Zone1 Do You Ever Question Why You Believe The Way You Do?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I do a lot actually. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I believe in Jesus and Heaven and that He died on the cross to save me from my sins, but I'm not exactly sure why I believe that when there are so many beliefs in the world about what happens after you die.

Some other people think that nothing happens, some people believe that you come back as something else, other people believe in ghosts, (I actually think that's possible too btw.) how I just seem to know in my heart that Jesus and Heaven exist and the Bible's true I honestly don't know though. It's almost like I didn't even make the decision to choose what I believe I just do.
Question myself? No, but beliefs can sometimes change over time.

I remember believing that abortion was a bad thing till I realized that in fact the utility of abortion is a very good thing.....Nobody talked me into seeing it that way now.
I was also just thinking that I think too much lol
I was really thinking about it some more and I guess that I just think that it sounds way too much like science fiction for reincarnation to be possible and it sounds way like too much of a waste and depressing not to have anything to show for living your life well and the way you should so it's starting to make more sense to me why I have my Christian beliefs.

(Although nothing after this life makes more sense to me than reincarnation but I believe that there's another life afterwards and that it's impossible for everything to have come from nothing. Even though I believe in the big bang, I believe that God caused it to happen for cause and effect.)

Also, how can I strongly love somebody who doesn't exist? :)
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the goal is to free one's spirit before their physiology expires, to face heavenly judgement - to know for certain ... 2nd is to be on track if the physiology does expire before resolution, possible reincarnation.

3rd - live in the desert and perish.

the religion of antiquity - the golden rule made certain could be all that is required.
I just seem to know in my heart that Jesus and Heaven exist and the Bible's true I honestly don't know though. It's almost like I didn't even make the decision to choose what I believe I just do.
1. Congratulations on your faith.

2. I very much envy you.

3. As for me, this VALE OF TEARS is so horrific that I find it difficult to believe that there is a God and an afterlife.

a. I am hoping that I am wrong.
I do a lot actually. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I believe in Jesus and Heaven and that He died on the cross to save me from my sins, but I'm not exactly sure why I believe that when there are so many beliefs in the world about what happens after you die.

Some other people think that nothing happens, some people believe that you come back as something else, other people believe in ghosts, (I actually think that's possible too btw.) how I just seem to know in my heart that Jesus and Heaven exist and the Bible's true I honestly don't know though. It's almost like I didn't even make the decision to choose what I believe I just do.

Culture and maybe also higher, more evolved interdimensional, extraterrestrial beings, reinforcing and supporting certain religions that teach and inculcate life-affirming principles and patterns of behavior. Even if those religious traditions are based on non-historical, fictional stories and mythology, what matters are the morals or principles promoted and taught by those narratives.


Miracles or paranormal phenomena occur due to the power of the human psyche (i.e. mind, consciousness, "faith") and certain spiritual beings vouching for or sponsoring, empowering (i.e. energizing, investing their energy and work into) certain religious beliefs and practices, that increase human solidarity, cooperation, and social order.


In some cases, perhaps, nefarious or more self-serving interdimensional or extraterrestrial entities will use religion to manipulate human beings, undermining scientific and technological progress, or the human exploration and colonization of space. Keeping humans earthbound, primitive, and as far away from them as possible.

Religion is a two-edged sword, that can be used for the good of humanity or as a means to keep the wildlife contained in the garden planet preserve, called "Earth", until the human "animals" further evolve mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially..etc, becoming more like those higher, more evolved beings who perhaps seeded their planet with life and created them, directing their evolution..etc.






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I do a lot actually. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I believe in Jesus and Heaven and that He died on the cross to save me from my sins, but I'm not exactly sure why I believe that when there are so many beliefs in the world about what happens after you die.

Some other people think that nothing happens, some people believe that you come back as something else, other people believe in ghosts, (I actually think that's possible too btw.) how I just seem to know in my heart that Jesus and Heaven exist and the Bible's true I honestly don't know though. It's almost like I didn't even make the decision to choose what I believe I just do.
When I read Newman's.Grammar of Assent I understood why believing is NOT doing what you say.

