Do You Correct Them?

cross pollinating

When a friend or family member sins, do you correct them or remain silent about it? I personally choose the latter because for one we're all sinners anyways, two,.. I don't want to be corrected all the time when I sin myself,.. and three,.. I chicken out. Besides one day I'm going to have to answer for my own sins. Nobody else's.
It is not on you to correct them. But it is on you to forgive them.
I hardly ever see any of this 'gossiping and hypocrisy' among church people I keep hearing about. I hear about it a lot from TV and the innernetz a lot, though, which tells me it's another highly exaggerated myth that appeals to people who feel guilty about something or other. Sounds like an excuse not to do a lot of things.
But seriously.........

Sins are like's different things to different people.....everybody see's them differently than everybody else.

Thou shalt not kill.

Jay says this a sin, because it's in the bible as one of the "commandments". Jay takes it for granted that this encompasses ALL factors of ending a life............murder, hunting, protection, bugs, "pulling the plug", etc. To Jay, killing is killing, period. Jay lives in the shadow of evil, because he refuses to have anything to do with killing.

Melonie says it's just a guideline, there's more to it than just "thou shalt not kill" and leaving it at that. Melonie says it's not a sin to kill if you are protecting yourself or someone else, or are hungry, or are getting attacked by insects, animals, or criminals. To her, this is not a sin. Melonie takes it upon herself to define what is meant by "thou shalt not kill". Is that in itself a sin?

But who is correct? The bible does not give specifics on the aspects and "ifs, ands, or butts" of what is actually meant by "thou shalt not kill". The bible is FULL of instances of murder in the name of religion or god. So why is it even a commandment?

Best advice from someone from the outside looking in............ask the person who you think sinned. "Why did you do that? Doesn't the bible say not to"?

See what they say. Their understanding of what "sin" is, could be completely opposite than yours.

More often than not, when I've asked religious people why they've done or said something religion considers a sin...........this is what they reply........

"Oh, it's not a sin if..............."

There's always that rider at the end. "IF". Which tells me they are hypocrites and don't live what they preach. They have excuses for everything they do and say.

You just have to discern what kind of person you are talking to, ask them the hard questions, and see what they say. And yes, this goes for family and friends. You'd be shocked to have indepth conversations with people you know about this, and find out how they really feel.

That's my "two cents".
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For someone on the "outside", it's hard to tell the difference.

There are a few people that have surprised me though. I would have never thought of them as religious, because they don't "do church" or use it to belittle, demean, and control others.

My Aunt was one of these people. Never would have even guessed she was religious. But one day I was over her house and her and another Aunt were talking about my grannys church and she said something about her being religious. I had to sit down and talk to her about it of course.

She said "God is in my heart, not in million dollar building. And a bunch of gossiping hens aren't going to tell me what I will and will not believe in".
I loved her even more for that!!!

So yeah. I've been thrown for a loop a couple of times. But on the whole, 99.99% of the religious people I've met and talked to in my life, and have seen on TV, are absolute flagrant hypocrites. I have no use for them or anything they have to say.

I have nothing against religion itself, as an ideal. It's the fan clubs I've got problems with.

Every single Christian is absolutely a hypocrite. That's the point.

That is why Jesus had to die.
But seriously.........

Sins are like's different things to different people.....everybody see's them differently than everybody else.

Thou shalt not kill.

Jay says this a sin, because it's in the bible as one of the "commandments". Jay takes it for granted that this encompasses ALL factors of ending a life............murder, hunting, protection, bugs, "pulling the plug", etc. To Jay, killing is killing, period. Jay lives in the shadow of evil, because he refuses to have anything to do with killing.

Melonie says it's just a guideline, there's more to it than just "thou shalt not kill" and leaving it at that. Melonie says it's not a sin to kill if you are protecting yourself or someone else, or are hungry, or are getting attacked by insects, animals, or criminals. To her, this is not a sin. Melonie takes it upon herself to define what is meant by "thou shalt not kill". Is that in itself a sin?

But who is correct? The bible does not give specifics on the aspects and "ifs, ands, or butts" of what is actually meant by "thou shalt not kill". The bible is FULL of instances of murder in the name of religion or god. So why is it even a commandment?

Best advice from someone from the outside looking in............ask the person who you think sinned. "Why did you do that? Doesn't the bible say not to"?

See what they say. Their understanding of what "sin" is, could be completely opposite than yours.

More often than not, when I've asked religious people why they've done or said something religion considers a sin...........this is what they reply........

"Oh, it's not a sin if..............."

There's always that rider at the end. "IF". Which tells me they are hypocrites and don't live what they preach. They have excuses for everything they do and say.

You just have to discern what kind of person you are talking to, ask them the hard questions, and see what they say. And yes, this goes for family and friends. You'd be shocked to have indepth conversations with people you know about this, and find out how they really feel.

That's my "two cents".

Moses murdered someone. David cheated with Bathsheba and then had her husband killed. Jesus' own disciples were sometimes bumbling, doubting fools.

