Do you go to Vietnamese restaurants?

OMG! It's bad when that's what people remember of our cuisine. We have some awesome cuisines. Yes, they are somewhat influenced by other cultures, but I think that the "southwestern" taste is uniquely American. And it is YUMMY!

Dont forget the sea food on both coasts. Maine Lobster. San Fran crabs.

You eat San Fransisco crabs????!!!!!! :eek:
I always got treated for em.........

Only because you were too drunk or too stupid to know the difference between a "crabhouse" and a "cathouse", squid.:lol:
I have gradually gotten over thinking of them as The Enemy.

There are other Asian food options.

They CHEATED on the cease-fire in spring of 1975. ("Peace is at hand") Henry K. Dec 1972

No, I will not go to a Vietnamese food restaurant.
What is comically hilarious about this is that those restaurants were started by families from South Viet Nam who fled the country after 1975.

You know, are allies?

Though, Ginspy is too fucking stupid to get much of anything.
You eat San Fransisco crabs????!!!!!! :eek:
I always got treated for em.........

Only because you were too drunk or too stupid to know the difference between a "crabhouse" and a "cathouse", squid.:lol:

Always figured they were the same........ when they made the "off limits" list.......... :D

Nah. See, the question is not about the "off limits" list; the question is, whether you want to eat, drink and fight, or fuck, drink and fight....:D
And with that, I think this thread has officially gone to hell.....:lol: BTW, I don't think I'd recommend doing both in the same establishment, unless you plan on dining at the "Y", and picking the crabs out of your teeth afterward...:D
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58,000 families of dead American servicemen would not be so kind.
Why blame them? It was not the Vietnamese people who committed American troops to invade their country. They didn't do anything to us.

IMO - the Vietnamese govt should make an official apology for breaking the cease-fire................................
Did it ever occur to you that our government should apologize to the Vietnamese for the damage we did there? How would you have felt if you were fighting in our Civil War and the Vietnamese decided to come here and interfere, killing thousands of innocent women and children in the process, defoliating a significant part of the land and laying mines that continue to kill innocent people for generations?

Or are you one of those Vietnam veterans who think of your ordeal in that debacle as having occurred in defense of your country? If so, I have belated news for you. You were badly misused and it's time you learned who was actually responsible for your ordeal and for all the deaths and miseries suffered by American troops in Vietnam.

It wasn't the Vietnamese. That is their country. We went there. They didn't come here. They didn't do a thing to us and we had no good reason for being there.
Yes, I do. I hated the Cong and the NVA, not the Vietnamese people. I worked with many good people in South Vietnam, people I believed (and still do) were worth protecting, worth fighting with and for. They were loyal to us, trusted us, and it broke my heart when America abandoned them.

I have some dear friends yet, a Vietnamese family who managed to get out after the war was over; they are wonderful people, who went through hell to get here. Their children were born here, as American as you and I; they have never known their ancestral homeland, though they still speak the language. I see them living here in freedom now, and I think that is what we fought for, after all.

That's all very noble. But do you really think you are speaking for all those Americans, such as my aunt and uncle whose precious son, my cousin Tommy, a draftee, who was killed two weeks after arriving in Vietnam? That was as close as the tragedy of the Vietnam folly came to me and it was too damn close! But I've spoken to many who suffered the loss of loved ones and who came to passionately protest that unnecessary and wasteful debacle. The reasons you've presented here are not sufficient compensation for their pain.

58,000 Americans dead. Tens of thousands more maimed and/or disfigured. What for? Are we the cops of the world? If so, do you have any sons or brothers you'd like to sacrifice in the next noble adventure? Or do you consider me ignoble for saying we need to mind our own business.
Chuck Norris doesn't go to Vietnamese restaurants.

They come to him.
Used to when there was one over by Iroquois park...

... but they went outta business and closed up...

... which was really a shame...

... `cause they served really good food at a nominal price.

(Mebbe is why they went outta business.)
what exactly are you eating??? any clues at all???

[ame=]Inside the Cat and Dog Meat Market in China - YouTube[/ame]
what exactly are you eating??? any clues at all???

I'm sure the 'clues' are right there on the menu. Why would you ask? And what is supposed to be the point of your stupid video when the idiot OP is not talking about Chinese food and is presumably referring to Vietnamese restaurants in the US?
what exactly are you eating??? any clues at all???

I'm sure the 'clues' are right there on the menu. Why would you ask? And what is supposed to be the point of your stupid video when the idiot OP is not talking about Chinese food and is presumably referring to Vietnamese restaurants in the US?

oh excuse mr expert. you have been over there and read the menu's and ate the food.

you have right???
what exactly are you eating??? any clues at all???

I'm sure the 'clues' are right there on the menu. Why would you ask? And what is supposed to be the point of your stupid video when the idiot OP is not talking about Chinese food and is presumably referring to Vietnamese restaurants in the US?

oh excuse mr expert. you have been over there and read the menu's and ate the food.

you have right???

Been over where? The OP was talking about Vietnamese food (again, presumably in the US) and you posted a vid about meat markets in China. So, tell me what "over there" refers to so that I can answer accurately.
I'm sure the 'clues' are right there on the menu. Why would you ask? And what is supposed to be the point of your stupid video when the idiot OP is not talking about Chinese food and is presumably referring to Vietnamese restaurants in the US?

oh excuse mr expert. you have been over there and read the menu's and ate the food.

you have right???

Been over where? The OP was talking about Vietnamese food (again, presumably in the US) and you posted a vid about meat markets in China. So, tell me what "over there" refers to so that I can answer accurately.

oh so you haven't been there. well mr expert open wide. from Nam's table to yours



bugs and maggots ok tonite huh??


how bout a bowl of Bee larvae - up and down. still hungry??? maybe a bowl a fish heads and rice??? that's still an orential delight


lets go see what on the dessert menu ok???

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