportation. You know that right. The world did not want them. You know that right?

Of course not.

Between the hyper-partisan political environment we're in, PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture, I can't blame anyone for keeping their mouths shut.

Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all American values, and we're going in exactly the opposite direction.
Before the internet, the only people we could freely express our oil ions with, were a small and limited audience.... family, friends, neighbors, coworkers....

Today, expressing one's views is not a close knit circle of people you know, that you can debate the arguments of the argument with....

Today when you post such arguments on the internet, you are doing such, with the entire country, and world.... it's no longer a personal situation with a circle of humans you know, and who know you.

The internet has a mob mentality undertone, everyone competes for their 15 minutes of fame and how many likes or views they can get too.

It's vicious! :eek: And scary!

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison

nope. your stated rule was "free equals being able to say what they want".

the inmates of the death camps could say what they wanted. there might have been serious consequences, but by your stated standard, they would have counted as "free".

it is a pretty fine examination of your standard.

i think it shows that what is shitty, is your standard.

No because that was the government that was prohibiting speech and putting people in camps.

The US government is doing no such thing.

No private citizen or business can violate your right to free speech

actually a standard sign of a government gone bad, is when they start using extra legal means to silence their enemies.

like brownshirts, or the klan.

non government thugs, generally working with government officials abusing their power, to silence or kill political enemies of the government or party.

much like when the dem mayors order the cops to stand down, so that lefty mobs can rule the streets.

and really like when people get arrested for defending themselves. i don't even know if the nazis went that far (pre-war).
Any person using deadly force in self defense will be considered guilty until proven innocent because they are stating that they did indeed kill a person.

It is up to the district attorney or courts to decide whether or not that the act was justified.

don't you mean, "any person, of the wrong group or political affiliation, using deadly force, will be considered guilt until proven innocent?"

and thank you for you honesty.

i mean, normally you lefties deny that you have no respect for human rights and just want to oppress and terrorize your enemies.

it is always nice when we can drop the bullshit and have an honest discussion.

also, it is worth noting, several people have been arrested for defending themselves with non-lethal force too.

so, the bar for not having any rights, in dem areas, is pretty low.
I said what I mean please don't try to tell me what I meant.

And why is it some of you people say I'm a lefty and other say I'm a Trumpster?

I am not now nor have I ever been nor will I ever be a member of any political party.

I am a staunch proponent of individual liberty. Period.

Unlike democrats and republicans I don't think the government should get involved in the private dealings of people.
Unlike Republicans I think any adult in society should be able to participate and benefit from all societal institutions

Unlike democrats I think people should be able to keep as much of their income as possible

you support the left's abuse of government office, and mob violence and economic bullying to silence their enemies.

up to and including the denial of the basic human right of presumed innocence.

that's pretty compelling evidence that you are a lefty.

my point about people being arrested for use of non lethal force to defend themselves, thus teh bar for loss of human rights is low in dem areas,


of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
Hitler let Germans live their lives including RELIGION. He was gentle and persuasive. Best financial years they had.

Now if you were a Commie, homo. gypsy, chronic drunk, or village idiot, you were a goner.

Now Hitler offered the Jews to the world in deportation. You know that right. The world did not want them. You know that right?

I can see his view on Commies though and his solution.......................j/k

Hitler was very two faced when it came to religion, freedom of religion did not really exist.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
Hitler let Germans live their lives including RELIGION. He was gentle and persuasive. Best financial years they had.

Now if you were a Commie, homo. gypsy, chronic drunk, or village idiot, you were a goner.

Now Hitler offered the Jews to the world in deportation. You know that right. The world did not want them. You know that right?

I can see his view on Commies though and his solution.......................j/k

Hitler was very two faced when it came to religion, freedom of religion did not really exist.

Hitler has lots of admirers
Mindful, you are repeating a never ending republican lie.... He was called a racist for his not calling the Corona virus by its name..... the Kung Flu, the Chinese virus, etc etc etc.....

Democrats were fine with stopping flights from China..... the major concern, was that it was too late.....not done early enough to mean anything....the virus was already here and spreading.

There was one Representative, who nobody ever heard of, that is Asian, and heads a group outside of congress for Asians that complained about Trump's rhetoric because assaults against her Asian American constituents had gone up drastically, after Trumps rhetoric Kung Flu crap etc.

Typical of the far-left Democrats, re-writing history. Here are the facts.

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'


Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 2:58

House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.


Coronavirus: China’s 17 day delay in releasing genome sequence of COVID-19
Health authorities have issued a dire warning about coronavirus as it continues to spread rapidly across China and the world.
Staff writers and wires FEBRUARY 13, 20207:23AM

There was a 17 day delay in the release of critical information about coronavirus during the crucial early stages of the outbreak, it’s been revealed.

A group of scientists is now calling for changes in the way new viruses are reported.