I really do not know what you're not getting here.

It seems you think that CHRISTIANS think we don't sin, or sin less than others, or somehow our sins don't count.

This is not what Christians think. At all.
When a friend or family member sins, do you correct them or remain silent about it? I personally choose the latter because for one we're all sinners anyways, two,.. I don't want to be corrected all the time when I sin myself,.. and three,.. I chicken out. Besides one day I'm going to have to answer for my own sins. Nobody else's.

Depends on what it is.

But how you do it is also important. Let's say you're with a friend and your friend starts gossiping. Instead of saying "you're gossping and that's sinful", just change the subject. If your friend has a bad habit of that, and you keep changing the subject, your friend learns that you don't like to gossip. I think this is a better witness than scolding and shaming, and can lead to real change. "Why doesn't my friend like to gossip? OH, she's Christian. Huh."

Moses murdered someone. David cheated with Bathsheba and then had her husband killed. Jesus' own disciples were sometimes bumbling, doubting fools.

I really do not know what you're not getting here.

It seems you think that CHRISTIANS think we don't sin, or sin less than others, or somehow our sins don't count.

This is not what Christians think. At all.

Now THATS funny!

I've met plenty of christians that think, JUST BECAUSE THEY GO TO CHURCH, they are safe and protected from EVERYTHING they do and say!! And they have told me, in those exact words.

I've had MANY, MANY Catholics tell me that their sins don't matter, as long as they go to confession!!! LMAROFL
Now THATS funny!

I've met plenty of christians that think, JUST BECAUSE THEY GO TO CHURCH, they are safe and protected from EVERYTHING they do and say!! And they have told me, in those exact words.

I've had MANY, MANY Catholics tell me that their sins don't matter, as long as they go to confession!!! LMAROFL

I can't speak for Catholics. And those Christians are spouting false doctrine, that is, if you are even telling the truth about your experience, which is suspect.

By the way, depending on the church, there are many non-Christians in churches, sadly. Going to church does not make one a Christian.

A Christian recognizes him/herself as a sinner. This is a pre-requisite to accepting Jesus as SAVIOR--one who saves from sins.
When a friend or family member sins, do you correct them or remain silent about it? I personally choose the latter because for one we're all sinners anyways, two,.. I don't want to be corrected all the time when I sin myself,.. and three,.. I chicken out. Besides one day I'm going to have to answer for my own sins. Nobody else's.

What does the bible tell you to do?
When a friend or family member sins, do you correct them or remain silent about it? I personally choose the latter because for one we're all sinners anyways, two,.. I don't want to be corrected all the time when I sin myself,.. and three,.. I chicken out. Besides one day I'm going to have to answer for my own sins. Nobody else's.
We are instructed to "speak truth" with love. (Eph. 4:15). Sometimes love is not telling someone what they want to hear, but speaking to them in truth. As a parent, if you witness your child engaging in an activity which could be harmful to he/she or to another........what does your parental instinct suggest you do, simply watch them and hope they learn before any harm actually comes to them or do you........rebuke them and attempt to explain to them just how dangerous that activity might be?

Furthermore.......if you stand idly by and watch another sin that sin now heaped upon you also because of your sin of omission? "All scripture is given by inspriation of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness......." -- 2 Tim. 3:16

In essence........its never harmful to speak, when we speak, if......"If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles (Laws) of God........." -- 1 Peter 4:11.

Why? Because the word of God never returns VOID. (Isa. 55:11,40:8, Matthew 24:35). If you truly care about the spiritual wellbeing of any friend........instruct with LOVE, and allow God to work...........
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When a friend or family member sins, do you correct them or remain silent about it?
Rule of thumb: Do they want to stop what they are doing? If they do not, then speaking to them will only put them in the role of Pharaoh--their hearts will be hardened and they will continue doing what they are doing, and perhaps even double down.

If it is a habit they wish to break, get them talking about what they can do instead of what they are doing. The moment they are tempted, they can redirect themselves.

If they are hurting someone, use the approach that this person is truly hurt and what might the both of you do to promote healing.

There is no one solution fits all. The final question would be are we the best person to call attention to the wrong-doing. Sometimes that role is best left in the hands of another.
Thou shalt not kill.

More like thou shall not murder to me.

Depends on what it is.

But how you do it is also important. Let's say you're with a friend and your friend starts gossiping. Instead of saying "you're gossping and that's sinful", just change the subject. If your friend has a bad habit of that, and you keep changing the subject, your friend learns that you don't like to gossip. I think this is a better witness than scolding and shaming, and can lead to real change. "Why doesn't my friend like to gossip? OH, she's Christian. Huh."


Actually that's sort of like what I was doing last night. My friend kept using Jesus' name in vain trying to act funny and when I was laughing at other stuff he was saying before I stopped laughing there silently letting him know that I didn't think it was funny. I'm just not sure if doing that was enough or if I should have spoke up and asked him to stop. He obviously knew that I didn't think it was funny though and instantly changed the subject.

What does the bible tell you to do?

No idea.

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