Do you join the 40% that say Trayvon shot self defense...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
40% Now Say Trayvon Martin Shot in Self-Defense; 24% Say It Was Murder
40% Now Say Trayvon Martin Shot in Self-Defense; 24% Say It Was Murder - Rasmussen Reports™
Now I like a very few WANTED to wait till MORE evidence was in to jump to a conclusion..BUT the Sharptons, Obamas.. wanted a "hate" crime.

Now with more evidence... reserving judgement seems to be right!
Consider if we used the Dept of Justice approved Black Panthers approach.. bounty on Zimmerman's head!

Thank goodness a Majority of law enforcement have the experience to WAIT for MORE information to pass judgement.

I hope this is the lesson that MORE people learn...
DON"T rush to judgement and do like a majority of voters did for example put into office an incompetent person who happened to be black being THE ONLY qualification!
Lesson learned though seems lost on most people is
DON'T RUSH TO it Trayvon Martin, Duke Lacrosse, Tawana Brawley!
Another lesson learned is the MSM is not to be trusted!
With the MSM finding Zimmerman guilty just to pander to the minority of black poverty pimps I wonder if they are finally catching on!
President's exact statement.

“Obviously this is a tragedy. I can only imagine what these parents are going through. When I think about this boy I think about my own kids and I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this and that everybody pulls together, federal, state and local to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened.

I’m glad that not only the Justice Department is looking into it, I understand now that the governor of the state of Florida has formed a task force to investigate what is taking place.

I think all of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how something like this happened. That means that we examine the laws and the context for what happened as well as the specifics of the incident.
But my main message is to the parents of Trayvon. If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon. I think they are right to expect that all of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves and we will get to the bottom of exactly what happened.”
Lesson learned though seems lost on most people is
DON'T RUSH TO it Trayvon Martin, Duke Lacrosse, Tawana Brawley!
Another lesson learned is the MSM is not to be trusted!
With the MSM finding Zimmerman guilty just to pander to the minority of black poverty pimps I wonder if they are finally catching on!

Thank goodness a Majority of law enforcement have the experience to WAIT for MORE information to pass judgement.

DON'T RUSH TO JUDGEMENT - WAIT for MORE information to pass judgement.

are you serious ??? - and you believe a poll is a credible discussion for a murder trial ?

without MSM there would be no trial -

without the MSM, Zimmerman would be walking the streets packing his 9mm ready to shoot anyone on site as he was before he killed someone.

law enforcement did not have the experience to Wait for more information but simply let him walk after shooting an unarmed civilian.
Lesson learned though seems lost on most people is
DON'T RUSH TO it Trayvon Martin, Duke Lacrosse, Tawana Brawley!
Another lesson learned is the MSM is not to be trusted!
With the MSM finding Zimmerman guilty just to pander to the minority of black poverty pimps I wonder if they are finally catching on!

Thank goodness a Majority of law enforcement have the experience to WAIT for MORE information to pass judgement.

DON'T RUSH TO JUDGEMENT - WAIT for MORE information to pass judgement.

are you serious ??? - and you believe a poll is a credible discussion for a murder trial ?

without MSM there would be no trial -

without the MSM, Zimmerman would be walking the streets packing his 9mm ready to shoot anyone on site as he was before he killed someone.

law enforcement did not have the experience to Wait for more information but simply let him walk after shooting an unarmed civilian.

Again... the point NOW of the trial is MSM demand for something that was not a crime according to the law enforcement EXPERTS!
Martin ATTACKED Zimmerman...
What would you do beg for mercy?
Zimmerman will be found NOT guilty.
And idiots like you will go on a rampage totally reinforcing more people to jump to conclusions that idiots that don't like the FACTs take the law in their own hands!

The common cliched statement "well Zimmerman shouldn't have ignored the dispatcher saying don't follow"... DO YOU KNOW for sure that Zimmerman DIDN'T follow that request? I don't and maybe that silly cliched comment is totally absent the facts!
The prosecutor could've got a manslaughter conviction but the twit overstated the charge.
The prosecutor could've got a manslaughter conviction but the twit overstated the charge.

By attempting to appease the lynch mobs for the time being will just make them angrier in the end when Zimmerman is found not guilty.
Exactly, he could get 1-5 years for manslaughter and this would go away but now he'll get off for good and Orlando will be attacked by black mobs. Nevermind the blacks in the ghettos of Tampa and Miami.

The prosecutor could've got a manslaughter conviction but the twit overstated the charge.

By attempting to appease the lynch mobs for the time being will just make them angrier in the end when Zimmerman is found not guilty.
Lesson learned though seems lost on most people is
DON'T RUSH TO it Trayvon Martin, Duke Lacrosse, Tawana Brawley!
Another lesson learned is the MSM is not to be trusted!
With the MSM finding Zimmerman guilty just to pander to the minority of black poverty pimps I wonder if they are finally catching on!

Thank goodness a Majority of law enforcement have the experience to WAIT for MORE information to pass judgement.

DON'T RUSH TO JUDGEMENT - WAIT for MORE information to pass judgement.

are you serious ??? - and you believe a poll is a credible discussion for a murder trial ?

without MSM there would be no trial -

without the MSM, Zimmerman would be walking the streets packing his 9mm ready to shoot anyone on site as he was before he killed someone.

law enforcement did not have the experience to Wait for more information but simply let him walk after shooting an unarmed civilian.

