Do you consider either party a complete embarrassment in their current form?

Do you think either or both parties are an embarrassment to American politics.

  • The GOP is a disaster

  • The DEMS are a disaster

  • Both parties are off their rockers

  • Neither are out of the norm

  • Stop the planet, I want off

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Both parties are Huge embarrassments.

We need real leaders and real leadership.
I think the GOP sold their soul, if you will, to Trump's brand of leadership and politics and are hoping that after he leaves office they can re-etablish and re-brand itself so that they will appeal to moderates again. Just my opinion. As for the Democrats they seem to just not know what they want to be and are letting individual politicians create their brand in a sort of flavor of the month. I think the leadership is over reacting to Trump and is going too far to the left instead of trying to be a party that focuses on reasonable policy. Whereas the GOP is waiting for Trump to leave the Democrats are waiting for someone to tell them what they are. Both are in a bad place in my opinion though.
I voted both parties are within their norms.

Republicans are racist and they hate minorities. They are nearly all white. They welcome the KKK, the Aryan Nation and the Alt White.

Democrats are everyone else, which makes them a coalition.


Democrats seem to have sworn off their caving-in habit . I'm pretty all-right with that.
I voted both parties are within their norms.

Republicans are racist and they hate minorities. They are nearly all white. They welcome the KKK, the Aryan Nation and the Alt White.

Democrats are everyone else, which makes them a coalition.



proof at least one member of one party is not normal
I voted both parties are within their norms.

Republicans are racist and they hate minorities. They are nearly all white. They welcome the KKK, the Aryan Nation and the Alt White.

Democrats are everyone else, which makes them a coalition.


Omg..... your shit never stops does it? You are unbelievable rtard.
Sorry, but the Democrats are the current true disaster. They're not even marginally American anymore, and their humanity is in question as well.

The Republicans are a disaster-in-the-works. If they don't straighten out and hear their constituents, it will leave the country without a viable government.

And we all know what happens then.

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