Do you like the holidays?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Give me your opinion, I like a lot but I think we run more and we have more things to do.

It's me this year who receives and I want everything to be perfect.
Holidays are wonderful.... for those who are fortunate and / or four and under.
I love the holidays. I like having the day off, getting to have a nice delicious dinner with my family. It used to be all about the presents when I was a kid, but now that I'm an adult it's all about the food! :D
Give me your opinion, I like a lot but I think we run more and we have more things to do.

It's me this year who receives and I want everything to be perfect.

It can definitely be stressful, especially when you are one of the last minute shoppers like me. Lol! I'm doing good this year though. I've already ordered some things.
Tripping around TTown enjoying the light show. Best holidays ever.

Been along time too.
I use to when the kids were young, but then later I signed up to work so others could have the day off. I am not a huge holiday person.
Nope. The holidays are stressful and upset my continuity. Especially New Year's Eve. My wife always drags me to one of her girlfriend's party, which I care little about. I have to sit with a bunch of people, none of whom I have anything in common. We play stupid board games while watching old reruns of the Twilight Zone. At midnight I have to drink some horrible concoction the hostess made up, I don't even know the name of it.

But I never drink any of it because I have a concealed carry permit and by law, can't consume any alcohol while carrying. We live out in the country and the party is in town, so I can't celebrate by shooting guns off into the woods, or blowing up stuff. Not even fireworks.

But every year I go because she's my wife and I love her.
When the Wife and I were younger we used to go all out with presents decorating,and New Year's Eve was a major event.

Nowadays it's more trouble than it's worth.
You know, there was a time when the holidays were a nice time for me, but I guess that I got old.

When I was in the Navy, because I was single, I volunteered for duty every Christmas, because I knew it would ensure I had New Years Eve and Day off. Because of that, the holidays had less and less significance for me.

Now? They are mostly just another day, but the decorations are nice.

Veterans Day is currently one of my favorite holidays. Why? Because my retired military ID card gets me all sorts of free stuff that day from various businesses in town.
You know, there was a time when the holidays were a nice time for me, but I guess that I got old.

When I was in the Navy, because I was single, I volunteered for duty every Christmas, because I knew it would ensure I had New Years Eve and Day off. Because of that, the holidays had less and less significance for me.

Now? They are mostly just another day, but the decorations are nice.

Veterans Day is currently one of my favorite holidays. Why? Because my retired military ID card gets me all sorts of free stuff that day from various businesses in town.

So you're only interested in free shit.........color me not surprised.
You know, there was a time when the holidays were a nice time for me, but I guess that I got old.

When I was in the Navy, because I was single, I volunteered for duty every Christmas, because I knew it would ensure I had New Years Eve and Day off. Because of that, the holidays had less and less significance for me.

Now? They are mostly just another day, but the decorations are nice.

Veterans Day is currently one of my favorite holidays. Why? Because my retired military ID card gets me all sorts of free stuff that day from various businesses in town.

So you're only interested in free shit.........color me not surprised.

People get more free shit for Christmas than I will ever get for Veterans Day. All I really get is a free meal or two, and some free coffee.
The holidays are definitely more special and fun when you have little ones around! My son is older now but I hope to have grandchildren one day and then the holidays will have more meaning again. Then you have a reason to decorate and bake and stuff. Still, though, I like Christmas but Thanksgiving is my hands down favorite holiday because of all the delicious food! All of my favorite things are served on Thanksgiving! Also spending the day with my family and friends of course. :D

Presents are just not as exciting as they were when I was a kid now that I can buy my own presents for myself. ;)
You know, there was a time when the holidays were a nice time for me, but I guess that I got old.

When I was in the Navy, because I was single, I volunteered for duty every Christmas, because I knew it would ensure I had New Years Eve and Day off. Because of that, the holidays had less and less significance for me.

Now? They are mostly just another day, but the decorations are nice.

Veterans Day is currently one of my favorite holidays. Why? Because my retired military ID card gets me all sorts of free stuff that day from various businesses in town.

So you're only interested in free shit.........color me not surprised.

People get more free shit for Christmas than I will ever get for Veterans Day. All I really get is a free meal or two, and some free coffee.

I've found that you get nothing free for Christmas because I always spent more than my siblings.
Always a net loss.
But thats really not my reason for tiring of Christmas. It's all the prep and clean up since the Wife and I are expected to host every holiday and I just got sick of the hassle.

These days I give my Mother a nice gift and I shower my 14 year old Niece with the cool stuff. In my mind Christmas is for the young.
Hello everyone,
The holiday season is not like in the past I think here in France it is not beautiful as at your home the Americans it's different the Christmas light that you see everywhere here it does not exist some regions more where there is snow here in my area there is no snow. no white Christmas :(
You know, I remember one of the best Christmas weeks I ever had.

We had pulled into Palma Mallorca in the late 90's, and I had a whole week of basically mostly liberty during that port visit. Rented a car and went all over the island, as well as spent a great deal of time wearing a Santa hat and rollerblading around the city with my friends David and Steve.
Give me your opinion, I like a lot but I think we run more and we have more things to do.

It's me this year who receives and I want everything to be perfect.
I typically love the holidays but this year it feels off. My oldest daughter is going to her in-laws and my youngest and her ex just split custody with my grandson so I don't get him this thanksgiving.
Usually I cook a big ass feast and we watch football then Christmas Vacation but this year looks to be a bust.
Give me your opinion, I like a lot but I think we run more and we have more things to do.

It's me this year who receives and I want everything to be perfect.
I typically love the holidays but this year it feels off. My oldest daughter is going to her in-laws and my youngest and her ex just split custody with my grandson so I don't get him this thanksgiving.
Usually I cook a big ass feast and we watch football then Christmas Vacation but this year looks to be a bust.
Sorry for you, your little son is so cute.
Fucking hate them. It's nothing more than a Jew race to advert and post last quarter profits because a bunch of idiots buy shit they cant afford for people who exchange it anyway, Stupid shit and has zero to do with any religion...........unless you think Santa is Gawd.

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