Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

Do you see where it says, "I'm a one issue voter: We have to focus on fixing the system"? Does that paint me as a left winger or a right winger somehow?

Let's try this: I'll ask a clear and straightforward question, and we'll see if you can respond with a clear and straightforward answer:

Does where a person stands on the actual issues (health care, abortion, economics, immigration, etc.) matter when you think of someone as a Leftist or a Rightist?
You have adopted the Democrat slogan, which I now know was also Lenin’s, as your signature. ‘Nuff said.
Do you see where it says, "I'm a one issue voter: We have to focus on fixing the system"? Does that paint me as a left winger or a right winger somehow?

When your Mentor, Vlad Lenin "fixed the system," was that a positive for his subjects?

Let's try this: I'll ask a clear and straightforward question, and we'll see if you can respond with a clear and straightforward answer:


No you won't - you spew idiotic platitudes and then run the moment anyone challenges you - as you ALWAYS do, Blowhard.

Does where a person stands on the actual issues (health care, abortion, economics, immigration, etc.) matter when you think of someone as a Leftist or a Rightist?

If someone advocates for Comrade Yang - then one is a Bolshevik.

A Bernie supporter posing as a free-market capitalist would be less disingenuous than you, Blowhard.
As we can see from this hardcore Trumpster, MAGA is used across the political spectrum simply as an identifier:



He's right - look at the war you Nazis are waging on freedom of speech?

I get it, you know how to run our lives better than we do, so it's only right that you rule over us.
This is true, and sad and frightening beyond words. It’s gotten much worse in recent days as the Democrats see their power being taken away and we begin to reverse the damage.
Biden's Enemies of the State speech complete with all the lurid red dystopian imagery surrounding him SHOULD have given any thinking individual a clue as to what we are dealing with here, especially since the people he keeps calling an enemy of the state are just the every day, ordinary people all around us and who we encounter on a daily basis. The entire Democrat party has now adopted this same repulsive rhetoric.

Unfortunately, there are way too many people like Mac, here, who DON'T think, but merely react. As reactive people, they simply pick up the theme and repeat it, and so run around calling people "Trumpster" or "Maga" always used as an insult and to define those they see as enemies of the state.

What a slap in the face that the people they are calling an Enemy of the state are actually the ones who want to PRESERVE the state, eh?
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Biden's Enemies of the State speech complete with all the lurid red dystopian imagery surrounding him SHOULD have given any thinking individual a clue as what we are dealing with here, especially since the people he keeps calling an enemy of the state are just the every day, ordinary people all around us and who we encounter on a daily basis. The entire Democrat party has now adopted this same repulsive rhetoric.

Unfortunately, there are way too many people like Mac, here, who DON'T think, but merely react. As reactive people, they simply pick up the theme and repeat it, and so run around calling people "Trumpster" or "Maga" always used as an insult and to define those they see as enemies of the state.

What a slap in the face that the people they are calling an Enemy of the state are actually the ones who want to PRESERVE the state, eh?

I think it did.

Oz and Walker were behind prior to Adolf Biden giving that speech.

Biden's Enemies of the State speech complete with all the lurid red dystopian imagery surrounding him SHOULD have given any thinking individual a clue as to what we are dealing with here, especially since the people he keeps calling an enemy of the state are just the every day, ordinary people all around us and who we encounter on a daily basis. The entire Democrat party has now adopted this same repulsive rhetoric.

Unfortunately, there are way too many people like Mac, here, who DON'T think, but merely react. As reactive people, they simply pick up the theme and repeat it, and so run around calling people "Trumpster" or "Maga" always used as an insult and to define those they see as enemies of the state.

What a slap in the face that the people they are calling an Enemy of the state are actually the ones who want to PRESERVE the state, eh?
If anyone ever questions what the Democrats are, all they have to do is listen to what they accuse Republicans of.

That said, I of course knew that a vote for Biden was a horrible mistake, but I never in my wildest dreams would have ever imagined he would give a prime-time Hitleresque speech in which he demonized tens of millions of his fellow citizens simply because we refuse to submit to the liberal narrative.
If anyone ever questions what the Democrats are, all they have to do is listen to what they accuse Republicans of.

