Do you favor smaller government?

Do you favor smaller government?

  • Yes I do, and I accept all challenges to the contrary

    Votes: 33 94.3%
  • Abstain

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
I always find it amusing, but at times also annoying, that so many posters here claim to favor small government ideals and then turn around and support authoritarian legislation and policies. So, for those of you who claim to favor smaller government, and have the courage to have that claim scrutinized, please vote yes in the poll for all to see. As for the rest of you, if you would be so kind, please dig up as many examples of posts by these yes voters (starting with me) that stand in contradiction to their alleged claim of favoring smaller government.

manifold, as usual, dwells in the twilight zone of the undefined middle.

If he were honest and had a legitimate intention of focusing a meaningful discussion (a debate) on the topic, he might have started by seeking to provide useful definitions, as a first order of business.

What does he mean by (and are any of us obliged to agree with his unstated definition of) "smaller government?"

What does he mean by (and are any of us obliged to agree with his unstated definition of) "authoritarian legislation and policies?"

Until and unless we have some workable agreement as to the definition of those terms, any "discussion" will involve people talking right the fuck PAST each other.

Give ya a real life problem.

A labor dispute at a coal mine starts. The workers are looking for safer conditions and more pay..the management says operating costs are to high and he can't cover the costs.

Labor organizes and goes on strike. The boss hires thugs to go round up the organizers and has them beat up. Labor responds by beating up the thugs. This goes back and forth for awhile and the town's power plant has to shut down because they are not getting coal. People start to freeze to death.

You are the mayor of the town.

What do you do?

I would have had the thugs arrested beforer the labor responds by the beating.

But as for the rest of you are saying federal intervention is necessary when we have unions.


Who would arrest them?

Police officers doesn't equal big government.

You could probably cut our current budget by 99% and still have enough money for police.

Most of gov't spending is unemployment/welfare/social security/all the big gov't departments and the military, not cops.
I would have had the thugs arrested beforer the labor responds by the beating.

But as for the rest of you are saying federal intervention is necessary when we have unions.


Who would arrest them?

Police officers doesn't equal big government.

You could probably cut our current budget by 99% and still have enough money for police.

Most of gov't spending is unemployment/welfare/social security/all the big gov't departments and the military, not cops.


:clap2: Best line of the thread.
It makes you wonder what they picture in their minds when they say Big Government?

You understand it just fine, you're only playing dumb. Every time I challenge big government liberals come back with points that even a libertarian would support. Suddenly government is roads and courts, it's not redistribution of wealth and endless regulation. If you didn't understand the point, you wouldn't be able to play that stupid, mindless game.
Well..we could have a penal system that does nothing. That would be smaller government.


Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me?

:tongue:no fair, you edited while I'll was replying.:tongue:


You made a lucid point. But I am pretty sure you don't know how it was lucid. :lol:

:( awww,

You mean I had my lucid moment so early in the day?

well I don't like to pay that much attention anyway.

I think it's my short attention sp
of course i support small government. Not for any reason other than our constitution tells us to limit the size of government. Our founding fathers warned us about big government. I can't help but be surprised at the number of americans that no longer want to live by the statutes of our constitution. We have gotten away from that, and today we can't understand why our government is out of control.
[ame=]‪The Sound of Cicadas -- Amazing Noise of Dense Cicadas‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Damn Sallow, we conservatives have jobs we have to attend to so we can pay for your entitlements. Give me a break.

First, you have a law enforcement issue going on here and the police need to arrest those who are resorting to violence and let the legal system sort them out. Second, the power plant finds a different coal supplier. This is a local issue, not national.
It makes you wonder what they picture in their minds when they say Big Government?

You understand it just fine, you're only playing dumb. Every time I challenge big government liberals come back with points that even a libertarian would support. Suddenly government is roads and courts, it's not redistribution of wealth and endless regulation. If you didn't understand the point, you wouldn't be able to play that stupid, mindless game.
Honestly, TM does not play at being dumb. She takes that very seriously.

Give ya a real life problem.

A labor dispute at a coal mine starts. The workers are looking for safer conditions and more pay..the management says operating costs are to high and he can't cover the costs.

Labor organizes and goes on strike. The boss hires thugs to go round up the organizers and has them beat up. Labor responds by beating up the thugs. This goes back and forth for awhile and the town's power plant has to shut down because they are not getting coal. People start to freeze to death.

You are the mayor of the town.

What do you do?

I would have had the thugs arrested beforer the labor responds by the beating.

But as for the rest of you are saying federal intervention is necessary when we have unions.


Who would arrest them?

The town police. Were you expecting federal marshalls or something?
Who would arrest them?

Police officers doesn't equal big government.

You could probably cut our current budget by 99% and still have enough money for police.

Most of gov't spending is unemployment/welfare/social security/all the big gov't departments and the military, not cops.


:clap2: Best line of the thread.

Why the lol?

Are you another one of these types who tries to pretend libertarianism and anarchy are the same thing?

Take a look at your hero's budget last year, hell you could probably slash 99% of government spending and still be able to afford our entire police force.

But also being in favor of small government would equal less cops, as people who favor freedom want to put an end to the drug war, and that would cause a far smaller need for cops.
Usually someone gives more than five minutes before taking the 'crickets' route. :lmao:

ETA: or even three minutes.



[ame=]‪Cicada Song‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

This better?
Oh, I see. Caffeine issues.


[ame=]‪Crazy Frog - The original‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Yep, sure did in response to your idiotic thought that to have a smaller government means we have to scale back our population and the size of the country. A leaner meaner government has nothing to do with how big of a land mass we have or how many people are in it.


Give ya a real life problem.

A labor dispute at a coal mine starts. The workers are looking for safer conditions and more pay..the management says operating costs are to high and he can't cover the costs.

Labor organizes and goes on strike. The boss hires thugs to go round up the organizers and has them beat up. Labor responds by beating up the thugs. This goes back and forth for awhile and the town's power plant has to shut down because they are not getting coal. People start to freeze to death.

You are the mayor of the town.

What do you do?

You have police go there, arrest everyone who's fighting and let the court decide which individuals are guilty/innocent.

Then if the owner of the coal plant finds workers who will work for what the other laborers won't and do a good job, hire them, if he can't find such workers, work out a deal with them.

Nothing else is necessary.

I think labor should blow up the coal mine to show they are serious about their proposal & won't be intimidated by thugs. This will provide extra work mucking it out when the return to work or take over the mine themselves.

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