Do You Like Being Ordered Around? Grow Up!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
The ObamaCare farrago has revealed what Liberalism is all about: ordering everyone else around.

It used to be, if one quested Obama policies, were a racist.

Question ObamaCare and it's 'you don't want poor folks to have healthcare.'

How about thinking individuals simply want to make their own decisions.

So says Larry Kudlow:

1. "May I ask this question? Why is it that Americans don't have the freedom to choose their own health insurance?.... Why must the liberal nanny state make decisions for us?"

2. So why must the government tell me and everyone else what we can and cannot buy?

3. Charles Krauthammer and the Wall Street Journal's Dan Henninger noted in excellent recent columns that this whole Obamacare business represents the greatest-ever expansion of the liberal entitlement-state dream. But I don't want that dream. And you shouldn't either.

4. ...what else I don't want: As a 60-something, relatively healthy person, I don't want lactation and maternity services, abortion services, speech therapy, mammograms, fertility treatments or Viagra.

[When the full-court press for the scam began, many of us on the right pointed to two simple fixes: allow us to purchase insurance across state lines.....and drop the mandates that are part of state law.]

5. I don't need or want?
Why? Because Team Obama says I have to. And that's not much of a reason. It's not freedom.....this is federal coercion at its worst. And that's why the public is turning against it.
It's not freedom.

6. ...NBC News pulled the plug this past week on President Barack Obama's promise that "if you like your own plan, you can keep it." Ditto for keeping your own doctor. The plug was pulled because NBC learned that Team Obama knew—for three years—that stiff new regulations would prevent the grandfathering of existing health-care plans. And not just a few plans. But plans that could affect as many as 15 million individuals.

[What do you call one who 'speaks with forked tongue'? Oh....right...a snake.]

7. ....equally punitive regulations will hit more than 90 million employer-sponsored health plans next year. ... replacing these plans with much more expensive products will constitute a major tax hike on the entire economy.

["19 Times Obama Promised to Lower Annual Insurance Premiums By $2500." Video: 19 Times Obama Promised to Lower Annual Insurance Premiums By $2500
Did I mention what a snake he is?]

8. .... younger healthy people are not going to subsidize older sicker folks. We should take care of the latter with transparent government subsidies, and not by trying to redistribute resources (again) from the young to the old.

9. Between the president's broken promises, the millions of policy cancellations, the continued website breakdowns and the unaffordable, unfair con game between the healthy young and the sicker old, this Obamacare monster is well on its way to collapsing of its own weight.

10. It's the elections of 2014 and 2016 that will allow citizens to reject this Soviet-style planning. ...Obamacare represents the greatest-ever expansion of the liberal entitlement-state dream.....crumbling and dissolving before our very eyes."
Kudlow: Liberal entitlement-state dream is crumbling

Can I get an "amen"!
The ObamaCare farrago has revealed what Liberalism is all about: ordering everyone else around.

It used to be, if one quested Obama policies, were a racist.

Question ObamaCare and it's 'you don't want poor folks to have healthcare.'

How about thinking individuals simply want to make their own decisions.

So says Larry Kudlow:

1. "May I ask this question? Why is it that Americans don't have the freedom to choose their own health insurance?.... Why must the liberal nanny state make decisions for us?"

2. So why must the government tell me and everyone else what we can and cannot buy?

3. Charles Krauthammer and the Wall Street Journal's Dan Henninger noted in excellent recent columns that this whole Obamacare business represents the greatest-ever expansion of the liberal entitlement-state dream. But I don't want that dream. And you shouldn't either.

4. ...what else I don't want: As a 60-something, relatively healthy person, I don't want lactation and maternity services, abortion services, speech therapy, mammograms, fertility treatments or Viagra.

[When the full-court press for the scam began, many of us on the right pointed to two simple fixes: allow us to purchase insurance across state lines.....and drop the mandates that are part of state law.]

5. I don't need or want?
Why? Because Team Obama says I have to. And that's not much of a reason. It's not freedom.....this is federal coercion at its worst. And that's why the public is turning against it.
It's not freedom.

