Do You Like Idle Chit-Chat?

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I notice that you won't ever confront me about anything.
Ever try to talk to a person in an insane asylum? You don't get very far. I'd rather just bat ya around and watch you bounce from wall to wall. :lol:
I hate it.

I can do it here a little... but, to be honest, I don't care how your day is or if you feel bad.
If it's not interesting or entertaining to me, I'm bored and won't pretend to be interested.

I have no clue what to say to people either in a social setting. Hey! How are you? what you been up to. Really? I could NOT care less.....
Well, how's your day been?:smartass:
You should see the reactions I get when i do that to the checkout people in stores.
Here we go.. I'm gonna try that advice from Asclepsias and see if it works. :lmao:

You don't need to battle with Bonzi -- you're both very good at what you do.. And we're all on the same mission here. To kill time and remember how to type fast..
I dont think it works with ChrisL. She is a little different. She needs all the attention or she will lose her mind.

Sure. Lol. That's why I'm the one starting all the attention whoring threads, right? :D Must be me starting flamer zone threads about myself for the attention??

This is just one reason why I don't like or respect you. You are just too stupid to tolerate! :lol: Illiterate too.
No matter what I do I cant dislike you. I feel sad for you sometimes. Other times I wonder what happened to you to make you so unstable.

Sorry buddy, but it's you and the other inhabitants here who are unstable. This much is obvious. :D
You need someone to validate you constantly. I said i wasnt attracted to women that had no booty and you about lost your mind. Its ok. Not everyone is going to like your body type.

That is not at all how it happened. I said both women were attractive. :D Shall I go fetch the post? I can prove you wrong all day long. I'm sure you already knew that though. Lol. Don't worry, I'm not at all interested in losers with no jobs who have nothing on the horizon.
I notice that you won't ever confront me about anything.
Ever try to talk to a person in an insane asylum? You don't get very far. I'd rather just bat ya around and watch you bounce from wall to wall. :lol:

Well, why don't you explain exactly what it is that you have a problem with about me and why you feel the need to constantly denigrate me and start flamer threads about me. Let's start there. Seems reasonable, right? :)
I notice that you won't ever confront me about anything.
Ever try to talk to a person in an insane asylum? You don't get very far. I'd rather just bat ya around and watch you bounce from wall to wall. :lol:

Let's discuss that death wish thingy too. You do know that I'm not the only person here who witnessed that little meltdown you had, right? You thought you would mess with me and when I got the better of you, you had a complete melt down and mistook me for Nutz and wished death upon me, isn't that right? ;)
Come on, Gracie, let's get this all out into the open and clear the air once and for all, huh? After all, I'm not going anywhere. Mwa-ha-ha.
I dont think it works with ChrisL. She is a little different. She needs all the attention or she will lose her mind.

Sure. Lol. That's why I'm the one starting all the attention whoring threads, right? :D Must be me starting flamer zone threads about myself for the attention??

This is just one reason why I don't like or respect you. You are just too stupid to tolerate! :lol: Illiterate too.
No matter what I do I cant dislike you. I feel sad for you sometimes. Other times I wonder what happened to you to make you so unstable.

Sorry buddy, but it's you and the other inhabitants here who are unstable. This much is obvious. :D
You need someone to validate you constantly. I said i wasnt attracted to women that had no booty and you about lost your mind. Its ok. Not everyone is going to like your body type.

That is not at all how it happened. I said both women were attractive. :D Shall I go fetch the post? I can prove you wrong all day long. I'm sure you already knew that though. Lol. Don't worry, I'm not at all interested in losers with no jobs who have nothing on the horizon.
See what I mean? I say something is not attractive to me and you try to tell me it is. No both are not attractive.
I don't have breast cancer yet either, Gracie. I guess those spell thingies are not so powerful. :D
Sure. Lol. That's why I'm the one starting all the attention whoring threads, right? :D Must be me starting flamer zone threads about myself for the attention??

This is just one reason why I don't like or respect you. You are just too stupid to tolerate! :lol: Illiterate too.
No matter what I do I cant dislike you. I feel sad for you sometimes. Other times I wonder what happened to you to make you so unstable.

Sorry buddy, but it's you and the other inhabitants here who are unstable. This much is obvious. :D
You need someone to validate you constantly. I said i wasnt attracted to women that had no booty and you about lost your mind. Its ok. Not everyone is going to like your body type.

That is not at all how it happened. I said both women were attractive. :D Shall I go fetch the post? I can prove you wrong all day long. I'm sure you already knew that though. Lol. Don't worry, I'm not at all interested in losers with no jobs who have nothing on the horizon.
See what I mean? I say something is not attractive to me and you try to tell me it is. No both are not attractive.

I think they are. I was giving my opinion. Not yours. Lol. :D Why would I care what you find attractive? I don't even know you. You are just another anonymous person on a message board. :cool: Do you think I'm interested in you or something? Ha ha!

Aren't you married anyways? :wtf:

But again, you are just an old woman. I don't really think anyone is really intimidated by you. Do you? What are you going to do? Beat people up or something? Lol. That's hilarious! :p You can't beat anyone up.
Rut Roh. Now it's Acelpias' turn. Those red bloodshot eyes are now focused on him.

But again, you are just an old woman. I don't really think anyone is really intimidated by you. Do you? What are you going to do? Beat people up or something? Lol. That's hilarious! :p You can't beat anyone up.
Hmm. Your last meltdown was you threatening to kick someone's ass, wasn't it? Why yes, it was. Hilarious!

But again, you are just an old woman. I don't really think anyone is really intimidated by you. Do you? What are you going to do? Beat people up or something? Lol. That's hilarious! :p You can't beat anyone up.
Hmm. Your last meltdown was you threatening to kick someone's ass, wasn't it? Why yes, it was. Hilarious!

Yes, but I CAN still kick other people's asses. Lol. You cannot. It sounds much more silly coming from you, sorry to say. :D
Not only is it silly but it is delusional. :D Lol. I'm not normally scared of old ladies, TBH. This is no exception.

But again, you are just an old woman. I don't really think anyone is really intimidated by you. Do you? What are you going to do? Beat people up or something? Lol. That's hilarious! :p You can't beat anyone up.
Hmm. Your last meltdown was you threatening to kick someone's ass, wasn't it? Why yes, it was. Hilarious!

Does it bother you that I don't have breast cancer yet and that I just had a physical exam and I was totally healthy? :D I thought you were a "witch" or something? Pretty weak.
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