Do You Face Mask Shield Wearing

People understand how stupid you look? You're wearing a shield that blocks nothing and a face mask that stops nothing. But "feel" better right?
How stupid are you Fuks?

The mask blocks you from spewing spittle all over the place
The spittle carries COVID

Does anyone wonder why we have the most infections in the world when we have stupid fuks like this running around?
Ok, so why haven't we been wearing masks when other covids came/come/are around? There are other covids out there, you know...and then swine flu,(caused by influenza a virus, subtype h1n1) , Sars-Cov-2, influenza, pneumonia? Viruses we aren't even aware of? one, in America, wore masks back then, yet I CLEARLY REMEMBER MSM "reporting" a so-called "pandemic " why now? There were cases, deaths back then (Obama years...) but ZERO LOCKDOWNS, ZERO MASKS...ZERO...except minimal reporting...hmmmm
Not as deadly
wakey wakey....

People understand how stupid you look? You're wearing a shield that blocks nothing and a face mask that stops nothing. But "feel" better right?
How stupid are you Fuks?

The mask blocks you from spewing spittle all over the place
The spittle carries COVID

Does anyone wonder why we have the most infections in the world when we have stupid fuks like this running around?
I don't see it in my corner of the USA , we use mask to be polite to one another, we have social distancing in the stores , the clerk's have polycarbonate shields.
Who cares as long as you wear a mask

I can’t believe moron Republican so called leaders who think it should be an individual choice of whether you infect others or not
I don't wear a mask. I don't. Pure and simple.
Well, aren't you foolish and selfish!
After 9/11, it was suggested to people that in case of bio warfare, to go out, purchase SARAN WRAP AND DUCT TAPE so that one can wrap their room and SECURE IT with Ducttape. Lmfao! Honestly, these particles are so MICROSCOPIC that no SARAN WRAP or DUCT TAPE is going to prevent the chemical from coming in...its just like the "duck and cover" video, in case of a volcanic eruption! :laughing0301:
People understand how stupid you look? You're wearing a shield that blocks nothing and a face mask that stops nothing. But "feel" better right?
How stupid are you Fuks?

The mask blocks you from spewing spittle all over the place
The spittle carries COVID

Does anyone wonder why we have the most infections in the world when we have stupid fuks like this running around?
I don't see it in my corner of the USA , we use mask to be polite to one another, we have social distancing in the stores , the clerk's have polycarbonate shields.
Who cares as long as you wear a mask

I can’t believe moron Republican so called leaders who think it should be an individual choice of whether you infect others or not
Well, look at their idiot cult leader. He seems determined to infect as many people as he possibly can with his stupid superspreader Nuremburg rallies.
People understand how stupid you look? You're wearing a shield that blocks nothing and a face mask that stops nothing. But "feel" better right?
How stupid are you Fuks?

The mask blocks you from spewing spittle all over the place
The spittle carries COVID

Does anyone wonder why we have the most infections in the world when we have stupid fuks like this running around?
I don't see it in my corner of the USA , we use mask to be polite to one another, we have social distancing in the stores , the clerk's have polycarbonate shields.
I wear a mask to be POLITE. I'm not an ass. I wear one if a company has policy stating one is required. Other than that, its off. (i.e. if im taking a walk, or a hike, its by myself...there are instances were others and myself choose not to wear them. )
People understand how stupid you look? You're wearing a shield that blocks nothing and a face mask that stops nothing. But "feel" better right?
How stupid are you Fuks?

The mask blocks you from spewing spittle all over the place
The spittle carries COVID

Does anyone wonder why we have the most infections in the world when we have stupid fuks like this running around?
I don't see it in my corner of the USA , we use mask to be polite to one another, we have social distancing in the stores , the clerk's have polycarbonate shields.
Who cares as long as you wear a mask

I can’t believe moron Republican so called leaders who think it should be an individual choice of whether you infect others or not
It's the constitution...

Either you believe in it or you don't.