In a letter to medical journal The Lancet, the scientists said one of the important lessons from the outbreak was a delay in releasing information.

“The Chinese authorities ruled out SARS and MERS, as well as a few other non-coronaviruses, on January 5, and confirmed a novel coronavirus as a potential cause on January 9,” they said in the Lancet.

“However, the genome sequence — crucial for rapid development of diagnostics needed in an outbreak response — was not released until January 12, 2020 — 17 days after the preliminary sequence data were obtained.”


Published 1 hour ago [03/17/20]
Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran
By Yael Halon | Fox News

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson praised President Trump Monday night after he announced a list of guidelines that he and the White House coronavirus task force hoped will slow the spread of the pandemic within 15 days.

"The president has done everything he needed to do in this case," Jackson told "Hannity". "He’s acted quickly and decisively. He did what he always has done ... he went with his instincts.

"He put together a top-notch team and he was criticized.... despite that, he carried on and did what he needed to do for our country. He put the [China] travel ban in place," he added.

Jackson said he does not expect the virus to spread at the rate that it has in places like Italy and Iran due to the president's "quick and decisive actions," notably his decision to restrict travel into the U.S. from China in late January.

Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran


Mayor Resisted Drastic Steps on Virus. Then Came a Backlash From His Aides.

Mayor Bill de Blasio acknowledged that he had to be persuaded to close schools and restaurants.

Published March 16, 2020 Updated June 17, 2020

For most of last week, as Mayor Bill de Blasio continued to urge New Yorkers to mostly go about their daily lives — sending their children to school, frequenting the city’s businesses — some of his top aides were furiously trying to change the mayor’s approach to the coronavirus outbreak.

There had been arguments and shouting matches between the mayor and some of his advisers; some top health officials had even threatened to resign if he refused to accept the need to close schools and businesses, according to several people familiar with the internal discussions.

Teachers were threatening not to show up to school on Monday. A growing number of public health experts and politicians were calling for much of the city to be shut downto curb the spread of the virus.

On Sunday, the mayor was shown a graph depicting the sharp upward trajectory of the coronavirus epidemic curve, and another showing the capacity of the city’s health systems to handle the influx.

Mayor Resisted Drastic Steps on Virus. Then Came a Backlash From His Aides.


WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published April 19, 2020 at 11:03am

Back in late February, 4 weeks after President Trump banned flights from China from entering the US, Speaker Pelosi was out urging tourists to hit San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Jan 31 — President Trump banned flights from China.
Feb. 5 — Democrats blasted President Trump for his China travel ban.
Feb 24 — Pelosi was pushing tourism to Chinatown.
March 13 — NY Mayor DeBlasio encourages New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual.

Last week Pelosi deleted a video of herself on Twitter walking around in Chinatown on February 24 downplaying the Coronavirus and urging people to “come to Chinatown.”

WOW! Chris Wallace CALLS OUT a Stunned Pelosi for Pushing Tourism to Chinatown in Late February (VIDEO)


Confirmation: Chinese Officials Told Labs to Destroy Coronavirus Samples
Beth Baumann
Posted: May 17, 2020 4:40 PM

Multiple government agencies from various countries, including the United States, have concluded that the coronavirus started in a lab in Wuhan. The Chinese regime did everything in their power to cover up the virus, including gagging medical personnel and reporters that were trying to sound the alarm. It was believed that the laboratories were destroying samples of the Wuhan coronavirus to cover up the country's responsibility for the pandemic.

Chinese officials confirmed that labs were told to destroy samples of the coronavirus. China’s National Health Commission official Liu Dengfeng, however, says the labs destroyed the samples, not to cover up their culpability, but “for pandemic prevention and control, which also played an important role in preventing biosafety risks.”

Confirmation: Chinese Officials Told Labs to Destroy Coronavirus Samples


Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die
Jeffrey Lord

May 30th, 2020 11:00 AM

From The New York Times on March 13: “As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.”

From The New York Times on March 16: “Sweeping new federal recommendations announced on Monday for Americans to sharply limit their activities appeared to draw on a dire scientific report warning that, without action by the government and individuals to slow the spread of coronavirus and suppress new cases, 2.2 million people in the United States could die.”

From The Washington Post, March 19: “In the worst-case scenario, America is on a trajectory toward 1.1 million deaths.”

From MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, March 24: If Americans go to Easter services: “If that happened on Easter Sunday, just 19 days from now, then in May, you’d have millions of dead people all over the country. Millions,” O’Donnell said on his MSNBC show. “If you have packed churches all over the country, including California, on Easter Sunday, by May there could be a million dead people in California.”
From Andrew Slavitt, Barack Obama’s former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): “Currently experts expect over one million deaths in the U.S. since the virus was not contained & we cannot even test for it.”