6. ...NBC News pulled the plug this past week on President Barack Obama's promise that "if you like your own plan, you can keep it." Ditto for keeping your own doctor. The plug was pulled because NBC learned that Team Obama knew—for three years—that stiff new regulations would prevent the grandfathering of existing health-care plans. And not just a few plans. But plans that could affect as many as 15 million individuals.

[What do you call one who 'speaks with forked tongue'? Oh....right...a snake.]

7. ....equally punitive regulations will hit more than 90 million employer-sponsored health plans next year. ... replacing these plans with much more expensive products will constitute a major tax hike on the entire economy.

["19 Times Obama Promised to Lower Annual Insurance Premiums By $2500." Video: 19 Times Obama Promised to Lower Annual Insurance Premiums By $2500
Did I mention what a snake he is?]

8. .... younger healthy people are not going to subsidize older sicker folks. We should take care of the latter with transparent government subsidies, and not by trying to redistribute resources (again) from the young to the old.

9. Between the president's broken promises, the millions of policy cancellations, the continued website breakdowns and the unaffordable, unfair con game between the healthy young and the sicker old, this Obamacare monster is well on its way to collapsing of its own weight.

10. It's the elections of 2014 and 2016 that will allow citizens to reject this Soviet-style planning. ...Obamacare represents the greatest-ever expansion of the liberal entitlement-state dream.....crumbling and dissolving before our very eyes."
Kudlow: Liberal entitlement-state dream is crumbling

Can I get an "amen"!

And it comes down to Government robbing ALL of us of choice...LIBERTY...

"Some people like to drive a Ford, not a Ferrari. Some people like to drink out of a red Solo cup, not a crystal stem," Blackburn fumed. "You're taking away their choice."

Kathleen Sebelius Takes Blame For Obamacare Glitches While Being Grilled By Marsha Blackburn

Forget the source article...point is? She's correct, as is this OP. Good going once again! Liberty takes more hits. Time for the people wake up...and I think that they are.
The ObamaCare farrago has revealed what Liberalism is all about: ordering everyone else around.

It used to be, if one quested Obama policies, were a racist.

Question ObamaCare and it's 'you don't want poor folks to have healthcare.'

How about thinking individuals simply want to make their own decisions.

So says Larry Kudlow:

1. "May I ask this question? Why is it that Americans don't have the freedom to choose their own health insurance?.... Why must the liberal nanny state make decisions for us?"

2. So why must the government tell me and everyone else what we can and cannot buy?

3. Charles Krauthammer and the Wall Street Journal's Dan Henninger noted in excellent recent columns that this whole Obamacare business represents the greatest-ever expansion of the liberal entitlement-state dream. But I don't want that dream. And you shouldn't either.

4. ...what else I don't want: As a 60-something, relatively healthy person, I don't want lactation and maternity services, abortion services, speech therapy, mammograms, fertility treatments or Viagra.

[When the full-court press for the scam began, many of us on the right pointed to two simple fixes: allow us to purchase insurance across state lines.....and drop the mandates that are part of state law.]

5. I don't need or want?
Why? Because Team Obama says I have to. And that's not much of a reason. It's not freedom.....this is federal coercion at its worst. And that's why the public is turning against it.
It's not freedom.

6. ...NBC News pulled the plug this past week on President Barack Obama's promise that "if you like your own plan, you can keep it." Ditto for keeping your own doctor. The plug was pulled because NBC learned that Team Obama knew—for three years—that stiff new regulations would prevent the grandfathering of existing health-care plans. And not just a few plans. But plans that could affect as many as 15 million individuals.

[What do you call one who 'speaks with forked tongue'? Oh....right...a snake.]

7. ....equally punitive regulations will hit more than 90 million employer-sponsored health plans next year. ... replacing these plans with much more expensive products will constitute a major tax hike on the entire economy.

["19 Times Obama Promised to Lower Annual Insurance Premiums By $2500." Video: 19 Times Obama Promised to Lower Annual Insurance Premiums By $2500
Did I mention what a snake he is?]

8. .... younger healthy people are not going to subsidize older sicker folks. We should take care of the latter with transparent government subsidies, and not by trying to redistribute resources (again) from the young to the old.

9. Between the president's broken promises, the millions of policy cancellations, the continued website breakdowns and the unaffordable, unfair con game between the healthy young and the sicker old, this Obamacare monster is well on its way to collapsing of its own weight.

