Do You Know Why The US Senate Was Created?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Do You Know Why The US Senate Was Created? The indented quote(s), below in this post set things in motion. The quote(s) in this thread are not intended to embarrass or humiliate only to give context to an interesting observation: many people here and elsewhere have their own ideas on things that just don't measure up to what is on the record.

These RWnuts think democracy is mob rule, and claim that's why they don't want it. The mob they refer to, of course,

is defined as 'people who don't vote Republican'.

btw, this democracy/mob rule thing? Greece is the usual historical reference when talking about direct democracy.

Fact is, somewhere around only 10% or so of Greece's population had the right to vote. Far from the 'mob'.
Mob rule is the control by a simple majority whether it be Democratic or Republican, Liberal or Conservative.

50% plus 1 is not the true will of the people in a direct Democracy, which is why the Senate was created in the first place.

A Republic is a nation of laws, just as a Democracy is a nation of laws. It's just under our system a temporary ideology doesn't rule the whole dang thing. It has checks that were designed to ensure that no one party can hold on to power for very long at all...........meaning both sides must meet in the middle to determine the path.

In a nut shell, both sides are right and wrong on issues in my opinion. Both sides have good and bad points. Our Republic was designed to hammer it out to an agreement in the middle.

representative democracy is indirect democracy. we are a representative democracy with elements of direct democracy such as ballot initiatives. The US Senate is how we use representative democracy and it was NOT created for the purpose(s) you state.

We are a liberal republic which means we all share a liberal ideology.. Forms of liberalism give us American liberals and conservatism

We do NOT have checks on power in order to ensure one party does not hold power long. We have checks on government power as in the branches of government.

Our Republic had nothing to do with hammering out things in the middle. Good gawd man. wtf?
So, do you know why the US Senate was created and how it is supposed to work and also keep things in check?
Do You Know Why The US Senate Was Created? The indented quote(s), below in this post set things in motion. The quote(s) in this thread are not intended to embarrass or humiliate only to give context to an interesting observation: many people here and elsewhere have their own ideas on things that just don't measure up to what is on the record.

These RWnuts think democracy is mob rule, and claim that's why they don't want it. The mob they refer to, of course,

is defined as 'people who don't vote Republican'.

btw, this democracy/mob rule thing? Greece is the usual historical reference when talking about direct democracy.

Fact is, somewhere around only 10% or so of Greece's population had the right to vote. Far from the 'mob'.
Mob rule is the control by a simple majority whether it be Democratic or Republican, Liberal or Conservative.

50% plus 1 is not the true will of the people in a direct Democracy, which is why the Senate was created in the first place.

A Republic is a nation of laws, just as a Democracy is a nation of laws. It's just under our system a temporary ideology doesn't rule the whole dang thing. It has checks that were designed to ensure that no one party can hold on to power for very long at all...........meaning both sides must meet in the middle to determine the path.

In a nut shell, both sides are right and wrong on issues in my opinion. Both sides have good and bad points. Our Republic was designed to hammer it out to an agreement in the middle.

representative democracy is indirect democracy. we are a representative democracy with elements of direct democracy such as ballot initiatives. The US Senate is how we use representative democracy and it was NOT created for the purpose(s) you state.

We are a liberal republic which means we all share a liberal ideology.. Forms of liberalism give us American liberals and conservatism

We do NOT have checks on power in order to ensure one party does not hold power long. We have checks on government power as in the branches of government.

Our Republic had nothing to do with hammering out things in the middle. Good gawd man. wtf?
So, do you know why the US Senate was created and how it is supposed to work and also keep things in check?
Spare me your I'm better posting here............with your sarcastic reply.

The Senate was created to be the voice of the State Legislatures.

The Senate was created to give an equal voice in Gov't to every State. Each State to gets 2 Senators regardless of population.

The Senate was created to be the COOLER if you read the Federalist papers. Slowing down things from the House to ensure a new bill proposed isn't just a recent burst of political activism.

The Senate terms were longer because of ongoing Trade Agreements and Treaties to foreign countries..........

And so on.

