Do you get the feeling the DNC has completely abandoned quality Americans for illegals and weirdos?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
One must have some quality in order to recognize it. Chuck and Nancy have none so they don't know how to identify it.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
Well to simply put it, the republican congress refused to do anything so Obama would be a one term president. It is the republicans who have shat on America and are in the midst of making the USA more divided.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
Well to simply put it, the republican congress refused to do anything so Obama would be a one term president. It is the republicans who have shat on America and are in the midst of making the USA more divided.

I'm trying to sift through the blur.....Are you saying you believe the Democratic Party is hard at work for quality, real American citizens and not citizens of other countries and the mentally unstable .002%?
They've gone all-in with their various oppressed victim groups, targeting white males and especially Christians as the communal boogeyman, and they jumped too early. They figured they had the demographics thing in the bag, and that their identity groups would carry them from here on in. Fuck white people. Look at the white shaming, the classes about how whites are evil, all the social media madness.

They simply washed their hands of the group, knowing that those consumed by White Guilt would come along for the ride. And in their narcissism and hubris, they fucked themselves with the courts, if not more.

They weren't wrong about the demographic shift. They were just early. And now here we are.
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It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
One must have some quality in order to recognize it. Chuck and Nancy have none so they don't know how to identify it.

Haha..true...well you know...there are the Union Workers who have been taught to vote Democrat by default and a few good .GOV employees.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?

You nailed it. The Democrat Party is no longer the party of the mainstream middle-American working-class. They now represent the dysfunctional fringe element: The sociopaths, criminals, rapists, murders, pedophiles, perverts, anarchists, socialists, communists, Godless atheists, abortionists, traitors, drug addicts and drug dealers, felons, mass-murderers, as well as illegal aliens, terrorists, big government bureaucrats, petite bourgeois, illegal firearms owners, and racist Black Liberation Theorists. The most frightening part of all this is that there are that many of the aforementioned types of people in this country, from which the Democrat Party gets their support.

Both FDR and JFK would have a fucking stroke if they came alive today and saw the direction these idiots have taken their party.
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It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?

That's why they cant win national elections...there are many moderate democrats who voted for Trump and will continue to do so.
It's pretty much what's happened.

They've gone all-in with their various oppressed victim groups, targeting white males and especially Christians, and they jumped too early. They figured they had the demographics thing in the bag, and that their identity groups would carry them from here on in. Fuck white people. Look at the white shaming, the classes about how whites are evil, all the social media madness. They simply washed their hands of the group, knowing that those consumed by White Guilt would come along for the ride.

They weren't wrong about the demographic shift. They were just early.

I'm pretty sure you just nailed it.
I wonder how long it will take the last few legitimate DNC supporters to figure out they've been told to sit at the back of the bus?
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
Well to simply put it, the republican congress refused to do anything so Obama would be a one term president. It is the republicans who have shat on America and are in the midst of making the USA more divided.

I'm trying to sift through the blur.....Are you saying you believe the Democratic Party is hard at work for quality, real American citizens and not citizens of other countries and the mentally unstable .002%?
"Quality, real Americans"? What a condescending statement. This presumes that some of your fellow citizens are unworthy of the same rights and constitutionally protections as others.

Why is it that some narrow minded people think that liberty is a finite resource?
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
One must have some quality in order to recognize it. Chuck and Nancy have none so they don't know how to identify it.

Haha..true...well you know...there are the Union Workers who have been taught to vote Democrat by default and need a few good .GOV employees.

You keep reading these headlines Trump will steal the union vote completely away

Chicago bakery loses 800 workers after immigration raid
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?

Great, another Trump supporters pretending about giving a shit about the vets.

The Democrats have a better record of helping the vets.

Trump , the draft dodger, trashed the military service of John McCain, disrespected a Gold Star family, and called the recent widow of a US soldier a liar. While previous Presidents were serving Thanksgiving meals to vets in various locations, El Cheeto dropped of turkey sandwiches & 25 cent bags of Lays potato chips at the local coast guard station.
So save your fake caring about the troops.

Meanwhile Trump wants to give himself & his familiy over a billion dollars in saves taxes. More for his rich buddies while fucking the middle class & lower.

Trump has done NOTHING for this country. He still imports the shit he sells. He still imports labor for his resorts & vineyard. He is making millions at Mar de Lago by traveling there. Getting illegal donations by donors scheduling events there & paying hoigh prices.

Trump lied about his & his campaign's dealings with Russia,
rump is acually shitting all over the Constitution. He can't get Congress to shut down certain departments so he puts in leaders to dismantle them from the inside.

Trump is a liar & overall piece of shit.
It's pretty much what's happened.

They've gone all-in with their various oppressed victim groups, targeting white males and especially Christians, and they jumped too early. They figured they had the demographics thing in the bag, and that their identity groups would carry them from here on in. Fuck white people. Look at the white shaming, the classes about how whites are evil, all the social media madness. They simply washed their hands of the group, knowing that those consumed by White Guilt would come along for the ride.

They weren't wrong about the demographic shift. They were just early.

I'm pretty sure you just nailed it.
I wonder how long it will take the last few legitimate DNC supporters to figure out they've been told to sit at the back of the bus?
Well, a majority of them are fine with that. They figure they deserve it.

Look at this. It's beyond madness, and it illustrates my point:


It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
Me thinks it is the other way around. When blacks realize how duped they have been by the Democrats, the party will be over.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
No, I get the feeling that you are a bigoted asshole, and care nothing for the homeless or Vets. DACA trash? Young men and women that have known no other home other than the US for the virtually the whole of their lives? You are the definition of shit.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
Well to simply put it, the republican congress refused to do anything so Obama would be a one term president. It is the republicans who have shat on America and are in the midst of making the USA more divided.

I'm trying to sift through the blur.....Are you saying you believe the Democratic Party is hard at work for quality, real American citizens and not citizens of other countries and the mentally unstable .002%?
No, I am saying that you are a lying bigoted son of a bitch.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?

You ask “Do you get the feeling the DNC has completely abandoned quality Americans for illegals and weirdos?”? No “feeling” needed. It's been quite obvious, for quite some time. The Democrats have pretty much abandoned honest, decent, hard-working, law-abiding,mainstream Americans, in order to pander to criminals, perverts, illegal aliens, and other subhuman filth.
It certainly seems as though all their time, effort and energy is spent on illegals, barely legals / DACA, trannies and the like.
Meanwhile we have homeless populations the size of small cities, homeless Veterans dying on our streets, we're $20 trillion in debt, middle class can't get ahead, poverty at all time highs and all Chuck and Nancy seem to want to do is talk about is how we can better serve illegals and DACA trash. This has gone on for nine years now...will it ever end...will the DNC ever put Americans first?
How and the hell can anyone with any class, decency and American pride continue to support a political party that shits all over our Constitution and clearly puts illegals ahead of their own countrymen?
One must have some quality in order to recognize it. Chuck and Nancy have none so they don't know how to identify it.

Haha..true...well you know...there are the Union Workers who have been taught to vote Democrat by default and a few good .GOV employees.

Military votes more for gop . They are gov employees .

Dems fight more for everyday people . What do cons do? Bend over backwards for big biz and brag how some crumbs may fall to the working class .

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