Do You Like Being Ordered Around? Grow Up!

Correct. Being born free and dying a slave is something my nature does not embrace.

Government over reach has to be stopped. We are not electing our officials to tie our hands and change our constitution. We elect them to uphold it.

One is doing it his way, but will be stopped in 2014.............

our local elections are today. i live in a small town. usually no lines. 2-3 minute wait is the max. my wife called me earlier. she wwaited an hour this morning and never got to vote. she has to go back later. turn out is so heavy. they actually ran out of the forms at our polling station. people are so sick of what is going on in government. the big deal in our town this year is there is an independent ticket that has united against the status quo two party system. and they are going to win too. they did an amazing job about getting the word out. no more politics as usual.
The problem isn't WHY people didn't buy insurance. (And, yes, sorry, Illegals are people, too.) It was the fact they didn't have it, and when they got hurt or sick, the rest of us have to pick up the slack.

I think this is a bullshit excuse. I think the mandate in ACA is simply a quid-pro-quo to the insurance industry for covering pre-existing conditions.

But if picking up the slack IS your concern, why not just punish those who are actually guilty? Make anyone with unpaid medical bills subject to the mandate and the penalty if they don't comply. Leave the responsible folks, who aren't pushing their costs off on others, out of your scheme. Fair enough?
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Get a pencil and paper....take notes so that I don't have to keep educating you:

So the "crisis" was always bogus.....designed to gain the support of hand-wringers like you.

And you say?

That you're full of it, as usual.

The problem isn't WHY people didn't buy insurance. (And, yes, sorry, Illegals are people, too.) It was the fact they didn't have it, and when they got hurt or sick, the rest of us have to pick up the slack.

But the problem isn't just lack of insurance, but underinsurance. 25 million Americans have policies that are inadequate.

But you wrote this: "Well, either we have millions of uninsured or we don't."

Now it's "underinsured"????

I really must have destroyed you in the last post, as you're beating a total retreat.

See ya.'

No, it's both.

But frankly, you seem to think that an insured person using an ER as his doctor's office is perfectly fine at 100 times the cost, but who ends up paying for that?

Who ends up paying for the 62% of personal bankruptcies that are caused by medical crisis? That would be the rest of us.

I mean, you can scream "Freedom" all day, but the thing is, if it don't work, it don't work.

And it don't work.
The problem isn't WHY people didn't buy insurance. (And, yes, sorry, Illegals are people, too.) It was the fact they didn't have it, and when they got hurt or sick, the rest of us have to pick up the slack.

I think this is a bullshit excuse. I think the mandate in ACA is simply a quid-pro-quo to the insurance industry for covering pre-existing conditions.

But if picking up the slack IS your concern, why not just punish those who are actually guilty? Make anyone with unpaid medical bills subject to the mandate and the penalty if they don't comply. Leave the responsible folks, who aren't pushing their costs off on others, out of your scheme. Fair enough?

Actually, the mandate is the only way you can keep people from simply buying insurance when they get sick, which would bankrupt the system much quicker.

I'm also curious how you are going to "mandate" someone get insurance after they get treatment.
The problem isn't WHY people didn't buy insurance. (And, yes, sorry, Illegals are people, too.) It was the fact they didn't have it, and when they got hurt or sick, the rest of us have to pick up the slack.

I think this is a bullshit excuse. I think the mandate in ACA is simply a quid-pro-quo to the insurance industry for covering pre-existing conditions.

But if picking up the slack IS your concern, why not just punish those who are actually guilty? Make anyone with unpaid medical bills subject to the mandate and the penalty if they don't comply. Leave the responsible folks, who aren't pushing their costs off on others, out of your scheme. Fair enough?

Actually, the mandate is the only way you can keep people from simply buying insurance when they get sick, which would bankrupt the system much quicker.

I'm also curious how you are going to "mandate" someone get insurance after they get treatment.

I'm not. I'm saying that once they've proven they are actually irresponsible, by racking up bills and not paying them, then you have a just reason to find them and force them to carry insurance.

But not having "enough" insurance (enough, according the ACA regulators) harms no one. Racking up bills and not paying them is the injustice. People who find a way to manage their health care costs without imposing them on other shouldn't be fined simply because they do it in a way that the insurance industry doesn't like.
Actually, we've been there. States used to make Auto Insurance optional, until too many bad actors screwed it up. Then they made it mandetory and we were all better off for it.

Short of doing the sensible thing and just creating a single payer system, this is probalby the best option we have.
Actually, we've been there. States used to make Auto Insurance optional, until too many bad actors screwed it up. Then they made it mandetory and we were all better off for it.

Short of doing the sensible thing and just creating a single payer system, this is probalby the best option we have.

No, it's not. It's a scam for auto insurance as well. The bad actors are the people who incur damages and don't pay their bills. Drivers who do that can have their driving rights revoked - just like they do now if they don't have insurance. It's no different, except that the latter approach funnels money through the insurance industry by default. That was the point of the industry lobbying for mandatory auto insurance, and it's why their doing it now for health care. This is about herding citizens for corporate profit. Period.

By the way, New Hampshire doesn't require auto-liability. They aren't drowning in bad actors. They deal with them sensibly and take their licenses - after they've proven their irresponsible. But not for merely failing to tithe to the insurance corporations.

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