So, what's your major malfunction with my post again.................
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Do You Know Why The US Senate Was Created? The indented quote(s), below in this post set things in motion. The quote(s) in this thread are not intended to embarrass or humiliate only to give context to an interesting observation: many people here and elsewhere have their own ideas on things that just don't measure up to what is on the record.

These RWnuts think democracy is mob rule, and claim that's why they don't want it. The mob they refer to, of course,

is defined as 'people who don't vote Republican'.

btw, this democracy/mob rule thing? Greece is the usual historical reference when talking about direct democracy.

Fact is, somewhere around only 10% or so of Greece's population had the right to vote. Far from the 'mob'.
Mob rule is the control by a simple majority whether it be Democratic or Republican, Liberal or Conservative.

50% plus 1 is not the true will of the people in a direct Democracy, which is why the Senate was created in the first place.

A Republic is a nation of laws, just as a Democracy is a nation of laws. It's just under our system a temporary ideology doesn't rule the whole dang thing. It has checks that were designed to ensure that no one party can hold on to power for very long at all...........meaning both sides must meet in the middle to determine the path.

In a nut shell, both sides are right and wrong on issues in my opinion. Both sides have good and bad points. Our Republic was designed to hammer it out to an agreement in the middle.

representative democracy is indirect democracy. we are a representative democracy with elements of direct democracy such as ballot initiatives. The US Senate is how we use representative democracy and it was NOT created for the purpose(s) you state.

We are a liberal republic which means we all share a liberal ideology.. Forms of liberalism give us American liberals and conservatism

We do NOT have checks on power in order to ensure one party does not hold power long. We have checks on government power as in the branches of government.

Our Republic had nothing to do with hammering out things in the middle. Good gawd man. wtf?
So, do you know why the US Senate was created and how it is supposed to work and also keep things in check?
Spare me your I'm better posting here............with your sarcastic reply.

The Senate was created to be the voice of the State Legislatures.

The Senate was created to give an equal voice in Gov't to every State. Each State to gets 2 Senators regardless of population.

The Senate was created to be the COOLER if you read the Federalist papers. Slowing down things from the House to ensure a new bill proposed isn't just a recent burst of political activism.

The Senate terms were longer because of ongoing Trade Agreements and Treaties to foreign countries..........

And so on.

So, what's your major malfunction with my post again.................

Is that direct democracy? Does the federal government of the USA use a direct democracy system? Is that why the Senate was created?
The Federalist Papers Study Guide Essay 63 Summary and Analysis GradeSaver

The Senate is not a well-conceived idea, however, merely because it represents the people. It is also a good idea because at times the people need to be protected from their own ideas and prejudices. Although people are spread over an extensive region, they can still be "subject to the infection of violent passions"

In addition, "history informs us of no long lived republic which had not a senate." They, however, had senates elected for life. America, however, will not follow these examples because they are repugnant to the foundations upon which the country is built. The plan of the senate, however, blends the stability with the ideal of liberty. A senate, however, is still extremely important and necessary because they then represent the people but are immune from the people's whims. The people must be represented and in a senate that sits for life, this does not occur.

Some people, however, argue that six years is to long and leads to tyrannical situations. Madison answers, however, that in order for the Senate to corrupt, it must corrupt itself, the state legislatures, the House of Representatives, and the people at large. It, therefore, is not possible in only six years. If the people do not believe Madison, they should look at the examples of the State Constitution, particularly Maryland, which has a strong senate that has not corrupted the rest of the state. The best example, however, is Britain's House of Lords, a hereditary assembly, which has not infected the rest of the country. With the balance of the House of Representative to guard and represent the people, the Senate is a necessary and important function of government that will support the "people themselves."
Do You Know Why The US Senate Was Created? The indented quote(s), below in this post set things in motion. The quote(s) in this thread are not intended to embarrass or humiliate only to give context to an interesting observation: many people here and elsewhere have their own ideas on things that just don't measure up to what is on the record.