From infectious disease specialist Michael Osterholm to podcaster Joe Rogan the week of March 12: “We conservatively estimate that this could require 48 million hospitalizations, 96 million cases actually occurring, over 480,000 deaths that can occur over the next three to seven months…”

From CNN: “On State of the Union, Dr. Anthony Fauci tells Brianna Keilar that in a worst-case scenario millions of people in the US could die from the coronavirus.”

From Yahoo: "At the low end of the projection this would mean about 700,000 deaths. At the high end it would mean 1.5 million deaths.”

In other words? By this point, there were estimates aplenty in the media that there would be anywhere from almost a half million to 1.5 million to 2.2 million dead Americans. But mysteriously in all the stories about the 100,000 dead Americans there is no mention - zero - of earlier media predictions that there would be ten or twenty times that number of deaths.

Journalists Forget Their Own Predictions: Millions of Americans to Die
What did all that SPAMMING have to do with my response to the post I was replying to????
I believe people will not talk politics and their views because of a fear of backlash. I won't talk politics at work, not the time or place to speak ones mind.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
Hitler let Germans live their lives including RELIGION. He was gentle and persuasive. Best financial years they had.

Now if you were a Commie, homo. gypsy, chronic drunk, or village idiot, you were a goner.

Now Hitler offered the Jews to the world in deportation. You know that right. The world did not want them. You know that right?

I can see his view on Commies though and his solution.......................j/k

Hitler was very two faced when it came to religion, freedom of religion did not really exist.

Hitler has lots of admirers

I am certainly not one of them. He was evil.
for the record-----way back in 1981 I casually opened a copy of the New England Journal of Medicine. The LEAD ARTICLE---referred to something approx called "ACQUIRED COMBINED SYSTEMS IMMUNODEFICIENY"---that would mean a combination of two very rare
congenital defects in the IMMUNE system---which happened NON CONGENTAL but like
a disease that knocked off both B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes
deadly. I though---"what da hell" "aint no
such thing"
Thereafter---there were all kinds of WILD
conjectures as to why and how and what will be. -----
yeah---you got it----that was AIDS.
viruses do their own thing and it takes time
to figure it out. Monday morning quarter-backs KNOW IT ALL

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
Hitler let Germans live their lives including RELIGION. He was gentle and persuasive. Best financial years they had.

Now if you were a Commie, homo. gypsy, chronic drunk, or village idiot, you were a goner.

Now Hitler offered the Jews to the world in deportation. You know that right. The world did not want them. You know that right?

I can see his view on Commies though and his solution.......................j/k

Hitler was very two faced when it came to religion, freedom of religion did not really exist.

Hitler has lots of admirers

I am certainly not one of them. He was evil.

I did not refer to you-----that "hitler OFFERED to let the jews out" libel rankles me

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
Hitler let Germans live their lives including RELIGION. He was gentle and persuasive. Best financial years they had.

Now if you were a Commie, homo. gypsy, chronic drunk, or village idiot, you were a goner.

Now Hitler offered the Jews to the world in deportation. You know that right. The world did not want them. You know that right?

I can see his view on Commies though and his solution.......................j/k

Hitler was very two faced when it came to religion, freedom of religion did not really exist.

Hitler has lots of admirers

I am certainly not one of them. He was evil.

I did not refer to you-----that "hitler OFFERED to let the jews out" libel rankles me

I agree, he was by no means a good person, he had hate for those that would not conform to him and his radical ideas. Today we have people denying the Holocaust, trying portray Hitler as a kind person, none of that is real. He was a power hungry madman and wanted the entire world to bow to him. I'd would have taken death, than to bow down to him.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
Hitler let Germans live their lives including RELIGION. He was gentle and persuasive. Best financial years they had.

Now if you were a Commie, homo. gypsy, chronic drunk, or village idiot, you were a goner.

Now Hitler offered the Jews to the world in deportation. You know that right. The world did not want them. You know that right?

I can see his view on Commies though and his solution.......................j/k

Hitler was very two faced when it came to religion, freedom of religion did not really exist.

Hitler has lots of admirers

I am certainly not one of them. He was evil.

I did not refer to you-----that "hitler OFFERED to let the jews out" libel rankles me

I agree, he was by no means a good person, he had hate for those that would not conform to him and his radical ideas. Today we have people denying the Holocaust, trying portray Hitler as a kind person, none of that is real. He was a power hungry madman and wanted the entire world to bow to him. I'd would have taken death, than to bow down to him.

re: the issue of jews being "set free"----it was not for long-----early on it was FOR A FEE---
and confiscation of material and real wealth---later on it become virtually impossible for a jew to flee Germany. There were ALSO many political considerations that developed---including libels of IMBEDDED spies and arabs and fellow muslims who wanted to be sure that the jews did not get into palestine---a demand with which the British happily complied---etc etc. Islamo nazi swine love to make the----"Hitler wanted to set them free" claim

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