10. It's the elections of 2014 and 2016 that will allow citizens to reject this Soviet-style planning. ...Obamacare represents the greatest-ever expansion of the liberal entitlement-state dream.....crumbling and dissolving before our very eyes."
Kudlow: Liberal entitlement-state dream is crumbling

Can I get an "amen"!
Freedom. It was so last century.
So, here I sit with my company's open enrollment document in front of me. Four choices for medical, three for dental plans. But according to you people I have no choices.

Did I get to keep the old plan? No. But the old plan required over a thousand out of my paycheck every year, the new plan, the company pays the whole load. Higher deductables, yes. But not significantly, considering what a hospital stay costs, and co-pays about the same.

Here is the problem for you people. The cost of health care has become a major contributor to individual bankruptcy, and a major burden on companies. The President proposed a solution that seemed to work well in Massechusetts, where it was put into place by a Republican Governor. Can't remember his name at the moment:lol:

Now that solution may not be the best solution, certainly I think that a universal single payer would be much better, but the GOP offered nothing at all, just continued increases in cost of the costliest health care system in the world, one that has the worst results in the democratic nations of the world.

So, until you people come up with something better than neener-neener, I cannot take your flap-yap as serious.
So, here I sit with my company's open enrollment document in front of me. Four choices for medical, three for dental plans. But according to you people I have no choices.

Did I get to keep the old plan? No. But the old plan required over a thousand out of my paycheck every year, the new plan, the company pays the whole load. Higher deductables, yes. But not significantly, considering what a hospital stay costs, and co-pays about the same.

Here is the problem for you people. The cost of health care has become a major contributor to individual bankruptcy, and a major burden on companies. The President proposed a solution that seemed to work well in Massechusetts, where it was put into place by a Republican Governor. Can't remember his name at the moment:lol:

Now that solution may not be the best solution, certainly I think that a universal single payer would be much better, but the GOP offered nothing at all, just continued increases in cost of the costliest health care system in the world, one that has the worst results in the democratic nations of the world.

So, until you people come up with something better than neener-neener, I cannot take your flap-yap as serious.

so you fall for the liberal line the gop has never offered any solutions as well, rather than research it yourself. Do you always just fall in line rather than think for yourself?
So, until you people come up with something better than neener-neener, I cannot take your flap-yap as serious.

Healthcare is a purview of the State per 10th Amendment of the Constitution.

It is the something better.

Just like Massachusetts.
So, here I sit with my company's open enrollment document in front of me. Four choices for medical, three for dental plans. But according to you people I have no choices.

Did I get to keep the old plan? No. But the old plan required over a thousand out of my paycheck every year, the new plan, the company pays the whole load. Higher deductables, yes. But not significantly, considering what a hospital stay costs, and co-pays about the same.

Here is the problem for you people. The cost of health care has become a major contributor to individual bankruptcy, and a major burden on companies. The President proposed a solution that seemed to work well in Massechusetts, where it was put into place by a Republican Governor. Can't remember his name at the moment:lol:

Now that solution may not be the best solution, certainly I think that a universal single payer would be much better, but the GOP offered nothing at all, just continued increases in cost of the costliest health care system in the world, one that has the worst results in the democratic nations of the world.

So, until you people come up with something better than neener-neener, I cannot take your flap-yap as serious.

so you fall for the liberal line the gop has never offered any solutions as well, rather than research it yourself. Do you always just fall in line rather than think for yourself?

repealing it isnt a solution
So, here I sit with my company's open enrollment document in front of me. Four choices for medical, three for dental plans. But according to you people I have no choices.

Did I get to keep the old plan? No. But the old plan required over a thousand out of my paycheck every year, the new plan, the company pays the whole load. Higher deductables, yes. But not significantly, considering what a hospital stay costs, and co-pays about the same.

Here is the problem for you people. The cost of health care has become a major contributor to individual bankruptcy, and a major burden on companies. The President proposed a solution that seemed to work well in Massechusetts, where it was put into place by a Republican Governor. Can't remember his name at the moment:lol:

Now that solution may not be the best solution, certainly I think that a universal single payer would be much better, but the GOP offered nothing at all, just continued increases in cost of the costliest health care system in the world, one that has the worst results in the democratic nations of the world.

