Do you know why the Right Winged, Republican FOX news is banned in canada?

Canada doesn't concern me on what they do. We have enough problems right here to be concerned about. Come nov election, its either going to ruin us perminently or give us a chance for the or the other. Hopefully we will get this bunch outta washington and replace them, so that we do have a chance iin the future.l
Canada doesn't concern me on what they do. We have enough problems right here to be concerned about. Come nov election, its either going to ruin us perminently or give us a chance for the or the other. Hopefully we will get this bunch outta washington and replace them, so that we do have a chance iin the future.l

Ron Paul 2012

Romney will do us no good.
Because the law in Canada forbids lying. It's such a shame on how they cowar behind the 1st amendment to spew their false bullshit.

Skeptic Money » Blog Archive » Fox News Banned From Canada – Law Forbids Lying On Broadcast News. - You make sense but does your money?

Maybe I will need to move to Canada!

America’s middle class battles for its survival on the Wisconsin barricades – against various Koch Oil surrogates and the corporate toadies at Fox News – fans of enlightenment, democracy and justice can take comfort from a significant victory north of the Wisconsin border. Fox News will not be moving into Canada after all! The reason: Canadian regulators announced last week they would reject efforts by Canada’s right-wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news.

They would have to change the law to let FOX news be broadcast. Sounds like a good law. Hey Congress – here is a law you can pass!

Canada’s Radio Act requires that “a licenser may not broadcast … any false or misleading news.” The provision has kept Fox News and right-wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom. As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high quality news coverage, including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the “Fairness Doctrine” in 1987.

We do need better news. Too bad it is legal to lie in the USA.

Harper’s attempts to make lying legal on Canadian television are a stark admission that right-wing political ideology can only dominate national debate through dishonest propaganda. Since corporate profit-taking is not an attractive vessel for populism, a political party or broadcast network that makes itself the tool of corporate and financial elites must lie to make its agenda popular with the public. In the Unites States, Fox News and talk radio, the sock puppets of billionaires and corporate robber barons, have become the masters of propaganda and distortion on the public airwaves. Fox News’ notoriously biased and dishonest coverage of the Wisconsin’s protests is a prime example of the brand of news coverage Canada has smartly avoided.


Fox News Has a First Amendment Right to Lie - Updated < Library Grape
fox news has a constitutional right to lie, after being taken to court on it.

Are you in need of someone to drive the moving truck?
Never! Know why? Because they truly don't believe in freedom of speech, thoughts or ideas. They are the biggest pussy whipped crybabies on the fucking planet.

So you have to resort to that type of behavior since you can't lie to others to get your way?

You are very immature and ignorant.

your OP was a lie, yet you complain about a perceived lie from someone else?

Dumb ass.
Yes FOX and MSNBC are equally dishonest and despicable. There is nary a degree of difference between them. Absolutely the same tactics. Absolutely.

The major difference that I see between Fox and MSNBC is that Fox has a number of liberals (progressives for the PC crowd) as contributing members in their talk shows on a regular, say daily, basis. MSNBC may have a conservative once or twice a week, and they usually load the program with 4 or 5 bedwetters to 1 to beat up one conservative.
Maybe you should tell Fox News...

Where in the World is FOX? | Fox News

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So again WHERE according to Fox are THEY banned???
Fox news is available in Canada. So that means the original post stating they aren't because of lying is in fact a lie. Should we ban the OP?

For the life of me, I can't even figure out how this became a story. It started on some blog and the fairy tale grew like the fabrication of Palin saying I can see Russia from my window.

[ame=]Palin on her insight into Russian Politics - YouTube[/ame]

The jackA$$ brought it on herself.

I agree.
But can you tell me with a straight face Joe Biden is any smarter than her?
I really appreciate the validation of my belief that most liberals are hypocrites in that they
1) Talk about "Truth to Justice" YET they want entities that counter their beliefs BANNED.
2) they talk about "openness" and freedom of speech.. YET they WANT and Request banning Fox!
3) Finally my belief has been confirmed because LIKE Der Fuhrer who preaches compassion (while his brother lives in a $12 hut) preaches hate against wealthy tax payers taking tax deductions(while he reduces HIS tax payments by deducting $48,000 gifts to his daughters!) all just examples of Liberal/Obama hypocrisy!
For the life of me, I can't even figure out how this became a story. It started on some blog and the fairy tale grew like the fabrication of Palin saying I can see Russia from my window.

[ame=]Palin on her insight into Russian Politics - YouTube[/ame]

The jackA$$ brought it on herself.

I agree.
But can you tell me with a straight face Joe Biden is any smarter than her?

Joe Biden? What about Obama or Pelosi................ fucking idiots.
Because the law in Canada forbids lying. It's such a shame on how they cowar behind the 1st amendment to spew their false bullshit.

Skeptic Money » Blog Archive » Fox News Banned From Canada – Law Forbids Lying On Broadcast News. - You make sense but does your money?

Maybe I will need to move to Canada!

America’s middle class battles for its survival on the Wisconsin barricades – against various Koch Oil surrogates and the corporate toadies at Fox News – fans of enlightenment, democracy and justice can take comfort from a significant victory north of the Wisconsin border. Fox News will not be moving into Canada after all! The reason: Canadian regulators announced last week they would reject efforts by Canada’s right-wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news.

They would have to change the law to let FOX news be broadcast. Sounds like a good law. Hey Congress – here is a law you can pass!

Canada’s Radio Act requires that “a licenser may not broadcast … any false or misleading news.” The provision has kept Fox News and right-wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom. As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high quality news coverage, including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the “Fairness Doctrine” in 1987.

