Do you know liberals still think Michael Brown was murdered?

The police officer whose poor, overly-aggressive response, brought on the violent, justfied backlash, quit in disgrace and now can't find another job anywhere. :dance:

Wow. I remember you.

And how much of a colossal idiot you were for posts like these.

Even after the facts of the case were laid out for all to see, you still spout this bullshit, whilst saying nothing about that sheriff in Texas who had his brains blown out and a full magazine emptied into his lifeless corpse.

You know what would be a justified reaction to that? Summary execution of anyone who guns down a peace officer. You want to play this war on cops? What happens when they begin fighting back? A cornered animal will only cower in fear for so long before it lashes out.

Agreed. It took alot of restraint for those officers, when they captured the piece of shit who killed that cop. I would have been more than tempted to put a bullet behind his ear, thus saving the taxpayers the cost of a trial.

But it's Texas, so the cocksucker will get the death penalty. Make no mistake about that. I hope he goes to the gurney screaming and pleading for his life. I hope they have to poke him a shitload to times before they find a good vein, or a needle breaks off in in arm.

And when his heart does finally stop, I hope he pisses and craps all over himself, like that stinking mouse I caught in a trap this morning. I'm just going to throw the fucker's body out in the woods and let the dogs eat it.
Brown, no. Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, yes, at least criminally negligent homicides. The twelve year old with the fake gun, yes, murder or close to it. The black guy shot in the back walking away, yes, murder.
The black guy in the car driving away, yes, murder or close to it.

Oh, the Freddie Gray thing has been proven eh? I did not read that.

Do you require proof in a court of law to have an opinion?
Brown, no. Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, yes, at least criminally negligent homicides. The twelve year old with the fake gun, yes, murder or close to it. The black guy shot in the back walking away, yes, murder.
The black guy in the car driving away, yes, murder or close to it.

Oh, the Freddie Gray thing has been proven eh? I did not read that.

Do you require proof in a court of law to have an opinion?

No, I was wondering why you had such an emphatic opinion. Did you hear something I have not?

Even if it turns out Freddie Gray was murdered, it is not and has not been proven. That, like the Michael Brown case, did not justify the mayor and other officials to declare the officers guilty. They stoked the flames, and the community organizing communists arrived and incited the riots.

That is what they are doing with the insidious blacklivesmatter now. They have absolutely instigated violence against cops. From chanting they want dead cops, to them chanting to fry the pigs AFTER the Texas cop was murdered. Their efforts are resulting in murders of police and it absolutely instigated that faggotape to kill those two news people. You are not denying that, are you?

Nothing said from this piece of shit in chief about the dead cop. He sure as shit opened his fucking yapper when it matches the narrative that the left pushes.

That is the point here.
Hmmm, this is the very first time I've ever heard a liberal say that Brown wasn't murdered. There are many who still claim he was. Many who also claim Trayvon was murdered.
"Do you know liberals still think Michael Brown was murdered?"

Do you know this is a ridiculous lie and fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

As accurate as saying Conservatives still think that the Clinton's murdered Vince Foster.....
Brown, no. Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, yes, at least criminally negligent homicides. The twelve year old with the fake gun, yes, murder or close to it. The black guy shot in the back walking away, yes, murder.
The black guy in the car driving away, yes, murder or close to it.

Oh, the Freddie Gray thing has been proven eh? I did not read that.

Do you require proof in a court of law to have an opinion?

Evidently the racist State's Attorney of Baltimore didn't need an inquest before she deemed them guilty. And because of her mishandling of the affair, Baltimore's murder rate has risen to its highest level in recorded history. 45 people in July alone, and 0ver 350 for the year.

I don't blame Baltimore police officers for looking the other way. If they want to fuck with the police department, just let them see how well they can get along without it.
Brown, no. Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, yes, at least criminally negligent homicides. The twelve year old with the fake gun, yes, murder or close to it. The black guy shot in the back walking away, yes, murder.
The black guy in the car driving away, yes, murder or close to it.

Oh, the Freddie Gray thing has been proven eh? I did not read that.

Do you require proof in a court of law to have an opinion?

No, I was wondering why you had such an emphatic opinion. Did you hear something I have not?

Even if it turns out Freddie Gray was murdered, it is not and has not been proven. That, like the Michael Brown case, did not justify the mayor and other officials to declare the officers guilty. They stoked the flames, and the community organizing communists arrived and incited the riots.

That is what they are doing with the insidious blacklivesmatter now. They have absolutely instigated violence against cops. From chanting they want dead cops, to them chanting to fry the pigs AFTER the Texas cop was murdered. Their efforts are resulting in murders of police and it absolutely instigated that faggotape to kill those two news people. You are not denying that, are you?

Nothing said from this piece of shit in chief about the dead cop. He sure as shit opened his fucking yapper when it matches the narrative that the left pushes.

That is the point here.
Newbie will just say he didn't think Brown was murdered when the talking points tell him to.
Brown, no. Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, yes, at least criminally negligent homicides. The twelve year old with the fake gun, yes, murder or close to it. The black guy shot in the back walking away, yes, murder.
The black guy in the car driving away, yes, murder or close to it.

Oh, the Freddie Gray thing has been proven eh? I did not read that.