So, until you people come up with something better than neener-neener, I cannot take your flap-yap as serious.

so you fall for the liberal line the gop has never offered any solutions as well, rather than research it yourself. Do you always just fall in line rather than think for yourself?

repealing it isnt a solution

what are your reasons as to why not.
But I CAN choose my own health insurance.

So what if my premiums go up 120% and deductibles through the roof?

Sheesh, what's wrong with you people?
The ObamaCare farrago has revealed what Liberalism is all about: ordering everyone else around.

It used to be, if one quested Obama policies, were a racist.

Question ObamaCare and it's 'you don't want poor folks to have healthcare.'

How about thinking individuals simply want to make their own decisions.

So says Larry Kudlow:

1. "May I ask this question? Why is it that Americans don't have the freedom to choose their own health insurance?.... Why must the liberal nanny state make decisions for us?"

2. So why must the government tell me and everyone else what we can and cannot buy?

3. Charles Krauthammer and the Wall Street Journal's Dan Henninger noted in excellent recent columns that this whole Obamacare business represents the greatest-ever expansion of the liberal entitlement-state dream. But I don't want that dream. And you shouldn't either....

Can I get an "amen"!

No, actually you can't.

here's the problem. The easiest way to handle this was to have a single payer system that covered everyone. Conservatives didn't want that.

So then they suggested things like Medicaid expansions, Medicare buy-ins and a public option for those without insurance could sign on to, and conservatives shot those down, too.

So really, it was conservatives who INSISTED private insurance had to continue to play a roll and get a cut of the action.

Mandating that they play by certain rules and meet certain standards are reasonable requests.

I mean, I don't care how clever you think you are, an insurance company is always going to be bigger and smarter and have more lawyers to weasel out if there's a dispute.

The only way to make them behave is to get someone with a bigger stick... and that unfortunately, is the government.
The ObamaCare farrago has revealed what Liberalism is all about: ordering everyone else around.

It used to be, if one quested Obama policies, were a racist.

Question ObamaCare and it's 'you don't want poor folks to have healthcare.'

How about thinking individuals simply want to make their own decisions.

So says Larry Kudlow:

1. "May I ask this question? Why is it that Americans don't have the freedom to choose their own health insurance?.... Why must the liberal nanny state make decisions for us?"

2. So why must the government tell me and everyone else what we can and cannot buy?

3. Charles Krauthammer and the Wall Street Journal's Dan Henninger noted in excellent recent columns that this whole Obamacare business represents the greatest-ever expansion of the liberal entitlement-state dream. But I don't want that dream. And you shouldn't either....

Can I get an "amen"!

No, actually you can't.

here's the problem. The easiest way to handle this was to have a single payer system that covered everyone. Conservatives didn't want that.

So then they suggested things like Medicaid expansions, Medicare buy-ins and a public option for those without insurance could sign on to, and conservatives shot those down, too.

So really, it was conservatives who INSISTED private insurance had to continue to play a roll and get a cut of the action.

Mandating that they play by certain rules and meet certain standards are reasonable requests.

I mean, I don't care how clever you think you are, an insurance company is always going to be bigger and smarter and have more lawyers to weasel out if there's a dispute.

The only way to make them behave is to get someone with a bigger stick... and that unfortunately, is the government.

Based on your amazing consistency in being a proponent of the totally wrong answer to every issue...... latest suspicion is that you write the logical, intelligent, carefully considered solution....

....and then post the inverse.

1. There is no Constitutional authorization for federal domination of healthcare. If you believe otherwise.....why didn't Leftists author an amendment?

2. The costs of healthcare insurance are due mainly to the same mandate-inspired ideology as ObamaCare.....

Government restrictions on purchases of same across state lines....

