Do You Like Being Ordered Around? Grow Up!

Good Lord, your childish nature is rearing it's head. Why would such a thing need to be professionally diagnosed? Why do you still feel uncomfortable around Dante? :redface:

Why would you perform the Pavlovian knee-jerk screech of 'race, race' when I did no such thing.....

...I quote the Liberal Salon, which correctly identified a well-known scientific fact.

What the heck are you afraid of....losing your Leftist creds?

Like Rush Limbaugh and his listeners (ditto heads? - how pathetically juvenile) and their weird obsession with the "Magic Nego" schtick, and email blasts with images of President Obama and the White House lawn mixed with images of chicken and watermelons... is obvious 'the lady dost protest too much'

Clean off those specs, old timer....

I said "Liberal Salon," not your bête noire , 'Limbaugh.'

Would you mind explaining "Magic Nego"?????
Why would you perform the Pavlovian knee-jerk screech of 'race, race' when I did no such thing.....

...I quote the Liberal Salon, which correctly identified a well-known scientific fact.

What the heck are you afraid of....losing your Leftist creds?

Like Rush Limbaugh and his listeners (ditto heads? - how pathetically juvenile) and their weird obsession with the "Magic Nego" schtick, and email blasts with images of President Obama and the White House lawn mixed with images of chicken and watermelons... is obvious 'the lady dost protest too much'

Clean off those specs, old timer....

I said "Liberal Salon," not your bête noire , 'Limbaugh.'

Would you mind explaining "Magic Nego"?????

So disingenuous. Why explain "Magic Negro" when Dante referrenced the wingnut obsession with it?

I had Dim Sum at an LA place by the name "Won Kok" ... as I was waiting in line youngsters went by laughing and obsessing over the name. Question is: Will you ask me to explain what "Won Kok" actually means, or what the youngsters took it as, or do you get tbe reference? See how easy it is to expose you? :eusa_whistle:
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Like Rush Limbaugh and his listeners (ditto heads? - how pathetically juvenile) and their weird obsession with the "Magic Nego" schtick, and email blasts with images of President Obama and the White House lawn mixed with images of chicken and watermelons... is obvious 'the lady dost protest too much'

Clean off those specs, old timer....

I said "Liberal Salon," not your bête noire , 'Limbaugh.'

Would you mind explaining "Magic Nego"?????

So disingenuous. Why explain "Magic Negro" when Dante referrenced the wingnut obsession with it?

I had Dim Sum at an LA place by the name "Won Kok" ... as I was waiting in line youngsters went by laughing and obsessing over the name. Question is: Will you ask me to explain what "Won Kok" actually means, or do you get tbe reference? See how easy it is to expose you? :eusa_whistle:

"Why explain "Magic Negro" when Dante referrenced the wingnut obsession with it?"


Because you mentioned it.

Of course, you and I both know you won't explain it because it's origin is the Liberal LATimes.......

"Obama the 'Magic Negro'
The Illinois senator lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man.

By David Ehrenstein
L.A.-based DAVID EHRENSTEIN writes about Hollywood and politics.
March 19, 2007"
Obama the 'Magic Negro' -

I love whackin' you in the kisser with your own custard pie!

You Libs make so much pretense about protecting black folks.....from what???

I love this, from Coulter's book "Mugged,"....

Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many Liberals found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line:
“Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”

What a joke, huh? that you????

Insinuating that a news org carrying an article or column is somehow ... wait, you're a FOX News/Limbaugh fan. :redface:

The obsession with the "Magic Negro" thing of Limbaugh and his llisteners , is part of a pattern that is undeniable. As a matter of fact Limbaugh always mentions in asides "tge racial component"

Dante does not deny one exists. What he is pointing out is the importance certain people put on it.

