Do You Correct Them?

I’m seeing a whole lot of self righteous rightists busy virtue signaling with their faux Christianity. Sorry if I microaggressed on you because you self-identify as a twat and I have no idea what pronoun’s twats use (nor do I care).

I stand by what I said. The person most influential in teaching me that Christians aren’t all a bunch of intolerant jerks walked the walk and opened a door for my curiosity that remains today. If you want to influence people how you behave and what you do matters more than what you say because people are quick to recognize hypocrisy. So if you want to tell people they are sinning, feel free. They will probably point out your own hypocrisies.

So basically stating Christian doctrine is self-righteous virtue signaling. Is that it?

Is telling me that I self-identify as a twat a form a great moderating here on USMB? Huh
I’m seeing a whole lot of self righteous rightists busy virtue signaling with their faux Christianity. Sorry if I microaggressed on you because you self-identify as a twat and I have no idea what pronoun’s twats use (nor do I care).

I stand by what I said. The person most influential in teaching me that Christians aren’t all a bunch of intolerant jerks walked the walk and opened a door for my curiosity that remains today. If you want to influence people how you behave and what you do matters more than what you say because people are quick to recognize hypocrisy. So if you want to tell people they are sinning, feel free. They will probably point out your own hypocrisies.

Also you missed something very important it would seem. Christianity is based on the very premise that we are ALL sinners. Did you catch that? Did you catch me stating that over and over on this thread?

It's a frankly stupid and clumsy misperception that Christians think we're better than everyone else. The first step to Christ is admitting that WE ARE NOT. That we are helpless on our own to do anything to earn our favor with God. There is nothing we can do--the Bible says all our good deeds are as "filthy rags". If that is true, why would we go around telling people they're sinning all the time? Of course they are. SO ARE WE. It's foundational.

Your animus toward Christianity is sad, but utterly predictable. There's something about Leftism that is so reductionist is just ends up like a carbon copy ideology in everyone.
So basically stating Christian doctrine is self-righteous virtue signaling. Is that it?

Is telling me that I self-identify as a twat a form a great moderating here on USMB? Huh
Hmmmm….yet here you were interjecting your political beliefs about me in a religious discussion. That was necessary, right? If you can’t take it don’t dish it out.

Self righteous hypocrisy exists everywhere across the human spectrum, but religon seems to have a disproportionate share because everyone thinks they are God’s chosen people. It is always refreshing to have stereotypes and intolerance busted by meeting people who really model the virtues of their faith rather than belabor you with it, regardless of the faith. If you want to encourage someone to better behavior or to be more curious about your faith that is the way to do it. IMO of course.
Hmmmm….yet here you were interjecting your political beliefs about me in a religious discussion. That was necessary, right? If you can’t take it don’t dish it out.

Self righteous hypocrisy exists everywhere across the human spectrum, but religon seems to have a disproportionate share because everyone thinks they are God’s chosen people. It is always refreshing to have stereotypes and intolerance busted by meeting people who really model the virtues of their faith rather than belabor you with it, regardless of the faith. If you want to encourage someone to better behavior or to be more curious about your faith that is the way to do it. IMO of course.
The most intolerant people I have ever met have all been devout Christians
Hmmmm….yet here you were interjecting your political beliefs about me in a religious discussion. That was necessary, right? If you can’t take it don’t dish it out.

Self righteous hypocrisy exists everywhere across the human spectrum, but religon seems to have a disproportionate share because everyone thinks they are God’s chosen people. It is always refreshing to have stereotypes and intolerance busted by meeting people who really model the virtues of their faith rather than belabor you with it, regardless of the faith. If you want to encourage someone to better behavior or to be more curious about your faith that is the way to do it. IMO of course.

I wasn't actually making a remark on you personally. I realize you are liberal but I don't see that you are overly "woke" and cancel culture nonsense. I was making a broader cultural remark at large: that Christians are NOT the fundamentalists of our culture at the present time. We're not the zealots by a long shot.

If you read the thread too--maybe you didn't--I said the best way to "tell" someone they're sinning is to model, and used the example of gossip. If your friend is gossiping, just change the subject. There is almost never a need to preach at them unless the sin is harmful to others in an overt way (if anyone is mistreating's on with me).
The most intolerant people I have ever met have all been devout Christians
If someone said that about atheists, I would say they need to meet more atheists. In this case, the need is to meet more Christians. No group is free from the label of being the 'most intolerant'. Something else upon which to reflect: Is utmost tolerance a good thing? For example, if we are tolerant of our child's misbehavior is that in the best interest of anyone? In my case, I am almost sure that being tolerant of mask mandates is a very bad thing. And I am equally sure many find my position intolerable.
Self righteous hypocrisy exists everywhere across the human spectrum, but religon seems to have a disproportionate share because everyone thinks they are God’s chosen people.
IF there is a disproportionate share it may be because we state the virtues we wish to attain, but we are all constantly working towards what we have yet to attain. In that regard, hypocrisy might be a good thing. We haven't given up! :)
If someone said that about atheists, I would say they need to meet more atheists. In this case, the need is to meet more Christians. No group is free from the label of being the 'most intolerant'. Something else upon which to reflect: Is utmost tolerance a good thing? For example, if we are tolerant of our child's misbehavior is that in the best interest of anyone? In my case, I am almost sure that being tolerant of mask mandates is a very bad thing. And I am equally sure many find my position intolerable.
I'm not an atheist.

I've met lots of atheists though and they tend tended to be live and let live people.

And I specifically said " the most intolerant people I have met", I didn't broad brush any group.

And I wasn't making the sketchy comparison to a child's behavior to those of an adult who should know better.
Right. And I said what is probably needed is to meet more Christians.