Don't let your feelings get in the way
I don't wear a mask. I don't. Pure and simple.
Well, aren't you foolish and selfish!
After 9/11, it was suggested to people that in case of bio warfare, to go out, purchase SARAN WRAP AND DUCT TAPE so that one can wrap their room and SECURE IT with Ducttape. Lmfao! Honestly, these particles are so MICROSCOPIC that no SARAN WRAP or DUCT TAPE is going to prevent the chemical from coming in...its just like the "duck and cover" video, in case of a volcanic eruption! :laughing0301:
Do you understand the concept of dosage? If you prevent the amount of water droplets coming from your gapping maw as you espouse 'my freedom!', you reduce the dose of virus you expose other to.

Had you paid attention in school, this would be obvious.
People understand how stupid you look? You're wearing a shield that blocks nothing and a face mask that stops nothing. But "feel" better right?
How stupid are you Fuks?

The mask blocks you from spewing spittle all over the place
The spittle carries COVID

Does anyone wonder why we have the most infections in the world when we have stupid fuks like this running around?
I don't see it in my corner of the USA , we use mask to be polite to one another, we have social distancing in the stores , the clerk's have polycarbonate shields.
Who cares as long as you wear a mask

I can’t believe moron Republican so called leaders who think it should be an individual choice of whether you infect others or not
Well, look at their idiot cult leader. He seems determined to infect as many people as he possibly can with his stupid superspreader Nuremburg rallies.
You cannot stop a virus...period...have you guys forgotten that our bodies are BUILT to FIGHT INFECTION? Its ok to get sick and to BUILD ANTIBODIES. Im sure when one of you came down with the chicken pox, your mom saw to it that you and your siblings got exposed at the same time, as so she could care for yall and "get it over with"...the survival rate of covid is VERY HIGH...yes, people have died, and more will. People will die this year and next year, and years to come from the flu, pneumonia and a cold. Its not in our control...stop freaking out and being "Chads" and "Karens" ffs...
I don't wear a mask. I don't. Pure and simple.
Well, aren't you foolish and selfish!
After 9/11, it was suggested to people that in case of bio warfare, to go out, purchase SARAN WRAP AND DUCT TAPE so that one can wrap their room and SECURE IT with Ducttape. Lmfao! Honestly, these particles are so MICROSCOPIC that no SARAN WRAP or DUCT TAPE is going to prevent the chemical from coming in...its just like the "duck and cover" video, in case of a volcanic eruption! :laughing0301:
Do you understand the concept of dosage? If you prevent the amount of water droplets coming from your gapping maw as you espouse 'my freedom!', you reduce the dose of virus you expose other to.

Had you paid attention in school, this would be obvious.
Ah, school...I see what "school" has done to society...feelings before facts...and a "true" education...the above (your comment) is a perfect example....
It's ok..stay inside, order online, watch Netflix (I heard interesting things about this show Cuties) ..and get Door Dash! All at your fingertips!...heck, it'll be a great day when we have our own Surrogates!!...never have to leave the house!
People understand how stupid you look? You're wearing a shield that blocks nothing and a face mask that stops nothing. But "feel" better right?
How stupid are you Fuks?

The mask blocks you from spewing spittle all over the place
The spittle carries COVID

Does anyone wonder why we have the most infections in the world when we have stupid fuks like this running around?
Ok, so why haven't we been wearing masks when other covids came/come/are around? There are other covids out there, you know...and then swine flu,(caused by influenza a virus, subtype h1n1) , Sars-Cov-2, influenza, pneumonia? Viruses we aren't even aware of? one, in America, wore masks back then, yet I CLEARLY REMEMBER MSM "reporting" a so-called "pandemic " why now? There were cases, deaths back then (Obama years...) but ZERO LOCKDOWNS, ZERO MASKS...ZERO...except minimal reporting...hmmmm

Have any of those other "covids" been as virulent? Caused as many hospitalizations or deaths?
People understand how stupid you look? You're wearing a shield that blocks nothing and a face mask that stops nothing. But "feel" better right?
How stupid are you Fuks?

