Do You Correct Them?

Yes,.. but being a Christian doesn't mean I automatically know everything. I'm not God. Only He knows everything.

I did not say you needed to know everything, but it seems you should know what is the book you base your beliefs on.

Have you bothered to read the Bible?
I did not say you needed to know everything, but it seems you should know what is the book you base your beliefs on.

Have you bothered to read the Bible?

Yes, but I don't remember the whole entire thing word for word.
Yes, but I don't remember the whole entire thing word for word.
Not only that, there are times when verses like, Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing and, Don't hide your light under and bushel basket can tread a fine line. Besides, most of us learn early on that not everything in the Bible is about us, so no worries. Plus, we often get the chance to get it right the next time around.
Rule of thumb: Do they want to stop what they are doing? If they do not, then speaking to them will only put them in the role of Pharaoh--their hearts will be hardened and they will continue doing what they are doing, and perhaps even double down.

If it is a habit they wish to break, get them talking about what they can do instead of what they are doing. The moment they are tempted, they can redirect themselves.

If they are hurting someone, use the approach that this person is truly hurt and what might the both of you do to promote healing.

There is no one solution fits all. The final question would be are we the best person to call attention to the wrong-doing. Sometimes that role is best left in the hands of another.
Yeah......what a liberal DODGE. Projecting your own sin upon others. Might as well say, "The Devil made me do it." Or the liberal favorite. "He was a victim of society......." Its other people that harden the hearts of criminals......the criminal bears no personal responsibility whatsoever.

Psychology 101: See..........Medicine Show. The "oracles of God" are not subjective to personal interpretation/private interpretation. 1 Peter 1:19-21

Its gets no more OBJECTIVE than 10 simple laws to live by. There are "3" types of people in this world. Manipulators, Manipulated, and the lgoically sane.
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I’m pretty cynical when it comes to “sins” since most of those self righteous twats trying to “correct” your behavior are typically engaging in “sin” themselves…greed, arrogance, gluttony…there is something about casting stones that comes to mind.

That said, the best way to influence someone to be a better person is to model it. Don’t talk the talk, walk the walk.
For someone on the "outside", it's hard to tell the difference.

There are a few people that have surprised me though. I would have never thought of them as religious, because they don't "do church" or use it to belittle, demean, and control others.

My Aunt was one of these people. Never would have even guessed she was religious. But one day I was over her house and her and another Aunt were talking about my grannys church and she said something about her being religious. I had to sit down and talk to her about it of course.

She said "God is in my heart, not in million dollar building. And a bunch of gossiping hens aren't going to tell me what I will and will not believe in".
I loved her even more for that!!!

So yeah. I've been thrown for a loop a couple of times. But on the whole, 99.99% of the religious people I've met and talked to in my life, and have seen on TV, are absolute flagrant hypocrites. I have no use for them or anything they have to say.

I have nothing against religion itself, as an ideal. It's the fan clubs I've got problems with.
Well there's all sorts of "God's Special Snowflakes" running around out there. Some are in church on a regular basis and a few are not. Of course there are hypocrites...look at you can't see the hypocrisy in your favored political party then why point fingers at religious hypocrites?

But truthfully, the point about correcting someone is about their benefit not the corrector.
Then on top of this most people don't understand anything about the reason for the code of conduct to begin with... otherwise they wouldn't be so condemning to begin with.

But there are solid reasons to live a holy lifestyle...and it's not about anyone else but me. That's the real battle I fight. I'm not here to fight yours. I'm too busy with my own. If you want to know something then you can ask...I'm not going to belittle you... however, if you come with a belittling question just to start an argument don't expect any respect in return.

And truthfully, what song do you sing when no one is there playing a musical instrument? (Not a literal question but metaphoric one)
Just a little trivia for those of you who do not know,.. I have a closer relationship with God than most,.. and I know a lot of people call Him their best friend,.. but I know Him on a whole new level and I have heard His voice before both telepathically and aloud on occasion. Call me crazy, but that's why I have a little more of a guilt conscience when it comes to pleasing Him than most. Just thought that I would put that out there.
Just a little trivia for those of you who do not know,.. I have a closer relationship with God than most,.. and I know a lot of people call Him their best friend,.. but I know Him on a whole new level and I have heard His voice before both telepathically and aloud on occasion. Call me crazy, but that's why I have a little more of a guilt conscience when it comes to pleasing Him than most. Just thought that I would put that out there.
Theres a world of difference between committing murder and killing.