That said, I of course knew that a vote for Biden was a horrible mistake, but I never in my wildest dreams would have ever imagined he would give a prime-time Hitleresque speech in which he demonized tens of millions of his fellow citizens simply because we refuse to submit to the liberal narrative.
There's that word again, my friend.
There's that word again, my friend.
Oops. I forgot.

A good thread topic for you to introduce might be the difference between the two words, and whether in fact it’s reasonable for “traditional liberals” to try to hold onto the historical meaning of that word in light of the fact that many Democrats that I know proudly call themselves “liberal” and then spew the most leftist, hateful crap.

Just food for thought.
Oops. I forgot.

A good thread topic for you to introduce might be the difference between the two words, and whether in fact it’s reasonable for “traditional liberals” to try to hold onto the historical meaning of that word in light of the fact that many Democrats that I know proudly call themselves “liberal” and then spew the most leftist, hateful crap.

Just food for thought.
I've thought of doing that many times.

Liberalism is predicated on several themes, including egalitarianism and equal treatment for all, expanding people's control over their own lives, protecting those with little power against excess control by those holding such and any of a number of other themes.

Today's Democrat party is anything BUT liberal these days.
IOW, you can’t explain why you chose the Democrat Party’s slogan as part of your signature.

Check, and mate.
It isn't. You're free to actually prove your accusation. Show me the "Democratic Party's slogan" somewhere.

Check, and mate.
you Nazis

I'm well aware that, in your simplistic and manipulated mind, a person is either a mindless, obedient Trumpster or an evil, demonic, Deep State Hitler commie. That's all there is. You're either one or the other.

There is nothing I can do about that.
It isn't. You're free to actually prove your accusation. Show me the "Democratic Party's slogan" somewhere.

Check, and mate.
The Democrats, arrogant as they are, are well known for the word “forward” to describe their “progress” (cough, cough). It’s all over the place.


Post 660

You know, the subject you're replying to.
Oh that list? What’s there to refute? Boring partisan talking points. If you’re claiming that democrat policy or leadership is responsible then draw the link as to why. Otherwise you’re just using the same old tired tactic of blaming politicians for everything that’s happening in the world. Yawn

I'm well aware that, in your simplistic and manipulated mind, a person is either a mindless, obedient Trumpster or an evil, demonic, Deep State Hitler commie. That's all there is. You're either one or the other.

There is nothing I can do about that.
Actually, YOU are the one who calls anybody a "Trumpster" if they do not support your DNC masters.

Anybody with a triple digit IQ can see through all your sophistry.
The Democrats, arrogant as they are, are well known for the word “forward” to describe their “progress” (cough, cough). It’s all over the place.

Yeah, so you just made that up.

You don't know my politics. Not everyone is a sheep like you.
I don’t see how anyone can view such a label as an insult. Am I missing something?
Isn’t MAGA extreme patriotism?
Isn’t MAGA American nationalism?
Isn’t MAGA embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Isn’t MAGA the support and or display of core American values?

Why would anyone even half sane harbor disdain for those whom are MAGA?
It seems that our nation was at its best when the majority were MAGA…no?
Trump Butt-Sniffers...

Willing to excuse the most outrageous, traitorous, un-American behaviors and Neanderthalism, just to obtain and stay in power...


Right Message... Wrong Messenger...

Dump your Orange Albatross... if you can find your ball$ again to stand up to him... and you might actually win in 2024....
Trump Butt-Sniffers...
“Butt-sniffers” or just good, real core Americans whom embrace all things ‘Americans First’?
Willing to excuse the most outrageous, traitorous, un-American behaviors and Neanderthalism, just to obtain and stay in power...
See, there were no such things….you speak of nothing but bullshit concocted in you leftist echo-chambers.
There’s nothing ”disgusting” about prosperity and America’s best citizens being unified…Thanks Trump!
Right Message... Wrong Messenger...
Definitely the “wrong messenger” for purple-haired, nose-ring wearing, neck tattooed lowlife degenerates and the like.
Dump your Orange Albatross... if you can find your ball$ again to stand up to him... and you might actually win in 2024....
By the time the almost dead fake president is done fucking shit up beyond recognition you and those like you will be begging for another heavy dose of Trumpology.

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