Do you know any IDIOT who was in the Hospital and posted it on social media?

In a way, I can understand your aunt. Country singer Wade Hayes was sitting at stage four colon cancer before his body finally told him that something was wrong. Thankfully he had a full recovery in 2012 and is still here with us now. Did things go well for your aunt?

God bless you and Wade always!!!

To continue what I was saying about my aunt and mom having a falling out. How many people have a falling out when parents or grandparents die? They fight over money. Even cousins get upset with each other. This girl at my work, her mom just died. The cousin convinced the old dying woman to give her jewelry. My co worker told her cousin she wants the jewelry back. Then the cousin asks if he/she can buy the car. But they have to make payments and she knows they aren't a good person to loan to.

I think the only reason my mom talked to my aunt was because their mother was still alive. After gramma died, my mom didn't want anything to do with my aunt. They acted very badly to us throughout the years. The disrespect and jealousy they showed at my brothers wedding, the way they acted greedy when my gramma died.

I know my brother and I won't fight over my dad's stuff when he's gone because my dad got a lawyer and told the lawyer who gets what. So no arguing will happen.

If my dad didn't make a will and god forbid my brother died before him, I would get everything. My sister in law and my nephews would get nothing. And I wouldn't feel bad because they are rich and I'm not. Plus whatever I have left when I die, my nephews will get. But I'm SURE that would have caused hard feelings so we explained to my dad this would happen if he didn't make a will so he did. Now if my brother dies before my dad, his wife and kids get half because my dad put it in writing.
^^^ (hug)

I don't know about everyone else here, but to me, things should be divided in an equal way especially where the financial end of the deal is concerned because even a rich person can have the rug jerked out from underneath them at any time due to any reason. Another thing to consider is making sure that certain things will go to whoever is the most compatible with them. My mom, for example, is a person who should never be given anyone's plants. They will only end up just like whoever used to have them.

God bless you and her and your family always!!!


P.S. I have never fished a day in my life and so if someone were to leave me their fishing gear, I would either try to get to know the hobby/past time or give them to someone who is already more embedded in it.

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