These RWnuts think democracy is mob rule, and claim that's why they don't want it. The mob they refer to, of course,

is defined as 'people who don't vote Republican'.

btw, this democracy/mob rule thing? Greece is the usual historical reference when talking about direct democracy.

Fact is, somewhere around only 10% or so of Greece's population had the right to vote. Far from the 'mob'.
Mob rule is the control by a simple majority whether it be Democratic or Republican, Liberal or Conservative.

50% plus 1 is not the true will of the people in a direct Democracy, which is why the Senate was created in the first place.

A Republic is a nation of laws, just as a Democracy is a nation of laws. It's just under our system a temporary ideology doesn't rule the whole dang thing. It has checks that were designed to ensure that no one party can hold on to power for very long at all...........meaning both sides must meet in the middle to determine the path.

In a nut shell, both sides are right and wrong on issues in my opinion. Both sides have good and bad points. Our Republic was designed to hammer it out to an agreement in the middle.

representative democracy is indirect democracy. we are a representative democracy with elements of direct democracy such as ballot initiatives. The US Senate is how we use representative democracy and it was NOT created for the purpose(s) you state.

We are a liberal republic which means we all share a liberal ideology.. Forms of liberalism give us American liberals and conservatism

We do NOT have checks on power in order to ensure one party does not hold power long. We have checks on government power as in the branches of government.

Our Republic had nothing to do with hammering out things in the middle. Good gawd man. wtf?
So, do you know why the US Senate was created and how it is supposed to work and also keep things in check?
Spare me your I'm better posting here............with your sarcastic reply.

The Senate was created to be the voice of the State Legislatures.

The Senate was created to give an equal voice in Gov't to every State. Each State to gets 2 Senators regardless of population.

The Senate was created to be the COOLER if you read the Federalist papers. Slowing down things from the House to ensure a new bill proposed isn't just a recent burst of political activism.

The Senate terms were longer because of ongoing Trade Agreements and Treaties to foreign countries..........

And so on.

So, what's your major malfunction with my post again.................

Is that direct democracy? Does the federal government of the USA use a direct democracy system? Is that why the Senate was created?

Did you vote on the last law we passed? Did you go to the polls and say yea or nay on Obamacare?
The Federalist Papers Study Guide Essay 62 Summary and Analysis GradeSaver

The method of appointing the senators solves another important problem. Frequently, men who hold public office forget their obligation to the people, and therefore, betray the public trust. By dividing the legislative branch into two parts and requiring agreement between them, the liberties of the people will be more secure, and the passage of bad laws will be more difficult. The history of governments all over the world demonstrates that where the legislative body is not divided their partisan leaders often sway the legislators. The senate, which consists of fewer men who will hold their office for six years, reduce this threat. Representatives, elected by the people, serve for only two years; in many cases their private occupations may be more important to them than their public office, and they cannot be expect to devote sufficient time to government or to a study of the laws. Most blunders of our governments to date have been caused by incompetence and a lack of political wisdom.

The Senate will not only provide stability in government, it will reduce the tendency of the House to pass too many laws. Unnecessary legislation produces chaos and favors the wealthy. The people cannot be expected to keep up with too many new laws and regulations; farmers and merchants will be reluctant to start new business ventures if they feel that new regulations will hurt their investments.

Perhaps I'm not the one needing to learn something here. Perhaps some posters need to read the federalist papers.
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The Federalist Papers Study Guide Essay 63 Summary and Analysis GradeSaver

The Senate is not a well-conceived idea, however, merely because it represents the people. It is also a good idea because at times the people need to be protected from their own ideas and prejudices. Although people are spread over an extensive region, they can still be "subject to the infection of violent passions"

In addition, "history informs us of no long lived republic which had not a senate." They, however, had senates elected for life. America, however, will not follow these examples because they are repugnant to the foundations upon which the country is built. The plan of the senate, however, blends the stability with the ideal of liberty. A senate, however, is still extremely important and necessary because they then represent the people but are immune from the people's whims. The people must be represented and in a senate that sits for life, this does not occur.