We do need better news. Too bad it is legal to lie in the USA.

Harper’s attempts to make lying legal on Canadian television are a stark admission that right-wing political ideology can only dominate national debate through dishonest propaganda. Since corporate profit-taking is not an attractive vessel for populism, a political party or broadcast network that makes itself the tool of corporate and financial elites must lie to make its agenda popular with the public. In the Unites States, Fox News and talk radio, the sock puppets of billionaires and corporate robber barons, have become the masters of propaganda and distortion on the public airwaves. Fox News’ notoriously biased and dishonest coverage of the Wisconsin’s protests is a prime example of the brand of news coverage Canada has smartly avoided.


Fox News Has a First Amendment Right to Lie - Updated < Library Grape
fox news has a constitutional right to lie, after being taken to court on it.

Please do move to Canada.
I don't want your liberals. It took us long enough to beat them into submission up here and decimate the Liberal party.

Come on guys, you deal with your own. Have mercy! :lol:
Fox news is available in Canada. So that means the original post stating they aren't because of lying is in fact a lie. Should we ban the OP?

For the life of me, I can't even figure out how this became a story. It started on some blog and the fairy tale grew like the fabrication of Palin saying I can see Russia from my window.

[ame=]Palin on her insight into Russian Politics - YouTube[/ame]

The jackA$$ brought it on herself.

How? By telling the truth that you can actually see Russia from Alaska? Beats a candidate who doesn't know how many states are in the USA hands down because it is the truth. Or another candidate who lied about running for cover due to sniper fire.

" You CAN see Russia from here!

Program Note: Governor Sarah Palin said you can actually see Russia from an island in Alaska. Our Gary Tuchman went to find this island... Watch his full report tonight on AC360.

Gary Tuchman | BIO
AC360 Correspondent

When talking about what she says is her foreign policy experience, Sarah Palin told ABC news " can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."
That quote made us want to go to that island.

So we did.

The island is called Little Diomede. It looks like a rock plopped into the Bering Strait. Only about 150 Alaskans live on the whole island. And just about two miles away; in full view of every single house on the island is the nation of Russia.

Specifically, it is the Russian Island of Big Diomede which sits about 25 miles from the Russian Siberian mainland (which you can also see from the American island.) Most everybody on Little Diomede had relatives who lived on Big Diomede."

You CAN see Russia from here! &#8211; Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs
And the blogs continue to lie and misquote Palin. Snopes has the truth.

The basis for the line was Governor Palin's 11 September 2008 appearance on ABC News, her first major interview after being tapped as the vice-presidential nominee. During that appearance, interviewer Charles Gibson asked her what insight she had gained from living so close to Russia, and she responded: "They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska":

Two days later, on the 2008 season premiere of Saturday Night Live, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler appeared in a sketch portraying Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, during which Fey spoofed Governor Palin's remark of a few days earlier with the following exchange:
FEY AS PALIN: "You know, Hillary and I don't agree on everything . . ."

POEHLER AS CLINTON: (OVERLAPPING) "Anything. I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy."

FEY AS PALIN: "And I can see Russia from my house."
Read more at I Can See Alaska from My House I Can See Alaska from My House
Fox news is available in Canada. So that means the original post stating they aren't because of lying is in fact a lie. Should we ban the OP?

For the life of me, I can't even figure out how this became a story. It started on some blog and the fairy tale grew like the fabrication of Palin saying I can see Russia from my window.

[ame=]Palin on her insight into Russian Politics - YouTube[/ame]

The jackA$$ brought it on herself.

She told the truth and a jackass like you didn't know it.
nitroz stop with the crap you're not good at it. You hate the first admendment and probably all of them......because you're a commienazimonarchist......I'll tell you what, I'm all for you bigf government control, as long as I get to be the guy in charge, otherwise take you statist ideas and go fuck yourself...

It is the purpose of the First Amendment to preserve an uninhibited marketplace of ideas in which truth will ultimately prevail, rather than to countenance monopolization of that market, whether it be by the government itself or a private licensee. It is the right of the public to receive suitable access to social, political, aesthetic, moral and other ideas and experiences which is crucial here. That right may not constitutionally be abridged either by Congress or by the FCC.

— U.S. Supreme Court, Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 1969.

American thought and American politics will be largely at the mercy of those who operate these stations, for publicity is the most powerful weapon that can be wielded in a republic. And when such a weapon is placed in the hands of one person, or a single selfish group is permitted to either tacitly or otherwise acquire ownership or dominate these broadcasting stations throughout the country, then woe be to those who dare to differ with them. It will be impossible to compete with them in reaching the ears of the American people.

The Fairness Doctrine
When it comes to free speech, i'm purt near an absolutist. And yes, i think people should be allowed to falsely yell "fire" in a crowded theater. If it was legal, people would be properly skeptical of clowns who do it.
Do you know why the Right Winged, Republican FOX news is banned in canada?


Canadians are way smarter than us.

Way smarter.

Which is why they allow FOX NEWS to broadcast in Canada.

The Daily Advance
Ironically, the Saturday Daily Advance (column by Bud Wright) calling some journalists liars was itself based on a lie. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) did refuse to give Fox News a permit in 2003, but the reason was that they planned a new “Fox News Canada” channel and had nothing to do with fairness. The following year, Fox News dropped the plan for a new channel so the CRTC reversed its decision, and now the Fox News Channel is available on most Canadian cable systems.

Dumb ass thread

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