The mask blocks you from spewing spittle all over the place
The spittle carries COVID

Does anyone wonder why we have the most infections in the world when we have stupid fuks like this running around?
Ok, so why haven't we been wearing masks when other covids came/come/are around? There are other covids out there, you know...and then swine flu,(caused by influenza a virus, subtype h1n1) , Sars-Cov-2, influenza, pneumonia? Viruses we aren't even aware of? one, in America, wore masks back then, yet I CLEARLY REMEMBER MSM "reporting" a so-called "pandemic " why now? There were cases, deaths back then (Obama years...) but ZERO LOCKDOWNS, ZERO MASKS...ZERO...except minimal reporting...hmmmm

Have any of those other "covids" been as virulent? Caused as many hospitalizations or deaths?
We don't know and maybe will never get the true numbers...with this Covid, I do know that someone may die in a motorcycle accident and still have cause of death as covid on death certificate. Also, just today, in an article, Elon Musk was tested 4 times, by the SAME TEST, SAME NURSE etc..and had 2 negatives and 2 the same how reliable are these tests? A "case" is someone testing +, yet, never actually getting "sick"...lots of factors, hospitals were being paid more $ if someone was diagnosed with covid...potential fraud there...theres already been exposed cases of Medicare and medicaid fraud, so what would be stopping anyone from making an extra buck now? ....
Not as deadly
SARS had a 7.2% death rate, COVID has a 3.2% death rate.

The 2003 outbreak of SARS had just over 8,000 cases worldwide. It is obviously not even close to the same danger as the current Covid-19 pandemic.
It started with an "outbreak" just like covid. Yet, fortunately, it didn't get to high #'s (to our knowledge) When covid broke out, we pretty much immediately went on lockdown...curious to know reasons why between the two incidents...
Not as deadly
SARS had a 7.2% death rate, COVID has a 3.2% death rate.

The 2003 outbreak of SARS had just over 8,000 cases worldwide. It is obviously not even close to the same danger as the current Covid-19 pandemic.
It started with an "outbreak" just like covid. Yet, fortunately, it didn't get to high #'s (to our knowledge) When covid broke out, we pretty much immediately went on lockdown...curious to know reasons why between the two incidents...

The difference is the virulence of the virus. How rapidly it spreads. That is why one caused less than 1,000 deaths worldwide, and the other has killed hundreds of thousands. So you take different precautions with different viruses.
People understand how stupid you look? You're wearing a shield that blocks nothing and a face mask that stops nothing. But "feel" better right?
How stupid are you Fuks?

The mask blocks you from spewing spittle all over the place
The spittle carries COVID

Does anyone wonder why we have the most infections in the world when we have stupid fuks like this running around?
I don't see it in my corner of the USA , we use mask to be polite to one another, we have social distancing in the stores , the clerk's have polycarbonate shields.
Who cares as long as you wear a mask

I can’t believe moron Republican so called leaders who think it should be an individual choice of whether you infect others or not
Well, look at their idiot cult leader. He seems determined to infect as many people as he possibly can with his stupid superspreader Nuremburg rallies.
You cannot stop a virus...period...have you guys forgotten that our bodies are BUILT to FIGHT INFECTION? Its ok to get sick and to BUILD ANTIBODIES.for yall and "get it over with"...the survival rate of covid is VERY HIGH...yes, people have died, and more
People understand how stupid you look? You're wearing a shield that blocks nothing and a face mask that stops nothing. But "feel" better right?
How stupid are you Fuks?

The mask blocks you from spewing spittle all over the place
The spittle carries COVID

Does anyone wonder why we have the most infections in the world when we have stupid fuks like this running around?
Ok, so why haven't we been wearing masks when other covids came/come/are around? There are other covids out there, you know...and then swine flu,(caused by influenza a virus, subtype h1n1) , Sars-Cov-2, influenza, pneumonia? Viruses we aren't even aware of? one, in America, wore masks back then, yet I CLEARLY REMEMBER MSM "reporting" a so-called "pandemic " why now? There were cases, deaths back then (Obama years...) but ZERO LOCKDOWNS, ZERO MASKS...ZERO...except minimal reporting...hmmmm

Have any of those other "covids" been as virulent? Caused as many hospitalizations or deaths?
We don't know and maybe will never get the true numbers...with this Covid, I do know that someone may die in a motorcycle accident and still have cause of death as covid on death certificate. Also, just today, in an article, Elon Musk was tested 4 times, by the SAME TEST, SAME NURSE etc..and had 2 negatives and 2 the same how reliable are these tests? A "case" is someone testing +, yet, never actually getting "sick"...lots of factors, hospitals were being paid more $ if someone was diagnosed with covid...potential fraud there...theres already been exposed cases of Medicare and medicaid fraud, so what would be stopping anyone from making an extra buck now? ....
RW have you even got one test?