Some people, however, argue that six years is to long and leads to tyrannical situations. Madison answers, however, that in order for the Senate to corrupt, it must corrupt itself, the state legislatures, the House of Representatives, and the people at large. It, therefore, is not possible in only six years. If the people do not believe Madison, they should look at the examples of the State Constitution, particularly Maryland, which has a strong senate that has not corrupted the rest of the state. The best example, however, is Britain's House of Lords, a hereditary assembly, which has not infected the rest of the country. With the balance of the House of Representative to guard and represent the people, the Senate is a necessary and important function of government that will support the "people themselves."

Oh my, class has started early. Take your seat.

1) When they represent the people but are immune from the people's whims, they are not functioning in a direct democratic system. They are functioning in an indirect democracy system

homework: look up direct democracy, indirect democracy, and representative democracy
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The Federalist Papers Study Guide Essay 62 Summary and Analysis GradeSaver

The method of appointing the senators solves another important problem. Frequently, men who hold public office forget their obligation to the people, and therefore, betray the public trust. By dividing the legislative branch into two parts and requiring agreement between them, the liberties of the people will be more secure, and the passage of bad laws will be more difficult. The history of governments all over the world demonstrates that where the legislative body is not divided their partisan leaders often sway the legislators. The senate, which consists of fewer men who will hold their office for six years, reduce this threat. Representatives, elected by the people, serve for only two years; in many cases their private occupations may be more important to them than their public office, and they cannot be expect to devote sufficient time to government or to a study of the laws. Most blunders of our governments to date have been caused by incompetence and a lack of political wisdom.

The Senate will not only provide stability in government, it will reduce the tendency of the House to pass too many laws. Unnecessary legislation produces chaos and favors the wealthy. The people cannot be expected to keep up with too many new laws and regulations; farmers and merchants will be reluctant to start new business ventures if they feel that new regulations will hurt their investments.

Perhaps I'm not the one needing to learn something here. Perhaps some posters need to read the federalist papers.

Many of us have. Difference is we've read them with comprehension skill sets
The Federalist Papers Study Guide Essay 63 Summary and Analysis GradeSaver

The Senate is not a well-conceived idea, however, merely because it represents the people. It is also a good idea because at times the people need to be protected from their own ideas and prejudices. Although people are spread over an extensive region, they can still be "subject to the infection of violent passions"

In addition, "history informs us of no long lived republic which had not a senate." They, however, had senates elected for life. America, however, will not follow these examples because they are repugnant to the foundations upon which the country is built. The plan of the senate, however, blends the stability with the ideal of liberty. A senate, however, is still extremely important and necessary because they then represent the people but are immune from the people's whims. The people must be represented and in a senate that sits for life, this does not occur.

Some people, however, argue that six years is to long and leads to tyrannical situations. Madison answers, however, that in order for the Senate to corrupt, it must corrupt itself, the state legislatures, the House of Representatives, and the people at large. It, therefore, is not possible in only six years. If the people do not believe Madison, they should look at the examples of the State Constitution, particularly Maryland, which has a strong senate that has not corrupted the rest of the state. The best example, however, is Britain's House of Lords, a hereditary assembly, which has not infected the rest of the country. With the balance of the House of Representative to guard and represent the people, the Senate is a necessary and important function of government that will support the "people themselves."

Oh my, class has started early. Take your seat.

1) When they represent the people but are immune from the people's whims, they are not functioning in a direct democratic system. They are functioning in an indirect democracy system

homework: look up direct democracy, indirect democracy, and representative democracy
How about you go take a long walk on a short bridge.

I replied to direct by asking you if you voted personally on didn't I.

Perhaps you are the one who needs an education. Step one is to read the Federalist papers.

Regardless of your punk ass smart ass posts are spot on with the intent of OUR REPUBLIC via the references of the Federalist papers.

