Do you know why the Right Winged, Republican FOX news is banned in canada?

Fox news is available in Canada. So that means the original post stating they aren't because of lying is in fact a lie. Should we ban the OP?
Yes FOX and MSNBC are equally dishonest and despicable. There is nary a degree of difference between them. Absolutely the same tactics. Absolutely.
No they're not.

See...that's how you know you've got a RWer pegged, they start with the "they-both-do-it" meme.

Yes msnbc leans left, but they stick to the facts. They may omit, but it's the facts their based on. THEFOX simply makes crap up out of thin air. Time, and time, and time again THEFOX has been called on patently false reportings...and they never apologize either. In fact they double down.

msnbc and THEFOX are absolutely NOT the same or similar in any way.

Cut it out.

Your soul has grown deep, like the sewers.
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Because Canucks are retards?


No we've got many centrists to come to their senses and realize how left wing the Liberals had become and beat the shit out of them in the last election.

Conservatives rule up here now and it's a nice feeling.

What I don't get is how liberals can just so easily fall for the blatant lie like the OP had in his thread title?

Fox was never banned and it has been on the air up here since 2004. Coast to coast on cable.
Well the conservatives in Canada have gotten their unemployment lower than ours. There's 7.2 (cough cough). Ours 8.2 (cough cough)
Never! Know why? Because they truly don't believe in freedom of speech, thoughts or ideas. They are the biggest pussy whipped crybabies on the fucking planet.
Because Canucks are retards?


No we've got many centrists to come to their senses and realize how left wing the Liberals had become and beat the shit out of them in the last election.

Conservatives rule up here now and it's a nice feeling.

What I don't get is how liberals can just so easily fall for the blatant lie like the OP had in his thread title?

Fox was never banned and it has been on the air up here since 2004. Coast to coast on cable.

Could this false premise have been issued because libbies practice so much blatant lying on a regular basis, maybe? :lmao:
Fox news is available in Canada. So that means the original post stating they aren't because of lying is in fact a lie. Should we ban the OP?

For the life of me, I can't even figure out how this became a story. It started on some blog and the fairy tale grew like the fabrication of Palin saying I can see Russia from my window.

Canadians are way smarter than us.

Way smarter.

By "smarter", you mean "less free", of course.

The nanny state coddles the people's lack of discernment in Canada, thereby exacerbating it.

I'm about to post something which isn't a picture and is more than ten words, so this might hurt your brain a bit:

In countries where the doctrine of the sovereignty of the people ostensibly prevails, the censorship of the press is not only dangerous, but absurd. When the right of every citizen to a share in the government of society is acknowledged, everyone must be presumed to be able to choose between the various opinions of his contemporaries and to appreciate the different facts from which inferences may be drawn. The sovereignty of the people and the liberty of the press may therefore be regarded as correlative, just as the censorship of the press and universal suffrage are two things which are irreconcilably opposed and which cannot long be retained among the institutions of the same people. Not a single individual of the millions who inhabit the United States has as yet dared to propose any restrictions on the liberty of the press.

Hence the number of periodical and semi-periodical publications in the United States is almost incredibly large. The most enlightened Americans attribute the little influence of the press to this excessive dissemination of its power; and it is an axiom of political science in that country that the only way to neutralize the effect of the public journals is to multiply their number. I cannot see how a truth which is so self-evident should not already have been more generally admitted in Europe. I can see why the persons who hope to bring about revolutions by means of the press should be desirous of confining it to a few powerful organs, but it is inconceivable that the official partisans of the existing state of things and the natural supporters of the laws should attempt to diminish the influence of the press by concentrating its power. The governments of Europe seem to treat the press with the courtesy which the knights of old showed to their opponents; having found from their own experience that centralization is a powerful weapon, they have furnished their enemies with it in order doubtless to have more glory for overcoming them.

In America there is scarcely a hamlet that has not its newspaper. It may readily be imagined that neither discipline nor unity of action can be established among so many combatants, and each one consequently fights under his own standard. All the political journals of the United States are, indeed, arrayed on the side of the administration or against it; but they attack and defend it in a thousand different ways. They cannot form those great currents of opinion which sweep away the strongest dikes. This division of the influence of the press produces other consequences scarcely less remarkable. The facility with which newspapers can be established produces a multitude of them; but as the competition prevents any considerable profit, persons of much capacity are rarely led to engage in these undertakings. Such is the number of the public prints that even if they were a source of wealth, writers of ability could not be found to direct them all. The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind. The will of the majority is the most general of laws, and it establishes certain habits to which everyone must then conform; the aggregate of these common habits is what is called the class spirit (esprit de corps) of each profession; thus there is the class spirit of the bar, of the court, etc. The class spirit of the French journalists consists in a violent but frequently an eloquent and lofty manner of discussing the great interests of the state, and the exceptions to this mode of writing are only occasional. The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices.

Tocqueville: Book 1 Chapter 11

I strongly recommend reading the entire book.
If the Canadian government does not want its people to be exposed to lies, as determined by the state to be lies, then they better get to work banning the Internet.
Because the law in Canada forbids lying. It's such a shame on how they cowar behind the 1st amendment to spew their false bullshit.

Skeptic Money » Blog Archive » Fox News Banned From Canada – Law Forbids Lying On Broadcast News. - You make sense but does your money?

Maybe I will need to move to Canada!

America’s middle class battles for its survival on the Wisconsin barricades – against various Koch Oil surrogates and the corporate toadies at Fox News – fans of enlightenment, democracy and justice can take comfort from a significant victory north of the Wisconsin border. Fox News will not be moving into Canada after all! The reason: Canadian regulators announced last week they would reject efforts by Canada’s right-wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news.

They would have to change the law to let FOX news be broadcast. Sounds like a good law. Hey Congress – here is a law you can pass!

