Do you consider either party a complete embarrassment in their current form?

Do you think either or both parties are an embarrassment to American politics.

  • The GOP is a disaster

  • The DEMS are a disaster

  • Both parties are off their rockers

  • Neither are out of the norm

  • Stop the planet, I want off

Results are only viewable after voting.
I'm not seeing it.
Trump had both houses and the white house.
Could have done a lot more for the "crazed base" and he didn't.
The crazed base didn't have enough votes. There are enough lucid Republican congresspeople remain who aren't going to do stupid things.

Otherwise, virtually everything Trump says and does is an extension of the Sean Hannity Show, where his base obediently sits.

So much for your claim that they are slaves to their crazed base then, huh.
Nope. Overall the GOP is the party of Trump now. And the more lucid Republicans in Congress have to keep their mouths shut if they don't want to be the next target.

That's plenty bad enough.


YOU claimed the entire party was slaves to their crazed base.

Why are you walking it back now?
No, I'm just responding honestly to your questions.

Obviously you think your party is perfectly reasonable and sane, so you're not going to agree with anything I say.

Such is the power of partisan ideology. Always fascinating to watch.

Way to demonstrate that you didn't bother to read my post.
I would argue that the Federal Politics is in a sad state of affairs but far from being a complete embarrassment. Those with the power are the biggest dirt-bags in the Parties and it seems, more and more, to get to the altar of power, being a dirt-bag is a prerequisite. Take last night's SOTU for example; was there really any reason for Nancy Pelosi to revoke the invitation? No.
Both parties are slaves to their crazed bases and it's killing us.

No, Vichy Mac, here's the problem.

As a wise man said, "90% of success is just showing up."

If the "Crazed bases" have control of the parties, it's because they showed up.

They showed up at the campaign rallies, they showed up at the primaries, they showed up to knock on doors and drive their elderly neighbors to polling places. They showed up with their wallets and their time.

But you think the parties should be pandering to the guy who can't name his congressman on a bet and only makes up his mind the last few weeks of an election cycle.

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