...and the mandates the 50 states and District
of Columbia have imposed, followed by the number
of states. Unless indicated otherwise, the added cost
to insurance is less than 1 percent:

Benefits mandates:
• Alcoholism, 45 states (1 percent to 3 percent added
• Alzheimer’s, 2 states
• Ambulance services, 8 states
• Breast reconstruction, 48 states
• Chlamydia, 3 states
• Cleft palate, 14 states
• Contraceptives, 30 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Dental anesthesia, 29 states
• Diabetic supplies, 47 states
• Drug-abuse treatment, 34 states
• In vitro fertilization, 14 states (3 percent to 5 percent
added cost)
• Mental health general, 40 states (1 percent to 3
percent added cost)
• Mental-health parity, 42 states (5 percent to 10
percent added cost)
• Newborn hearing screening, 16 states
• Newborn sickle-cell testing, 3 states
• Off-label drug use, 37 states
• Port-wine stain (a skin discoloration) elimination,
2 states
• Prescription drugs, 3 states (5 percent to 10 percent
added cost)
• Prostate screening, 32 states
• Second surgical opinion, 9 states
• Well-child care, 31 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
Provider mandates:
• Acupuncturists, 11 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Chiropractors, 46 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Dentists, 36 states (3 percent to 5 percent added
• Dieticians, 3 states
• Marriage therapists, 13 states
• Massage therapists, 5 states
• Naturopaths, 3 states
• Osteopaths, 21 states (1 percent to 3 percent added
• Physical therapists, 16 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Podiatrists, 35 states
• Psychiatric nurses, 16 states
• Psychologists, 44 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Social workers, 27 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Speech or hearing therapists, 18 states
Covered-persons mandates:
• Adopted children, 42 states
• Conversion to nongroup insurance, 42 states (1
percent to 3 percent added cost)
Put another way, if
just these two
mandates were
repealed in
California, from
177,776 to 499,995
people could again
afford insurance.
Foundation for Economic Education

Government and Liberalism stand in the way of improvements.

BTW....prior to the Obama mind-weld, the vast majority of folks were happy with their healthcare.

1. There is no Constitutional authorization for federal domination of healthcare. If you believe otherwise.....why didn't Leftists author an amendment?

So fucking what? The argument on this was had a long time ago with Medicaid, and now your side won't touch medicaid.

2. The costs of healthcare insurance are due mainly to the same mandate-inspired ideology as ObamaCare.....

Government restrictions on purchases of same across state lines....

Government and Liberalism stand in the way of improvements.

BTW....prior to the Obama mind-weld, the vast majority of folks were happy with their healthcare.

And again, the vast majority of these people NEVER had to make a claim.

Which is the thing. If you had asked me about my health insurance plan in 2005, I'd have said it was awesome. I didn't pay that much and it seemed to cover the basics.

And then I needed a surgery that they considered "elective". Had to fight with them for TWO YEARS to finally get it. Then amazingly, there was a big push to get me off the payroll of that company despite five years of exemplary performance reviews.
Final point... every other industrialized democracy has single payer or universal coverage.

They spend less per capita than we do.
They have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates.
Bankruptcy due to medical crisis is rare.

But America is like the Retard who still writes down "2+2=Cat" and wonders why the other kids laugh at him.
And again, the vast majority of these people NEVER had to make a claim.

Which is the thing. If you had asked me about my health insurance plan in 2005, I'd have said it was awesome. I didn't pay that much and it seemed to cover the basics.

And then I needed a surgery that they considered "elective". Had to fight with them for TWO YEARS to finally get it. Then amazingly, there was a big push to get me off the payroll of that company despite five years of exemplary performance reviews.

What was the surgery you were electing to have and bilking your insurance company for because you didn't understand what policy you purchased ?
Final point... every other industrialized democracy has single payer or universal coverage.

They spend less per capita than we do.
They have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates.
Bankruptcy due to medical crisis is rare.

But America is like the Retard who still writes down "2+2=Cat" and wonders why the other kids laugh at him.

"They have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates."

False....but indicative of what Leftists believe.....raise your paw.

1. Life expectancy: many people die for reasons that can’t be controlled the medical profession, such as auto accidents, murder, etc., and once you factor out car crashes and homicides, the US ranks number one in worldwide life expectancy!

“One often-heard argument, voiced by the New York Times' Paul Krugman and others, is that America lags behind other countries in crude health outcomes. But such outcomes reflect a mosaic of factors, such as diet, lifestyle, drug use and cultural values. It pains me as a doctor to say this, but health care is just one factor in health.

