Do You Consider Some Nationalities to Be More Entitled to US Citizenship?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
This section seems to be transfixed on the negative impact that illegal Mexican border hoppers have on the American welfare system/economy.

So, would you be as resentful if America saw an influx in immigrants from more prosperous nations such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand, on the condition that they swore allegiance to the United States (it's not an unreasonable demand)? I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?

I know it's a loaded question as the potential arrivals would already be largely self-sufficient and have a good grasp of English (the majority of Europeans from the west of the continent speak good English). But, although their numbers may present some hurdles, they wouldn't come anywhere close to the burden Hispanic border hoppers put on the American ecomony.

Yay or nay, America?
This section seems to be transfixed on the negative impact that illegal Mexican border hoppers have on the American welfare system/economy.

So, would you be as resentful if America saw an influx in immigrants from more prosperous nations such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand, on the condition that they swore allegiance to the United States (it's not an unreasonable demand)? I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?

I know it's a loaded question as the potential arrivals would already be largely self-sufficient and have a good grasp of English (the majority of Europeans from the west of the continent speak good English). But, although their numbers may present some hurdles, they wouldn't come anywhere close to the burden Hispanic border hoppers put on the American ecomony.

Yay or nay, America?

All are welcome legally. Are you an idiot?
This section seems to be transfixed on the negative impact that illegal Mexican border hoppers have on the American welfare system/economy.

So, would you be as resentful if America saw an influx in immigrants from more prosperous nations such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand, on the condition that they swore allegiance to the United States (it's not an unreasonable demand)? I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?

I know it's a loaded question as the potential arrivals would already be largely self-sufficient and have a good grasp of English (the majority of Europeans from the west of the continent speak good English). But, although their numbers may present some hurdles, they wouldn't come anywhere close to the burden Hispanic border hoppers put on the American ecomony.

Yay or nay, America?

When we get immigrants from countries like England, Germany and Australia they usually come here with an education and job skills and follow the proper immigrations channels for the most part, alot of the illegals we get here have never even tried to apply for the green cards and believe they are entitled to things like welfare, housing, education etc when they are not trying to get straightened out legally, thats what alot of peoples problems with them seem to be, Mexicans that come from money are of course a different matter.
We have taken, are taking and will take anyone that wants to immagrate here.

Hoardes of them are just as welcome as 1.
We have taken, are taking and will take anyone that wants to immagrate here.

Hoardes of them are just as welcome as 1.

Actually the US sends back people all the time who go through the proper legal channels. Thats why the illegals don't want to go through them, getting into the States is not easy if you want to do it legit.
We have taken, are taking and will take anyone that wants to immagrate here.

Hoardes of them are just as welcome as 1.

Actually the US sends back people all the time who go through the proper legal channels. Thats why the illegals don't want to go through them, getting into the States is not easy if you want to do it legit.

It's not supposed to be easy.
We have taken, are taking and will take anyone that wants to immagrate here.

Hoardes of them are just as welcome as 1.

Actually the US sends back people all the time who go through the proper legal channels. Thats why the illegals don't want to go through them, getting into the States is not easy if you want to do it legit.

It's not supposed to be easy.

Oh I agree with you however thats why alot of people come here illegally, to avoid that system altogether.
Most of those nationalities are here now; illegally.

(by the way HI I am sort of new here.....this is a nice place you all got here) ;o)

They ALL come here the legal way or no way at all.
This is a particularly poignant and timely question. The Chinese, Russian and Irish immigrants are present and I wonder if they are any more legal than a Mexican. Nobody seems to care, it's interesting.

I know first hand that Chinese sponsor their "nieces, nephews, brothers-in-law", which means the immigrants journey is paid and then enslavement ensues in the corner restaurant whereby these immigrants are paid below legal salary wages until their passage is paid up.

Maybe its because Mexicans are brown.
Originally posted by Blagger
I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?I know for a fact that there are plenty who want to come, but would they be welcome?
The United States, like all nation states, are just the modern version of the prehistoric tribe. The protection of the tribe's territory against any invaders is one of the fundamental duties of any tribal society that wishes to maintain its social cohesion.

The more different the invader looks the more intense the reaction of the inhabitants of the tribe is.

So here's your answer, Mr. "I like asking obvious questions" Blagger.

If legal/illegal immigrants in America were all caucasians 90% of the country wouldn't even know the US had any problem with legal/illegal immigration.
I'm not threatened by a Mexican taking my job.

But a well-educated English speaking European?

Uh, yeah.
In 21th century multicultural America whinning about illegal immigration is the last socially accepted refuge for white americans to covertly complain about the browning of their tribe.

And I don't blame them at all. These individuals are merely engaging in normal tribalist behavior lambasting invaders who in their eyes can't be assimilated because they don't even look like them.
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I'm not threatened by a Mexican taking my job.

But a well-educated English speaking European?

Uh, yeah.

I appreciate what you are saying. However, you may want to alter the statement to "I am not threatened by the uneducated illegal Mexican taking my job." The assumption that all Mexicans are not worthy is dangerous.
The discussion in the thread was about how 'bad' Mexicans were for America. I was kind of...pointing out that the likelihood of Mexicans coming here with out papers, getting a teaching license and a MA and threatening my already shaky job security is nil.

Actually, illegal immigration helps my job. I teach ESL. :D
Nationality has nothing to do with it. I am constantly amazed at the flat out refusal to hear the word ILLEGALLY entering and staying and using whatever they can at taxpayers expense. ILLEGAL. Why is that word so invisible?
The title is: "Do You Consider Some Nationalities to Be More Entitled to US Citizenship?"

Not how bad Mexicans might be for America. I agree that the likelihood of an illegal taking your job is a mitigated risk; however clarity is in order.
Nationality has nothing to do with it. I am constantly amazed at the flat out refusal to hear the word ILLEGALLY entering and staying and using whatever they can at taxpayers expense. ILLEGAL. Why is that word so invisible?

Illegal is not the question at hand. What the OP proposed is that some nationalities have preference over others.
Nationality has nothing to do with it. I am constantly amazed at the flat out refusal to hear the word ILLEGALLY entering and staying and using whatever they can at taxpayers expense. ILLEGAL. Why is that word so invisible?

Illegal is not the question at hand. What the OP proposed is that some nationalities have preference over others.

Nationality has nothing to do with it. I am constantly amazed at the flat out refusal to hear the word ILLEGALLY entering and staying and using whatever they can at taxpayers expense. ILLEGAL. Why is that word so invisible?

Illegal is not the question at hand. What the OP proposed is that some nationalities have preference over others.


Care to elaborate?

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