Do you have any major regrets?

We all have regrets. I regret having to be so far away from my mom when she died. That was hard for me, really hard. And even harder to describe how or why, so I'll just leave it at that.
Only one serious regret. I rather foolishing bought three heavy excavators about six months before the recession really took effect. I spent close to a quarter of a million on them, and made a loss when I had to sell them when I downsized the company. Had to really stretch myself repaying the difference on the loan I took out to pay for them, and had to slash my workforce in the process. We're back up to full steam now, but that was definitely the worst decision I've ever made. Oh well, I've got food in the fridge, a roof over my head, clothes on my back and the missus still puts up with me. Could be worse.
Actually, I do have another regret, which is entrusting the repair of my car's rear axle to that **** of a mechanic who still hasn't got around to doing it. Wanker's had it for three days now.

That I wasn't born to an extremely wealthy family.


I'm good.

The butthurt in you is immeasurable.:eusa_shifty:

Well no.

I don't think about gay sex on a daily basis like you Mudwhistle.

And I am off to Australia in a couple of days..

Being able to afford to go there after the rough start I got in life?


I'm happy for you that you are going off to Australia. I hope you have a great time.

Have a good trip! :eusa_angel:
Mistakes, we've all made them. I can't think of a major regret probably because I wouldn't change anything even if I could. I'm happy with where I am.

That I wasn't born to an extremely wealthy family.


I'm good.

The butthurt in you is immeasurable.:eusa_shifty:

Well no.

I don't think about gay sex on a daily basis like you Mudwhistle.

And I am off to Australia in a couple of days..

Being able to afford to go there after the rough start I got in life?


Gay sex?

Who thinks about gay sex?

And have a safe trip....while you're down under......
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If I was to dwell on some of the things I did in my past, I would be reduced to tears. The only way I know how to cope is to put it out of my mind.

Yesterday is gone. Everything bad with it. Let it go and imagine those thoughts leaving forever. Today is a brand new day. :smiliehug:

Your post deeply touched me, Pacer. I've never heard you share anything personal before. Two lines and I see you in an entirely different light. Amazing.
If I was to dwell on some of the things I did in my past, I would be reduced to tears. The only way I know how to cope is to put it out of my mind.

Yesterday is gone. Everything bad with it. Let it go and imagine those thoughts leaving forever. Today is a brand new day. :smiliehug:

Your post deeply touched me, Pacer. I've never heard you share anything personal before. Two lines and I see you in an entirely different light. Amazing.
Thank you so much, Jeremiah. Huggies to you, too. :smiliehug:
I'm kinda like you Early. Everything we chose to do led us to where we are now. Good and bad. Life lessons...and those choices we made, regretfully or not, affected other people too. So if we regret, they weren't set on another path that maybe made their lives better...or not...and then if they regret, those they affected would not be set on THEIR path. And on..and on..and on.

And mine influence my children and theirs theirs. Its how it has to be. I dont like much of what I have done. But my boys and my girl done do any of it. The im okay with that. Even what they hate me for. In case he end my path is mine. I will account for it to God as no one else. But im okay. And I feel regrets are healthy, but having them does no one any good. In the end its already done so you may as well move on. Some drunk wisdom right there.

There is Always a lesson in "Cause and Effect". No One is stopping you from learning from it. ;) Just a thought.
Yay! Intense is in da house! I have missed you, hon.

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