In "The Business of Health," Robert Ohsfeldt and John Schneider factor out intentional and unintentional injuries from life-expectancy statistics and find that Americans who don't die in car crashes or homicides outlive people in any other Western country.
And if we measure a health care system by how well it serves its sick citizens, American medicine excels.

2. Infant mortality???
What you believe is based on what you know....and with your limited knowledge of this issue, you'll believe anything.
Raise that paw again.

a. There are a variety of ways that infant mortality statistics are measured. While 40% of America’s infant mortality rate is due to reporting of infants who die on the day of their birth, many countries don’t register such deaths at all. Other countries require specific size (Switzerland, 30 cm) and weights (Austria and Germany, 500 gms) to be listed as having been born.
Bernadine Healy, M.D.: Behind the baby count - US News and World Report

b. "Rarely reported in comparing infant mortality rates it the negative effect of “very pre-term” babies, whose death rate is far higher than full term. When comparing the US infant mortality rate to such category-stars as in this NYTimes report of 11/4/09:
“If the United States could match Sweden’s prematurity rate, the new report said, “nearly 8,000 infant deaths would be averted each year, and the U.S. infant mortality rate would be one-third lower.”

We find the usual anti-US slant of the Times, in not mentioning that race is the reason:

“The use of this example highlights to disingenuousness of the authors. In their supposedly “detailed” report on infant mortality, they fail to analyze the most important detail: race. Unfortunately, African descent is a major risk factor for prematurity, and prematurity is a major cause of infant mortality. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that the US has a higher infant mortality rate than Sweden. The US has the highest proportion of women of African descent of any first world country. Sweden, of course, has virtually none.

So our higher rate of infant mortality does not reflect poor medical care. It reflects factors beyond the control of doctors. Race is an uncontrollable factor; obstetricians and pediatricians have no control over assisted reproductive techniques. In fact, the data actually show obstetricians and pediatricians do a remarkable job of ensuring infant health.”

Infant mortality report neglects the most important detail - AmyTuteurMD - Open Salon

c. One factor contributing to the U.S.'s infant mortality rate is that blacks have intractably high infant mortality rates -- irrespective of age, education, socioeconomic status and so on. No one knows why.

Neither medical care nor discrimination can explain it: Hispanics in the U.S. have lower infant mortality rates than either blacks or whites. Give Switzerland or Japan our ethnically diverse population and see how they stack up on infant mortality rates.
A Statistical Analysis of Maritime Unemployment Rates, 1946-1948. Just Kidding, More Liberal Lies About National Healthcare! | Human Events

Now....did I just prove that your astounding ability to be wrong belongs in the Guinness Book of Records???
The ObamaCare farrago has revealed what Liberalism is all about: ordering everyone else around.

It used to be, if one quested Obama policies, were a racist.

Question ObamaCare and it's 'you don't want poor folks to have healthcare.'

How about thinking individuals simply want to make their own decisions.

So says Larry Kudlow:

1. "May I ask this question? Why is it that Americans don't have the freedom to choose their own health insurance?.... Why must the liberal nanny state make decisions for us?"

2. So why must the government tell me and everyone else what we can and cannot buy?

3. Charles Krauthammer and the Wall Street Journal's Dan...


Good gawd Stephanie, still stuck on the race angle? It must have personally stung you deeply. :confused:

Societal agreements tell us what minimum standards we must comply with while taking the benefits of living in society. There will.always be misanthropic troglodytes like you roaming around, but hey societal agreements allow that: it's called the freedom to be wrong and out of touch with progress while continuing to reap the benefits.

Charles K., is a pathetically sad figure. Like you, he is on the wrong side of progress and history. The world no longer belongs to you people, if it ever did. Delusion is difficult to walk away from.

Your choice: Fade away with dignity and self-respect or get pushed further into the sidelines of discontent and self-loathing and self-pity.
Last edited:
The ObamaCare farrago has revealed what Liberalism is all about: ordering everyone else around.

It used to be, if one quested Obama policies, were a racist.

Question ObamaCare and it's 'you don't want poor folks to have healthcare.'

How about thinking individuals simply want to make their own decisions.

So says Larry Kudlow:

1. "May I ask this question? Why is it that Americans don't have the freedom to choose their own health insurance?.... Why must the liberal nanny state make decisions for us?"