They are nose torture the first time, I don believe he got four of them unless using cocaine up his nose
Not as deadly
SARS had a 7.2% death rate, COVID has a 3.2% death rate.

The 2003 outbreak of SARS had just over 8,000 cases worldwide. It is obviously not even close to the same danger as the current Covid-19 pandemic.
It started with an "outbreak" just like covid. Yet, fortunately, it didn't get to high #'s (to our knowledge) When covid broke out, we pretty much immediately went on lockdown...curious to know reasons why between the two incidents...

The difference is the virulence of the virus. How rapidly it spreads. That is why one caused less than 1,000 deaths worldwide, and the other has killed hundreds of thousands. So you take different precautions with different viruses.
So, I'm getting info that H1n1, in 2009, had over 60 MILLION cases, deaths 280k..however, another site states only 12k...what to believe? Then covid, 11 million cases (u.s.) with almost 250k deaths...regardless, why the action taken now and not back then? There wasn't any sort of "panic" or "fear" in the air, as I recall. I do remember them pushing for a vaccine, and reports on the news, along with a few schools closing, but NOTHING compared to what's going on now...heck of a lot more cases back then, however, no panic or lockdown, economic issues (minus the 2008 economic crisis)....its been a trying year and definitely one to learn from. I feel most people don't change or wash their mask, so its basically like wearing dirty underwear. Pointless...agree to disagree...
Not as deadly
SARS had a 7.2% death rate, COVID has a 3.2% death rate.

The 2003 outbreak of SARS had just over 8,000 cases worldwide. It is obviously not even close to the same danger as the current Covid-19 pandemic.
It started with an "outbreak" just like covid. Yet, fortunately, it didn't get to high #'s (to our knowledge) When covid broke out, we pretty much immediately went on lockdown...curious to know reasons why between the two incidents...

The difference is the virulence of the virus. How rapidly it spreads. That is why one caused less than 1,000 deaths worldwide, and the other has killed hundreds of thousands. So you take different precautions with different viruses.
So, I'm getting info that H1n1, in 2009, had over 60 MILLION cases, deaths 280k..however, another site states only 12k...what to believe? Then covid, 11 million cases (u.s.) with almost 250k deaths...regardless, why the action taken now and not back then? There wasn't any sort of "panic" or "fear" in the air, as I recall. I do remember them pushing for a vaccine, and reports on the news, along with a few schools closing, but NOTHING compared to what's going on now...heck of a lot more cases back then, however, no panic or lockdown, economic issues (minus the 2008 economic crisis)....its been a trying year and definitely one to learn from. I feel most people don't change or wash their mask, so its basically like wearing dirty underwear. Pointless...agree to disagree...

The info I saw had H1N1 at 60 million cases and less than 13,000 deaths. Covid-19 has had just under 11 million cases with 247,000 deaths. So far fewer H1N1 cases caused deaths.
The difference is the virulence of the virus. How rapidly it spreads. That is why one caused less than 1,000 deaths worldwide, and the other has killed hundreds of thousands. So you take different precautions with different viruses.
Virulence is a vague term subject to many definitions. I can tell you that the yearly flu is more 'virulent' than COVID. Also, the yearly flu is easily transmitted from children to adults whereas COVID is not so virulent there. Yes, COVID is real but it's no where near the threat the the left wing politicians and news pundits try to tell us. The reaction to COVID was and is purely political, aimed at delegitimizing the 2016 election. They tried the Russia hoax, then the impeachment hoax and then COVID. Now we see them trying to hijack an election. I fear too many folks are falling for this bullshit. I might add, if you don't believe COVID is being used as a political football, just listen to Cuomo who has said he will not allow Trump's the vaccine into NY.

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