Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

Neither was the capitol and there was no possibility of a real insurrection? You lie with impunity...
You supported a FAILED insurrection. The only thing you are clutching your pearls about is that it FAILED. Here's one of your MAGAts.....
Rise up against what?
A fair,
Says the groomer that ignores 574 riots and cites they destroyed for over a year.. The only person to die because of the Jan 6 riot was an unarmed FEMALE... you should be so proud of that..
5 people died as a result of right wing violence. You can't change the past.
You show me where calling a fascist a fascist is against TOS. I'll wait.
SO name calling is ok when you do it... Got it...

Thats the problem. The Term "Groomer" is a person who uses indoctrination to forward a political goal by manipulating the defenseless. It is a term that infers intentional harm to persons who are ill equipped to deal with it. IE: people who prey on individuals.

You are promoting exactly that. SO why would it be against TOS? It is an accurate description of behavior. Funny that I did not find it in the TOS. Please share this rules location.
SO name calling is ok when you do it... Got it...

Thats the problem. The Term "Groomer" is a person who uses indoctrination to forward a political goal by manipulating the defenseless. It is a term that infers intentional harm to persons who are ill equipped to deal with it. IE: people who prey on individuals.

You are promoting exactly that. SO why would it be against TOS? It is an accurate description of behavior. Funny that I did not find it in the TOS. Please share this rules location.
You show me where calling a fascist a fascist is against TOS. I'm still waiting.
Biden and democrats are openly demonizing those who love America as founded, calling them fascists and Nazis while he is doing exactly what he is accusing us of doing.
No, Biden is speaking to those who are attacking our institutions and spreading lies about stolen elections. He is right in many aspects.

Intelligent and honest conservatives do not apply
Lying about and defending the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is yet anther example of how reprehensible and wrong ‘MAGA’ truly is.
LOL... deception is all you have. Pelosi's game has been exposed. Her dereliction of duty was intentional, she paid instigators to create the riot and they were ANTIFA and BLM agitators. It's all coming out now. Your fantasy is falling apart. The truth is coming to light... And there is nothing you can do now to stop it.

CHP officers have come forward to tell us they were ordered to let the protesters in.. The lie is coming apart at the seams..
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Says the groomer that ignores 574 riots and cites they destroyed for over a year.. The only person to die because of the Jan 6 riot was an unarmed FEMALE... you should be so proud of that..
Anther lie and false comparison fallacy.

Those who protested against police lawlessness were not using violence to overthrow a fair, honest, and accurate election, they were not trying to destroy America’s democracy, and they were not attempting to make a despot and dictator of Trump.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist were.

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