You think I haven't? I could meet a million more Christians but how would that make those ones that were the most intolerant people I ever met not Christians or more tolerant?
As to everybody could hear His voice, that is also not exactly accurate. Jesus says many times in the Gospels, He who has EARS TO HEAR, let him hear.

Which is why I said the only people who can hear His voice actually want to take the time to listen and if everybody wanted to they could.

I’m seeing a whole lot of self righteous rightists busy virtue signaling with their faux Christianity. Sorry if I microaggressed on you because you self-identify as a twat and I have no idea what pronoun’s twats use (nor do I care).

Hey, she's a sweetheart and like she makes a point of saying on here,.. she was calling out your political beliefs and all that jazz not you.

Yes, yes, and no.

I think she meant many opportunities to find Him.

Hmmmm….yet here you were interjecting your political beliefs about me in a religious discussion. That was necessary, right? If you can’t take it don’t dish it out.

Can't we just all get along and get back to the topic at hand?
The most intolerant people I have ever met have all been devout Christians
I have met intolerance in all kinds, including atheists. It seem the more you believe there's is only one way the less tolerant you are of other ways. I prefer a live and let live, do no harm philosophy.
If someone said that about atheists, I would say they need to meet more atheists. In this case, the need is to meet more Christians. No group is free from the label of being the 'most intolerant'. Something else upon which to reflect: Is utmost tolerance a good thing? For example, if we are tolerant of our child's misbehavior is that in the best interest of anyone? In my case, I am almost sure that being tolerant of mask mandates is a very bad thing. And I am equally sure many find my position intolerable.
From my view, I support tolerance along as what is being tolerated causes no harm or infringes on another's rights. A number of faiths have problems with that imo.
Which is why I said the only people who can hear His voice actually want to take the time to listen and if everybody wanted to they could.

Hey, she's a sweetheart and like she makes a point of saying on here,.. she was calling out your political beliefs and all that jazz not you.

I think she meant many opportunities to find Him.

Can't we just all get along and get back to the topic at hand?
Many opportunities, but also many paths. Each religion represents a path to the divine. And because humans are human we can't comprehend the enormity of the whole that is God, we only get a glimpse. ThT is my view at any rate.
If someone said that about atheists, I would say they need to meet more atheists. In this case, the need is to meet more Christians. No group is free from the label of being the 'most intolerant'. Something else upon which to reflect: Is utmost tolerance a good thing? For example, if we are tolerant of our child's misbehavior is that in the best interest of anyone? In my case, I am almost sure that being tolerant of mask mandates is a very bad thing. And I am equally sure many find my position intolerable.
That is true, whether it is Christians, atheists, Muslims, Jews, rightists or leftists. Meet them, talk with them, listen, share a meal.
From my view, I support tolerance along as what is being tolerated causes no harm or infringes on another's rights. A number of faiths have problems with that imo.
Some years ago I began questioning the value of tolerance, mainly because I took it too far. Everyone needs boundaries, that line drawn in the sand. I came across a quote from Chesterton, Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. It set me back on my heels and I read any number of feel good quotes about tolerance to try and regain my former equilibrium about being tolerant. Didn't stop reading soon enough.

Dorothy L. Sayers: In the world it is called Tolerance, but in hell it is called Despair...the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die.

Is it that a number of faiths are intolerant, or is it more true that a number of faiths have strong convictions?

As in everything, there is a balance, but having over-balanced on the side of tolerance, I am now of the mind that it may well be better to develop strong convictions.
Some years ago I began questioning the value of tolerance, mainly because I took it too far. Everyone needs boundaries, that line drawn in the sand. I came across a quote from Chesterton, Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. It set me back on my heels and I read any number of feel good quotes about tolerance to try and regain my former equilibrium about being tolerant. Didn't stop reading soon enough.

Dorothy L. Sayers: In the world it is called Tolerance, but in hell it is called Despair...the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die.

Is it that a number of faiths are intolerant, or is it more true that a number of faiths have strong convictions?

As in everything, there is a balance, but having over-balanced on the side of tolerance, I am now of the mind that it may well be better to develop strong convictions.

Much of what is called "intolerance" these days is simply paying attention to your conscience. People suppress it and so resent those who try to take heed. Everything I said before stands; we are all sinners. But some of us do not endorse even our own sin, and for some who decry "intolerance", that stance makes them feel uncomfortable. So they attack us for "intolerance".
Many opportunities, but also many paths. Each religion represents a path to the divine. And because humans are human we can't comprehend the enormity of the whole that is God, we only get a glimpse. ThT is my view at any rate.

Umm,.. the ONLY way to God is through Jesus Christ. If there were other ways then He wouldn't have died on the cross for us.
Much of what is called "intolerance" these days is simply paying attention to your conscience. People suppress it and so resent those who try to take heed.
I will take a stand on this. I am against switching genders (Transgenders). The reason? I am truly puzzled by the idea that one feels like the opposite sex but was born into the wrong type of body. The old song, "I Feel Like a Natural Woman...." Can anyone tell me what a woman even feels like? Or a man, for that matter. Perhaps I need to talk to Kaitlyn Jenner.

I never felt like anything other than myself growing up, going through puberty, getting married, giving birth, breastfeeding, etc. When I was in my teens, we were all trying to find ourselves. (As if we were lost to begin with.) Today, are people going through that "find myself" block of time, thinking that they might "find" themselves over in the other pasture?

Where tolerance comes in is if youngsters want to play this game, shrug, let them play--but with no pharmaceuticals. They are on a journey of discovery. Leave them alone. I remember at one point in my life thinking I wanted to remain a child--childhood was great. The worst thing I could have done to myself (or my parents could have done to me) is find some pharmaceutical that would have kept me child. Adulthood is even better, something my child self couldn't have comprehended at that point in time.

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