Wearing ones fears, loathing, insecurities, and anxieties is what reactionaries do -- and make no mistake about it, you are reacting to Obama and his racial component
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But as usual with wingnuts and [MENTION=12394]PoliticalChic[/MENTION]... We digress and devolve. What can one expect from a thread title and OP with implied and direct insults?

psst: Stephanie and PoliticalChic are two not-so-distinct personalities
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Insinuating that a news org carrying an article or column is somehow ... wait, you're a FOX News/Limbaugh fan. :redface:

The obsession with the "Magic Negro" thing of Limbaugh and his llisteners , is part of a pattern that is undeniable. As a matter of fact Limbaugh always mentions in asides "tge racial component"

Dante does not deny one exists. What he is pointing out is the importance certain people put on it.

Wearing ones fears, loathing, insecurities, and anxieties is what reactionaries do -- and make no mistake about it, you are reacting to Obama and his racial component

You know what? I haven't even been in this thread and here you are...Your hardon for me is touching and all that, but turn a hose on yourself I'm sick of getting these stupid popups of you mentioning me

good gawd you are a loser

Insinuating that a news org carrying an article or column is somehow ... wait, you're a FOX News/Limbaugh fan. :redface:

The obsession with the "Magic Negro" thing of Limbaugh and his llisteners , is part of a pattern that is undeniable. As a matter of fact Limbaugh always mentions in asides "tge racial component"

Dante does not deny one exists. What he is pointing out is the importance certain people put on it.

Wearing ones fears, loathing, insecurities, and anxieties is what reactionaries do -- and make no mistake about it, you are reacting to Obama and his racial component

You know what? I haven't even been in this thread and here you are...Your hardon for me is touching and all that, but turn a hose on yourself I'm sick of getting these stupid popups of you mentioning me

good gawd you are a loser

Stephanie and Polichic are two seperate people?
And again, the vast majority of these people NEVER had to make a claim.

Which is the thing. If you had asked me about my health insurance plan in 2005, I'd have said it was awesome. I didn't pay that much and it seemed to cover the basics.

And then I needed a surgery that they considered "elective". Had to fight with them for TWO YEARS to finally get it. Then amazingly, there was a big push to get me off the payroll of that company despite five years of exemplary performance reviews.

What was the surgery you were electing to have and bilking your insurance company for because you didn't understand what policy you purchased ?

None of your fucking business.
Final point... every other industrialized democracy has single payer or universal coverage.

They spend less per capita than we do.
They have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates.
Bankruptcy due to medical crisis is rare.

But America is like the Retard who still writes down "2+2=Cat" and wonders why the other kids laugh at him.

"They have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates."

False....but indicative of what Leftists believe.....raise your paw.

Now....did I just prove that your astounding ability to be wrong belongs in the Guinness Book of Records???

No, you just repeated hate radio talking points and pretended they were true.


Sorry, our medical statistics suck. We spend moer than any country and get the worst results...

We ought to be ashamed, but frankly, too many people are makng money on the status quot.

"We could have saved the planet but we were too cheap." - Kurt Vonnegutt.
Final point... every other industrialized democracy has single payer or universal coverage.

They spend less per capita than we do.
They have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates.
Bankruptcy due to medical crisis is rare.

But America is like the Retard who still writes down "2+2=Cat" and wonders why the other kids laugh at him.

"They have longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality rates."

False....but indicative of what Leftists believe.....raise your paw.

Now....did I just prove that your astounding ability to be wrong belongs in the Guinness Book of Records???

No, you just repeated hate radio talking points and pretended they were true.


Sorry, our medical statistics suck. We spend moer than any country and get the worst results...

We ought to be ashamed, but frankly, too many people are makng money on the status quot.

"We could have saved the planet but we were too cheap." - Kurt Vonnegutt.

"you just repeated hate radio talking points and pretended they were true."

Here's an idea, ErroneousJoe.....stick to the truth.

The links included USNews and World Report.....and the Liberal Salon.....

So...I need to see you post this: USNews and World Report and Salon are both in thrall of right wing radio?

Say it, Joe.....say it!

Wadda you got to lose....not a reputation.

"you just repeated hate radio talking points and pretended they were true."

Here's an idea, ErroneousJoe.....stick to the truth.

The links included USNews and World Report.....and the Liberal Salon.....

