Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

For me MAGA is a vision of a free, strong, prosperous America for all demographics. It is a concept in which government encourages and empowers citizens to improve their lives and circumstances as they choose to live and believe and doesn't get it their way with silly pronoun rules, social engineering, and other political correctness nonsense. It improves the circumstances of ALL demographics and not pet constituencies.

It means free trade that is fair trade, respect for America in the world, not getting involved in endless wars, and promoting the closest thing to peace in our time as any of us have ever seen.

It is lower taxes, elimination of unnecessary regulation, secure borders, enforcement of the laws and support for those enforcing the laws. It promotes good education by not indoctrinating but teaching real subjects, critical thinking, real history, allowing cultural traditions and customs.

It promotes the historical constitutional concept of a government of the people, for the people, by the people, i.e. the federal government does only what it is constitutionally authorized to do and then leaves the people alone to govern themselves.

So in that concept I am a proud MAGA which in no way makes me semi-fascist, a terrorist, any kind of threat to America.

I simply can't understand why any person would not embrace the MAGA vision.
Grow up

Make America Great is an idea that Nazi democrats become enraged over.

democrats = Hate America
Muslims are antisemetic yes Palestinians do not exist as a people! They are arabs
Hey dufus, are you claiming the entire squad is of the Islam faith dumbo ?
Are you claiming no one has a right to voice an opinion ? It’s only Trump and Christians far right that practice anti Jewish and non Christian favoritism in their actual conduct in Govt. Dumbo.
Showing favoritism to Christianity in our govt. is anti Semitic dufus.
Hey dufus, are you claiming the entire squad is of the Islam faith dumbo ?
Are you claiming no one has a right to voice an opinion ? It’s only Trump and Christians far right that practice anti Jewish and non Christian favoritism in their actual conduct in Govt. Dumbo.
Showing favoritism to Christianity in our govt. is anti Semitic dufus.
I am claiming they are all antisemetic, being a Christian Politician is not showing favoritism to Christianity.
Hey dufus, are you claiming the entire squad is of the Islam faith dumbo ?
Are you claiming no one has a right to voice an opinion ? It’s only Trump and Christians far right that practice anti Jewish and non Christian favoritism in their actual conduct in Govt. Dumbo.
Showing favoritism to Christianity in our govt. is anti Semitic dufus.

Nah, but they are all JOOOOOOO haters - just like you.
I am claiming they are all antisemetic, being a Christian Politician is not showing favoritism to Christianity.
Show one policy they support that is anti anyone and not supported by a MAJORITY of Americans…other then being against massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy and seven trillion added to the debt
Universal Healthcare, free college tuition, strong climate change action, pro choice, etc. Go ahead, name an anti semetic policy the squad supports. Go for it.
What is a “magaturd”?
Is that someone you know you can’t measure up to?

No, that is just a term for progs who feel inferior to and threatened by their commie-peers if they like Trump so try to compensate by putting down wanting their own country to see the greatness again it used to have years ago before progressiveness pulled it down to a lower footing more on par with the rest of the shitty world.

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