Murder is prohibited, killing is not prohibited.
There will be an accounting by God's standard as to EVERY life you have ended... from animal life to human life. That includes the unborn lives ended as well...if it has blood, it belongs to God. Touching what belongs to God is usually a case for eternal death.
Theres a world of difference between committing murder and killing.

Murder is prohibited, killing is not prohibited.
There will be an accounting by God's standard as to EVERY life you have ended... from animal life to human life. That includes the unborn lives ended as well...if it has blood, it belongs to God. Touching what belongs to God is usually a case for eternal death.

We ALL belong to God and everybody could hear His voice,.. but not everybody wants to take the time to listen, that's the only thing that makes me special is I actually did.
I’m pretty cynical when it comes to “sins” since most of those self righteous twats trying to “correct” your behavior are typically engaging in “sin” themselves…greed, arrogance, gluttony…there is something about casting stones that comes to mind.

That said, the best way to influence someone to be a better person is to model it. Don’t talk the talk, walk the walk.

lol nothing like self-righteous twats sniveling about self-righteous twats for a good laugh.
Are you SURE he had to?
Maybe he was just exhausted by all the stupidity, arrogance, and hypocrisy.......he wanted to, just to get away from it all.

Yes. His death for our sin is the only way both Justice and Mercy could be perfectly met.

If God handwaved the sin away, there is no Justice.

If God condemned us all with no way to be saved, there is no Mercy.

But that didn't happen. He gave us Jesus. What you do with the gift is up to you.
I’m pretty cynical when it comes to “sins” since most of those self righteous twats trying to “correct” your behavior are typically engaging in “sin” themselves…greed, arrogance, gluttony…there is something about casting stones that comes to mind.

That said, the best way to influence someone to be a better person is to model it. Don’t talk the talk, walk the walk.

There is none more self righteous in modern American than a Leftist. Virtue Signaling, microaggressions, pronoun monitoring. Covid was a dream come true for them. It's a fundamentalist religion with all the rules and absolutely none of the forgiveness or absolution.
We ALL belong to God and everybody could hear His voice,.. but not everybody wants to take the time to listen, that's the only thing that makes me special is I actually did.

We are all made in God's image, this is true. We all bear the stamp of His creation. We all are beholden to His will in that we did not order our own birth. However, we do not all "belong" to God. For example, where Jesus says,

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

As to everybody could hear His voice, that is also not exactly accurate. Jesus says many times in the Gospels, He who has EARS TO HEAR, let him hear. There is also the account of Pharaoh and Moses, where God hardens the heart of Pharaoh after Pharaoh starts the process. All this to say that the process is mysterious, but there is lots of Biblical evidence to support the fact that how we respond to God is very important. There comes a point of no return it would seem.
There is none more self righteous in modern American than a Leftist. Virtue Signaling, microaggressions, pronoun monitoring. Covid was a dream come true for them. It's a fundamentalist religion with all the rules and absolutely none of the forgiveness or absolution.
I’m seeing a whole lot of self righteous rightists busy virtue signaling with their faux Christianity. Sorry if I microaggressed on you because you self-identify as a twat and I have no idea what pronoun’s twats use (nor do I care).

I stand by what I said. The person most influential in teaching me that Christians aren’t all a bunch of intolerant jerks walked the walk and opened a door for my curiosity that remains today. If you want to influence people how you behave and what you do matters more than what you say because people are quick to recognize hypocrisy. So if you want to tell people they are sinning, feel free. They will probably point out your own hypocrisies.
We are all made in God's image, this is true. We all bear the stamp of His creation. We all are beholden to His will in that we did not order our own birth. However, we do not all "belong" to God. For example, where Jesus says,

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

As to everybody could hear His voice, that is also not exactly accurate. Jesus says many times in the Gospels, He who has EARS TO HEAR, let him hear. There is also the account of Pharaoh and Moses, where God hardens the heart of Pharaoh after Pharaoh starts the process. All this to say that the process is mysterious, but there is lots of Biblical evidence to support the fact that how we respond to God is very important. There comes a point of no return it would seem.
We are all God’s children, he has infinite patience and gives us many paths to find him imo.

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