Do you consider Jews as just whites ??

Do you consider Jews as just whites ???

  • Yes , Jews are just whites

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • No, Jews are a little different and are not white

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • No , Jews are very different and are Jews

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
I consider them white, racially and physically

Looks like some of the Chosen People are more chosen than others...

Probably they are, it is logic. Because Ethiopian Jews are largely converts and Ashkenazi Jews have 60% Original Hebrew Ancestry and 40% European. Why would that be wrong? If you as gentile convert to Judaism, can you be as Jewish as someone who is born Jewish? Israel was always a nation and was founded as nation, it is wrong that jews are only a religion.
Jews are a religion and a culture. Africa has hundreds and thousands of black jews and in Asian countries, you will find Asian jews. There is no physical description that identifies Jewish people.
This is all just the noise that comes with Mort's signal of a desire to be a blue eyed blond.
Lol. His unAmerican point of view doesn't make him unique. After all, I share that attribute.

I suggest your psyches would have much in common.

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