Do you require proof in a court of law to have an opinion?

No, I was wondering why you had such an emphatic opinion. Did you hear something I have not?

Even if it turns out Freddie Gray was murdered, it is not and has not been proven. That, like the Michael Brown case, did not justify the mayor and other officials to declare the officers guilty. They stoked the flames, and the community organizing communists arrived and incited the riots.

That is what they are doing with the insidious blacklivesmatter now. They have absolutely instigated violence against cops. From chanting they want dead cops, to them chanting to fry the pigs AFTER the Texas cop was murdered. Their efforts are resulting in murders of police and it absolutely instigated that faggotape to kill those two news people. You are not denying that, are you?

Nothing said from this piece of shit in chief about the dead cop. He sure as shit opened his fucking yapper when it matches the narrative that the left pushes.

That is the point here.
Newbie will just say he didn't think Brown was murdered when the talking points tell him to.

Black Lives Matter shitheads chanting at the Minnesota State Fair:

"Pigs in a Blanket, Fry 'Em Like Bacon"

Brown, no. Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, yes, at least criminally negligent homicides. The twelve year old with the fake gun, yes, murder or close to it. The black guy shot in the back walking away, yes, murder.
The black guy in the car driving away, yes, murder or close to it.

Oh, the Freddie Gray thing has been proven eh? I did not read that.

Do you require proof in a court of law to have an opinion?

No, I was wondering why you had such an emphatic opinion. Did you hear something I have not?

Even if it turns out Freddie Gray was murdered, it is not and has not been proven. That, like the Michael Brown case, did not justify the mayor and other officials to declare the officers guilty. They stoked the flames, and the community organizing communists arrived and incited the riots.

That is what they are doing with the insidious blacklivesmatter now. They have absolutely instigated violence against cops. From chanting they want dead cops, to them chanting to fry the pigs AFTER the Texas cop was murdered. Their efforts are resulting in murders of police and it absolutely instigated that faggotape to kill those two news people. You are not denying that, are you?

Nothing said from this piece of shit in chief about the dead cop. He sure as shit opened his fucking yapper when it matches the narrative that the left pushes.

That is the point here.

Police brutality is the root cause of all of this.
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it when just after ONE DAY of planting the
Michael Brown Memorial Tree" a FERGUSON resident (probably one who's life was ruined when the Ni66er scum decided to riot, trash and burn the DECENT BLACK folks stores and property down)

Some generous soul decide Brown needed a MORE APPROPRIATE memorial and this plaque was placed where the tree had been.....


The Black Thugery, needs to be dispatched permanently, along with the Ni66ers from #BlackLivesMatter before there can ever be peace and harmony between the races..... I believe these tell the story better than I.....

Just that simple fact (it is a fact too), regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, tells you all you will ever need to know about the useless left.

BTW, there are 7police officers killed by those animals in the last ten days.

Has our beloved race dividing saul alinsky disciple mentioned one word about the cop that was shot 15 times? It is national news. Any comment. I have not found any. If you can find one, please let me know.

On another note. Even the socialist French president had the class to honor those three that stopped a deranged muslim gunman.

Anything done or said by this so called president? That was not only national news, but world news. Anything substantial mentioned?

Anything about the big fagflag in that black faggs apartment that killed the two white news people last week? Cause a lot of shit was said about the fucking confederate flag.....

Never mind.

This is what we are dealing with folks. Don't you just fucking hate liberals?

Not hard to tell where they get their information. I guess they haven heard the facts or it's beyond their comprehension.

Too many cops have been murdered, yet the left continues to keep up the hateful rhetoric that will incite more violence and murders. Some professor is calling cops terrorists. Some idiot here wants to know if blacks can shoot cops in self-defense, which insinuates that cops shoot for no reason.

The Black Lives Matter and other radical groups are still calling for the murder of whites.
Brown, no. Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, yes, at least criminally negligent homicides. The twelve year old with the fake gun, yes, murder or close to it. The black guy shot in the back walking away, yes, murder.
The black guy in the car driving away, yes, murder or close to it.

Oh, the Freddie Gray thing has been proven eh? I did not read that.

Do you require proof in a court of law to have an opinion?

No, I was wondering why you had such an emphatic opinion. Did you hear something I have not?

Even if it turns out Freddie Gray was murdered, it is not and has not been proven. That, like the Michael Brown case, did not justify the mayor and other officials to declare the officers guilty. They stoked the flames, and the community organizing communists arrived and incited the riots.

That is what they are doing with the insidious blacklivesmatter now. They have absolutely instigated violence against cops. From chanting they want dead cops, to them chanting to fry the pigs AFTER the Texas cop was murdered. Their efforts are resulting in murders of police and it absolutely instigated that faggotape to kill those two news people. You are not denying that, are you?

Nothing said from this piece of shit in chief about the dead cop. He sure as shit opened his fucking yapper when it matches the narrative that the left pushes.

That is the point here.

Police brutality is the root cause of all of this.

And not the brutality of the criminals they have to deal with on a daily basis? I suppose you'd do a better job as a police officer? Maybe you'd sit down around a campfire with all those murderers, rapists, and drug dealers, toast some marshmallows, and sing a couple rounds of "Kumbaya" or "De Colores"?

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