So...I need to see you post this: USNews and World Report and Salon are both in thrall of right wing radio?

Say it, Joe.....say it!

Wadda you got to lose....not a reputation.

USN&WR is pretty right wing.

But to the point, no, we really, really do have the worst results.

Mostly because we have 46 million with no coverage and 25 million with crappy coverage.

Now, I didn't waste my time on your linkes because I usually don't bother clicking on links.

but i've heard the excuses.

Our life expectency is lower because we are fatter, and our infant mortality rate is higher because we are counting premature births and other countries don't.

But frankly, we do a terrible job. Everyone else has figured this out.

"you just repeated hate radio talking points and pretended they were true."

Here's an idea, ErroneousJoe.....stick to the truth.

The links included USNews and World Report.....and the Liberal Salon.....

So...I need to see you post this: USNews and World Report and Salon are both in thrall of right wing radio?

Say it, Joe.....say it!

Wadda you got to lose....not a reputation.

USN&WR is pretty right wing.

But to the point, no, we really, really do have the worst results.

Mostly because we have 46 million with no coverage and 25 million with crappy coverage.

Now, I didn't waste my time on your linkes because I usually don't bother clicking on links.

but i've heard the excuses.

Our life expectency is lower because we are fatter, and our infant mortality rate is higher because we are counting premature births and other countries don't.

But frankly, we do a terrible job. Everyone else has figured this out.


You're wrong again!!!!

1. We never had 46 million with out coverage.

2. According to the CBO, in 2015 there will be 36 million uninsured nonelderly Americans. (table 3)
So which is it? Do we have lots of uninsured or not?

Are you questioning the CBO report?

Spell it out.

Well, either we have millions of uninsured or we don't.

Which is it?

Get a pencil and paper....take notes so that I don't have to keep educating you:

Who are the 47 million Americans who ?don?t have health care?? | What The Crap?
In 2006 the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 46.6 million are people without health insurance. You hear this number all the time today in discussions on what our public policy should be towards health care (particularly - socialized healthcare). But who are these 46.6 million people? Here are a couple things you probably won’t hear from politicians, whether Democratic or Republican:
1. Of that 46.6 million, 9.5 million were not United States Citizens
2. Another 17 million of those people live in households exceeding $50,000 and could purchase healthcare but choose to invest their money in other things.
3. 18 million were between the age of 18-34, most in good health - and either not in need of coverage - or chose not to purchase it (that includes me for a while there). (Also, note that this stat likely overlaps with the one above as commentor Kottcamp reminded me.)
4. 70% of the non-elderly population that become uninsured in a given year - are reinsured in less than one year.
5. One thing however, is that the numbers you state may not be additive:
- 17 million live in households exceeding $50,000/yr
- 18 million were between the age of 18-34

So the "crisis" was always bogus.....designed to gain the support of hand-wringers like you.

And you say?
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Get a pencil and paper....take notes so that I don't have to keep educating you:

So the "crisis" was always bogus.....designed to gain the support of hand-wringers like you.

And you say?

That you're full of it, as usual.

The problem isn't WHY people didn't buy insurance. (And, yes, sorry, Illegals are people, too.) It was the fact they didn't have it, and when they got hurt or sick, the rest of us have to pick up the slack.

But the problem isn't just lack of insurance, but underinsurance. 25 million Americans have policies that are inadequate.

Get a pencil and paper....take notes so that I don't have to keep educating you:

So the "crisis" was always bogus.....designed to gain the support of hand-wringers like you.

And you say?

That you're full of it, as usual.

The problem isn't WHY people didn't buy insurance. (And, yes, sorry, Illegals are people, too.) It was the fact they didn't have it, and when they got hurt or sick, the rest of us have to pick up the slack.

But the problem isn't just lack of insurance, but underinsurance. 25 million Americans have policies that are inadequate.

But you wrote this: "Well, either we have millions of uninsured or we don't."

Now it's "underinsured"????

I really must have destroyed you in the last post, as you're beating a total retreat.

See ya.'

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