;—could a man be said to trust in God, and to love God, who was familiar with doubts whether there was a God at all, or who bargained that, just as often as he pleased, he might be at liberty to doubt whether God was good, or just or mighty; and who maintained that, unless he did this, he was but a poor slave, that his mind was in bondage, and could render no free acceptable service to his Maker; that the very worship which God approved was one attended with a caveat, on the worshipper's part, that he did not promise to render it tomorrow; that he would not answer for himself that some argument might not come to light, which he had never heard before, which would make it a grave, moral duty in him to suspend his judgment and his devotion? Why, I should say, my brethren, that that man was worshipping his own mind, his own dear self and not God; that his idea of God was a mere accidental form which his thoughts took at this time or that,—for a long period or a short one, as the case might be,—not an image of the great Eternal Object, but a passing sentiment or imagination which meant nothing at all. I should say, and most men would agree with me, did they choose to give attention to the matter, that the person in question was a very self-conceited, self-wise man, and had neither love, nor faith, nor fear, nor anything supernatural about him; that his pride must be broken, and his heart new made, before he was capable of any religious act at all. The argument is the same, in its degree, when applied to the Church; she speaks to us as a messenger from God,—how can a man who feels this, who comes to her, who falls at her feet as such, make a reserve, that he maybe allowed to doubt her at some future day? Let the world cry out, if it will, that his reason is in fetters; let it pronounce {221} that he is a bigot, unless he reserves his right of doubting; but he knows full well himself that he would be an ingrate and a fool, if he did. Fetters, indeed! yes, "the cords of Adam," the fetters of love, these are what bind him to the Holy Church; he is, with the Apostle, the slave of Christ, the Church's Lord; united (never to part, as he trusts, while life lasts), to her Sacraments, to her Sacrifices, to her Saints, to the Blessed Mary her advocate, to Jesus, to God.
I just seem to know in my heart that Jesus and Heaven exist and the Bible's true I honestly don't know though. It's almost like I didn't even make the decision to choose what I believe I just do.

How about some crowd funding to get you a transplant?

Regardless , I doubt you will enjoy Heaven as it is very different from what I suspect you imagine .
I can remember many of my times there between incarnations and there is constant pleasurable but hard work . Fortunately it all passes in the blink of an eye because Time barely exists until you get back here
i don't question it at all.
Same here .. it seems to me that unless you’ve experienced entering the zone, a state of perfect harmony and understanding where time seems to slow.. you’re just like a pin ball bouncing aimlessly. Perhaps you know what I mean, somehow I think you do.
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Same here .. it seems to me that unless you’ve experienced entering the zone, a state of perfect harmony and understanding where time seems to slow.. you’re just like a pin ball bouncing aimlessly. Perhaps you know what I mean, somehow I think you do.
Well, I don't get into pseudo-analysis like that. It is just an abuse of the word 'belief' to make it equivalent to opinion.
You change opinions but you CONVERT when your life turns around. IT is NOT the intellect utlimately , it is the WILL and can only be the WILL

"“Man can be compelled to do a good many things. There are a good many other things he can do in a halfhearted fashion, as it were, against his will. But belief can never be halfhearted. One can believe only if one wishes to. Perhap the credibility of a given person will be revealed to me so persuasively that I cannot help but think: It is wrong not to believe him; I “must” believe him. But this last step can be taken only in complete freedom, and that means that it can also not be taken. There may be plenty of compelling arguments for a man’s cedibility; but no argument can force us to believe him."'

OBVIOUSLY No one believes except of his own free will.

"Newman is forever stressing, in one guise or another, the one idea that belief is something other than the result of a logical process; it is precisely not “a conclusion from premises”. “For directly you have a conviction that you ought to believe, reason has done its part, and what is wanted for faith is, not proof, but WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL will.”
Well, I don't get into pseudo-analysis like that. It is just an abuse of the word 'belief' to make it equivalent to opinion.
You change opinions but you CONVERT when your life turns around. IT is NOT the intellect utlimately , it is the WILL and can only be the WILL

"“Man can be compelled to do a good many things. There are a good many other things he can do in a halfhearted fashion, as it were, against his will. But belief can never be halfhearted. One can believe only if one wishes to. Perhap the credibility of a given person will be revealed to me so persuasively that I cannot help but think: It is wrong not to believe him; I “must” believe him. But this last step can be taken only in complete freedom, and that means that it can also not be taken. There may be plenty of compelling arguments for a man’s cedibility; but no argument can force us to believe him."'

OBVIOUSLY No one believes except of his own free will.

"Newman is forever stressing, in one guise or another, the one idea that belief is something other than the result of a logical process; it is precisely not “a conclusion from premises”. “For directly you have a conviction that you ought to believe, reason has done its part, and what is wanted for faith is, not proof, but WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL will.”
Mmm .. I’m thinking your post will take a lot more understanding than I can give up at the moment .. to many distractions today .. and thanks.
My faith has been sustained by the gift of the Holy Ghost. The purpose of the Holy Ghost is to bare witness of all truth.

John 14:15-18
15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

John 14:25-27
25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

From the days of Moses until the days of John the Baptist, the gift of the Holy Ghost was not had among the children of Israel. Thus they were to keep the commandments that were written upon tablets of stone. But from the days of John the Baptist, through Jesus the Christ, the gift of the Holy Ghost was given and then the words of eternal life were written upon our hearts. It is a gift given through the higher priesthood through the laying on of hands of those who hold the higher priesthood of Melchizedek.

2 Corinthians 3:3
3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.
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Also another thing that I thought of last night was that I can't really help who I love, and that includes Jesus. 😊

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