Do you have any major regrets?

I regret stepping on to that elevator where I met the woman who became my second wife.

WOW, how I regret dong that.....

Ha! Aww, come on...tell us what you learned from that? And if anything, then it wasn't a mistake; rather a lesson?
I think I just derailed my thread! Get over to Cheers! I'll buy y'all a drink and we can remine...remmen...rimeen...screw it...TALK about better days before we even thought of regrets. ;)
I think I just derailed my thread! Get over to Cheers! I'll buy y'all a drink and we can remine...remmen...rimeen...screw it...TALK about better days before we even thought of regrets. ;)

I can't, but will be there in spirit....:D
I think I just derailed my thread! Get over to Cheers! I'll buy y'all a drink and we can remine...remmen...rimeen...screw it...TALK about better days before we even thought of regrets. ;)

:lol: You're so funny. You make me L O L....^^^
You can't? How come???

Anywho...Eff It. Let's derail this one some more!

Speaking of regrets......and where one MAY wind up if we didn't experience a choice we made, I have a story! Ready?

hands bottle to AA

Long long long time ago when I first met hubby, we came to the beach for the weekend. We went to a yard sale just for funzies and wound up at this really nice apartment complex. They were having a community sale in the garages in the back of the property. I was so impressed with the grounds and I secretly wished I could get a gig like that...managing such a great complex.

Who knew that about 10 years later, give or take, we would meet a man via an ad in the paper looking for resident managers and he wanted us to meet him again after the interview to show us the property. Yep. The same place from years ago. We got the job and stayed there 17 years as manager. It is about 3 blocks from where I am now. :eusa_clap:
You can't? How come???

Anywho...Eff It. Let's derail this one some more!

Speaking of regrets......and where one MAY wind up if we didn't experience a choice we made, I have a story! Ready?

hands bottle to AA

Long long long time ago when I first met hubby, we came to the beach for the weekend. We went to a yard sale just for funzies and wound up at this really nice apartment complex. They were having a community sale in the garages in the back of the property. I was so impressed with the grounds and I secretly wished I could get a gig like that...managing such a great complex.

Who knew that about 10 years later, give or take, we would meet a man via an ad in the paper looking for resident managers and he wanted us to meet him again after the interview to show us the property. Yep. The same place from years ago. We got the job and stayed there 17 years as manager. It is about 3 blocks from where I am now. :eusa_clap:

:omg: Outstanding!!! Wow! hands bottle back

My aunt owns a small to medium apartment complex, too. Forty five units. I am around often.

I owned three apartments and am in awe of anyone who can do as you, and she, over about a year....:lol:
Oh, I had managed bunches. From bakersfield to incline village, west covina to maui, oxnard to camarillo. Been all over the place.

peers in bottle. She drank it ALL??!!

I'm lookin' for another gig. Maybe. Long as heavy maintenance is not required and I can have my furkids. If she wants a manager til we be daid, holler.

burp. Wipes mouth with huge hippie sleeved blouse
Worst one I had was the one in West Covina. 312 units. Had to use a damn golf cart to get around the place. Racket ball, billiard rooms, huge library, tennis courts, swimming pool...doctors and lawyers and hoity toities, security guards and locked gates. HATED it. Had to wear a business suit. And NYLONS!!! Ack! Had 3 leasing agents, assistant managers that lived on site, maintenance crews to dictate chores to. I wanted to be outside...planting tulips along the walkway. But noooooooooooooo. They wanted me to be MANAGER and ACT like one. Sniff.

I lasted a few years then said eff it. Called another company and they said get our butts to maui...29 units there. So..we did. :D
That there is a REGRET!!! I should have never gone to West Covina.

Howsomever...hic....if I hadn't of, I wouldn't have wound up managing in Maui.
Oh, I had managed bunches. From bakersfield to incline village, west covina to maui, oxnard to camarillo. Been all over the place.

peers in bottle. She drank it ALL??!!

I'm lookin' for another gig. Maybe. Long as heavy maintenance is not required and I can have my furkids. If she wants a manager til we be daid, holler.

burp. Wipes mouth with huge hippie sleeved blouse

My gosh! You really have been there and done that. How exciting.

I thought you said..pees in bottle....

See you later, kiddo. My shift is UP!!! ( for the night ) :smiliehug:
Night AA. It was fun visiting with you, sweety. Some other time let's do it again!!

She PEED in the bottle? omg. I drank her pee. Burp.
] ...How can something be considered a mistake, when you have no frame of reference, as to how the perceived alternative might have worked out?

The hypothetical outcomes of alternative courses of action have no bearing on my personal assessments of the outcomes that have been realized in my life. That different choices may have rendered better or worse consequences than the ones I've labeled as "mistakes" completely irrelevant to my capacity to judge the consequences with which I now have no choice but to face.

Besides, the thought of never owning up to what I now see as the mistakes of my past, just because I can't possibly know how things might have turned out otherwise, seems more of a cop-out in the personal responsibility department than anything else.

That's just me, though.

Whatever works for you, more power to ya'...
Just curious.

I have regrets, but I don't think I'd want the power to change anything that's happened.

To save a life might take other lives.

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