Do you have any major regrets?

My one regret is having a child late in life. Not that she is here, far from that, but that I won't be able to enjoy her company for as long as I could have, had I had children earlier.

Dude, just be there now. When you do it sticks in their heads. When your long gone your lessons will be there. Its what they will pull on as well as lean on when the shit hits the fan. Dude you were a father at the perfect time. ENJOY it!

Oh, believe me I am! I love spending time with her! She's a sponge, we regularly take a whole day and head out into the deep desert (either flying or driving) and explore the area....she's not doing too bad on her flying either! She can do a pretty clean two minute turn!

And thats all there is to it bro. When your long gone she will remember all that. You will always be there man. Just keep on keeping on.
If I was to dwell on some of the things I did in my past, I would be reduced to tears. The only way I know how to cope is to put it out of my mind.

Don't even. We all do stupid ass things, ALL the way through life. What's that saying? Maya Angelou. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Be kind to yourself, Pacer. You need to forgive yourself. You don't deserve any less.
If I was to dwell on some of the things I did in my past, I would be reduced to tears. The only way I know how to cope is to put it out of my mind.

Don't even. We all do stupid ass things, ALL the way through life. What's that saying? Maya Angelou. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Be kind to yourself, Pacer. You need to forgive yourself. You don't deserve any less.

Nope. The saying is, if my Aunt had balls she would be my uncle. One I would like to pass on is this, sit there and bleed for a time. Then get back up and start swinging HARD. No event is the end of us unless we let it be so. In short, if it dont kill us it makes us stronger. And it its going to kill you make sure you are laughing in its face. That way what ever kills you will have regrets and shit. Dude.
If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its ass as it hopped, too. So yeah. I get what you're saying Early.
Like I said at the beginning.....When all the bills are paid and the anchor is lifted...sail onward. We all make mistakes. Hopefully, we learn from them and try to be better people. I try to stay present focused in my life.

These are the wisest words I can give anyone. Looking too much in the past is a path toward depression and sadness. Looking too much into the future is a recipe for fear and anxiety. Try to stay in the present. It is the only thing you can control. :)
Like I said at the beginning.....When all the bills are paid and the anchor is lifted...sail onward. We all make mistakes. Hopefully, we learn from them and try to be better people. I try to stay present focused in my life.

These are the wisest words I can give anyone. Looking too much in the past is a path toward depression and sadness. Looking too much into the future is a recipe for fear and anxiety. Try to stay in the present. It is the only thing you can control. :)

Wise words. But Ill rip off more lyrics and quote " fuck it and fight if its all the same". Really it is. No sense in lamenting the past at all. You got all that future way out there.
Anytime I've started to wonder if I'd done something different in my life, then I'm immediately reminded of how it would have changed my path...I also think that the heartache has made the joyful times that much sweeter.
Like I said at the beginning.....When all the bills are paid and the anchor is lifted...sail onward. We all make mistakes. Hopefully, we learn from them and try to be better people. I try to stay present focused in my life.

These are the wisest words I can give anyone. Looking too much in the past is a path toward depression and sadness. Looking too much into the future is a recipe for fear and anxiety. Try to stay in the present. It is the only thing you can control. :)

The past does belong in the past. So why is it always brought forth to today? (online and in real life)

Then was then. This is NOW. So yeah. I agree. Presently, all is fine. I'm Scarlett now. I'll think about things tomorrow. :lol:
Tomorrow is the today you dreamt about yesterday. (Unknown author)
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Only one. His name was Jim. Downchild Blues Band. Bass player. I should have dropped everything and followed my heart.

I've been blessed enough to move along and love every minute of life, but I wonder to this day....what if?
Like I said at the beginning.....When all the bills are paid and the anchor is lifted...sail onward. We all make mistakes. Hopefully, we learn from them and try to be better people. I try to stay present focused in my life.

These are the wisest words I can give anyone. Looking too much in the past is a path toward depression and sadness. Looking too much into the future is a recipe for fear and anxiety. Try to stay in the present. It is the only thing you can control. :)

The past does belong in the past. So why is it always brought forth to today? (online and in real life)

Then was then. This is NOW. So yeah. I agree. Presently, all is fine. I'm Scarlett now. I'll think about things tomorrow. :lol:

The past is really only relevant in terms of how it helped form the person you are today. If you screwed up and it's appropriate to make amends by all means due so....but to live in a sea of past regrets is not a recipe for a happy life. I have screwed up as much as anyone. I sincerely try to learn from it...but I try not to beat myself up as well.

Of course, it's a fine line. :) But probably better to forge ahead then remain in the past imho. I really don't have any past regrets. What happened was meant to happen. C'est la vie.
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