Canada’s Radio Act requires that “a licenser may not broadcast … any false or misleading news.” The provision has kept Fox News and right-wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom. As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high quality news coverage, including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the “Fairness Doctrine” in 1987.

We do need better news. Too bad it is legal to lie in the USA.

Harper’s attempts to make lying legal on Canadian television are a stark admission that right-wing political ideology can only dominate national debate through dishonest propaganda. Since corporate profit-taking is not an attractive vessel for populism, a political party or broadcast network that makes itself the tool of corporate and financial elites must lie to make its agenda popular with the public. In the Unites States, Fox News and talk radio, the sock puppets of billionaires and corporate robber barons, have become the masters of propaganda and distortion on the public airwaves. Fox News’ notoriously biased and dishonest coverage of the Wisconsin’s protests is a prime example of the brand of news coverage Canada has smartly avoided.


Fox News Has a First Amendment Right to Lie - Updated < Library Grape
fox news has a constitutional right to lie, after being taken to court on it.

Why am I not shocked that the Left would Applaud the Lack of Free Speech, and a Free Press in Canada as if it's a good thing.

So you want the US government to Ban Fox because you say they lie? Is that really the road you want to go down?
Canadians are way smarter than us.

Way smarter.

Which is why they allow FOX NEWS to broadcast in Canada.

The Daily Advance
Ironically, the Saturday Daily Advance (column by Bud Wright) calling some journalists liars was itself based on a lie. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) did refuse to give Fox News a permit in 2003, but the reason was that they planned a new “Fox News Canada” channel and had nothing to do with fairness. The following year, Fox News dropped the plan for a new channel so the CRTC reversed its decision, and now the Fox News Channel is available on most Canadian cable systems.

Dumb ass thread
Canadians are way smarter than us.

Way smarter.

Which is why they allow FOX NEWS to broadcast in Canada.

The Daily Advance
Ironically, the Saturday Daily Advance (column by Bud Wright) calling some journalists liars was itself based on a lie. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) did refuse to give Fox News a permit in 2003, but the reason was that they planned a new “Fox News Canada” channel and had nothing to do with fairness. The following year, Fox News dropped the plan for a new channel so the CRTC reversed its decision, and now the Fox News Channel is available on most Canadian cable systems.

Dumb ass thread

So Fox is Available in Canada and the OP is just an Idiot.

Ok thanks for that.
Because the law in Canada forbids lying. It's such a shame on how they cowar behind the 1st amendment to spew their false bullshit.

Skeptic Money » Blog Archive » Fox News Banned From Canada – Law Forbids Lying On Broadcast News. - You make sense but does your money?

Maybe I will need to move to Canada!

America’s middle class battles for its survival on the Wisconsin barricades – against various Koch Oil surrogates and the corporate toadies at Fox News – fans of enlightenment, democracy and justice can take comfort from a significant victory north of the Wisconsin border. Fox News will not be moving into Canada after all! The reason: Canadian regulators announced last week they would reject efforts by Canada’s right-wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news.

They would have to change the law to let FOX news be broadcast. Sounds like a good law. Hey Congress – here is a law you can pass!

Canada’s Radio Act requires that “a licenser may not broadcast … any false or misleading news.” The provision has kept Fox News and right-wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom. As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high quality news coverage, including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the “Fairness Doctrine” in 1987.

We do need better news. Too bad it is legal to lie in the USA.

Harper’s attempts to make lying legal on Canadian television are a stark admission that right-wing political ideology can only dominate national debate through dishonest propaganda. Since corporate profit-taking is not an attractive vessel for populism, a political party or broadcast network that makes itself the tool of corporate and financial elites must lie to make its agenda popular with the public. In the Unites States, Fox News and talk radio, the sock puppets of billionaires and corporate robber barons, have become the masters of propaganda and distortion on the public airwaves. Fox News’ notoriously biased and dishonest coverage of the Wisconsin’s protests is a prime example of the brand of news coverage Canada has smartly avoided.


Fox News Has a First Amendment Right to Lie - Updated < Library Grape
fox news has a constitutional right to lie, after being taken to court on it.

Well then, why not, pack up and move. By the way, Canada has a set of governing rules as it applies to political commentary, it has nothing to do with your bullshit rant about lying, otherwise your Obama would not be allowed over the boarder.:lol: oh by the way when I was last in Vancouver Canada, last month I watched FOX news. So please explain.
Fox news is available in Canada. So that means the original post stating they aren't because of lying is in fact a lie. Should we ban the OP?

For the life of me, I can't even figure out how this became a story. It started on some blog and the fairy tale grew like the fabrication of Palin saying I can see Russia from my window.

[ame=]Palin on her insight into Russian Politics - YouTube[/ame]

The jackA$$ brought it on herself.
Never! Know why? Because they truly don't believe in freedom of speech, thoughts or ideas. They are the biggest pussy whipped crybabies on the fucking planet.

So you have to resort to that type of behavior since you can't lie to others to get your way?

You are very immature and ignorant.
Canadians are way smarter than us.

Way smarter.

Which is why they allow FOX NEWS to broadcast in Canada.

The Daily Advance
Ironically, the Saturday Daily Advance (column by Bud Wright) calling some journalists liars was itself based on a lie. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) did refuse to give Fox News a permit in 2003, but the reason was that they planned a new “Fox News Canada” channel and had nothing to do with fairness. The following year, Fox News dropped the plan for a new channel so the CRTC reversed its decision, and now the Fox News Channel is available on most Canadian cable systems.

Dumb ass thread

So Fox is Available in Canada and the OP is just an Idiot.

Ok thanks for that.

It's on now, but it's been kicked off the air a few times. They just have to be truthful.
If you would have read my later posts in this thread, you would have seen me explaining that.

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