Do you like Prince?

Did you like Prince? Would you pay to see him?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • What is this shit? (Hides his/her racism)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Simple question. If you don't that's cool but I guess I just want to see how out of touch the old fogies on the board are.

And yes, I enjoyed almost all of his music.
Did you like Prince?
I like Prince's music. Having only once met him at Chateau Marmont, I hardly knew the man, but he (unlike another performing arts celeb I had occasion to meet) was pleasant enough and didn't smell bad or anything, so I can say what I knew of him, I liked.
Would you pay to see him?
I attended a few of his concerts. I wouldn't today pay to see him, though I may one day purchase another of his CDs.
A documentary about the man who made Prince's very FIRST custom made guitar, seen here after being carefully restored about two years ago, just two months before Prince died.


Chuck Orr made the above guitar and Prince used to jam in the back room of Chuck's shop in the days right before he became famous.
Chuck Orr was a dear friend of mine, gone way too soon. :(
Prince is dead, and you are next. Please. Beethoven, Elvis, Lennon, you know...dead people : 100.
Living-? BZZZT. Prince is ok. I gotta say.

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