Do you live close to other family members?

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Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017
I was talking about this with my neighbors yesterday, they live with in 30 miles of most of their family while my closest family member is my wife's sister that is 330 miles away. On my side the closest one is just about 600 miles away. Neither my wife or I have lived close to family since we were in our early 20s. My family as a whole has never lived by each other.

So, what about you all?
Have no family that I know of. Grew up being adopted in my early teens. Never knew any of the adoptive parents family. The adoptive parents are dead. Wife was an only child and her folks died before she did. Met a few of her aunts and an uncle once for a short time.
I was born and raised in Pittsburgh. I remain in the area, as does my oldest brother. Other sibs are in Los Angeles, Michigan, and Heaven (age ranges 75-85). I get all the contact with my out-of-state sibs that I want. Our relationship is good, partly because it is remote.

In my age group, the Number One question that comes up is, "Should I move to a remote state to be near my grandchildren?" Although it differs from family to family, I generally think it's a bad idea. Your adult kids might move again, then what? Do they want you near them? Will you still want to be near them when your grandkids have grown and flown? My advice is, stay where you personally are comfortable.
I was talking about this with my neighbors yesterday, they live with in 30 miles of most of their family while my closest family member is my wife's sister that is 330 miles away. On my side the closest one is just about 600 miles away. Neither my wife or I have lived close to family since we were in our early 20s. My family as a whole has never lived by each other.

So, what about you all?
I have family across town and family across the country.
I was born and raised in Pittsburgh. I remain in the area, as does my oldest brother. Other sibs are in Los Angeles, Michigan, and Heaven (age ranges 75-85). I get all the contact with my out-of-state sibs that I want. Our relationship is good, partly because it is remote.

In my age group, the Number One question that comes up is, "Should I move to a remote state to be near my grandchildren?" Although it differs from family to family, I generally think it's a bad idea. Your adult kids might move again, then what? Do they want you near them? Will you still want to be near them when your grandkids have grown and flown? My advice is, stay where you personally are comfortable.
I knew a woman that moved everywhere her daughter and her daughter’s husband moved. She eventually went broke from moving so often and ended up a ward of the state.
I do have a sister. We do not speak.
I do have a sister in law. She lives in Az, I am in Cali but she is moving here. Until then...I am alone. Except for my cat.
I was born and raised in Pittsburgh. I remain in the area, as does my oldest brother. Other sibs are in Los Angeles, Michigan, and Heaven (age ranges 75-85). I get all the contact with my out-of-state sibs that I want. Our relationship is good, partly because it is remote.

I was born in Kansas, moved to Iran during my 3rd grade year. Lived there till the 8th grade and then finished school in Florida. Left Florida when I joined the Marines, never moved back.

My mom lives in NC, my oldest sister (65) in Slovenia, my next sister in NC but hours from my mom, my brother in GA and me in IL.

We have been known to go years (I think 5 is the longest) without seeing each other. We get along fine when we are together, but all have our own lives to live.

In my age group, the Number One question that comes up is, "Should I move to a remote state to be near my grandchildren?" Although it differs from family to family, I generally think it's a bad idea. Your adult kids might move again, then what? Do they want you near them? Will you still want to be near them when your grandkids have grown and flown? My advice is, stay where you personally are comfortable.

My oldest sister was widowed at the age of 62. Both her kids were grown with their own kids. She would try to find things to do with other women her age and none of them ever had time to do anything as they were always taking care of their grandkids. My sister did not want that life so she is now a missionary in Slovenia and comes home normally twice a year to see her family.
Oh, and I found my son I gave up for adoption 53 years ago. But he lives in wisconsin. We chat all the time in email or the phone. Last time I saw him was when he was 3 months old. Took a long time to find him. He thought I was dead. Sooprise! They lied to you, son.
He's just like me. Hates to fly and driving is too far. So...I won't see him except in pics.
Oh, and I found my son I gave up for adoption 53 years ago. But he lives in wisconsin. We chat all the time in email or the phone. Last time I saw him was when he was 3 months old. Took a long time to find him. He thought I was dead. Sooprise! They lied to you, son.
He's just like me. Hates to fly and driving is too far. So...I won't see him except in pics.

That is very cool you found him and are able to have this sort of a relationship.

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