Your attempt to SPLIT HAIRS doesn't change that.
The Federalist Papers Study Guide Essay 62 Summary and Analysis GradeSaver

The method of appointing the senators solves another important problem. Frequently, men who hold public office forget their obligation to the people, and therefore, betray the public trust. By dividing the legislative branch into two parts and requiring agreement between them, the liberties of the people will be more secure, and the passage of bad laws will be more difficult. The history of governments all over the world demonstrates that where the legislative body is not divided their partisan leaders often sway the legislators. The senate, which consists of fewer men who will hold their office for six years, reduce this threat. Representatives, elected by the people, serve for only two years; in many cases their private occupations may be more important to them than their public office, and they cannot be expect to devote sufficient time to government or to a study of the laws. Most blunders of our governments to date have been caused by incompetence and a lack of political wisdom.

The Senate will not only provide stability in government, it will reduce the tendency of the House to pass too many laws. Unnecessary legislation produces chaos and favors the wealthy. The people cannot be expected to keep up with too many new laws and regulations; farmers and merchants will be reluctant to start new business ventures if they feel that new regulations will hurt their investments.

Perhaps I'm not the one needing to learn something here. Perhaps some posters need to read the federalist papers.

Many of us have. Difference is we've read them with comprehension skill sets

Your a LEGEND IN YOUR OWN MIND...........Now pat yourself on the back and say good boy.

I have a suggestion. When you have time go back and see what transpired between us and you will see your error(s)

no big deal. we're all of us human
And you can do the same by misquoting my post by not copying the entire sentence. I looked back on the one you referred to and clarified the fucking word NOT................

Now is this a thread about grammar or is it about the form of gov't we have. Which is a REPUBLIC.
The US Senate was created as a result of a compromise. The Virginia Plan, championed by Madison called for representation based upon population and a bicameral legislature where the upper house would be elected to their postion from a vote by members of the lower house. The New Jersey Plan called a single legislative body with equal representation for every state. The debate was resolved by the adoption of the Great Compromise (sometimes called the Conneticut Compromise) which combined the elements of both ideas and created a bicameral legislative body consisting of the House who were elected based upon population and the Senate based upon equal sovereignity for the states.
Do You Know Why The US Senate Was Created?
The US government system was copied from the British government--House of Lords and Commons. The Commons represent the common man (mostly businesses and land owners in the beginning) and the Lords represent the aristocracy. The Commons allows for districts to have a voice in government and the MP of the Commons are elected by the people, whereas the Lords were appointed by station (birth right). The Senate began as an appointed house--elected by state legislatures to represent the state in all things federal, but the Constitution was amended to make for popular vote... Oh, you didn't mean that literally. Nevermind!
Do You Know Why The US Senate Was Created?
The US government system was copied from the British government--House of Lords and Commons. The Commons represent the common man (mostly businesses and land owners in the beginning) and the Lords represent the aristocracy. The Commons allows for districts to have a voice in government and the MP of the Commons are elected by the people, whereas the Lords were appointed by station (birth right). The Senate began as an appointed house--elected by state legislatures to represent the state in all things federal, but the Constitution was amended to make for popular vote... Oh, you didn't mean that literally. Nevermind!

The Sovereign -- The Aristocracy - The Common Folk

not bad Idadunno
The US Senate was created as a result of a compromise. The Virginia Plan, championed by Madison called for representation based upon population and a bicameral legislature where the upper house would be elected to their postion from a vote by members of the lower house. The New Jersey Plan called a single legislative body with equal representation for every state. The debate was resolved by the adoption of the Great Compromise (sometimes called the Conneticut Compromise) which combined the elements of both ideas and created a bicameral legislative body consisting of the House who were elected based upon population and the Senate based upon equal sovereignity for the states.

The HOW and not really the WHY?

Okay, you get an A+ for the how. Now what about the WHY?
The U.S. Senate was created, like so many of the provisions in the Constitution, to establish balance. The founders sought to achieve two main objectives in the creation of the U.S. Senate.
  • to establish a more (more than the "lower" House) deliberative legislative body, comprised of more experienced individuals, that would necessarily be less susceptible to the whims of populism. This objective is seen in the higher age requirement stipulated for U.S. Senators.
  • to establish a legislative body that gives an equal say/vote to minority and majority interests, most notably the minority defined as less populous states which necessarily will have more votes in the House of Representatives, and thus more power.

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