2. So why must the government tell me and everyone else what we can and cannot buy?

3. Charles Krauthammer and the Wall Street Journal's Dan...


Good gawd Stephanie, still stuck on the race angle? It must have personally stung you deeply. :confused:

Societal agreements tell us what minimum standards we must comply with while taking the benefits of living in society. Tgere will.always be misanthropic troglodytes like you roaming around, but hey societal.agreements allow that: it's called the freedom to be wrong and out of touch with progress while continuing to reap the benefits.

Charles K., is a pathetically sad figure. Like you, he is on the wrong side of progress and history. The world no longer belongs to you. Your choice: Fade away with dignity nd self-respect or get pushed into the sidelines of discontent and self-loatging and self-pity.

"Good gawd Stephanie, still stuck on the race angle? It must have personally stung you deeply."

Have you considered having your echolalia professionally diagnosed?
The ObamaCare farrago has revealed what Liberalism is all about: ordering everyone else around.

It used to be, if one quested Obama policies, were a racist.

Question ObamaCare and it's 'you don't want poor folks to have healthcare.'

How about thinking individuals simply want to make their own decisions.

So says Larry Kudlow:

1. "May I ask this question? Why is it that Americans don't have the freedom to choose their own health insurance?.... Why must the liberal nanny state make decisions for us?"

2. So why must the government tell me and everyone else what we can and cannot buy?

3. Charles Krauthammer and the Wall Street Journal's Dan...


Good gawd Stephanie, still stuck on the race angle? It must have personally stung you deeply. :confused:

Societal agreements tell us what minimum standards we must comply with while taking the benefits of living in society. Tgere will.always be misanthropic troglodytes like you roaming around, but hey societal.agreements allow that: it's called the freedom to be wrong and out of touch with progress while continuing to reap the benefits.

Charles K., is a pathetically sad figure. Like you, he is on the wrong side of progress and history. The world no longer belongs to you. Your choice: Fade away with dignity nd self-respect or get pushed into the sidelines of discontent and self-loatging and self-pity.

"Good gawd Stephanie, still stuck on the race angle? It must have personally stung you deeply."

Have you considered having your echolalia professionally diagnosed?

Good Lord, your childish nature is rearing it's head. Why would such a thing need to be professionally diagnosed? Why do you still feel uncomfortable around Dante? :redface:
Good gawd Stephanie, still stuck on the race angle? It must have personally stung you deeply. :confused:

Societal agreements tell us what minimum standards we must comply with while taking the benefits of living in society. Tgere will.always be misanthropic troglodytes like you roaming around, but hey societal.agreements allow that: it's called the freedom to be wrong and out of touch with progress while continuing to reap the benefits.

Charles K., is a pathetically sad figure. Like you, he is on the wrong side of progress and history. The world no longer belongs to you. Your choice: Fade away with dignity nd self-respect or get pushed into the sidelines of discontent and self-loatging and self-pity.

"Good gawd Stephanie, still stuck on the race angle? It must have personally stung you deeply."

Have you considered having your echolalia professionally diagnosed?

Good Lord, your childish nature is rearing it's head. Why would such a thing need to be professionally diagnosed? Why do you still feel uncomfortable around Dante? :redface:

Why would you perform the Pavlovian knee-jerk screech of 'race, race' when I did no such thing.....

...I quote the Liberal Salon, which correctly identified a well-known scientific fact.

What the heck are you afraid of....losing your Leftist creds?
"Good gawd Stephanie, still stuck on the race angle? It must have personally stung you deeply."

Have you considered having your echolalia professionally diagnosed?

Good Lord, your childish nature is rearing it's head. Why would such a thing need to be professionally diagnosed? Why do you still feel uncomfortable around Dante? :redface:

Why would you perform the Pavlovian knee-jerk screech of 'race, race' when I did no such thing.....

...I quote the Liberal Salon, which correctly identified a well-known scientific fact.

What the heck are you afraid of....losing your Leftist creds?

Like Rush Limbaugh and his listeners (ditto heads? - how pathetically juvenile) and their weird obsession with the "Magic Nego" schtick, and email blasts with images of President Obama and the White House lawn mixed with images of chicken and watermelons... is obvious 'the lady dost protest too much'

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