Again... the point NOW of the trial is MSM demand for something that was not a crime according to the law enforcement EXPERTS!
Martin ATTACKED Zimmerman...
What would you do beg for mercy?
Zimmerman will be found NOT guilty.
And idiots like you will go on a rampage totally reinforcing more people to jump to conclusions that idiots that don't like the FACTs take the law in their own hands!

The common cliched statement "well Zimmerman shouldn't have ignored the dispatcher saying don't follow"... DO YOU KNOW for sure that Zimmerman DIDN'T follow that request? I don't and maybe that silly cliched comment is totally absent the facts!

I put this up in another thread. But this addresses your question as well. How do we know that he followed him? It just became part of the media narrative.

The Daily Caller lays out the time line from the tape. And according to those that can hear it, they are concluding that Zimmerman complied with the dispatchers request.

All the new buzzwords like "stalking" Trayvon, "hunting" Trayvon are out there and there is no proof whatsoever that Zimmerman hunted Trayvon. It's to the point now where people are just making shit up.

And what's really bizarre is the the Special Prosecutor with an eyewitness who backed Zimmerman's story, the injuries to Zimmerman, the autopsy that showed only Trayvon's knuckles damaged and a gun shot wound, the Officer who said Zimmerman's back was wet still went and charged him. Dershowitz is just out and out slagging the Prosecutor.

Great wrap up at the DC:

The point is this: With no witnesses stating that Zimmerman defied the dispatcher’s wishes and continued following Martin and no evidence to suggest he did, how did the idea that he pursued Martin after the dispatcher told him not to become a universally recognized, undisputed fact?

And here's the transcript of the 911 call:

From the call released by the Sanford Police:

At 2:07, Zimmerman tells the dispatcher, “He’s running.”

At 2:09, you can hear a car door open and an alarm begins that is undoubtedly the “door open, keys in ignition” warning on Zimmerman’s truck.

At 2:13, you can clearly hear the car door slamming shut, and the alarm stops.

At 2:17, Zimmerman’s voice wobbles and he starts breathing heavily into the phone, indicating that he has started running.

At 2:22, without any prompting other than the aforementioned noises and breathing, the dispatcher asks “Are you following him?” to which Zimmerman responds, “Yeah.”

At 2:26, the dispatcher says, “Okay, we don’t need you to do that,” to which Zimmerman responds, “Okay.”

Zimmerman proceeds to give the dispatcher his name. Then he says, “He ran.”

Zimmerman can still be heard breathing into the phone until about 2:39, at which point the heavy breathing stops entirely,a mere 13 seconds after the dispatcher asked him to stop following. A very calm and collected Zimmerman then proceeds to give the dispatcher his own information, directions and a description of his location for another 1 minute and 33 seconds.

Read more: 911 call shows Zimmerman stopped following Martin after dispatcher
Lesson learned though seems lost on most people is
DON'T RUSH TO it Trayvon Martin, Duke Lacrosse, Tawana Brawley!
Another lesson learned is the MSM is not to be trusted!
With the MSM finding Zimmerman guilty just to pander to the minority of black poverty pimps I wonder if they are finally catching on!

Thank goodness a Majority of law enforcement have the experience to WAIT for MORE information to pass judgement.

DON'T RUSH TO JUDGEMENT - WAIT for MORE information to pass judgement.

are you serious ??? - and you believe a poll is a credible discussion for a murder trial ?

without MSM there would be no trial -

without the MSM, Zimmerman would be walking the streets packing his 9mm ready to shoot anyone on site as he was before he killed someone.

law enforcement did not have the experience to Wait for more information but simply let him walk after shooting an unarmed civilian.

Now you're just making garbage up. The media tried to frame Zimmerman for a hate crime. 3 highly placed individuals have lost their long time employment with NBC for the "selective editing" of the tape to make Zimmerman out to be a racist.

That's called framing someone. Then you had the numnuts at CNN doing a rash analysis of the tape as well and saying that Zimmerman said "fucking coon", when upon proper analysis he says "fucking cold".

This is one hell of a dog's breakfast now because of the media's rush to judgement.
TD,it was a failed multipronged political op.
no more.
poor.guy will prpbably get found guilty to prevent rioting...
when it was selfdefense.
Martin ATTACKED Zimmerman...

DO YOU KNOW for sure that Zimmerman DIDN'T follow that request? I don't and maybe that silly cliched comment is totally absent the facts!

The prosecutor is basing the case that Zimmerman unlawfully used his firearm ... "evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life".

* PDF would not copy -

peacefully walking on a sidewalk is not a crime ... was Zimmerman saying Martin was committing a crime - was Martin committing a crime - Martin told his friend he was being followed ...

could Zimmerman have only wounded Martin - he chose to kill him and Martins family deserves answers to why only a trial will provide.
Al and Jesse and the other race pimps never admit they were wrong after making such allegations. Duke lacrosse team ring a bell?

Al Sharpton doesn't have to do anything in the aftermath of
A Tawana Brawley or the Duke lacrosse deal because the rest of the
liberal controlled left wing media looks the other way.

It's a win win for Sharpton.
He got a bunch of ratings for the Trevon Martin incident
and if it blows up in his face he gets another few weeks of material
for his show crying foul and playing the race card.:mad:
The gearing up for the "Great 2012 60 inch TV grab, and brick tossing Festival" heats up.
The evidence is still coming in.

But even so, what I have seen so far leads me to a preliminary conclusion.

And my preliminary conclusion is that the special prosecutor is a political hack.

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